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Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1911: Massillon 0, Cleveland Shaw 6

Shaw Well Versed
in Punt Running and Catching
Cleveland Made material Gains
Through the Local Line
Whenever Yards Were Needed
Few Plays Went Around Stearns or Rudy,
of Massillon’s Ends

After having seen the sights of Cleveland in a forty mile automobile strip, Saturday morning, the high school donned the orange and black suits and almost gave Shaw high school the game without protest.

For some reason Massillon was unable to get into football condition. The greatest mistake made was, according to the majority of the by-standers, Massillon’s determination to play a kicking game when a few minutes of hammering the Shaw line would have broken the road for clear playing.

And when relying on the kicking Massillon lost, for Heyman was not at his best. The ball frequently fell short. Punt recovering was not very noticeable by Massillon players. Time and again a punt was fumbled but if it had been held material gains would have been credited to Massillon.

Shaw did not show up on trick plays to any advantage and the home team was working a great part of the game in Shaw territory. Relying, the latter part of the game on forwards, which occasionally worked out, Massillon spruced up slightly but every opportunity for scoring offered was thrown carelessly away.

Shaw was unable to make any gains on tricks, resorting principally to line bucking. Gains were seldom made around either of the ends.

The plays see-sawed up and down the field but finally the balloon went up near the close of the second quarter when Taylor, Shaw’s fullback, carried the ball through the line for a touchdown. One more point was scored when Shaw kicked goal.

Rudy, Miller and Ryder, for Massillon, are to be commended for their quick work in breaking up forwards for Shaw. Several times the members of this trio made individual attempts to catch the passes and saved Massillon from a much worse defeat.

The attendance at the game was fair, but was not as great as Shaw officials had expected. The Case-Dennison football game and the Cincinnati game at Cleveland drew heavily form the high school game. Weather conditions were the best and the grounds were superior to any Massillon high school has played on this season.

Lineup and summary
Shaw Pos. Massillon
A. Ward le Rudy
McNamara lt Wagoner
Riblet c Ryder
Battenfield rg Wells
Queiser rt Baltzly
Allan (capt.) re Stearns
Ferrier qb Arther (capt.)
Locke lhb Miller
Taylor fb Kester
Gordon rhb Heyman

Shaw 6
Massillon 0

Shaw – Taylor.

Shaw – Taylor.

Referees – Baer (Oberlin).
Umpire – Bast.
Head Linesman – Bowie (Reserve).

Time of periods: 10, 12y, 10, 12y/

Time of game – 2:15

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1911: Massillon 3, Alliance 0

Seriously Handicapped,
but Not Afraid of Muddy Field
The First Five Minutes of the Game
was the Only Chance Alliance High School Had
to Look at the Massillon Goal
Playing was Always Close

Massillon high was able to score only three points against Alliance high school Saturday afternoon. It was the only score but you can leave it to any of the rooters who accompanied the orange and black to the college town if the play which score the points was simply a flash in the pan.

Only during the first five minutes of the first twelve and one-half minute quarter was the ball in Massillon’s territory. There are no exceptions to that statement. The game was played entirely by Massillon in the Alliance territory usually between the forty yard line and the goal.

The Hartshorn field was the scene of the game and that field was really and truly a scene. It was not fit for high school ball and the question which filled the minds of Massillon people was how college teams would condescend to play football on a city dump. Muddy all over and partly covered with water, one end of the field between the ten yard line and the goal was no less than eighteen inches higher than the remainder of the field. An actual terrace was made on the field and has never been graded off.

Due to the field, but let it be understood, Alliance played good ball, the Massillon team was greatly handicapped. The first half of the game passed off without much excitement, no score being made.

The second half saw the Massillon team tightening up. There was no fancy playing. Captain Arther worked his brains and the team and finally located the bunch in a favorable place for a drop kick. It was not more than fifteen yards before the goal but Heyman applied the boot and over the ball flew, scoring the lonely three points. A second attempt was made at the goal but it was unsuccessful.

The lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Alliance
Stearns, Wells le Geltz
Baltzly lt H. Tanner
Baer, Weymer lg Scott
Rider c Howson
Baer rg Auld, Stroup
Wagoner rt Schultz
Rudy re Richards
Arther qb Albright
Miller lhb Kallenbaugh
Kester fb F. Tanner
Heyman rhb Pennell, Rosenblum

Drop kick:
Massillon – Heyman.

Referee – Clark; Bast.

Time of periods: 12y minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1911: Massillon 39, Barberton 9

Defeated Barberton by Good Score, Saturday Afternoon
MILLER AND BALTZLY STARRED They Played Fast Ball, as Did the Entire Team Visitors Resorted to Trick of Playing Old 1909 Football New Plays Were Worked Out for Massillon

The Massillon high school is celebrating another important victory as the result of the fast, scientific playing against Barberton high school on the local grounds Saturday afternoon.

Barberton resorted almost entirely to animal strength, fearing to try quick plays or passes, for the Massillon ends were ever on the alert. Only once did the visitors make any material gain on one of their own trick plays which was nothing more than an ordinary pass, manufactured in 1909 and laid up on the shelf until Saturday. The entire game showed Massillon’s superior football training.

Miller, left halfback for Massillon high, could be seen in the thickest of every play and was always an important factor. Time and again he broke through the Barberton line and threw off tackling opponents. Baltzly, too did the same thing time after time and found non-breakable interference whenever opportunity presented itself.
Massillon kicked to Barberton. The ball was recovered by Massillon on a fumble. Heyman and Miller alternated at following strong interference for good gains. Kester carried the ball and was downed after five yards. Heyman broke through the line untouched and carried the ball about five yards. Heyman, Kester and then Heyman bucked the line for material gains.

Massillon fumbled to Barberton but unable to make yards they were forced to punt, Arther receiving. The ball was passed to both Miller and Heyman on different plays, gains being made each time. Arther fumbled, recovered the ball and on the next down Heyman received a fake pass and gained around end. On the next and final down to this section of the game, Heyman made a touchdown on a forward pass. Goal was kicked.

Barberton kicked to Gester, who carried the ball near the center of the field. Massillon punted. Arther downed the runner almost before he had received the ball. Rider, too, made a quick tackle. Here it was that Barberton made its only material gain through Massillon’s line and this time it was for only about ten yards.

Barberton punted but Baer, a new man on the local team, blocked the punt. The ball was recovered by Kester. Arther and Kester took turns bucking the line and making gains. Heyman and Miller each made yards on various plays. Arther and Heyman gained on plays. Miller and Arther followed suit and made yards for the team. Kester on what is called “chew the rag” play, scored the second touchdown. Try at goal failed, the angle being too great.

Kester again received from Barberton and advanced the ball to the forty yard line. Heyman made a long gain around left end. Massillon punted and time was called for the first quarter. Score: Massillon 11; Barberton 0.

The ball was put in play at the opposite end of the field from the last quarter, Barberton gaining about twenty yards. Kester recovered the ball when Foust fumbled. Massillon fumbled, Barberton recovering. Rowe broke away from the entire crowd and was called for a touchdown when Stoner made a pretty tackle in downing him on the fifteen yard line. Chismell scored on a forward. Goal was kicked.

Heyman received and advanced the ball fifteen yards and on the next play duplicated his feat. Miller, Kester and Heyman again made good gains. Rudy made an attempt at a pass but was interfered with, Barberton recovering the ball. Stoner picked up a fumble on the one-yard line. Heyman fumble and Miller recovered. Barberton got the ball on downs and punted to Stoner. Heyman punted and the ball was recovered at the other end of the field by Stoner, who turned the play into a touchdown. Goal was kicked.

Barberton kicked to Heyman. Massillon punted to Barberton. Barberton punted to Massillon. Barberton, after interfering with a forward recovered the ball. Massillon received the ball on downs. Heyman punted and Wells recovered the ball back of the goal posts making another touchdown. Try at goal failed.

Massillon kicked off, the ball going back of the goal line. It was brought in and put in play by Barberton. Time was called for the second quarter. Score: Massillon 22; Barberton 6.

Barberton kicked to Kester, Miller, Heyman and Kester working together tore up the Barberton line for heavy gains. From this time on the Barberton line weakened, several players having taken time out to recover wind and receive rub downs. Barberton added to Massillon’s fun by being penalized for off side playing. Miller hammered the line and broke away for a touchdown. Goal was kicked.

Barberton kicked to Wagoner. Kester fumbled to Barberton; Barberton punted and recovered the ball. It was here that Barberton made its last score. Having worked themselves into position for a placekick, Chismell booted the ball over.

Another fumble on the kickoff, Barberton recovering. Rider received a forward when the ball became Massillon’s again. Rudy recovered Heyman’s punt and ran for a touchdown but was out of bounds when within a foot of the goal. Kester made a touchdown on bucking. The third quarter closed. Score: Massillon, 33; Barberton 9.

Barberton kicked to Heyman, who returned the kick. The ball was set in play in the center of the field. Punts were exchanged, Barberton seeing the hopelessness of its winning. The playing became loosened until Heyman made a touchdown. Goal was kicked. Time was called for the last quarter. The score ended with 30 points in Massillon’s favor. Barberton had 9.
The Lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Barberton
Stearns, Stoner, Johns le Hollinger, Rowe
Wagoner lt Mansfield
Weymer lg Haggerty
Rider c Geottge
Baer, Wells rg Wile
Baltzley rt Yackee
Rudy re Everhardt
Arther qb Chismell
Miller lhb Foust
Kester fb Brokaw
Heyman rhb Brooks

Massillon – Kester 2; Heyman 2; Stoner, Wells, Miller.

Massillon – Heyman.
Barberton – Chrismell.

Barberton – Chrismell.

Referee – Bast; Perren.

Times of periods: 12y minutes.

Time of game 3 o’clock.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1911: Massillon 63, Uhrichsville 0

Local School Team
Defeated Uhrichsville 65 to 0
Massillon Boys Outweighed Visitors;
but to That the Entire Credit Cannot be Laid
Coach Fugate’s New, Brilliant Passes Worked Without a Hitch

Although Uhrichsville was represented by a team of small boys, it was the general opinion, Saturday afternoon, when Massillon high school defeated the former team by the score of 65 to 0 that Coach Fugate had turned out an almost wonderful team this year. The larger part of the team is of first year material.

The home team outweighed the Uhrichsville players by several pounds and showed much greater skill in their playing due to their training. The new passes, which to spectators would seem complex and almost impossible, worked out as regularly and smoothly as clock work.

Massillon’s backfield, including Kester, Heyman and Miller, together with Arther, quarterback, figured in most of the plays, although several times the linemen broke the rules of football etiquette and made touchdowns on fumbles.

Time and again, Heyman, playing right half, ploughed the line, but his plays were more spectacular as he dodged in and out through the numerous little Uhrichsville boys who were trying to play catch with him. In dodging football players it is doubtful if anyone could have dodged more men than did he.

Kester, fullback, was strong on plunging. Although he was given wonderful support and interference by the line players, when “Jake” could not see the hole where he though it should be, he made on to suit his ideas.

Miller, playing left half, played his first game with Massillon high school and played it well. He worked several times with forward passes and several connections with Uhrichsville boys long enough to make two touchdowns, both as the result of passes.

Captain Arther, also quarterback, came in for his turn time after time. Once, during the first quarter, he saw the ball roaming aimlessly about the field and after sticking it under his arm where the Uhrichsville players would not be likely to see it, walked to the goal line and made a touchdown.

Stoner, Rudy, Wagoner and Arther are the men whom the score keeper credits with making single touchdowns. Heyman leads the list with three. Kester and Miller follow with two each.

The majority of scores were made during the first quarter. Uhrichsville won the toss up and chose to receive. Massillon kicked and from that time, continuing about one minute and a little less than thirty seconds, the ball was kept in play until Heyman got the ball on first down and touched.

Practically the whole game was played in the same way. Massillon usually kicked off and of course it was always a Massillon player who made the touchdown.

All the new material on the team showed up in fine form. Albright, a new player, picked up the ball on a kickoff and carried it past several tacklers for over fifteen yards. It was the first time he had ever been in a football game.

The team will oppose Barberton on the local grounds next Saturday and look for a harder game.

Lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Uhrichsville
Stoner le McClave
Wagoner lt Demuth
Wells, Weimer lg Reed
Rudy, Ryder c Green
Limbach, Albright rg Ripley
Baltzly rt Hellyer
Stearns, Johns re Dooling
Arther qb Reese
Miller lhf Beltz
Kester fb Exley
Heymen rhb Retzler

Massillon – Heyman; Kester; Miller; Arther; Wagoner; Rudy; Stoner.

Massillon – Heyman 10.

Referee – Bast.


Time of periods – Two 10 minute; Two 12y minute.

Time of game – 3 o’clock.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1910: Massillon 24, Ashland College 0

Players Struggled Through the Mud for Victory


Zintsmaster made Two Touchdowns
Clay Starred at Tackling,
Also at Carrying the Ball and the Ashland Team
Forward Pass Worked Perfectly

The Massillon high school team Thursday afternoon brought its season to a triumphant close by defeating the Ashland college team by the score of 24 to 0.

When the players left the high school field after the game they were soaked to the skin and mud and water were dripping and streaming from their uniforms. Ashland undoubtedly felt the worse drowned out of the two, for when the game ended the score stood 24 to 0 in favor of the husky aggregation that has met with so many reverses during the past season, and that has during the same time been so often unjustly blamed for its defeats.

The Ashland team, though it outweighed Massillon at least 25 pounds to a man, was completely outplayed at every position and at every stage of the game. The field, fairly wet at the start, was a veritable lake of mud before the game ended, and the players slipped, stopped and slid hither and thither in the slimy, slippery slush, while the spectators hurled imprecations into the teeth of the weather. And through it all, it rained.

At about 3 o’clock the pigskin spheroid was propped up on a heap of sawdust in the center of the field and the Massillon kicker booted it 40 yards to Ashland. Within a few minutes the ball was Massillon’s and the orange and black began a steady advance toward the goal. Massillon attempted to punt, but was blocked. Ashland got the ball and punted out of the danger region. Massillon held its opponents and got the ball on downs.

Clay took the ball, and with half the Ashland team clinging to his muddy garments, went through the line for a five yard gain. Massillon fumbled the ball, Ashland recovering, 30 yards from the goal. Kester tackled an Ashland man several yards back of the scrimmage line. Ashland attempted a placekick, but it was blocked before the ball was two feet from the ground.

Ashland now put its shoulder to the wheel, and by the aid of a supreme effort managed to come within five yards of Massillon’s goal, where it very unceremoniously lost the ball on downs. Heyman came to the rescue for Massillon, punting the ball 50 yards down the field to a safe haven in the arms of an Ashland player, many miles from home. Massillon held its own, and Ashland was forced to punt, the ball landing safely in Miller’s arms. Heyman carried the ball for a 25 yard gain and Custer made 15 yards more, when Ashland began to hold and was given the ball.
Clay made a sensational tackle of the man carrying the ball, getting him around the neck several yards back of the line of scrimmage. Ashland punted and Massillon recovered. Kester and Clay each made five yards straight through Ashland’s heavy line and the ball was fumbled, Ashland recovering it. The first period ended with the ball not five yards from the center of the field, where play was first started.

Ashland began the second period by fumbling the ball. Custer slip several yards through the mud in an attempt to recover the ball, but an Ashland player beat him to it. Clay made another tackle behind the line and Ashland was forced to punt, recovering its own ball. Massillon held well, and Ashland again punted, Miller recovering the ball.

By this time the players were well covered with mud. Clay’s face was as black as a coal pile, where one of his opponents had affectionately caressed him.

Receiving the ball on a punt one of Ashland’s players broke away and was within 15 yards of the goal when Miller, coming in from behind, tackled him low and brought him to the ground with a crack. Massillon held its own and Ashland punted. Zintsmaster received the ball from the punt and made a sensational run for the first touchdown, while the crowd went wild with enthusiasm. Goal of the field. Goal was kicked, making the score 13 to 0.

Ashland kicked off to Massillon, Custer returning 30 yards before being downed.

Massillon punted 50 yards or more down the field, the ball rolling over the line, where it was recovered by an Ashland player. Miller, coming up at top speed tackled the man behind the goal line, and another touchdown was scored for Massillon. Goal was again kicked. Score 19 to 0. Shortly afterward time was called for the first half.

On account of the bad condition of the weather the teams took only a short intermission, and again went into the game. Neither team left the game from the time of the first kick off till the whistle blew for the end of the game. In the meantime, Yell-leader Thompson, with a crowd of trusty rooters, made the field ring with shouts of encouragement.

Massillon kicked off to Ashland at the beginning of the second half, and again the pigskin chasers slid hither and yon through the mud. Just as dusk was falling on the turbid waters, Clay carried the ball and the greater part of the Ashland team down the field for a long gain; bringing up only a few yards from the goal, and Custer swam over the line for the fourth and last touchdown of the game. Goal was missed, leaving the score 24 to 0.

This signal victory of the local team over a college team that outweighs it heavily, and under the most unfavorable circumstances for the lighter of the two contesting teams, shows a great advance over conditions at the beginning of the season.

The line-up:

Massillon Pos. Ashland
Arthur le Findley
Keeton lt Hostler
Wagner lg Chapman
Portmann c Fulk
Huffman rg Spreng
Clay rt Ankrum
Zintsmaster re Miller
Custer lh Kempler
Custer lh Wise
Kester fb Shamberger
Heyman rh Baer

Massillon – Zintsmaster 2; Miller; and Custer.

Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Sites.
Field Judge – Leahy.
Head Linesman – Merwin.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1910: Massillon 30, Mansfield 0

Game Was Clean, Fast and Snappy


Massillon Team Shows Great Improvement in Team Work
Forward Passes Used Successfully
No Penalties in Entire Game

In a clean, fast game the Massillon high school football team defeated the Mansfield team by the score of 30 to 0, Saturday afternoon on the high school grounds.

The locals outplayed the visitors in every respect and never was the Massillon goal in danger, while the Mansfield line was crossed five times by the orange and black. The game was one of the cleanest ever played on the local grounds and neither team was penalized throughout the entire game. The teams were about equal in weight but the Massillon backs plunged through the opposing line at all times for substantial gains, while Mansfield was usually held.

The local team showed great improvement in team work over the beginning of the season, and the forward passes were carried out in great shape. Two of the touchdowns were made by the use of them.

At 2:30 the teams lined up with Massillon kicking to Mansfield. Longsdorf received the kick and advanced the ball ten yards. Mansfield made five yards around right end and then two at the same place. A run around left end gained five yards, two yards were made through left tackle and two through right tackle and a forward brought no gain. Massillon’s ball.

Kester made three yards through left tackle; Heyman gained twelve yards around right end; Clay tore off ten yards through left tackle and Heyman made five yards at the same place. Kester gained four yards at left tackle and Huffman went twelve yards through center for a touchdown after four minutes of play. Heyman kicked goal. Score 6 to 0.

Massillon again kicked to Mansfield and the runner was thrown back for a loss. Mansfield made six yards through center; four yards at left tackle and one yard at right tackle and was then thrown for a loss and punted thirty-five yards.

Miller received the punt and returned it a short distance. Clay tore off ten yards at right tackle; Custer rammed five yards through left tackle and Kester ran for five yards around left end. Huffman made no gain around right end; Heyman gained twenty yards on a forward pass from Zintsmaster; Heyman was held on the one yard line and Huffman failed to gain; Zintsmaster received a forward pass from Miller and made a touchdown. Heyman kicked goal. Score 12 to 0.

Massillon kicked to Mansfield. Runner tackled after a ten yard run. Mansfield gained ten yards, and on the next two downs was thrown back for losses. End of first period with ball on Massillon’s forty yard line.

Second period: Heyman received Mansfield’s punt. Kester gained nine yards around left end; Heyman gained five yards at left tackle, and Custer gained twelve yards at right, and Huffman gained five yards at the same place. Kester got ten yards at right guard and Heyman three yards at left tackle and Kester five yards at right. Custer gained twelve yards at right tackle and Huffman held for no gain. Heyman made a short punt. Mansfield was held for a down and Massillon regained the ball on a fumble. Heyman gained three yards at right tackle, and was held the next down and Mansfield got the ball.

Mansfield gained eight yards through left tackle; two yards at left tackle and three yards through right tackle, and was forced to punt. Heyman returned the ball thirty yards before being downed.

Zintsmaster made three yards around left end; Custer made four yards at right tackle; Kester made twelve yards through left tackle, and Heyman made on yard at the same place. Half ended with ball on Mansfield’s twelve yard line.

Third period: Massillon kicked off to Mansfield and the ball went over the line. On second kick the runner advanced twelve yards. Mansfield made one yard through left tackle; and was thrown back five yards and punted thirty yards. Heyman returned the punt.

Zintsmaster gained twelve yards on a forward pass; Kester gained fifteen yards around left end and Zintsmaster again made twelve yards on a forward pass. Clay made five yards through left tackle; Heman made one yard at left tackle, and Miller made a touchdown on a forward pass from Zintsmaster. Heyman kicked goal. Score 18 to 0.

Massillon kicked to Mansfield. Mansfield gained seven yards at right tackle; two yards at left tackle; one yard at right guard; was thrown back on next down; gained eight yards on a forward and was held for downs and the ball went to Massillon.

Miller gained eight yards at right end; Kester gained two yards at left tackle; Clay gained twenty yards at left tackle, and Custer made a gain of ten yards for a touchdown. Heyman kicked goal. Score 24 to 0.

Massillon kicked to Mansfield and was thrown back for three yards loss. Heyman got Mansfield forward and was tackled one yard from the line. Heyman went around right end for a 30 to 0.

Mansfield kicked to Massillon. Clay received the kick and made a gain of five yards. Mansfield regained the ball on a fumble but lost it when Zintmaster got a Mansfield forward pass. Kester gained seven yards at left tackle; Heyman gained one yard at left tackle; Kester gained two yards at left guard and five yards at right guard; Heyman gained ten yards around left end. The period ended with the ball in the middle of the field.

Fourth period: Heyman gained twenty-five yards around right end; a forward pass gained nothing; Kester made five yards around left end; Mansfield got Massillon’s forward pass.

Mansfield gained three yards at left and five yards through right tackle; two yards through center; no gain around right end; twenty-five yards around left end; eight yards around left end; was thrown back for five yards loss; Mansfield punted and Miller returned the ball ten yards.

Zintsmaster gained one yard at left end; Custer gained eight yards through right tackle; Clay seven yards through left tackle; Zintsmaster twenty-five yards on a forward pass; Kester lost on a fake forward; Clay gained seven yards through left tackle; Heyman kicked a short punt.

Mansfield failed to gain and punted; Kester returned the ball five yards. Mansfield got the ball on a fumble. Held for no gain; two yards around right end; seven yards around right end; one yard through right tackle; one yard through left tackle; Zintsmaster got the ball on a fumble when the whistle blew for the end of the game.

The line-up:

Massillon Pos. Mansfield
Miller le King
Keeton lt Lehman
Wagner lg Cunningham
Arthur c Hughes
Portmann rg Starden, Free
Clay rt Kallmerter
Zintsmaster re Thuma
Huffman qb Shaw
Custer lh Remy
Heyman rh Longsdorf
Kester fb Schad

Massillon – Huffman; Zintsmaster; Miller; Custer; Heyman.

Referee and umpire, alternating – Bast and Davis.
Field Judge – Merwin.
Head Linesman – Menke.

Length of periods — 12y minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1910: Massillon 8, Oberlin Academy 8

Game was Fast and Exciting Throughout


Oberlin Made a Touchdown and a Goal from Field
Massillon Scored Safety and Touchdown
Locals Played a Fine Game Individually and in Team Work

In a game of slipping and sliding the Massillon high school and Oberlin Academy played a time game of football Saturday afternoon, the score being 8 to 8.

Oberlin came to the city early Saturday afternoon with about as husky a bunch of pigskin chasers as ever bumped against the local high school team. The Oberlin team expected to win and thought Fugates’ aggregation nice eating, but alas, it thought in the wrong direction.

On the other hand the local boys made up their minds to hold the Oberlin team down or “bust,” and they did not “bust.” The team has had hard luck throughout the season, and a great many persons were pessimistic about the outcome of Saturday’s game. Coach Fugate remarked on Saturday morning that if the team did not hold Oberlin he would miss his guess, and happily “Happy” did not miss it.

Before the game a moving van appeared upon the field and sawdust was scattered over the muddiest places. It was agreed before the game that instead of having the time divided into quarters it would be divided into two twenty-five minute halves, on account of the cloudy condition of the weather, and the expected early darkness.

At 2:30 the whistle blew and the game was on. Massillon kicked to Oberlin and the runner was downed after a short gain. Then the visitors started to pound the line, but without result and they were forced to punt. The ball was passed high and the punter fumbled it. Immediately an orange and black player pounced upon it. Massillon advanced the ball within five yards of Oberlin’s goal and was held for downs. Oberlin punted out of danger. The ball kept changing hands and going up and down the field. When on Massillon’s thirty yard line, McMillan received the ball just as the whistle blew and immediately all the players stopped but McMillan, who kept on going. No effort was made to stop him as it was thought the ball would be brought back and one of the teams penalized, but instead the touchdown was declared legal. Goal failed and the score stood 5 to 0 in favor of Oberlin.

A few minutes before the close of the half Kelner was called on to try a goal from field and dropped one from the thirty yard line that hit the post but passed between the bars. In the next few minutes the ball was kept in the middle of the field, when the whistle blew for the end of the first half.

In the second half the Massillon team started in on the jump and kept the ball moving up the field. Kester and Heyman tore the Oberlin line to shreds and maintained a steady advance. Massillon was held and punted. Heyman sent a long spiral over the heads of the waiting Oberlin players and the ball was downed behind the line, making a safety and scoring two points for Massillon.

Massillon got the ball again in its own territory toward the end of the game and once more the steady march was started up the field till the locals were within striking distance of the goal. Twice the Massillon team was held but on the third down a forward pass was made to Zintsmaster, who, escaping any opposing tackles, crossed the line for a touchdown.

The Massillon fans went almost frantic with joy, which increased when Heyman kicked goal, tying the score. During the remaining few minutes of play nothing of consequence was done.

By holding and outplaying a team that had defeated some fast teams and some that outweighed it heavily, the members of the Massillon team have brought much credit upon themselves.

On the ends Miller and Zintsmaster were there with all kinds of speed and tackling ability, and many an Oberlin runner felt a sore spot where he was tackled by them. Reinoehl and Keeton held down the tackles in great shape, breaking through and smashing up plays and opening holes for the Massillon backs. Wagner and Portmann were like two telephone posts when it came to defense, but like two battering rams when they landed into the opposing line. “Bill Arthur,” was in the game over his head and has the distinction of being the first man this season in front of whom the Oberlin center had to lie down.

Huffman at quarter, was here and there and everywhere, making things every disagreeable for the visitors and never losing his smile. On the halves, Heyman and Custer played the game of their lives, circling the ends for good gains and smashing the line. Heyman showed up his great punting ability. Last, but not least, came “Jake” Kester, the star of the game. When Kester with his 170 pounds of bone and muscle hit the line there was always something doing and he pulled off gains of five and ten yards at times when they were needed. Whenever the team was in need of several yards, “Jake” was there poking his head through the line.

The Oberlin team played a good, clean game and Mr. Millan probably played the star game for the visitors.

The line-up:

Massillon Pos. Oberlin
Miller le Shirtliff
Keeton lt Ferret
Wagner lg Baxter
Arthur c Neill
Portmann rg Brown
Reinoehl rt Heron
Zintsmaster re Graham
Huffman qb Kaley
Custer lh Smith
Heyman rh Boise
Kester fb McMillan

Massillon – Zintsmaster.
Oberlin – McMillan.

Goal from the field – Kelner.

Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Houghton.
Field Judge – Grinnell.

Time of halves – 25 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1910: Massillon 0, Ashland 6

High School Beaten 6 to 0
by Ashland High, Saturday


New Eagle Team Will Play
the Baker Athletic Club, of Canal Fulton, on Election Day
Eagle Juniors Tie Eclipse Team 0 to 0

With every fan waiting for the news of victory from Ashland Saturday evening, the disappointment was hard to bear, for the high school got it in the neck by a score of 6 to 0.

The game was the same old story. The ball kept zig-zagging back and forth across the field and twice when Ashland got the ball within striking distance, Spreng’s trusty toe booted it between the bars, scoring six points.

Once Massillon was on Ashland’s fifteen yard line, but was held and could not score. Massillon gained most of her yards on forward passes and trick plays. In the fourth period Massillon started playing in her old time form and marched rapidly up the field, but was held for downs near the danger line. The teams were about evenly matched in weight, but Massillon’s light line was at a disadvantage as the field was slippery from the light snowfall in the morning. The team reports good treatment.

Massillon Pos. Ashland
K. Miller le G. Miller
Keeton lt Egger
Portmann lg Kosht
Arthur c Lamprecht
Wagner rg C. Miller
Reinoehl rt Pifer
Zintsmaster re Winlinger
Huffman qb Moore (c)
Custer lh McDowell
Helman (c) rh Spreng
Kester fb Ganyard

Goals from field: Ashland – Spreng 2.
Referee – Matthews, of Ashland high school
Field Judge—Kempler, of Ashland college.
Head Linesman – Brindle, of O.S.U.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1910: Massillon 0, New Philadelphia 2

Defeated by Score of 2 to 0 by New Philadelphia

Safety Scored in Second Period Makes Only Points in Game
Ball Generally in New Philadelphia’s Territory
Several Drop Kicks Tried

With the Massillon team outplaying the New Philadelphia team in every point of the game, except the score, the local high school lost to New Philadelphia at that place Saturday by a score of 2 to 0.

New Philadelphia’s two points were made on a safety when Heyman punted, but the punt was blocked and the ball rolled behind the line, where Heyman fell on it. The Massillon team was there on the jump and played a good game. It was mainly played in New Philadelphia’s territory. Several times Massillon almost pushed the ball over, but the New Philadelphia line held. Heyman tried for several drop kicks but the field was covered with grass and made perfect kicking difficult. One of the kicks missed the bars by only about a yard.

The game began at about 3 o’clock. Massillon kicked to New Philadelphia and the runner was downed after a short run. New Philadelphia rushed the ball down the field and it changed hands several times. When the period closed it was near the Massillon goal. In the next period the ball see-sawed back and forth and about the middle of the period a safety was made against Massillon. Then the game took on a different aspect and the ball was taken to New Philadelphia’s territory, when Heyman tried for a drop kick but failed.

In the second half Massillon again kicked to New Philadelphia, but it was held for downs and punted. With the ball in its possession the Massillon team started up the field, smashing the line for good gains, and working some fine forward passes. On one of the passes Zintsmaster almost got away for a touchdown, but the New Philadelphia end was too near and he was downed. After several downs Heyman tried for another drop kick but failed by a yard. During the third period the game was played furiously by both teams and when the smoke of battle cleared away New Philadelphia had two points and Massillon had to be satisfied with a goose egg.

The New Philadelphia school spirit did not show up to an advantage on Saturday and the little handful of Massillon rooters made almost as much noise as the combined efforts of the fair sex of the New Philadelphia high school. The spirit of the sidelines was manifested when the Massillon rooters started to give some yells between the periods and New Philadelphia immediately started shoving and threatened to do something worse. One individual was persistent in his threats to clean up the entire Massillon aggregation. The Massillon rooters were well satisfied with the game the entire team put up.

The line-up:

Massillon Pos. New Philadelphia
Kester le Broadhurst
Reinoehl lt Melborn
Wagner lg Lemick
Arthur c Boyd
Huffman rg Wilkin
Keeton rt Batterschell
Zintsmaster re Smith
Miller qb Getz
Custer lh Bowers
Sonnhalter(capt.) rh McPherson (capt.)
Heyman fb Lehmer

Referee and umpire, alternating:
Bast, of Massillon.
Farrell, of New Philadelphia.

Field Judge – Ebright.
Head Linesman – Merwin of Massillon

Time of periods – 10 minutes.