Massillon high school, which plays Toledo Scott high school this afternoon at Toledo, promises to bring back the Scott scalp. The lifting of the flu ban in Toledo permitted Coach Jack Snavely to take on a team which is known as the strongest aggregation in the northwest conference.
The local football team left for Toledo Friday afternoon and though few rooters accompanied it they claim to have more than enough spirit to down Scott high.
Captain Oberlin took to Toledo a remarkably smooth and well organized team and is depending on the young Tigers’ lightning-like team work to counteract any superior weight which (end of article)
Compliment Handed Local Team by Toledo
“Neither Massillon nor Bryan (who played Waite at Toledo the same day) are in the so-called “fish” class and both furnished plenty of opposition.”
“Scott stuck to straight football to defeat Massillon, and the line bucking and running gack for punts was good. Efforts to circle the ends were frequently stopped by the visiting wing men,” says George Pulford, leading sport writer in Toledo about Massillon after the game of last Saturday.
The Toledo Scott team holds our Massillon boys in high esteem for clean playing and sportsmanship and arrangements are being made now to have the Toledo aggregation visit Massillon next fall. The words of praise coming from the Toledo man are greatly appreciated by local boys when he continued by saying:
“Scott started with a rush and ran up 27 points, but in the after period the visitors braced and held Dwyer’s (Scott coach) team well, at times outplaying it. The game proved Scott had a real football team which under the circumstances played remarkable football. The eleven is splendidly drilled. Undoubtedly Saturday’s contest will prove of value in shaking down the team.”