******Beat McKinley Parade Information******
We are very happy to announce that this year’s Beat McKinley Parade WILL go down Lincoln Way!
As opposed to previous years the parade will stage on 8th St NE between State St and Lincoln Way. The map of the parade route along with maps of the staging area is included in this post. We’ll continue to use this post for any questions throughout the week.
The staging area will be blocked off by the city at 5:30pm on Friday night and the parade will kickoff at 7:00. We’ll go down Lincoln Way to 1st St NW and end at the Rec Center for the traditional Pep Rally and Bonfire.
It will be important for everyone to understand WHERE they’ll line up if they are in the parade, and maps are attached to this post.
The Color Guard, Tiger Swing Band, and the parents of the Tiger Swing Band will line up on 8th St between Lincoln Way and Federal.
The Mayor, Homecoming Court, Cheerleaders, and Corvette Club will line up on 8th St between Federal and North St.
The flat bed trucks carrying Tiger Moms, Reserve/Freshman Cheerleaders, Boys and Girls Club teams and Cheerleaders, and 4th Grade thru 9th Grade Football will line up on 8th St between North St and Andrew Ave. Flat beds will also offload on Tommy Henrich Blvd after they’ve passed Eagles 190 to help ensure a constant traffic flow. PLEASE DO NOT jump off your flat bed while it’s still moving.
The general public who would like to enter the parade will enter the staging area at State St and 8th and will line up at Andrew Ave and 8th St.
As a reminder, please register for the parade by emailing us at parade@massillontigers.com with your name and vehicle type.
The parade is for our kids and to celebrate this great rivalry we get to be a part of. Have fun, be safe, and BEAT MCKINLEY!