1916: Massillon 19, Youngstown Rayen 6
Completely outclassing its opponents in the second half and putting on display a brand of football consisting of line bucks, forward passes and end runs that baffled its foe, Massillon high’s undefeated orange and black eleven Saturday afternoon piled up 19 points and defeated Rayen high school of Youngstown, 19 to 6, after the Rayenites had gathered six points in the first half, due to Massillon’s mixing of signals.
It was the first gridiron clash between the two schools and the local gridders, after they overcame their nervousness, which hindered their play at first, gave Youngstown fans the greatest exhibition of scholastic football they have ever witnessed. Massillon’s triumph over the sturdy Mahoning county foe proved convincingly that the orange and black is one of the best, if not the strongest scholastic team in the Buckeye state.
The local gridders ran wild in the second half. With McLaughlin shooting forward pass after forward pass to Harrold, Bischoff or Thomas, or he or Thomas darting through the line for heavy gains, Rayen was completely at sea and at a loss to know which way to turn to stop the next play. The victorious march which the Rayenites made in the first half was turned into a rout in the second and the orange and black marches over its foes for three touchdowns and its eighth straight victory of the season.
Not one first down did Rayen make in the second half. They outplayed Massillon during the first two periods, showing a better attack than the youthful Tigers and Youngstown fans had hopes of inflicting the first defeat of the season on Massillon. But when McLaughlin began using open formations, the machine-like play of the orange and black stood out superior to the best that the steel town lads could offer and once started there was no stopping Coach Snavely’s warriors.
Rayen scored in the second quarter, Prokop, right end, picking up a Massillon fumble and running 40 yards for the score. Massillon’s backfield got mixed up in the signals and let a pass go back of the line. Prokop swooped upon it and raced away for a touchdown with nobody near him.
It did not take Massillon long to get started in the third quarter. McLaughlin’s forward passing took Rayen off its feet and a McLaughlin-Thomas pass proved a ground gainer. These two negotiated one pass for 85 yards and placed Massillon in position for its first touchdown. McLaughlin made two touchdowns, bucking the ball over each time from within the five yard zone. The last came on a forward pass from McLaughlin to Bischoff, who carried the ball five yards for the score. One goal was kicked.
McLaughlin, as usual, was in the limelight for Massillon. His hurling of the forward pass was the best Youngstown ever saw in a scholastic battle and before the game was over they were with Massillon heart and soul. Thomas starred on offense while Massillon’s line was like a stone wall in the last half.
The local team received excellent treatment both from the officials and the crowd, and after the game was entertained at a banquet by girl students of Rayen high.
Massillon demonstrated Saturday that it can use the forward pass to good advantage when it has to and has been taught plays which opposing teams find hard to break up. McLaughlin is an excellent passer and can shoot the ball hard and accurately. The inability of Massillon’s line to charge in the first half hindered the local team but in the second session the line braced up and Rayen could no more penetrate it than go through a brick wall.
Massillon – 19. Pos. Rayen – 6.
Harrold le Rubinson
Johnson lt Hill
Ertle lg Mallory
Zepp rg McBride
Archbold rt Espanshade
Bischoff re Prokop
Thomas lh Nutt
Underwood rg Pabst
Converse rh Forsythe
McLaughlin qb Jones
Stults fb Elliott
Touchdowns – Prokop, McLaughlin 2, Bischoff.
Goal from touchdown – McLaughlin.
Substitutions – Cover for Forsythe, Hogan for Cover, Reid for Hogan. Welsh for Espenshade, Stoner for Underwood, Chayney for Johnson, Wittmann for Converse, Oberlin for Stoner.
Referee – Evans.
Umpire – Flad.
Headlinesman – Horton.
Time of quarters – 13 minutes.