WHEN: August 17th, 2017
WHERE: Eagles 190 – www.eagles190.com
TIME: 6:00 P.M.
HOW MUCH?: $250/ticket – includes steak dinner and entry to raffle.
HOW DO I GET TICKETS?: contact Mark Fair (markfair@hotmail.com) or Anthony Repp (repp.anthony@gmail.com) – Also available at Keller’s Office Furniture – 47 Lincoln Way W.
The Sideliners will be hosting their annual fundraiser. This reverse raffle fundraiser is used to offset the costs of feeding our Massillon Tigers each week prior to the weekly game. Included with your ticket will be a steak dinner and the main event is a reverse raffle with $13,000 in payouts. The ticket price is $250.
Read below about the Sideliners program
Important Sideliner dates:
August 19th 1:00 p.m. – Team picnic at Stadium Park. Meet your player. Bring chairs and a covered dish.
August 23rd time T.B.D. – Rally downtown.
August 24th 6:00 p.m. – 1st team dinner at Knights of Columbus.
If you are interested in becoming a sideliner, please contact Mark Fair (markfair@hotmail.com) or Anthony Repp (repp.anthony@gmail.com).
Thanks, Mark Fair & Anthony Repp (co-chairmen of Sideliners)