Category: <span>News</span>

1940 Massillon Team Made Quite an Impression on Kent…

It was during spring football that Paul Brown knew his final team at Massillon was going to be a good one.  But just how good he must have wondered?  After demolishing all high school-comers by lopsided scores throughout the previous few years, he needed a better challenge.  So an inquiry went to the University of Akron, which initially accepted the offer, but then graciously declined.  However, Kent State University was more than willing and the scrimmage was set for April of 1940.

A short game story was written about the scrimmage in an April 16 edition of The Kent Stater with the title, “Flashes are Perfect Hosts, Lose 47-0; Gillom Stars; Only Seven Lettermen Saw Action.”  Unfortunately, the text of that story is unreadable without a subscription and I have better use for the money.  However, I recently came across a readable editorial in The Kent Stater that discussed the encounter and suggested that the game should never have been played in the first place.  That piece is presented below.

Incidentally, Brown’s 1940 team went 10-0 that year, outscoring the opposition 477-6, as he captured his 6th state championship and 4th national championship.  Brown always thought this team was better than his 1941 Ohio State Buckeyes.  Meanwhile, Kent State finished the season with an 8-1 record and took home the trophy in the Ohio Athletic Conference with a 4-0 mark.

The Kent Stater, Volume XV, April 19, 1940
The Other Side, By Jack Leggett

EDITOR’S NOTE: The opinions expressed in this column are those of the columnist and do not necessarily represent the editorial policy of the Kent Stater. The Kent Stater accepts no responsibility for them.

There were two glaring faults to be found Monday when the Kent State UNIVERSITY footballers played the Massillon HIGH SCHOOL Tigers: In the first place, the game should never have been scheduled and, in the second, Kent should have won. There have been a good many loopy tricks pulled on this campus and that football game was by no means the dumbest—although it will be hard to top for a lovely exhibition of sheer stupidity.

The hardest thing about it to understand is why the game was played. Kent had everything to lose —which it lost no time in losing—and absolutely nothing to gain, regardless of how you figure it. Not only did our boys lose, but they lost convincingly. The score of 47-0 doesn’t permit any of us to climb flagpoles and tonsil defiant bellows of, “Fluke! Fluke!” There was no fluke.  High school football players simply and sweetly and very easily hopped on a bus, chugged-chugged up here and beat the living britches off a university eleven.

No doubt this game did us much good and proved something or other to great advantage. It has at least given us prestige which we never had before—and which we had no desire of getting. A soft-pedaling sports write-up in this paper on Tuesday tried to snake Kent out of it without too much embarrassment, but it didn’t help much. The article stated that the outlook wasn’t too gloomy, due to the fact that only seven Kent lettermen were in the game. Well, so what? Any string of university substitutes should beat any high school team any place, any time. It just isn’t in the book that university teams lose to those from high schools.

If the result of such a game looks the least bit doubtful, the university should have enough plain horse sense to stay out. And, even if the college team is sure to win, there is no reason on earth why such a game should be played anyway. There could be no possible glory in winning. The layman would just wrinkle his nose and observe that university boys are expected to win.

That Massillon-Kent game was a prize example of foolishness and Kent has emerged with a blot on its reputation that it will be years in erasing—if it ever does. And, when you get right down to points, it is not the team’s fault in any respect. The members played their best and tried plenty hard. Massillon is just too fine a team. When team is compared to team, the result was not surprising nor shaming.

The high school university angle is what matters. Massillon is the best high school team in the state — the nation — or even the world. The Golden Flashes we know do not rate very highly. Why should our reputation have been risked when there was no point in it? That is the part that makes us so damned mad.

Now that it is all over most of us certainly hope with all the hope we have in us that everybody is satisfied. Coach Starn has made an unforgiveable blunder. He has humiliated his team and this university, and he has made Kent the laughing stock of football circles. I assume that Coach Starn is responsible for the Massillon game. He could, at any rate, have stopped such a move even if he didn’t start it. Other small universities have been challenged by Massillon. Akron University made arrangements for a game, then got smart and called the whole thing off. But, that’s all right—here’s dear ol’ Kent willing to be a goat. All this talk won’t do any good, of course. What’s done, very sadly, is done. All we can try to do now is to live it down —and it will really take a heap o’ livin’.

I also found a second short editorial on the same subject.


SEEMS ‘that the story that caused the biggest “whispering campaign” on the campus this week was the gridiron run around handed down to the Flash football team Monday, by Massillon univer . . . er . . . pardon us, it’s a high school, isn’t it. It’s a taboo subject, Flash football, that is, so perhaps we had better drop the discussion. But Rosy’s trying hard . . . he’s even extended practice another two weeks. So let ’em come, Brimfield, Roosevelt, any of them, we can take them over.


OHSAA Releases Updated Playoff Assignments for 2020

The Ohio High School Athletic Association has released its revised divisional and regional team assignments for the 2020 post-season playoffs.  With last year’s competitive balance formula essentially in place once again this year, there are very few changes to Division 2.

One Division 1 team, Toledo Bowsher, moved down to Division 2, while interestingly no team moved up to replace them.  Cincinnati Elder, the 2019 Division 1 state runner-up, had the potential to also drop down on account of reduced enrollment, but the competitive advantage was sufficient to keep them in the top group.  Five Division 2 teams are now in Division 3, including Columbus DeSales, Chillicothe, Alliance, Sylvania Southview and Parma Padua.  Replacing them are University School, Dayton Belmont and Independence, which moved up from Division 3.

Massillon remains in Region 5 along with Akron Hoban.  The only change to the region is the departure of Alliance.

It appears that once again Division 2 will be a formidable challenge for any team.  So one has to ask: who among the 106 teams in that Division are expected to dominate?  A few names readily jump to the top, such as Akron Hoban, Cincinnati LaSalle, Massillon and Cincinnati Winton Woods.  And several others can also be thought of as in the mix; teams such as Mayfield, Toledo Central, Hudson and Avon.

So to figure out who are the contenders, the two best factors to consider are regular season record and playoff success.  A time span of the last seven years is considered, since this is the period of time since the OHSAA created a new Division 2 by dropping several former Division 1 teams into its ranks.  Also, only teams that have won at least 40 regular season games over those past seven years are considered.  The chart below matches these two factors against each other.

The “red” data points indicate teams that have won state titles.  The “green” data points represent teams that have won regional titles, but not state titles.  The remaining teams under consideration are as indicated in “black.”  The “blue” line is a curve fit of all data points shown.  Those teams located above the line appear to excel more than their regular season record would predict otherwise.  Conversely, those below the line appear to struggle in the playoffs.

One can see that most of the teams are located in the vicinity of the “blue” line, although some, like Kings and Columbus Walnut Ridge win a lot of regular season games, but then fail in the playoffs against the better teams.  The most likely reason for this is apparent weaker schedules.

Well at the opposite end of the spectrum are the highly successful parochial schools, including Cincinnati LaSalle, Akron Hoban and Toledo Central (aside from Cleveland Benedictine, which has just a “black” data point).  These three schools have combined for six Division 2 state titles and four Division 3 state titles.  This in spite of the wide discrepancy in regular season marks, which of course vary on account of their difficulty of schedule.

Among the public schools Avon, Massillon and Hudson lead the pack.  All have shown great success both during the regular season and in the playoffs.  Although none has won that coveted season-ending prize, they have combined for nine regional titles and two state finals appearances.  Next up are Massillon Perry and Cincinnati Winton Woods.  They have garnered four regional titles and three state finals appearances.

Next year the OHSAA will increase the number of playoff qualifiers in each region from eight to twelve, giving many more teams the opportunity to record playoff wins.  Incidentally, had this system been place for the past seven years and had the teams in the region been the same as this year, Massillon would have been the only team in Region 5 to qualify for the playoffs in each and every year, while Hudson, Perry and Bedford would have qualified six times.  The Tigers would have had a bye in the first-round in five of those years; Hudson, Perry and Akron Hoban, three times each.

Below are details of all the teams that are considered the best in Division 2.

Cincinnati LaSalle

  • Regular Season Record: 48-22
  • Playoff Appearances: 5
  • Playoff Record: 22-1
  • Playoff Highlights: 4 state titles

 Akron Hoban

  • Regular Season Record: 57-13
  • Playoff Appearances: 5
  • Playoff Record: 22-1
  • Playoff Highlights: D2: 2 state titles; D3: 2 state titles

Toledo Central Catholic

  • Regular Season Record: 64-6
  • Playoff Appearances: 7
  • Playoff Record: 22-4
  • Playoff Highlights: D2: 1 regional title; D3: 1 state title; 3 regional titles; 1 state finals appearance


  • Regular Season Record: 67-3
  • Playoff Appearances: 7
  • Playoff Record: 14-6
  • Playoff Highlights: 3 regional titles


  • Regular Season Record: 54-16
  • Playoff Appearances: 6
  • Playoff Record: 12-6
  • Playoff Highlights: 3 regional titles; 2 state finals appearances


  • Regular Season Record: 52-18
  • Playoff Appearances: 6
  • Playoff Record: 10-6
  • Playoff Highlights: 3 regional titles

Massillon Perry

  • Regular Season Record: 47-23
  • Playoff Appearances: 4
  • Playoff Record: 9-4
  • Playoff Highlights: 2 regional  titles; 2 state finals appearances

Cincinnati Winton Woods

  • Regular Season Record: 47-23
  • Playoff Appearances: 3
  • Playoff Record: 8-3
  • Playoff Highlights: 2 regional titles; 1 state finals appearance

Olentangy Lewis Center

  • Regular Season Record: 51-19
  • Playoff Appearances: 4
  • Playoff Record: 8-4
  • Playoff Highlights: 1 regional title


  • Regular Season Record: 48-22
  • Playoff Appearances: 5
  • Playoff Record: 6-5
  • Playoff Highlights: 1 regional title

Anthony Wayne

  • Regular Season Record: 47-23
  • Playoff Appearances: 4
  • Playoff Record: 5-4
  • Playoff Highlights: 1 regional title


  • Regular Season Record: 44-26
  • Playoff Appearances: 3
  • Playoff Record: 5-3
  • Playoff Highlights: 1 regional title; 1 state finals appearance


  • Regular Season Record: 50-20
  • Playoff Appearances: 4
  • Playoff Record: 5-4
  • Playoff Highlights: 1 regional title

Medina Highland

  • Regular Season Record: 50-20
  • Playoff Appearances: 4
  • Playoff Record: 4-4
  • Playoff Highlights: 1 regional title


Highlights from the 2020 Spring Kickoff

If you weren’t able to catch the Massillon Tiger Booster Club’s Spring Kickoff you missed quite a show.  Head Coach Nate Moore provided one the most comprehensive previews of an upcoming Tiger squad in his 5-year career at Massillon.  But there were also a couple of prominent guests, including Ohio State Head Coach Ryan Day and Houston Texan cornerback Gareon Conley.

The venue, of course, was a bit different this year due to the social distancing guidelines on account of Covid-19.  It was more of an online podcast, with the guests addressing written questions at the end.  No one really knows at this point whether the season will go on as scheduled, be shortened or canceled entirely.  It all depends on the numbers and the Governor’s recommendation.  Nevertheless, both coaches are proceeding with their preparations as if the season will proceed.  And the players are buying in.

Eric Smith, this year’s Booster Club President, chaired the event.  First up was Coach Day, whose Buckeyes last year fashioned a 14-0 regular season record, followed by a win in the Big Ten Championship Game and a subsequent spot in the BCS  playoffs.  As a result of this success, Day was named Big Ten Coach of the Year, the first time for an OSU coach in 40 years.

“It’s unbelievable to be a part of this tonight,” said Day.  The relationship between Ohio State and Massillon remains strong every day.  The ties between OSU and Massillon run deep.”  He was referring to the 27 current and previous Tiger players who suited up for the Buckeyes and the three former coaches who became head coaches for Ohio State, including Paul Brown, Carroll Widdoes and Earl Bruce.  Several others over the years were also hired as assistant coaches.  Players currently on the team are Thayer Munford and Austin Kutscher.

Coach Day is doing everything he can to prepare this year’s team, in spite of the handicaps imposed by the stay-at-home guidelines.  “This has been a challenge for us,” he said.  “We’re trying to do the best we can to manage it.  The players have been with their parents rather than on campus with their teammates.  It’s not easy.  There’s no real map.”  So the coaches and players have been interacting in group meetings using online media

Next up was former Massillon player Gareon Conley, who currently plays for the Houston Texans.  He said the transition from Oakland went well and that the Texan players were quite welcoming.  A regular starter throughout last season, it appears that he has found a home in Houston.  Gareon also addressed his de-committing from Michigan and subsequent signing with Ohio State.  After visiting Michigan for the first time, he thought it was prudent to commit early to their offer.  But, then he learned that he could still visit additional campuses.  That opened up a trip to Ohio State and we all know the rest.

Finally, Coach Nate Moore had the screen and spoke for over an hour.  Here is a snapshot of what he provided:

  • The assistant coaches are doing a tremendous job keeping the players focused on pre-season activities.  He continues to refer to this group as the best coaching staff in the country.  Each was named along with their position responsibilities.
  • The coaches are meeting online as a staff to manage the program in addition to game planning for this year’s opponents.  They haven’t really slowed down and are doing everything they did in previous years, just online.
  • Assistant coaches are meeting online with the players in position groups, mostly to perform wellness checks regarding health and school work.
  • The players are individually responsible for maintaining their physical conditioning using a plan provided by the coaches.  A software app called “Team Builder” has been introduced to monitor all of the players’ workouts.  The players log their activities into the app and Coach Joe Studer perform the monitoring and feedback.
  • Not all players have weights for workouts.  So the Booster Club purchased workout bands.
  • There is a weekly challenge to complete certain conditioning activities.  Nike has become involved in this and is providing T-shirts and shorts as awards for the best performers.
  • “The players have taken to all of this very easily,” said Moore.  “Out Tigers are meeting our hardships and tests.  We will come out better because of it.”
  • Massillon has two goals this year: beat McKinley and win the state championship.
  • Coach Moore reviewed this year’s schedule and was excited to note that it includes seven home games.  The opener is Bishop Gorman from Las Vegas, Nevada, a game that will be played at Tom Benson Stadium in Canton; they are a national power and a perennial Top 50 team; Moore expects this game to be on national television; he anticipates a fierce battle.  GlenOak should be much improved this year and looking to turn the corner after several substandard years.  Moore said that St. Ignatius is always tough and well-coached; the best team in the state last year not to make the playoffs; it’s a great challenge.  Barberton was young last year and this year’s game should be a good one.  Wooster could be a dangerous opponent.  McKinley: greatest high school rivalry in the country; young last year; returns several key players, many D1; very formidable.
  • All college summer camps have been canceled.  Therefore, game film has taken on an added significance.  Moore expects additional scholarships to be offered during the early games.
  • Currently, nine Tiger players have received scholarship offers to play college football.  “And there’s more to come,” said Moore.  “This is a very talented senior class.  We’ve seen this coming for quite a few years.”  Nate read the names of 24 returning lettermen, most of which saw extensive playing time last year and they cover nearly every position on the field.  He is really high on his four returning offensive linemen.
  • The stadium work is on schedule.  It is important to maintain the facility that is now 80 years old.
  • The golf outing is scheduled for August 15.
  • The Lift-a-thon and many other activities will be scheduled and possibly rescheduled, but not canceled.

Challenging Openers Nothing New for Nate Moore’s Tigers

Throughout many previous decades, as far back as perhaps Paul Brown, Massillon coaches have traditionally scheduled soft-to-moderate opening game opponents in order to give each squad the best chance of starting the season on a winning note.  But that appears not to be the case for current head coach Nate Moore.  He prefers, instead, the challenge brought on by facing a top-level foe.  And in each of his first five openers while at Massillon he has had fans on the edges of their seats hoping that the Tigers would come out victorious, knowing that the opponent was daunting.

Coach Nate Moore

This year is no exception.  On August 29, barring modifications to the season on account of the virus, Massillon will open up at Canton’s Tom Benson Stadium as part of a 6-game Nike classic against Bishop Gorman, a national power from Las Vegas, Nevada.  This should be a good matchup, but expect Massillon to be ready for the task ahead.  Coach Moore, having gained much insight over the past five years in approaching difficult openers, should know how to prepare for this one.

Moore has compiled a 50-15 overall record during his 5-year tenure at Massillon (28-2 over the last two seasons), including an 11-4 playoff mark in four appearances.  Currently, the Tigers have a 21-game regular season winning streak and have in each of the past two years advanced all the way to the Division 2 state finals game, although losing to Akron Hoban in 2018 and Cincinnati LaSalle in 2019.  In both of those years, Massillon was nationally ranked in the Top 50.  The Tigers are also ranked 5th in the nation with 899 historical victories, dating back to 1891.

When Mike Currence became the head coach in 1976, he inherited an opening game against Middletown, a team from southwest Ohio that was a state power at the time.  Regrettably, he was In the midst of replacing the previous Wing-T offense with a run-and-shoot offense, a scheme that was very alien to previous Massillon players.  It proved to be a difficult progression and Currence’s team failed to score in a one-touchdown loss to the Middles.  Although they held Middletown to just 121 yards of offense, they gained just a mere 74 themselves.  The following year, with the run-and-shoot firmly entrenched, it was off to the Akron Rubber Bowl to face Barberton.  The Tigers had high hopes that year, especially after rolling over a formidable Warren Western Reserve team in a game-condition scrimmage the previous week.  But in front of nearly 16,000 fans, Barberton’s running back Larry Ricks (Michigan) had other ideas and he led his team to a 9-7 upset victory.  It should be noted that in both of those years, when only one team qualified in each region, Massillon failed to make the playoffs, in spite of each team finishing 8-2.  To make it even more bitter, the Tigers finished that second season with a 21-0 victory over playoff state-finalist Canton McKinley.

So for the next 37 years coaches scaled it back and, for the most part, steered clear of top-level competition for Game 1.  Thirteen times Massillon faced a team from the Akron City Series.  Eight times they played Massillon Perry, including six in a row from 1978 to 1983.  They also had games against Alliance, Dover and Westerville South.  As a result, it wasn’t surprising that the Tigers compiled a record of 34-3 in those openers.  Two of the losses were to Buchtel and a third was to Clovis West, California (a rare tough opener).

But it’s obvious that Nate Moore has another mindset.  With eight teams per region making the playoffs these days, the odds are much better if the opening game is not won.  And although Nate enjoys the challenge, it’s also a good opportunity for his team’s weaknesses to be exposed before they get too far into the season.  Plus, the incentive to gear the pre-season around a challenging opponent, the experience of playing in big game early and an opportunity to play four quarters of football with the first unit on the field can all pay dividends down the road.  In 2015, in his very first game as a Massillon coach, the opener was Perry, a team stocked with two great running backs in Keishaun Sims and Tevian Cleveland.  The Tigers started out strong and then, after falling behind, scored late in the game to secure a 41-37 victory, in spite of Sims and Cleveland combining for 435 yards of offense and four touchdowns.  Perry went on to finish with a record of 12-3, losing to Cincinnati LaSalle in the Division 2 State Finals.

The next year it was Division 1 power Mentor, which sported a record of 56-11 over the previous five years (10-4 in the Division 1 playoffs).  Massillon opened with them in 2016 and 2017, but dropped both by one-sided scores.  However, it did show the program just how far it needed to go if the Tigers hoped to return to past glory.

For the past two years, Moore started off with Akron St. Vincent, a recurring opponent Massillon had faced during each of the previous six years.  But those six had not gone well, with the Tigers winning just two.  During that span, the Irish compiled a record of 67-16, including a 19-4 playoff mark and a pair of Division 3 state titles.  They also had a great running back returning in Terrance Keyes, who rushed 198 yards against the Tigers in 2016.  But the experience gained against Mentor finally had paid off and the Tigers walked away in the first one with a 35-7 victory, holding Keyes to just ten yards in eleven carries.  Later that year they defeated nationally-ranked East St. Louis in an offensive shootout.  The next year’s result was no different and with Massillon prevailed 44-14.  That season-opening experience was parlayed into a 17-14 playoff victory over 2018 Division 2 state champion Akron Hoban.  To top it off, Massillon has won the last four meetings against arch-rival Canton McKinley.

Now it’s Bishop Gorman, which promises to be yet another challenging opener.  Over the past 13 years Gorman has built an impressive resume: 175-15 overall record (122-13 in the regular season, 53-2 in the state playoffs); 10 state championships; 3 national championships (2014-2016); 8 times in the National Top 50.  Last year, the Gaels were 11-2, losing in the 3rd round of the Nevada state playoffs, in a rare year that they did not make the state finals.  They were also ranked No. 78 nationally.

Gorman will be a formidable foe for Nate Moore’s Tigers in this year’s lid-lifter.  But that’s nothing new for the highly successful coach, who obviouisly relishes the challenge.

Obie Head Logo (Large)

2020 Massillon Schedule Nearly Complete

Massillon Head Coach Nate Moore on March 26th released the 2020 football schedule, all except for Game No. 1.  Details of that one are currently being finalized by the organizers of a weekend classic that will be played at Canton’s Tom Benson Stadium, with the locals slated for a Saturday evening contest.  Once again a challenging slate awaits the Tigers as it includes formidable powers Warren Harding, Austintown Fitch, Cleveland Benedictine, Cleveland St. Ignatius, Barberton and Canton McKinley, in addition to an expected national power for the opener.

Coach Moore holds a 50-15 overall record during his 5-year tenure at Massillon (28-2 over the last two seasons), including an 11-4 playoff mark in four appearances.  The Tigers currently have a 21-game regular season winning streak and have recently advanced to consecutive Division 2 state finals games, losing to Akron Hoban in 2018 and Cincinnati LaSalle in 2019.  Massillon was nationally ranked in the Top 50 during both of those years.

Here is a rundown of Games 2 through 10:

Week 2 – at Canton GlenOak – The Golden Eagles have fallen on hard times recently and hope to return to past success this year.  Last season they finished 1-9 and have only won five games in the past three years.  In 2019 the Tigers ran away with a 55-13 victory, scoring all of their points in the first half and rolling up 466 yards of total offense by game’s end.  GlenOak has now lost four straight to Massillon and trails in the series 12-4.

Week 3 – Warren Harding – The Raiders made the playoffs last year and finished with a 7-4 record.  But they lost to Massillon the regular season 47-7 and 55-0 in the first round of the playoffs.  In the first game Aidan Longwell completed 15 of 25 passes for 200 yards, including a pair of touchdowns to Jayden Ballard.  In the playoff game, the Tigers opened up a 27-0 halftime and never looked back.  Running back Terrence Keyes led the way with 13 carries for 188 yards and three touchdowns.  Warren is 35-19 over the past three years with two playoff appearances.  They last beat the Tigers in 2015 and 2016, with quarterback Lynn Bowden, Jr. (Kentucky) leading the way.  Massillon is ahead in the overall series 56-25-3.

Week 4 – Cleveland Benedictine – Massillon has played many games against the Bengals, mostly in the middle of the previous century.  The Tigers own a 22-4-1 series edge, but Benedictine got the better of them in 2003 and 2004, the last time the two teams met.  Benedictine was 10-2 last year, losing to Avon 49-28 in the second round of the playoffs.   But most of their players are expected to return this year.  Over the past five years they were 25-20 with a pair of playoff appearances.

 Week 5 – Cleveland St. Ignatius – The Wildcats struggled last year to an uncharacteristic 5-5 record, but are expected to rebound to their state-power self this year.  Ignatius last faced the Tigers in 2009 and has dominated the series by winning 12 of the 13 games played.  They have a 42-16 mark over the past five years, with three playoff appearances.  Included in that was a state runner-up in 2016, when they lost in the finals to Cincinnati St. Xavier.

Week 6 – Austintown Fitch – The Falcons were 5-5 last year, with a 55-7 loss to Massillon.  This was yet another game that was over by halftime, with the Tigers leading 48-7.  Terrence Keyes was the catalyst, rushing 16 times for 185 yards and four touchdowns.  Fitch is 31-20 over the past five years with one playoff appearance.  Massillon leads the series 18-8.

Week 7 – Bloomfield Hills, MI – The Black Hawks are a new addition to this year’s schedule.  A member of Michigan’s large school division, they have not achieved success recently, with 2-7 marks in each of the past two years.  Over the last five seasons they are 20-28, although they finished 9-1 in 2016.

Week 8 – Barberton – The Magics travel to Paul Brown Tiger Stadium for the second of a 2- game series.  The Suburban League plans to restructure next year to fill out Barberton’s division, so this will probably end the series.  Last year Barberton finished 7-3, but failed to make the playoffs.  Included in this was a 49-24 loss to Massillon in one of the more competitive games the Tigers had last year.  Terrence Keyes had a big night, rushing 30 times for 255 yards and five touchdowns.  The Magics are 44-11 over the past five years with three trips to the playoffs.  In 2017 and 2018 they produced undefeated regular seasons.  Massillon leads the series 38-7-1.

Week 9 – at Wooster – The Generals return to the Massillon schedule for the first time since 1933.  An odd number in their league produced an opening for the game, which is contracted as a 2- game series, the first at Wooster and the second at Massillon.  Like Barberton’s league, the Cardinal Conference is also looking to add an eighth team, which will most likely end the series after next year.  Wooster finished 7-4 last year, but lost in the first round of the playoffs to Avon 33-13.  The Generals have a successful program, with a 36-17 mark over the past five years and three trips to the playoffs.  But they lost in the first round each year.  It is believed that by playing Massillon they will be better prepared for the postseason.  The Tigers own a 14-5 advantage in the series.

 Week 10 – Canton McKinley – The Bulldogs gave Massillon their sternest regular season test last year, losing 24-14.  Terrence Keyes rushed for 141 yards and Aidan Longwell passed for 206, with nine passes going to Jayden Ballard for 114 yards and two touchdowns.  McKinley did, however, advance to the playoffs, where they lost to state semifinal participant Mentor 34-13, and finished with a fine 9-3 record.  McKinley is 39-17 over the past five years with four playoff appearances.  However, Massillon has beaten them in eight of the last nine years and owns a 72-53-5 edge in the long-running series.

Obie Logo (Large)

Anthony Pedro Is Headed To Wittenberg University

Massillon senior Anthony Pedro has selected Wittenberg University to continue his education and play the sport he loves.  Wittenberg participates in football at the NCAA Division 3 level and is a member of the North Coast Athletic Conference (NCAC).  The Tigers currently have the most wins of any team in Division 3, with an overall record of 727-353-22.  Last year they compiled a mark of 7-3 and finished in a tie for first place in the NCAC.  They are coached by Joe Fincham, who has been there for 24 years.

Pedro was one of just a handful of players last year to see action on both sides of the ball for the Massillon Tigers, who finished with a record of 14-1 and advanced to the Division 2 state championship game.  On offense he lined up as a slot receiver with a primary responsibility to block on the tag screens, while also being available to catch an occasional pass.  He finished with five receptions for 63 yards and a touchdown, the TD coming against Penn-Trafford in a 42-21 victory over the 11-2 team from Pennsylvania.  On defense Anthony was a starter at cornerback where he recorded 10.0 tackle points (5 solos and 10 assists), two pass breakups and a tackle for loss.

Congratulations to Anthony Pedro.

Seven Tiger Athletes Ink Letters-of-Intent

Four standouts from the 2019 Massillon football team signed letters-of-intent to play at the next level. They include Robbie Page, Preston Hodges and Jarron Hodges, who will attend Walsh University, and Cole Jones, who is headed to the University of Findlay.  Joining them are Hannah Frey, who is headed to Capital University to play golf, TJ Harper, who will play golf at The College of Wooster, and Erroll Isaiah II, who will join the bowling team at Walsh University.

Robbie Page was a starting safety on Massillon’s 14-1, state runner-up team in 2019.  He was fourth on the team with 58.5 tackle points (49 solos and 19 assists).  He also intercepted three passes, broke up eight passes and recovered a fumble.  An All-County selection, Page will be remembered as a player who challenged any opposing receiver to catch a pass over the middle.

Preston Hodges was third on the team with 65.0 tackle points (27 solos and 56 assists).  He also recorded 14.5 tackles for loss, 1.5 quarterback sacks, four pass interceptions returned for 78 yards and two touchdowns, five pass breakups and a blocked punt.  He saw limited duty in the backfield, where he carried the ball eleven times for 78 yards and scored two touchdowns.  Hodges received the Touchdown Club Hardnose Award and was awarded Defensive Player of the Year.  One of the co-captains, he was named to the All-County, All-District and All-State Teams.

Jarron Hodges was third on the team as a wide receiver, catching 14 passes for 127 yards.  Used primarily as a short-to-medium distance receiver, he averaged 9.1 yards per catch.  Hodges also received the “lunch bucket” award, given to the player that comes to practice every day ready to work.

Cole Jones led an offensive line that averaged 180 yards rushing per game and surrendered just five quarterback sacks over 15 games.  A co-captain, playing both guard and center, Jones was presented the Ducky Schroeder Outstanding Lineman Award.  He was also named All-County, All-District and All-State.  Cole has been invited to participate in the Ohio North-South Classic, scheduled for April 25, tentatively at Paul Brown Tiger Stadium.

Hannah Frey is a standout on the Girls Golf Team.  Last fall she was named Senior Academic All-Ohio, Honorable Mention Stark County and Honorable Mention All Northeast Ohio District.

TJ Harper is a standout on the Boys Golf Team.  Last fall he was named Senior Academic All-Ohio, Honorable Mention Stark County and Honorable Mention All Northeast Ohio District.

Erroll Isiah II is a member of this winter’s Boy’s Bowling Team.

On early signing day last fall, both Aidan Longwell and Luke Murphy committed to Kent State, Aidan for baseball and Luke for football.

Longwell, a 3-year starter, was a standout quarterback who owns career passing marks for yards (7,705), attempts (795), completions (484) and touchdowns (84).  A co-captain, he received the Most Valuable Player award.  He was also named All-County, All-District and All-State.

Murphy saw action primarily at safety, where he was the leading tackler on the team with 85.5 tackle points (60 solos and 51 assists).  He also had five tackles for loss, intercepted two passes returned for 43 yards, broke up six passes and blocked a punt.   He was named All-County, All-District and All-State.

Congratulations to all nine of these Tigers.

2020 Signing Day. (Row 1, L-R) Hannah Frey, Robbie Page and Preston Hodges; (Row 2) TJ Harper, Erroll Isaiah II, Cole Jones and Jerron Hodges.







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2019 Tigers Take a Final Bow

2019 Booster Club President Bruce Gallagher (holding State Runner-Up Trophy) with Head Coach Nate Moore

The 2019 season has long been over, but it was a good time at the banquet to look back on a great year and recognize those individuals that made so much success possible.  Outgoing Booster Club President Bruce Gallagher welcomed all and went great lengths to thank everyone who helped him accomplish the Club’s goals of supporting the players throughout the past season.  Special tribute was paid to the Tiger Moms, who were instrumental in feeding the Tigers throughout the campaign.  Bruce also introduced next year’s president, Eric Smith.

Head Coach Nate Moore then spoke to the several hundred players, coaches, parents and fans who attended, thanking nearly everyone for supporting the program.  But he couldn’t talk enough about the past year.  “I’m so proud of this football team,” he said.  “They played in 14 playoff games.  They set all kinds of records.  But what I’m most proud of is that they played for the City of Massillon.  They have reset the standard of Massillon football.”

The 2018 Massillon football team was a hard act to follow: they won the most games ever during the season by fashioning a 14-1 record, they participated in the playoff state finals for the first time in 13 years and they had the all-time leading rusher in Jamir Thomas.  But the 2019 team did exactly that.  They met and in some cases exceeded that previous team.  Led by an outstanding senior class, these Tigers repeated both the 14-1 record and the appearance in the state finals.  And although nearly matching the offensive stats of the previous year, it was the defense that flexed it muscles the most in playing the best football on that side of the ball since the 2002 season.  Consider these accomplishments:

  • 14-1 record (number of wins ties all-time record)
  • 605 points scored (40.3 per game) (2nd all-time)
  • 177 points allowed (11.8 per game) (fewest since 2002)
  • 899 overall wins (5th in the country)
  • 2nd consecutive undefeated regular season (first time since 1965)
  • 4th consecutive playoff appearance (26th appearance overall)
  • 3rd consecutive playoff regional title (13th overall)
  • 2nd consecutive state finals appearance (5th appearance overall)
  • 4th consecutive win over Canton McKinley; 8 of the last 9 (series record: 72-53-5)
  • 17-14 victory over 2017 and 2018 Division II champion Akron Hoban
  • Defeated five out of five playoff opponents in regular season
  • Rated in the U.S. Top 50 by several national publications
  • Academic All-Ohio with an overall GPA of 3.37 during the football season

This team has also penciled itself into many areas of the record book, including the following:

  • 2,910 passing yards (4th overall)
  • 62.9 pass completion percentage (2nd overall)
  • 10.5 yards per pass attempt (1st overall)
  • 35 touchdown passes (3rd overall)
  • 185.2 pass efficiency rating (1st overall)
  • 5,602 total offensive yards (3rd overall)
  • 7.4 yards per play (4th overall)
  • 84 touchdowns (2nd overall)
  • 337 passing yards vs. Perry (5th overall)

The senior class never lost to Canton McKinley.  They won more playoff games (11) in three years than any previous class.  They own a 21-game regular season winning streak.  And who can forget Ben Krichbaum’s end-of-the-game sack of the Akron Hoban quarterback to seal the victory in the regional finals.  Then there were the two memorable passes from Aidan Longwell, one breaking the record for the longest pass ever and the other sealing the win over McKinley.  What a senior class.  They will also be a hard group to follow.

So at this evening’s banquet the 2019 players took their final bows and in turn received a multitude of accolades, including participation awards for JV players, letters for varsity game participants, senior awards, captain awards and top player acknowledgments.

Captain Awards – Quarterback Aidan Longwell, Offensive Lineman Cole Jones, Defensive Lineman Manny McElroy, Inside Linebacker Ben Krichbaum, Outside Linebacker Preston Hodges and Honorary Captain Nathan Forte

All-County – Robbie Page, Preston Hodges, Aidan Longwell, Terrance Keyes, Jr., Jayden Ballard, Luke Murphy, Andrew Wilson-Lamp, Cole Jones, Manny McElroy, Alex Bauer and Zion Phifer

All-District – Aidan Longwell, Terrance Keyes, Jr., Jayden Ballard, Cole Jones, Caiden Woullard, Preston Hodges, Luke Murphy and Magnus Haines.

All-State – Aidan Longwell (1st Team), Jayden Ballard (1st Team), Cole Jones (1st Team), Luke Murphy (1st Team), Terrance Keyes, Jr. 2nd Team), Caiden Woullard (2nd Team), Preston Hodges (2nd Team), Magnus Haines (3rd Team) and Andrew Wilson-Lamp (Special Mention)

Through the Roof Player of the Year (Sponsored by Progressive Auto Group) – Aidan Longwell (offense) and Preston Hodges (defense)

Character Award – Ethan Tobin

Thayer Munford ACT Award – Deven Warfield

John Pizzino, Sr. Academic Football $1,000 Scholarship – Ahmon Williams

Paul David Academic Award – Anthony Pedro

Defensive Player of the Year – Preston Hodges

Co-Offensive Player of the Year – Terrance Keyes Jr.

Co-Offensive Player of the Year – Zion Phifer

Lifter Of the Year – Ben Krichbaum

Scout Team Offensive Player of the Year Offense – Tanner Pierce

Scout Team Defensive Player of the Year – Nick Hatheway

Ducky Schroeder Award Outstanding Lineman – Cole Jones (All-County, All-District, 1st Team All-State)

Special Teams Player of the Year – Seth Lance

Bob Smith / Bill Snyder Sportsmanship Award – Noah Richards

Lee Tressel Citizenship Award – Davon Woods

Tom Harp Coaches Award – Peyton Mendenhall

Touchdown Club Hardnose Award – Preston Hodges

Most Valuable Player – Aidan Longwell

Massillon Record Setters – Aidan Longwell (career passing yards, career touchdowns pass attempts, career pass completions, career yards per pass attempt, career touchdowns, season pass efficiency and longest pass completion), Jayden Ballard (career touchdowns, season touchdowns and longest pass reception) Caiden Woullard (season tackles-for-loss), Zach Catrone (career pass completion percentage) and Alex Bauer (season PAT kicks attempted, season PAT kicks made and career field goal percentage).

See you next year.

2019 Most Valuable Player Aidan Longwell with Head Coach Nate Moore

2019 Defensive Player of the Year Preston Hodges
2019 Co-Offensive Players of the Year Zion Phifer and Terrance Keyes, Jr., with Head Coach Nate Moore
2019 Ducky Schroeder Outstanding Lineman Award Cole Jones with Head Coach Nate Moore
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Former Tiger Player Named AP All-American

Former Massillon player and current Mount Union defensive back Kordell Ford was recently named Division 3 1st Team Collegiate All-American by the Associated Press.  The 5′-10″, 190 lb. Ford, who majors in Sports Business, had a productive junior year in helping his team to an 11-1 record and a birth in the post-season playoffs.  For the season, he recorded 53.0 tackle points, two quarterback sacks and a pass interception, including a season-best eight tackles against Heidelberg.  In addition to his All-American status, Ford was named to the All-Ohio Athletic Conference first team and recognized as the OAC’s top defensive back.  He has also been nominated for the Cliff Harris Award as the top small college defensive player in the country.  In his previous two years, Kordell was credited with 56 tackles, including 4.5 tackles for loss, a quarterback sack and a fumble recovery.

At Massillon, the 2017 graduate played varsity ball extensively for three season, first under Jason Hall and then Nate Moore, lining up at both running back and defensive back.  As a senior, he was a team co-captain and named to both the All-County and All-District teams.  His stats were as follows:

  • Sophomore – 1 carry for 28 yards; 6 pass receptions for 66 yards and 1 TD; 3 solo tackles and 1 assist.
  • Junior – 2nd on the team in tackles; 35 solos and 37 assists; 4 pass interceptions.
  • Senior – 55 carries for 208 yards and 2 TDs; 4 pass receptions for 63 yards; 1st on the team in tackles; 40 solos, 26 assists, 3 tackles for loss, 2 pass interceptions returned for 77 yards and 1 TD TD; 8 punt returns for 68 yards; 10 kick returns for 182 yards

Kordell is the son of Charles and Jodi Ford.



  • Quarterback — Broc Rutter, senior, North Central (Ill.).
  • Running backs — Robert Shufford, junior, Birmingham-Southern; Ethan Greenfield, sophomore, North Central (Ill.).
  • Linemen — Sharmore Clarke, junior, North Central (Ill.); Quinn Meinerz, junior, Wisconsin-Whitewater; Nic Vetter, senior, Wartburg; Sean Sherman, senior, Mount Union; Dan Greenheck, senior, St. John’s.
  • Tight end — Ryan Curtiss, senior, Muhlenberg.
  • Receivers — Andrew Kamienski, junior, North Central (Ill.); Justin Hill, senior, Mount Union.
  • All-purpose player — Willie Julkes III, senior, Concordia-Moorhead.
  • Kicker — Anthony Avila, sophomore, Mary Hardin-Baylor.


  • Linemen — Frankie Feaster, senior, Muhlenberg; Dallas McRae, senior, Wheaton (Ill.); Joey Longoria, senior, Mary Hardin-Baylor; Michael Nobile, sophomore, Delaware Valley.
  • Linebackers — Scottie Bobeck, senior, Benedictine; Dante Capozzoli, junior, Kean; Anton Clark, senior, East Texas Baptist.
  • Secondary — Jeff Hector, senior, Redlands; Spencer Rowland, senior, Wheaton (Ill.); Jake Beesley, junior, North Central (Ill.); Kordell Ford, junior, Mount Union.
  • Punter — Zach Warcola, senior, College of New Jersey.



  • Quarterback — Jackson Erdmann, senior, St.John’s.
  • Running backs — Alex Minton, senior, Denison; Wesley Schools, senior, Grove City.
  • Linemen — Ben Bartch, senior, St. John’s; Joe Krall, senior, Monmouth (Ill.); Tyler Norwood, senior, Salisbury; Ryan Malarkey, senior, Muhlenberg; Steven Sellers, junior, Mary Hardin-Baylor.
  • Tight end — Dan Allen, senior, Delaware Valley.
  • Receivers — Ruhann Peele, senior, Wesley (Del.); Ravi Alston, sophomore, St. John’s; Samuel Staehling, senior, St. Norbert.
  • All-purpose player — Brock Martin, sophomore, Ohio Northern.
  • Kicker — Jaydon Haaq, sophomore, Wisconsin-Oshkosh.


  • Linemen — Jordan McInerney, senior, Lake Forest; Danny Pietruszewski, junior, St. John’s; Tim Ousley, senior, Muskingum; Mike Williams, senior, Washington & Jefferson.
  • Linebackers — Mason Dekker, senior, Hope; Emmet Forde, junior, Hobart; Nick Garone, senior, Ithaca.
  • Secondary — Peyton Haynes, senior, LaGrange; Blaze Barista, senior, Dubuque; Danial Shelton, senior, Susquehanna; Tramon Wiley, junior, Heidelberg.
  • Punter — Alex Berg, senior, Concordia-Moorhead.


Hardnose Award Goes to Preston Hodges

At the end of each season, the Touchdown Club honors one of the players with the “Bob Commings Memorial Hardnose Award.”  That player would have received the most votes from among weekly tallies taken by the club members.  Past players honored include John Mulbach (Ohio State), David Whitfield (Ohio State), Chris Spielman (Ohio State), Shawn Crable (Michigan), Brian Gamble (Illinois/Ashland) and Jamir Thomas.

Bob Commings was a very successful coach for the Tigers from 1969 to 1973, compiling a record of 43-6-2, including Massillon’s last state championship (1970) and qualification for Ohio’s first ever state playoff games (1972).  Commings departed following the 1973 season to become head coach of the University of Iowa and later coached at GlenOak High School, for which their field was later named.

This year’s Hardnose Award goes to senior outside linebacker and team captain Preston Hodges, recently named Second Team All-Ohio, First Team All-District and WHBC All-County.  Hodges’ stats are aplenty, including:

  • 3rd on the team in tackles with 37 solos and 56 assists
  • 14.5 tackles for loss, accounting for 48 negative yards
  • 1.5 quarterback sacks, accounting for 15 negative yards
  • 4 pass interceptions returned for 78 yards and 2 touchdowns
  • 5 pass breakups
  • 9 passes defended
  • 1 blocked punt
  • 11 rushes for 79 yards and 2 touchdowns
  • 3 punt returns for 18 yards and a touchdown
  • 30 points scored
  • 175 all-purpose yards

When asked about the award after the presentation, Preston said this: “It means everything to me.  I  know being an undersized guy you have to be a hard-nosed player.  You have to go all out every single play.  It’s just the mindset you have to have going into every single game.  I really love the game of football and I just give it my all.”  But the admiration for his teammates was not lost on him.  “I love this football team,” he said.  “They’ve had my back every step of the way.  We all push each other to be better.  I created life-long friendships with this team, I can already tell.  I was very happy with our season.  It didn’t end the way we wanted.  But I’ll still love every single one of those guys and they’re my brothers for life.”

A new award was added to the ceremony this year for the player that comes to practice every day and gives maximum performance.  It’s called the “Bucket Award.”  And this year’s winner is Jerron Hodges.

Preston Hodges receives the Hardnose Award from Bob Commings, Jr.
Jerron Hodges with Touchdown Club President Steve Berecek
Jerron and Preston Hodges, with parents Nick and Jennifer, and Coach Nate Moore
Coach Nate Moore with the 2019 team captains: Preston Hodges, Cole Jones, Aidan Longwell, Ben Krichbaum and Manny McElroy