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1891 Varsity Football Team History

The Game of Football Was a Lot Different for…

The Game of Football Was a Lot Different for Early Massillon Teams

If there’s one sport that draws Americans closer together more than any other it’s the game of football.  It attracts the largest crowds, receives the greatest media attention and is played at all levels, from the many youth organizations, through over 14,000 high schools and several hundred colleges, and culminating with the professional organizations.  During the season the teams may play games just once a week, but in between football is the talk of the sports world each and every day.

Football has been around for over a hundred years, the first game having been played between two college teams, Rutgers and Princeton, in 1869.  High schools picked up the sport in the 1880s and then the game added play-for-play by professional athletes in the late 1890s.

Massillon got its  start in 1891 and has now been fielding teams for 127 years.  But the game those early Tigers played is quite dissimilar to the one we see today.  Different scoring rules, drop kicks, off sides and many other nuances were all in vogue at that time and some were subject to different interpretations by the referees as opposed to now.

In addition, many locals were unfamiliar with the new sport, although interested in either watching or participating.  So, in order to educate those new to the game, the Massillon Daily Independent in January of 1890 made a stab at publicly explaining the complex rules.  Below is that article.  Some of it is confusing, so I hope you can understand the rules better than this writer does.




Diagram and Dimensions of the Ground – The Players’ Positions and Other Interesting Points About the Great Collegiate Sport

Foot-ball as now played by the American colleges is a game that arouses the enthusiasm of the spectator to a higher pitch of excitement than any other sport, and there is no game where the requirements of the participants are greater or more diversified.  The elements so essential to the success of the runner or tennis player are far different from those demanded by the oarsman or wrestler; but the foot-ball player needs them all, and in no athletic contest can the display of pluck, strength, endurance, agility, and quick judgment been seen to better advantage.

The best player is not necessarily he who makes the longest runs or kicks, says the Chicago Inter Ocean, but the one combining good, hard individual play with team work, and is always willing to let the man make the brilliant play whose chances are the best.  The training to thoroughly fit one’s self for a match game is as arduous as it is for a boat race; in addition to the daily practice, a run of two to three miles is necessary for the wind; smoking, drinking, pastry, and rich food must be given up, and plenty of sleep taken.  Five minutes of brisk work will cause the player who enters a game in poor condition to make many good resolves for the future.

The grounds must be 330 feet in length and 160 feet in width, with a goal placed in the middle of each goal line, composed of two upright posts exceeding 20 feet in height, and placed 18 feet 6 inches apart, with a cross-bar ten feet from the ground.  The following diagram will illustrate:

There are eleven men on a side, generally seven in the rush line, a quarterback, two half-backs, and a back.  The prime qualifications of the rushers should be weight, strength, and endurance, for on them devolve the duty of forging ahead by running with the ball.  They need know little or nothing about kicking, and should never touch foot to the ball except in case of a free kick.  Even then it is not necessary, for a place kick can be taken instead by one of the other players, and is generally preferable.  Weight is not so essential for the rest of the team, but in addition to the other qualifications of the rushes they must be good kickers; also they should be sure tacklers to stop an opponent if he succeeds in breaking through the rush line.  The following diagram shows the relative position of the players:

The game is commenced by placing the ball in the center of the field, and, if there be no wind, the side winning the toss choosing as a general thing to kick off.  But if the wind be blowing, however slightly, the winner will of course play with the wind, for this is a most important factor in foot-ball, a stiff breeze deciding whether the game shall be a kicking or running one.  We will suppose the ball has been kicked off and stopped by one of the opposing half-backs, this player tackled and prevented from returning the kick; the ball must then be called down, which is a technical expression signifying a temporary suspension of hostilities in order to get the ball again in play.  The middle rusher then takes the ball, and placing his foot upon it snaps it to the quarter-back or to one of the other rushers, but to whomever he may thus give it that player must pass it to still another before the ball can be run forward with.  If in three consecutive downs by the same side that side does not advance the ball five or take it back twenty yards, the opposing side is then entitled to it, and as an aid in determining the distance parallel lines five yards apart are often marked across the field.

This is one of the new rules, and was introduced in order to diminish the chances of a draw game, which result could easily be brought about in the past where the strength of the competing teams was nearly equal.  We will now suppose that the side kicking off has forced the ball ahead, and a player on that side succeeds in crossing the goal line and touches the ball on the ground; this is called a touch-down; then a player of the side scoring the touch-down, and called the placer, brings the ball out from the place where the touch-down was made, and at right angles to the goal line.

Having reached a suitable distance the placer, lying down and acting under the direction of the goal kicker, carefully poises the ball about an inch from the ground.

When the point of the ball is at the proper altitude, the seam in a line with the object point, and allowance made for the wind, the goal kicker gives the signal, the ball is placed on the ground, and the try for goal is made.  The instant the ball touches the ground the opposing team may charge, and if the ball touches the person or clothing of any player before going over the cross-bar or posts the goal does not count; the slightest deviation made by the placer in putting the ball on the ground or failure of the goal kicker to kick in precisely the one correct spot will cause the ball to veer widely from the mark, and no goal is made.

Early footballIf the goal counts the ball is brought to the center of the field, and the losing side kicks off.  If the try for goal fails the other side kicks the ball out and must do so within the twenty-five yard line.  Now, we will again suppose that one side has forced the ball up to the opponents’ goal, but instead of making a touch-down, as in the former case, they lose the ball.  The other side, having gained possession of it, is of course in a much better position than before, but nevertheless still in great danger, for they in turn may lose it any instant.  In this dilemma there is an avenue of escape, and that is by touching the ball down behind their own goal line and making what is termed a safety touch-down.  Although this counts against it is not nearly so expensive as a touch-down by the other side.

The value of points in scoring is as follows:

  • Goal from touch-down – 6
  • Goal from field kick – 5
  • Touch-down – 4
  • Safety touch-down – 2

Early footballA drop-kick is made by letting the ball fall from the hands and kicking it the very instant it rises.

A place-kick is made by kicking the ball after it has been placed on the ground.

A punt is made by letting the ball fall from the hands and kicking it before it touches the ground; a goal made by a punt-kick does not count.

The time of a game is an hour and a half, each side playing forty-five minutes from each goal, with an intermission of ten minutes between the two halves.

No one is allowed to wear projecting nails or iron plates.

A scrimmage takes place when the holder of the ball places it on the ground and puts it in play by kicking it or snapping it back.

A player is off side if during a scrimmage he gets in front of the ball or if the ball has been last touched by his own side behind him, and when off side he is not allowed to touch the ball.

A player being off side is put on side when the ball has touched an opponent or when one of his own side has run in front of him either with the ball or having touched it when behind him.

No player shall interfere with an opponent in any way unless he has the ball.

A foul shall be granted for intentional delay of game, off-side play, or holding an opponent unless he has the ball; the penalty of a foul is a down for the other side.

Early footballA player shall be disqualified for unnecessary roughness, hacking, throttling, butting, tripping up, intentional tackling below the knees, and striking with the closed fists.

In case a player be disqualified or injured a substitute shall take his place.

A player may throw or pass the ball in any direction except toward the opponents’ goal; it shall be given to the opponents if it be batted or thrown forward.

If the ball goes out of bounds a player on the side which touches it down must bring to the spot where it crossed the line, and there either bound the ball in the field of play or touch it with both hands at right angles to the line, and then run with it, kick it, or throw it back, or it may be thrown in at right angles or be taken out in the field of play at right angles to any distance not less than five nor more than fifteen  yards, and there put down the same as for a scrimmage.

There is an umpire and also a referee.

The umpire is the judge for the players as regards fouls and unfair tactics.

The  referee is judge in all matters relating to the ball, and all points not covered by the duties of the umpire.

Obie Logo (Large) News

2022 Football Season Closes with Annual Banquet

2022 Football Season Closes with Annual Banquet

A packed house of players, parents, coaches and fansput closure to the season at St. George’s Church by recognizing of the outstanding performances exhibited by the members of the 2022 football team on and off the field.  It was a team that finished with a 12-2 record and a 15th regional playoff title, their fifth in the last six years.  It  was also a team that, although they didn’t bring home the Division 2 state championship trophy, did defeat during the regular season Lakewood St. Edward, the No. 1 team  in Division 1.

Mate Moore Massillon
2022 Nate Moore at the 2022 banquet

“This has been a group since Day 1 that has answered the bell,” said Head Coach Nate Moore.  “These guys have been awesome.  Thanks to our senior class.  It was a small senior class; small but powerful.  They ground it out every day.  It’s those guys that really make our program special.  We had a tremendous season.  I’m very proud of that.  A final four appearance.  Six straight 10+ win seasons.  Six straight appearances in the regional finals.”

Moore said that defeating St. Edward was a memorable moment, since (1) they were the No. 1 team in the state and (2) the quarterback / wide receiver corps came out “firing hot.”  But he also mentioned Austintown, an undefeated team the Tigers faced the following week.  Rather than having a let down following such a maximum effort against St. Eds, the Tigers held it together and produced one of their best performances of the season.  “We played an absolutely tough game,” said the coach.  “We dominated the game.  It was a memorable victory.”  Then there was the win over Canton McKinley, the seventh in a row.  “The Tigers went out and took care of business,” said Moore.  ‘Nuff said.

Academically, the team recorded an outstanding 3.55 GPA collective average.

Along the way, several No. 1 player and team records were set, including:

  • Willtrell Hartson – Single season total yards rushing (2,042), single season points (208), single season touchdowns (tie) (34) and career yards per game (132.8).
  • Dorian Pringle – Single season tackles for loss (21.5) and tackles for loss yards (114).
  • Brandon Carman – Single season quarterback sack yards (57).
  • Team – Single season tackles for loss (109), tackles for loss yards (476) and quarterback sack yards (205).  In addition five different players recorded at least ten tackles for loss, more players than any other team since defensive records were kept.

Six players were named All-Ohio, including:

  • Willtrell Hartson – Senior running back – 1st Team
  • Ardell Banks – Senior wide receiver – 1st Team
  • Dorian Pringle – Junior inside linebacker – 1st Team
  • Marcus Moore – Senior defensive lineman – 2nd Team
  • Evan Sirgo – Junior offensive lineman – Honorable Mention
  • Cody Fair – Junior inside linebacker – Honorable Mention

Outgoing Booster Club President Harry Haines addressed a Tiger gathering for the last time and introduced 2023 President Rob Maylor.

Following dinner, the assistant coaches presented the various participation awards, while expounding on each player’s individual achievements and effort.  Then the special awards, most of which were selected by the players themselves, were presented by various teammates to the winners.  They included:

  • Coach of the Year – Spencer Leno (inside linebackers)
  • Captain Awards – Zach Liebler, Angelo Salvino, Marcus Moore and Willtrelll Hartson
  • Brandon Burlsworth Character Award – Michael Mercurio
  • Thayer Munford ACT Award – Christian Kring
  • John Pizzino, Sr. Academic Football $1,000 Scholarship – Christian Kring
  • Paul David Memorial Academic Award – Yanii Berry
  • Bob Smith / Bill Snyder Sportsmanship Award – Christian Kring
  • Coach Lee Tressel Citizenship Award – Christian Kring
  • Offensive Scout Team Player of the Year – Ransom Els and Jacques Carter
  • Defensive Scout Team Player of the Year – Deangelo Zimmerman
  • Hardnose Award – Willtrell  Hartson (presented earlier at the Touchdown Club)
  • Carl “Ducky” Schroeder Outstanding Lineman Award – Marcus Moore
  • Offensive Player of the Year – Ardell Banks
  • Defensive Player of the Year – Dorian Pringle
  • Special Teams Player of the Year – Angelo Salvino
  • Lifter of the Year – Cody Fair
  • Tom Harp Coaches’ Award – Zach Liebler
  • Most Valuable Player – Willtrell Hartson

Willtrell Hartson Massillon Ohio StateMost Valuable Player Willtrell Hartson.  A commemorative football was also presented which displays the rushing and scoring records he set.

Ardell Banks Kentucky Dorian PringleOffensive Player of the Year Ardell Banks and Defensive Player of the year Dorian Pringle.

Christian Kring MassillonJohn Pizzino Sr. Academic Football $1,000 Scholarship Award winner Christian Kring.  Also shown are Mark Fair and Anthony Repp.

Coach of the Year Spencer Leno and Academic Award winner Yanii Berry.

Nate Moore MassillonNate Moore receiving a commemorative photo display for breaking Paul Brown’s win record.  Also shown are Rob Maylor and Ed Starcher.

"Angelo Salvino" "Marcus Moore" "University of Akron"Special Teams Player of the Year Angelo Salvino and Lineman of the Year Marcus Moore.

Through the Roof Award Winners Willtrell Hartson (Offensive Player of the Year), Marcus Moore (Leader of the Year) and Dorian Pringle (Defensive Player of the Year) presented by Ray Jeske (WTIG) (left) and and Fred Horner (Advanced Industrial Roofing) (right).

Obie Logo (Large) History

Six Tigers Named All-Ohio for 2022

Six Tigers Named All-Ohio for 2022

Six football players from Massillon’s 12-2 team have been named by the Ohio Prep Sportswriters Association to the Division II All-Star Team.  They include:

  • Willtrell Hartson – Senior running back – 1st Team
  • Ardell Banks – Senior wide receiver – 1st Team
  • Dorian Pringle – Junior inside linebacker – 1st Team
  • Marcus Moore – Senior defensive lineman – 2nd Team
  • Evan Sirgo – Junior offensive lineman – Honorable Mention
  • Cody Fair – Junior inside linebacker – Honorable Mention

All six were previously named 1st Team Northeast Inland All-District.  Strangely missing from the list was De’Airre Pringle, who  was also named 1st Team Northeast Inland All-District.

The Offensive Player of the Year is Akron Hoban running back Lamar Sperling.  The Defensive Player of the Year is Jermaine Matthews, Cincinnati Winton Woods.  The Co-Coaches of the Year are Dave Bors of Painesville Riverside and Maurice Harden of Xenia.

All-Ohio Players from Tiger opponents:

Cincinnati Moeller

  • Jordan Marshall – running back – 1st Team – Co-Offensive Player of the Year
  • Brandon Martin – defensive lineman – 1st Team
  • Joe Ginnetti – linebacker – 1st Team
  • Tennel Bryant – wide receiver – 3rd Team
  • Ethan Page – punter – 3rd Team

Canton GlenOak

  • Avantae Burt – running back – 3rd Team
  • Romeo Magueyal – offensive lineman – Honorable Mention


  • Ricky Mills – defensive lineman – 1st Team
  • Mekhi Bradley – linebacker – 1st Team
  • Amarr Davis – defensive back – 1st Team
  • Duke Reese – quarterback – Honorable Mention
  • Sean Putt – kicker – Honorable Mention

Austintown Fitch

  • Josh Fitzgerald – offensive lineman – 1st Team
  • Davion Pritchard – defensive back – 2nd Team
  • DeShawn Vaughn – quarterback – 3rd Team
  • Brian Robinson – defensive lineman – 3rd Team
  • Cam Smith – defensive back – 3rd Team
  • Jamell James – running back – Honorable Mention

Lakewood St. Edward

  • Ben Roebuck – offensive lineman – 1st Team
  • Ricky Wolverton – offensive lineman – 1st Team
  • Michael Kilbane – defensive lineman – 1st Team
  • Wyatt Gedeon – linebacker – 1st Team – Co-Defensive Player of the Year
  • Ben Levelle – punter – 1st Team
  • Marvin Bell – running back – 2nd Team
  • Casey Bullock – quarterback – 3rd Team
  • Kyan Mason – wide receiver – 3rd Team
  • Devontae Armstrong – offensive lineman – 3rd Team
  • Deonte Armstrong – offensive lineman – 3rd Team
  • Nate Gregory – linebacker – 3rd Team

Canton McKinley

  • Cynceir McNeil – wide receiver – 1st Team
  • Garrett McCole – offensive lineman – 2nd Team
  • Kylier Jenkins – defensive lineman – 2nd Team

Massillon Perry

  • De’Andre Church – running back – 3rd Team
  • Max Millin – offensive lineman – Honorable Mention

Canal Winchester

  • Harlee Hanna – linebacker – 3rd Team
  • Mason Fry – offensive lineman – Honorable  Mention

Big Walnut

  • Nate Severs – running back – 1st Team
  • Ethan Clawson – linebacker – 2nd  Team
  • Matt VonAlmen – offensive lineman – 3rd Team
  • Cam  Gladden – punter – 3rd Team

Uniontown Lake

  • Evan Brady – linebacker – 1st Team
  • Will Butler – defensive back – 1st Team
  • Dylan Snyder – wide receiver – 2nd Team
  • Celton Dutton – punter – 2nd Team
  • Jack McAvinew – offensive lineman – 3rd Team

Akron Hoban

  • Lamar Sperling – running back – 1st Team – Offensive Player of the Year
  • Drew Holt – offensive lineman – 1st Team
  • Jason Martin III – defensive lineman – 1st Team
  • Tysen Campbell – defensive back – 1st Team
  • Devin  Bell – defensive lineman – 2nd Team
  • Rickey Williams – linebacker – 3rd Team
  • Jayvian Crable – wide receiver – Honorable Mention
  • William  Satterwhite – offensive lineman – Honorable Mention




Obie Logo (Large) History

Twelve Tigers Earn All-District Award

Twelve Tigers Earn All-District Award

The Ohio Prep Sportswriters Association (OPSWA) has released its Northeast Inland District All-Star Team for Division II.  Twelve Massillon players are included, with special recognition going to Dorian Pringle, who was named Co-Defensive Player of the Year.  Massillon finished the 2022 season with an 12-2 record and was the regional champion.

First Team

  • Ardell Banks – Senior wide receiver.  3-year starter.  Caught 43 passes for 791 yards and 12 touchdowns.  Averaged 20.0 yards per catch.  Caught six passes against Warren Harding and six against Massillon Perry.  Second on the team in scoring with 74 points.  Honorable Mention All-District in 2021.  Holds several offers from Division 1 colleges, including Kentucky, Pittsburgh, Arizona State and Iowa State.
  • Willtrell Hartson – Senior running back.  3-year starter.  Led the team in rushing with 2,042 yards, setting a new single-season rushing record.  Tied a season scoring record that was set 100 years ago.  Also, finished in the Top 10 of several other rushing and scoring categories.  Against Austintown Fitch, rushed 40 times for 274 yards and three touchdowns.  Led the team with 34 touchdowns and 208 points.  Received the Touchdown Club’s Hardnose Award.  Honorable Mention All-State in 2020.
  • Marcus Moore Jr. – Senior defensive lineman.  2-year starter.  Recorded 33.0 tackle points (17-32).  Had 5.5 tackles-for-loss and 2.0 quarterback sacks.  Helped defense hold opponents to 3.0 yards per rush.  Also played some on the offensive line.  First Team All-District and Second Team All-Ohio in 2021.  Will play for the University of Akron next year.
  • De’Airre Pringle – Senior defensive back.  Tied for second on the team in tackle points with 63.5 (50-27).  Recorded 4.5 tackles-for-loss and 5 pass breakups.  Had 11.0 tackle points against Akron Hoban.
  • Cody Fair – Junior inside linebacker.  Tied for second on the team in tackle points with 63.5 (40-47).  Recorded 13.5 tackles-for-loss (2nd on the team) and 1.5 quarterback sacks.  Recovered two fumbles.
  • Dorian Pringle – Junior inside linebacker.  Named NE Inland District Co-Defensive Player of the Year.  Led the team with 69.5 tackle points (50-39).  Set a new Massillon single season record with 21.5 tackles-for-loss.  Recorded 5.5 quarterback sacks.  Had 12.0 tackle points against Division 1 state finalist Lakewood St. Edward.  On offense, rushed 54 times for 298 yards and scored six touchdowns.
  • Evan Sirgo – Junior offensive lineman.  Instrumental in helping the team average 35 points per game, rush for 207 yards per game and limit opponents to just 13 quarterback sacks.

Second Team

  • Jalen Slaughter – Sophomore quarterback.  2-year starter.  Completed 139 of 234 passes (54.7%) for 2,043 yards and 24 touchdowns.  Had an efficiency rating of 146.4.  Threw for 295 yards and 3 touchdowns against Division 1 state finalist Lakewood St. Edward, including a 24-yard game-winner with eleven seconds remaining in the game.  Threw for 248 yards and 4 touchdowns against Warren Harding.  Honorable Mention All-District in 2021.
  • Michael Wright Jr. – Sophomore defensive lineman.  2-year starter.  Recorded 28.0 tackle points (28-16).  Second on the team with 6.0 quarterback sacks and tied for second on the team with 13.5 tackles-for-loss.  Helped defense hold opponents to 3.0 yards per rush.  Honorable Mention All-District in 2021.

Honorable Mention

  • Sam Snodgrass – Junior offensive lineman.  2-year starter; moved from center to tackle for 2022.  Instrumental in helping the team average 35 points per game, rush for 207 yards per game and limit opponents to just 13 quarterback sacks.  Honorable Mention All-District in 2021.
  • Nolan Davenport – Sophomore tight end.  Used principally as a blocker.  Caught one pass for a 34 yard touchdown.  Has good size and potential at 6′-6″, 230 lbs.  Has a Division 1 offer from Pittsburgh.
  • Michael Looney – Sophomore offensive lineman.  Instrumental in helping the team average 35 points per game, rush for 207 yards per game and limit opponents to just 13 quarterback sacks.

The Offensive Player of the Year was Lamar Sperling of Akron Hoban.

The Co-Defensive Player of the Year, along with Dorian Pringle, was Roosevelt Andrews of Barberton.

The Coaches of the Year were Mike Gibbons of Medina Highland and Jeff Gough of Hudson.

Obie Logo (Large) History

Willtrell Hartson Receives Touchdown Club Award

Willtrell Hartson Receives Touchdown Club Award

At the end of each season, the Touchdown Club honors one of the players with the “Bob Commings Memorial Hardnose Award.” That player would have received the most votes from among weekly tallies taken by the club members. Past players honored include John Mulbach (Ohio State), David Whitfield (Ohio State), Chris Spielman (Ohio State), Shawn Crable (Michigan) and Brian Gamble (Illinois/Ashland).

Bob Commings was a very successful coach for the Tigers from 1969 to 1973, compiling a record of 43-6-2, including Massillon’s last state championship (1970) and qualification for Ohio’s first ever state playoff games (1972). Commings departed following the 1973 season to become head coach of the University of Iowa and later coached at GlenOak High School, for which their field was later named.

This year’s hardnose award winner is Willtrell Hartson, the Tigers’ record-setting running back, who led his team this year to a 12-2 record and playoff regional championship.  Willtrell received the award from George Mizer, this year’s president of the Touchdown Club.

Hartson burst onto the Massillon football scene as a sophomore running back in 2020 against Canton McKinley, as a replacement for the injured Raekwon Venson.  A little used backup prior to the game, Hartson proceeded to rush for 188 yards and scored two touchdowns in a 35-7 victory.  He continued to excel throughout the playoffs and finished the year with 1,110 yards (8.0 ave.), with nearly all coming in the final seven games of the season.  He also scored 13 touchdowns.  For his performance he was named Honorable Mention All-Ohio.

His junior year was hampered by an injury and he only played in six games.  But he did manage to rush for 831 yards (7.3 ave.) and score 9 touchdowns.

Hartson , now at 5′-10″, 200 lbs.,  had a breakout year this past season, rushing for 2,042 yards (6.1 ave) and scoring 31 touchdowns, while tying or breaking many records along the way.  With his speed, power, and deceptive cutting ability, and the attributes to run the ball both inside and out, he became the main focus of the offense, accounting for 41% of the total yardage production and 42% of the points scored.  He was recently named All-Stark County and All-Northeast Inland District.  Hartson is also a team co-captain.

Here are Hartson’s many record book accomplishments:

  • Single game rushing yards – 324 vs. Westerville South in 2020 (1st); 287 vs. Warren Harding in 2021 (3rd); 274 vs. Austintown Fitch in 2022 (5th)
  • Single game rushing attempts – 40 vs. Austintown Fitch in 2022 (tied for 3rd); 40 vs. Uniontown Lake in 2022 (tied for 3rd)
  • Single game rushing yards per attempt – 15.1 vs. North Canton in 2020 (tied for 8th)
  • Single game rushing touchdowns – 4 vs. North Canton in 2020 (tied for 10th); 4 vs. Warren Harding in 2021 (tied for 10th); 4 vs. Austintown Fitch in 2022 (tied for 10th)
  • Single season rushing yards – 2,042 in 2022 (1st) *
  • Single season rushing attempts – 334 in 2022 (2nd)
  • Single season rushing yards per game – 145.9 in 2022 (2nd)
  • Single season rushing touchdowns – 31 in 2022 (2nd)
  • Single season touchdowns – 34 (tied for 1st) *
  • Single season points – 208 (2nd)
  • Career rushing yards – 3,983 (2nd)
  • Career rushing attempts – 586 (2nd)
  • Career rushing yards per game – 132.8 (1st) *
  • Career rushing touchdowns – 53 (2nd)
  • Career touchdowns – 56 (2nd)
  • Career points – 340 (3rd)


  • The record for single season rushing yards was previously held by Travis McGuire, who rushed for 1,976 yards in 1991.
  • The record for single season rushing touchdowns is held jointly with Edwin “Dutch” Hill, who scored 34 touchdowns in 1922.
  • The record for career rushing yards per game was previously held by Homer Floyd, who rushed for 118.5 yards per game in 1952-54.

Left to right: Hardnose Award winner Willtrell Hartson, Touchdown Club President George Mizer, Head Coach Nate Moore, Assistant Coach and previous Hardnose Award winner Bo Grunder, defensive lineman Marcus Moore and long snapper Angelo Salvino.

Willtrell Hartson receiving the Hardnose Award from Bo Grunder.

Willtrell Hartson and family

Head Coach Nate Moore with Willtrell Hartson.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo News

2022 Booster Club Report – Week 15 – Post-Akron…

2022 Booster Club Report – Week 15 – Post-Akron Hoban

Massillon lost to Akron Hoban (14-1) in the state semifinals, 41-20.  Hoban advances to the state finals to face Toledo Central Catholic (14-1).



“It’s really tough,” Head Coach Nate Moore said about the loss.  “What it came down to was our inability to gain first downs.”  The Tigers were successful on first downs 67% of the time, against a season average of 81%.  Most of that difficulty was on account of Hoban blitzing the entire front-7 on every play, which closed off all the running lanes and put tremendous pressure on the quarterback.  The Knights traditionally blitz a lot, but once they were up by 14 points, this became a steady diet.

“I thought our defense played well,” said Moore.  “But they were on the field a long time against an offensive team like that.  We have phenomenal kids and they played their hearts out for Massillon.  I’m proud of our kids.  It’s tough to end the season like that.  It’s tough to process that.”

The guest players were senior running back Willtrell Hartson, junior defensive lineman Chase Bond and junior offensive lineman Evan Sirgo.  The players said that Hoban played more physically, were better disciplined and just wanted it more.  They felt that they needed to win the line of scrimmage as a group and didn’t do that.

Player stats:

  • Running back Willtrell Hartson: 19 carries for 66 yards and 1 touchdown.  Also caught a touchdown pass.
  • Quarterback Jalen Slaughter: 15 of 32 for 200 yards and 1 touchdown.
  • Wide receiver Braylyn Toles: 10 receptions for 125 yards.
  • Wide receiver Kyler Wiggins: 3 receptions for 43 yards.
  • Safety De’Airre Pringle: 11.5 tackle points (9-5)
  • Inside linebacker Dorian Pringle: 5.0 tackle points (4-2); 1.5 tackles-for-loss
  • Inside linebacker Cody Fair: 5.0 tackle points (4-2); fumble recovery

Massillon closes out the season with a record of 12-2 (61-9 over the past eight years).  Although the Tigers fell short of their ultimate goal of winning a state championship, they were not without many accomplishments.  Here’s a summary:

Playoffs: Massillon played in its 6th consecutive regional finals game, defeating Uniontown Lake 24-6;  it was the Tigers’ 15th regional championship (5th in the last 6 years), which is third highest mark in the state among D1 and D2 schools, behind Cincinnati Moeller and Cleveland St. Ignatius; the Tigers lost in the Division 2 state semifinals 41-20 to Akron Hoban, the eventual state champion.

Youth: Massillon fielded one of its youngest teams ever with just four seniors starting on offense and three on defense; in addition, six starters were sophomores.

McKinley: The Bulldogs were defeated for the seventh consecutive time; The Tigers have now won 11 wins of the last 12 games.

Lakewood St. Edward: Quarterback Jalen Slaughter connected with Braylyn Toles on a 24-yard touchdown pass with 11 seconds remaining in the game to pull out an upset victory over St. Edward, 31-28; it was St. Ed’s only regular season loss; the Eagles, ranked in the Top 50 nationally and No. 1 in Ohio at the time, went on to play for the Division 1 state championship.

Austintown Fitch: Massillon handed Fitch their only loss of the regular season, 49-28.

Middletown, Delaware: The Tigers defeated the No. 1 team in Delaware, 42-24.

Strength of Schedule: Tiger opponents compiled a record of 115 wins against 56 losses, a winning percentage of 67.4%; excluding Massillon games, the winning percentage was 72.9%; of the seven Ohio teams on the schedule, six qualified for the playoffs and each won at least one game, except for GlenOak, which lost to McKinley.

Federal League: The Tigers finished 4-0 against Federal League teams, including wins over co-champions McKinley and Lake, GlenOak and Perry.

Player Records: Running back Willtrell Hartson set or tied several records, including those for single season yards rushing (Travis McGuire, 1991), single season total touchdowns (Edwin Hill, 1922), single season total points (Edwin Hill, 1922) and career rushing yards per game (broke own record); linebacker Dorian Pringle set a new single-season record for tackles-for-loss (Caiden Woulard, 2019) and tackles-for-loss yards (Stefan Laury, 2011); the defense set new records for tackles-for-loss (2005) and tackles-for-loss yards (2021).

Winning streak: Following a season-opening loss to Moeller, Massillon racked up 12 victories in a row.

Grades: The football team ended the first grading period with a 3.55 GPA; Moore believes that a high GPA reflects maximum effort in the classroom and translates into high performance on the football field.

All-time wins: Head Coach Nate won his 81st game, against Canal Winchester, overtaking Paul Brown in this category.  Brown posted a record of 80-8-2.  Moore’s record currently stands at 83-22.

On January 4 the players will regroup and begin preparations for the 2023 season.  Owing to the youth of the 2022 squad, the Tigers will return quite a few starters including:

  • 1 quarterback
  • 1 fullback
  • 1 tight end
  • 2 wide receivers (with 3 regular replacements)
  • 3 offensive linemen
  • 2 defensive linemen (with 2 regular replacements)
  • All 4 linebackers (with 1 regular replacement)
  • 1 cornerback (with 1 regular replacement)
  • 1 safety
  • 2 kickers / 1 punter
  • 3 kickoff returners / 2 punt returners

In addition, the running back position is well-stocked for replacing Hartson.

Moore continues to finalize the schedule for next year and will hold a press conference sometime in December to formally announce it.  Confirmed though is a football classic in Week 1 at PBTS with Massillon facing an out-of-state team on Friday, with three other Ohio teams playing out-of-state opponents on Saturday.  Other opponents expected to return to the schedule include Canton GlenOak (H), Mansfield (H), Austintown Fitch (A), Warren Harding (H) and Canton McKinley (A).

The football banquet will be held on December 15th at St. George’s Church.  Doors will open at 5:30 and dinner will be served at 6:00 pm.  Awards will follow.  The cost is $30.00.  Tickets can be obtained from Bill Brown at O’Reilly’s Auto Parts from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm and at the Washington High School Ticket Office. Tickets go on sale to player parents on November 29th.  Tickets for the general public will be available starting Monday, December 5th.

Go  Tigers!



2022: Akron Hoban 41, Massillon 20

Hoban, Sperling Too Much for Massillon in State Semifinal Loss



In high school football a single player can turn a good team into a great one, mostly through his individual performance, but often just by being on the field.  That was the case in Akron Hoban’s win over Massillon in the Division II state semifinals, which played at The University of Akron’s Infocision Stadium in front of an estimated 8,000 fans.  Lamar Sperling, the heir-apparent for Ohio’s Mr. Football award, rushed for 226 yards and scored four touchdowns to lead his team to a 41-20 victory.  But he also had a big impact in the passing game, in spite of not catching a pass.

Over the past several years, the Tigers have been extremely stingy against the run.  Not only do they have athletic players in the front-7, they also get the safeties involved in run support, which is a big part of this scheme.  Knowing the talent possessed by Sperling, the safeties were surely needed to keep the speedster in check.  So they played closer to the line of scrimmage than normal.  And it worked well at the beginning.  Except, with the safeties cheating up, it made the secondary vulnerable to the deep pass.  That’s the tradeoff.  So, on Hoban’s second possession, JacQai Long, a 5-star recruit from West Virginia, faked a handoff to Sperling on play-action, which froze the safeties.  He then delivered an easy toss to a wide-open slot receiver Deon Rogers for 50-yard touchdown.  The safeties, of course, had bit on the fake and were not in position to cover.

On the Knight’s next series, they did the same thing, this time to Jalen Crable for a 64-yard touchdown.  Now, Massillon was forced to play both safeties deeper, which of course opened up the edge for Sperling.  It just wasn’t a good matchup now, especially against Hoban’s 311 lb. offensive line.  Such was the impact of Sperling on the entire defense.

Those two plays put the Tigers in a 14-0 hole and they were forced to play from behind, something you don’t want to do against a good team.

Offensively, Massillon had hoped to establish the run and throw when necessary.  But Hoban game-planned to take away the run and force Jalen Slaughter, the sophomore quarterback, to beat them with his arm.  In essence, the Knights covered each wide receiver man-to-man, with a single safety over the top, cheating over toward Ardell Banks.  The remaining players they committed to the box to stop the run.  In essence, they always had more defenders to block that available blockers.

In addition, on EVERY play they blitzed the house, giving Slaughter little time to set up, while closing off all the running lanes.  In the end, they limited 2,000 rusher Willtrell Hartson to just 58 yards on 20 carries and forced three pass interceptions out of Slaughter, who completed 15 of 32 passes for 200 yards,while nimbly avoided the sack for the most part.  Fortunately, Massillon found some passing routes that worked in the second half and were able to put up a couple scores.  Nine of the receptions went to sophomore Braylyn Toles, who totaled 135 yards, most often on skinny post routes, as he was able to blow past the cornerback.

The Tiger offense was completely stymied throughout the first quarter, but started to get untracked in the second with a nice touchdown drive.  Hartson finished it off with 20-yard run off an outside zone play.  Left tackle Marcus Moore effectively sealed the edge and Hartson was able to easily turn the corner, quickly threading his way through the Hoban secondary and into the end zone.  The PAT failed, making the score 14-6.

Hoban followed that up with an 11-yard touchdown run by Sperling, making the halftime score 21-6.  The score was set up by a long catch-and-run pass completion to Crable.

In the third quarter, the Tigers scored again when Dorian Pringle went over from the seven and Slaughter converted a 2-point PAT with a pass to Ja’Meir Gamble.  The score was now 21-14 and the Tigers certainly were in it.

But the defense appeared to tire.  And it didn’t help that offensive tackle Sam Snodgrass could not go due to an injury in the Lake game and Marcus Moore was required to play both ways.  But he hung in there, while taking few breaks.

Nevertheless, the Knights dominated the rest of the way on Sperling runs both inside and outside.  Massillon did manage to sneak in a 20-yard touchdown pass from Slaughter to Hartson, during which Willtrell literally stole the ball from the defender in the end zone.  Meanwhile, Sperling tallied three more TDs, including a long one of 55 yards.

Hoban (13-1) will now face Toledo Central Catholic (13-1) next Thursday in the state finals at Benson Stadium.  Toledo defeated Kings 52-49 in the other semifinal game to advance.  For each of these teams, their only loss was against Lake St. Edward, which will play in the Division I finals next Friday.  Massillon bows out at 12-2, having won their 15th playoff regional title and their fifth in the past six years.

Strangely, beating St. Edward comes back to haunt Massillon football vs. Hoban in OHSAA state semifinal


By Steve Doerschuk, The Repository

AKRON — In terms of raw postseason winning, these are the good old days for Massillon football.

In terms of raw satisfaction, the Tigers keep ending on the note of a Rolling Stones tune dating to before the OHSAA playoffs were born 50 years ago.

They try. And they try. They succeed quite a bit. In the end, they can’t get any satisfaction.

In the frigid final moments of a 41-20 loss to Akron Hoban on Friday night, quarterback Jalen Slaughter turned the open end of his orange helmet toward a blast roaring from a tubular heat blower.

Slaughter had another series to play. He popped his warmed helmet on. But it was too late.

He was replaced at the heat blower by a teammate, who sighed and said, “Maybe next year.”

Akron Hoban, 14-1, advanced to Thursday’s state finals in Canton, against Toledo Central Catholic. Massillon, 12-2, dropped the Division II semifinal in front of an estimated 8,000 at the University of Akron.

“We have a great group of kids who played their tails off all year,” Massillon head coach Nate Moore. “I’m proud of them.”

It seemed plenty plausible the 50th anniversary of the start of Ohio’s playoff system could bring the Tigers their first tournament championship.

Their 12-game winning streak featured a 31-28 win over defending Division I state champ Lakewood St. Edward. It was St. Ed’s only 2022 loss, and the Eagles are back in the D-I title game after trouncing Gahanna Lincoln 31-7 Friday.

Hoban, on the other hand, fell 41-20 to St. Edward in a regular-season finale.

“Our heads were really big at the time we were going into the St. Ed game,” Hoban head coach Tim Tyrrell said. “I talked to them all week about the difference between being arrogant and confident. We were arrogant.

“Our coaches get mad at me for saying this, but St. Ed needed to whip our butt. If we had beat Ed’s, I don’t know if we’d be here at right now.

“And I think it helped St. Ed that that Massillon beat them. Ed’s has not looked like that since then. Sometimes undefeated is not the best thing.”

Did somebody mention good old days?

At the 40th anniversary of the OHSAA playoffs, when Massillon competed exclusively in the OHSAA’s big-school division, the program’s postseason record was 27-20.

Across the last 10 seasons, since the Tigers went to Division II, the record is 25-9.

Few in Ohio in any division have been as hot as the Tigers, who have won 23 postseason games across the last six years under Moore.

“We can definitely play with anybody,” Moore said. “We had to go out and play well tonight. We just didn’t play well enough.

“Credit to Hoban. They’re really good.”

The Tigers struggled against two Hoban seniors, Ohio Mr. Football finalist Lamar Sperling and 6-foot-3 receiver Jayvian Crable. Through three decisive quarters, Sperling had 226 rushing yards; Crable had 139 receiving yards.

Crable transferred from Massillon to Hoban before the 2020 season. The son of former Massillon All-Ohioan Shawn Crable, Jayvian Crable played quarterback last year before transfer JacQai Long claimed the position this year.

“JacQai is a really good quarterback,” said Crable, whose 2022 positions are receiver and linebacker. “It was great playing against Massillon and some guys who are my friends, but the goal was to get to the state championship game. That’s all I was thinking about the whole time.”

The Tigers fell to 1-3 in playoff games against 10th-year Hoban pilot Tyrell, who has a slight connection to Tigertown. It traces to Lee Tressel, who was Massillon’s head coach in 1956 and ’57.

Lee’s son Jim was two weeks short of his fifth birthday when Joe Sparma ran for a touchdown and threw for another in Massillon’s win over McKinley in the ’57 season finale.




These Teams Have Withstood the Test of Time

These Teams Have Withstood the Test of Time

Over 700 teams participate annually in Ohio High School football.  Once the season is over, almost half qualify for the post-season playoffs, distributed among seven divisions, with each division having four regions.  At the end of four weeks of playoffs, regional championships are awarded and state champs are crowned two weeks later.  It would appear on the surface that every team has decent odds of qualifying for the playoffs in any given year, but this is not necessarily the case.  That’s because there is a group of schools that make it in nearly every year, significantly reducing the odds for the remaining schools.  Here’s a look at that group.

This is the 51st year of the playoffs and the study arbitrarily draws a line beneath the teams in each division that have qualified for the playoffs at least 20 times.  Below are some interesting facts from 1972, the inaugural year of the playoffs, through the 2021 season:

  • There are 57 teams in the overall group, which comprises just 8% of the total number of teams playing football.  Note that Akron Hoban, with 17 qualifications, has been added as the 58th team based on recent success.
  • 38 (66%) have won at least one state title.
  • 55 (95%) have won at least one regional title.
  • 49 (86%) have won more playoff games than they have lost.
  • 12 teams are still alive in the 2022 playoffs through the regional finals.

Among D1 and D2 schools:

  • Cincinnati Moeller (37), Cleveland St. Ignatius (31) and Pickerington / Pickerington Central (30) have the most playoffs appearances.
  • Cleveland St. Ignatius (11), Cincinnati Moeller (9) and Akron St. Vincent (6) have the most state titles.
  • Huber Heights Wayne, Toledo Whitmer, Mentor, Dublin Coffman, Euclid, Massillon and Dover have never won playoff state title.
  • Cincinnati Moeller (17), Cleveland St. Ignatius (15) and Massillon (14) have the most regional titles.
  • Only Euclid has never won a regional title.
  • Cleveland St. Ignatius (74), Columbus DeSales (61) and Pickerington / Pickerington Central (59) have the most playoff wins.
  • Cleveland St. Ignatius (.787), Columbus DeSales (.709) and Lake St. Edward have the highest playoff game winning percentages.
  • Euclid, Solon and Dover have lost more playoff games than they have won.
  • Massillon (14), Columbus DeSales (9), Cincinnati Moeller (8) and Pickerington / Pickerington Central (8) have the most losses in the state semifinal and state final games.

Below is the complete list of teams and their respective playoff data:


Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo News

2022 Booster Club Report – Week 14 – Post-Uniontown…

2022 Booster Club Report – Week 14 – Post-Uniontown Lake

Massillon (12-1) defeated Uniontown Lake (12-2), 24-6, to run their winning streak to 12 games and advance in the playoffs.  It was all-time win No. 932, which ranks 3rd in the nation.  The Tigers will play next against Akron Hoban (13-1) in the state semi finals, this Friday at 7:00 pm at The University of Akron’s Infocision Stadium.



Uniontown Lake

Massillon captured its 15th all-time regional playoff title in a game played at Parma Byers Field. The halftime lead was only 9-0, but could have much greater, save for a stop at the one yard line on their first possession and a fumble at the five near the end of the half.  Nevertheless, Massillon was in control for the entire game and had it salted away midway through the fourth when quarterback Jalen Slaughter connected with Dorian Pringle on a 5-yard touchdown pass.

The playing conditions were miserable for the players, who were forced to battle the sub-freezing cold, a 20 mph wind and an icy playing surface.  “The field was full of ice,” said Head Coach Nate Moore, who thought the game managers could have scraped it one more time before kickoff.  “It was a dangerous playing surface.  And it’s not nice to be tackled on.  The cold was not a big deal, but the wind was.  The wind was affecting the ball differently on each side of the field.”  So, the Tigers were limited to the most part with tag screens to the sidelines.  But in spite of those constraints, the Tigers still managed to roll up 293 yards of offense. But they did it more by tip-toeing to stay upright rather than all-out running.

“I’m really proud of our guys, taking on the Federal League Player of the Year and the Federal League Coach of the Year,” said Moore in jest.  “We couldn’t have started any better,” Moore remarked more seriously, referring to Zach Liebler’s 40-yard kickoff return to midfield to start the game.  Although the Tigers were stopped at the one yard line on their first drive, they tackled Lake in the end zone for a safety on their initial play after taking over the ball.  After the kick from the 20, they then they drove 49 yards in ten plays to go up 7-0, all while consuming the remaining time in the first quarter.  “We just continued to play,” said Moore.  “The defense had an unbelievable game.  Very dominant in a regional final.”

Willtrell Hartson led all rushers with 40 carries for 175 yards a touchdown.  His season total now stands at 1,976 yards, which ties Travis McGuire, who set the record in 1991.  But let’s not forget Pringle in this phase of the game, who time and again entered on 3rd and short to help his team to a first down.

Meanwhile, the defense ruled the night, holding the Blue Streaks to 65 total yards, with zero yards gained on the ground.  Lake’s lone touchdown came late in the game against the second team.  The defense also recorded seven tackles-for-loss, which brings their season total to 106, setting a new Massillon team record.  The previous record was held by the 2005 team, which advanced to the Division 1 state finals.  They are also one quarterback sack shy of tying that record, also set in 2005.

Guest players were Christian Kring, Cody Fair, Ardell Banks and De’Airre Pringle.

Stat leaders:

  • Running back Willtrell Hartson: 40 attempts for 175 yards and 1 touchdown
  • Running back Dorian Pringle: 13 carries for 46 yards and 1 touchdown; 1 receiving touchdown
  • Quarterback Jalen Slaughter: 11 for 17 for 52 yards and 1 touchdown
  • Wide receiver Kyler Wiggins: 9 receptions for 46 yards
  • Linebacker Dorian Pringle: 4.5 (3-3) tackle points
  • Safety Ryan Page: 4.0 (4-0) tackle points
  • Linebacker Cody Fair: 4.0 (2-4) tackle points; 1.0 tackles-for-loss
  • Special teams player Zach Liebler: kickoff return for 40 yards

Akron Hoban

Hoban finished first in Region 5 with a 9-1 record and is currently 13-1.  Their lone loss was a 41-20 setback in Week 10 to Lake St. Edward, a team that Massillon defeated 31-28 in Week 5.  Their regular season signature win this year came against Walsh Jesuit (8-3), 32-20.  They average 40 points per game and give up 14.  The offense is led by running back running Lamar Sperling, who last week against Hudson rushed 34 times for 256 yards and five touchdowns.

Playoff wins were as follows:

  • Willoughby South (4-7): 57-14
  • Barberton (7-5): 31-13
  • Akron St. Vincent (8-4): 47-7
  • Hudson (13-1): 41-7

According to Moore, this is a very good football team with a lot of good players.  Very good up front, with an all-state caliber running back.

On offense, the Knights use several formations, including a lot of bunch sets, where two fullbacks and a wide receiver line up on the edge of the offensive line to create massive interference for the running back on a toss sweeps.  They will also use an alignment whereby Sperling lines up in the pistol with a running back on either side of the quarterback.

Obviously, the offense revolves around 2000-yard rusher Sperling (5-10, 190).  He is a great running back.  As good as Massillon has seen this year.  Very active feet.  Strong and fast.  Will need to gang tackle him.  Will also line up at wide receiver and become the primary target.  So, the Tigers will need to know where he is on every play.  Sperling has committed to Buffalo.

The quarterback is 5-star recruit junior Jacqai Long (6-2, 195), a recent transfer from West Virginia.  He replaces senior Jayvian Crable, who struggled at the position last year.  Long has good arm strength and accuracy.  Athletic and will run some.  He is very effective at what he does (mostly giving the ball to Sperling).

The Knights use four wide receivers.  The best among them is Crable (6-2), 210.  He has very good hands, is big and strong and runs good routes with decent speed.

The offensive line is good as a group, with the best player being senior right guard Drew Holt (6-1, 285).  Right Tackle junior William Satterwhite (6-5, 290) has offers from Kentucky, Michigan State and Pittsburgh.  The line averages 6′-3″, 311 lbs.

The defense aligns in a 4-3 with cover-2.  When two receivers are on one side of the field, they drop a safety down into press coverage against the slot and go to cover-1.  The strength of the defense is the front-7.  Expect a blitz around 30% of the time.

The best player on the defense line is 4-year starter senior Jason Martin (5-11, 295).  He plays like a bigger version of Massillon’s Mike Wright Jr.  Comes off the ball well and is a good at penetrating the line.  The group averages 6′-1″, 253 lbs.

Two linebackers stand out.  The Sam is junior Caleb Jones (5-9, 180), who will play both inside and outside.  He is physical, a great tackler and has quick reactions.  The Mike is junior Rickey Williams (6-1, 220).  He is physical and plays downhill.  A good tackler.

The best defensive back is junior Tysen Campbell (5-11, 170), who has offers from  Michigan and Kentucky.

Massillon is considered the home team for this game.  However, fans will sit on the visitors side.


The Tigers with their 12-1 record are bidding for their 25th state title and first since the playoffs were initiated in 1972.  They participated in the playoff state finals in six previous years, losing three times in Division 1 (1980, 1982, 2005) and three times in Division 2 (2018, 2018, 2020).  They average 37 points per game and give up 15.  On offense, they are successful on third down conversions 50% of the time, which is the best all-time performance in at least the last twenty years.  Defensively, Massillon holds opponents to 2.6 yards per rushing attempt, the Tigers’ best all-time mark during the era of the spread offense.

Massillon is led by senior running back Willtrell Hartson, who has gained 1,976 yards (6.3 ave.) and scored 30 rushing touchdowns.  Sophomore quarterback Jalen Slaughter has completed 124 of 222 passes (56%) for 1,843 yards and 23 touchdowns.  Three players have caught at least 30 passes: senior Ardell Banks (33-779-12), sophomore Braylyn Toles (33-441-5) and junior Kyler Wiggins (31-331-2).  The leading tackler is junior Dorian Pringle, who has 63.5 (45-37) tackle points, 18.0 tackles-for-loss, 5.5 quarterback sacks and one fumble recovery.  Other defenders recording excellent tackle numbers include junior Cody Fair (58.5), junior Ryan Page (57.5), and senior De’Airre Pringle (52.0).  Hartson and Banks have several Division 1 offers, while defensive lineman Marcus Moore has accepted an offer from The University of Akron.



2022: Massillon 24, Uniontown Lake 6

Tigers Brave the Weather, Defeat Lake to Win Regional Title



In a parody of the 1942 film Casablanca, starring Humphrey Bogart, Woody Allen released a movie in 1972 called, “Play It Again, Sam.”  The Massillon football team must have spent Thursday evening watching the big screen, because they copied that movie script to the letter.  “Play It Again, Sam.”  And that they did.  Using a low-risk “ground-and-pound” offense and a stifling defense, they completely dismantled Uniontown Lake 24-6 to capture their 15th all-time OHSAA regional championship.  Next up is Akron Hoban in a state semifinal match.  The game will be held on Friday at The University of Akron’s Infocision Stadium.  Hoban defeated Hudson 41-7 to advance in Region 5.

The win came in spite of playing on a bitter cold night, with 15-degree wind chill and large portions of snow on the field making the footing a little dicey.  It was also particularly difficult for any offense going against the wind.  Plus, the quarterbacks just couldn’t grip the ball well and had trouble adjusting to the wind.

Lake came into the game with a lone loss, coming to Canton McKinley in Week 7.  The rest of the Federal League fell victum.  To their advantage was a powerful ground game and a physical defense that many expected would permit them to go toe-to-toe with Massillon.  But their offense was bottled up nearly the entire night and only scored after the Tigers inserted their second unit.  Meanwhile, their defense did play hard, better than most previous Massillon opponents, statistics-wise.  But they just couldn’t get off the field when it mattered.  So, Lake bows out at 12-2, having concluded one of their best seasons in many years.

The Tiger offense did what it had done over the past many weeks.  They ran Willtrell Hartson on first down.  Then they ran him on second down.  Finally, faced with a third and short, they brought in 220 lb. Dorian Pringle for the 2-back set and ran either back for the first down. Once in awhile, they sprinkled in a tag screen for added effect.  It’s a throwback to the 1970s and it can be a bit boring for the fans, but it absolutely works.  Sixty-three times they ran the ball, exceeded this year only by the 64 rushes versus Austintown Fitch.  With just 17 passes thrown, the run-pass ratio was 79%, much greater than a traditional spread offense ratio of 60%.  Of course, the effect is to wear down the opponent, which this year Lake had only seen up to 45 rushes against them by any other opponent.

Hartson finished the night with 40 carries, his highest total of the year, equaling that of the Fitch game.  He also had 175 yards, his third highest of the year, to go along with one touchdown.  With those 175 yards, he has now accumulated 1,976 total yards, matching that of Travis McGuire, who set this mark in 1991.  Coincidentally, McGuire is Hartson’s running backs coach.  For sure, McGuire is proud of this achievement.

Pringle rushed 13 times for 46 yards and a touchdown and also caught a touchdown pass.  Quarterback Jalen Slaughter was limited mostly to tag screens and completed 11 of 17 for 52 yards.  Enough to keep the defense honest.  On the receiving end was Kyler Wiggins, who caught nine passes for 46 yards.

On defense, the Tigers plainly and simply overmatched the Blue Streaks.  Lake failed to gain a single net yard on the ground.  Whatever minimal yardage was gained, was quickly negated by quarterback sacks.  They tried every kind of running play in their arsenal and nothing seemed to work.  Some success was achieved early off of tag screens because the corners were playing back.  But after they were brought up, those passes weren’t there.  In the second quarter the Blue Streaks managed to drive to the Massillon 13 yards line, and faced a comfortable second and five situation.  But the Tigers quickly snuffed that with three consecutive quarterback sacks.  It was the last time Lake would threaten until after the second unit was inserted.

Massillon received the opening kickoff, which Zach Liebler returned to the Tiger 48, setting his team up in great field position.  From that point, the offense went to work using the play-calling philosophy described above.  It worked well until they were near the goal line when Lake stopped the drive at the one yard line.  So Lake took over.  But the snap was fumbled in the end zone and the miscue resulted in a safety.

Massillon’s second drove went much better, when they drove 49 yards in 10 plays for a touchdown, with Hartson going in from the four on the first play of the second quarter.  And that was all of the scoring for the first half.  The other three Tiger possessions ended in a punt and two fumbles, the second occurring at the Lake five yard line.

In the first possession of the third quarter, the Tigers drove 49 yards in 10 plays and scored when Pringle bulled in from the two.  A third TD was added in the fourth on a 5-yard pass to Pringle, essentially putting the game out of reach for the Blue Streaks.  After an exchange of punts, the backups were inserted.  Up to that point Lake had gained negative 18 yards on the ground and 39 yards in the air, all while failing to score.

Starting field position also played a role in the outcome, with Massillon starting on average at their own 43 and Lake at their own 27.

Pringle once again led the team in tackle points, this time with 4.5.  Ryan Page and Cody Fair each had 4.0.  Maverick  Clark recovered a fumble.

Writer’s note: If there was ever a case to be made for Stark County Player of  the Year, it would be for Pringle.  On defense he plays like Chris Spielman and leads the team in both tackles (63.5) and tackles-for-loss (18.0).  The TFL number ties the all-time season record set by Caiden Woullard.  He also has 5.5 sacks.  And don’t forget his play at the end of the St. Edward game, where he caused and recovered a fumble that led to Massillon’s victory.  Then there is his offensive play: 51 carries for 291 yards and five touchdowns, averaging 5.7 yards per attempt.  Finally, he was instrumental in helping his team to a regional title.  The coaches of Stark County really missed on this one.


‘Outmatched and undermanned’: Massillon football too much for Lake in OHSAA regional final

By Josh Weir, The Repository

PARMA — A night such as Friday — with 20 mile-per-hour winds making 27 degrees feel like 14 — meant dealing with the elements as much as the opponent.

Massillon’s high school football team handled both like a champion.

The Tigers defense stonewalled Lake on a stone-cold night and got enough support from its offense to win the Division II, Region 7 final 24-6 at Parma’s Byers Field.

“At this point, it’s just win,” Massillon head coach Nate Moore said about his team’s mindset in dealing with the circumstances of Friday. “We won the ballgame and we live to fight another day.”

The Tigers’ fifth regional championship in the last six years sets up another meeting with old friend Hoban, which beat Hudson 41-7 in the Region 5 final.

Massillon (12-1) will face Hoban (13-1) the day after Thanksgiving at the University of Akron in a 7 p.m. state semifinal.


Massillon outrushed Lake 241-2, with senior Willtrell Hartson running for 175 yards and a touchdown on a workman-like 40 carries. Junior Dorian Pringle produced an outstanding overall game, running for a 2-yard touchdown, catching a 5-yard TD pass from Jalen Slaughter and keying the defensive effort at linebacker.

“We ain’t satisfied,” Hartson said. “We’ve got two more weeks to go.”

Hartson’s 175 yards tie him with Travis McGuire for most single-season rushing yards in Massillon history at 1,976. McGuire, the running backs coach at Massillon today, set the mark in 1991.

Lake’s defense came to play, holding the Tigers to 3.8 yards a carry in a game that turned into a between-the-tackles battle royale thanks to the howling wind.

“It was tough sledding,” Moore said. “You’ve got to give credit to Lake. They were physical and well-coached. We had to grind it out. There wasn’t a whole lot of explosive plays. But we were able to grind out first downs and pick up several fourth downs. Possessing the ball, especially going into the wind, was key.”

Possess the ball they did. Lake ran one play in the first quarter, and it resulted in points for the Tigers.

The Blue Streaks had just stopped Hartson at the 1 on fourth-and-goal (the 16th play of Massillon’s opening drive). Lake fumbled the ensuing quarterback-center exchange in the end zone. Running back Matt Sollberger picked up the loose ball but was dropped for a safety by Massillon linebacker Maverick Clark.

The Tigers then marched 49 yards in 10 plays, ending with Hartson’s 3-yard touchdown run on the first play of the second quarter.

“It was a great start to the game,” Moore said. “We started into the wind, which was tough. But our backs ran hard and our offensive line played really well and we were able to pick up first downs on the ground and possess the ball.”

At that point, Massillon had run 26 plays to Lake’s one and led 9-0.

Lake’s next play was a high snap that led to a 4-yard loss, followed by a snap completely over the head of quarterback Cale Jarvis for an 11-yard loss.

“We lost our center from last week, so we had another guy playing center and that showed on that first drive,” Lake head coach Dan DeGeorge said. “We were just outmatched and undermanned tonight. Massillon is a very good football team.”

In a season partially defined by overcoming injuries, they finally seemed too much for Lake (12-2). At least they were in facing a team the caliber of Massillon.

Lake needed to be at its best to have a shot at knocking off the Tigers in the first ever matchup between the two Stark County programs.

Instead, the Blue Streaks had to battle like wounded animals.

Sollberger reaggravated the ankle injury that knocked him out of last week’s regional semifinal on Friday’s first play, and this was not an ideal night to be without a 1,200-yard running back.

Lake also was without All-Federal League punter Celton Dutton because of a fractured arm, forcing junior Nate Baker to do the punting on top of filling in at running back some, playing wide receiver and starting in the defensive secondary.

The Blue Streaks, who lost three starting defensive linemen to season-ending injuries during the course of the year, watched two more (Riley Fuimaono and Nate Sponseller) be helped off in Friday’s second half.

Squinting as the brutal wind beat against his face, DeGeorge said, “It was a tough night to play. This is one of the worst nights I’ve coached in. But my kids kept fighting.”

When Lake found any kind of spark offensively, Massillon’s defense was there to snuff it out.

The Blue Streaks drove to Massillon’s 13 late in the second quarter. Massillon’s Malachi Card, Michael Wright Jr. and Brandon Carman answered with three straight sacks of Jarvis to force a turnover on downs.

Lake had a fourth-and-1 in Massillon territory on the first play of the fourth quarter, but the 5-foot-11, 220-pound Pringle drilled 6-3, 215-pound Will Butler and jarred the ball loose for another stop.

Lake finished with 64 yards of offense on 36 plays.

“Our coordinators Craig McConnell and Spencer Leno did a phenomenal job prepping for these guys and our kids just go out and play hard and run to the football and defeat blocks,” Moore said. “That’s really what defense is all about. Do your job.”

Kyler Wiggins caught nine passes for 46 yards to give some balance to Massillon, which lost two fumbles and was penalized six times for 65 yards.

Sollberger reentered the game late and scored on an 18-yard run to avoid the shutout for Lake. Butler, the Federal League Player of the Year, had 11 yards on 12 carries. Jarvis was 6-of-12 passing for 62 yards, with Baker catching four of the passes for 43 yards.

Sophomore Charlie Christopher, junior Evan Brady and the senior Butler led a Lake defense that went hit-for-hit with Massillon.

“They’re just tough as nails,” DeGeorge said of his defense. “Half of them are banged up and battling injuries.”

DeGeorge spent a long time on the field afterwards saying good-bye to players who helped Lake win a piece of its first league title since 1998. Before this postseason, the Blue Streaks had won one playoff game since their 2010 state semifinal team.

“I’m just so happy for the kids, that they got to experience this,” DeGeorge said. “It was great for our community. It put us back on the map a little bit, where we need to be more consistently, and that falls on me. This is something we want to enjoy, but we need to be back here more often.”

Massillon now has won 20 straight games against Stark County teams.

It was a Federal League team (Green) that ended the Tigers’ season in a regional final last year.

They seemed pleased with their regional championship trophy Friday, but there was no big celebration.

Massillon has its sights on a different trophy.

“We have bigger goals than this,” Moore said. “We’re happy to be here. It’s an honor to be here. But at the same time, we’re happy to be moving forward because it puts us in position to reach our ultimate goal.”