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1905: Massillon 6 Dover 0


As a preliminary to the Tiger game, Massillon High School, won from the Dover High School, the score being 6 to 0.  The game was a very close one and the hardest Massillon has had this season.  Two twenty-five minute halves were played.  The entire Massillon team put up a great game and the line held in great shape.  Merwin’s punts were all of the first class and Dover never realized any gain upon them.  Kline and Jones at the ends got into the game and broke up Dover’s interference repeatedly.  Miller, Burkhart and Thompson made great gains and cut up the line.  Massillon kicked off to Dover, Burkhart making a nice tackle.  Dover was forced to punt and held Massillon, fumbling  directly afterwards. Burkhart circled the end for twenty-five yards but the ball was lost on downs.  Diefenbacher, for Dover, made twenty-five yards on a trick play but fumbled.  The ball was thus kept in the center of the field until the end of the first half, neither team scoring.  Dover then kicked south to Massillon, Scott bringing the ball to the forty yard line.  Merwin went around end for twenty yards; Thompson made fifteen.  Dover was forced to punt, and after line bucks Burkhart carried the ball around end thirty yards, following it by fifteen yards for a touchdown.  Merwin kicked goal.

Massillon kicked to Dover, who was not dangerous in the second half.  It took the hardest kind of work during the remainder of the game but no touchdown resulted.  For the spectators the game was more exciting than the Tiger game.  The Dover team held the heavy New Philadelphia high school team to a 0 to 0 score.  They were slightly outweighed by the Massillon boys.

Line-up and summary:

Massillon High – 6  Position       Dover High – 0

Kline                          LE             E. Schawaker
Fiegenschuh               LT                          Steitz
Beatty                        LG                          Kline
Klotz                           C            M. Schawaker
Grinnell                      RG                         Klarr
Scott                          RT                       Allman
Jones                         RE                          Lund
Merwin (c)                QB             Diefenbacher
Thompson                LHB          Richardson (c)
Burkhart                   RHB                   Waldron
Miller                         FB                        Peters

Minehart, referee.
Coleman, timekeeper.
J. Long, head linesman.

Time – Two 25 minute halves.


1905: Massillon 0 New Philadelphia 0

SEPTEMBER 12, 1905


Captain Merwin, of the football team, is looking up candidates for the varsity eleven and expects to turn out a winning team.  The players must keep up a fair average in school work and Superintendent Cronebaugh will attend to the matter of scheduling games.  Merwin, Smith, Burkhart, Jones and Hollinger are some of  the announced candidates.


Schedule of Football Games for the Season

The first real musical exercises conducted by Miss Brosman, the new instructor in this department, were held Wednesday morning.  A few of the simpler songs were gone over, Miss Brosman expressing herself as well pleased with the manner of the rendition.

A schedule for the football season has been arranged and Massillon high will have a season of good hard work and all the practice which it is possible for the team to get as necessary.  Captain Merwin is putting the team down to steady work and the way they go through practice is good for the hearts of the old high school men to see.

The following is the scheduled:
September 30               New Phildadelphia high, at home.
October 14                  Wooster high, abroad
October 19                  probably Barberton high, at home
October 25                  Dover high, at home
November 1                 Wooster high, at home
November 11               New Philadelphia high, abroad
November 17               Dover high, abroad

By the above the quality of ball required by the boys may well be seen.  New Philadelphia was a hard proposition last year, though Massillon defeated them two straight games.  Wooster won from Massillon twice last season, walking all over the home boys the second game.  Barberton was easy last time and Dover is an unknown quantity.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1905

Tomorrow the local football season opens at the park, when the Massillon High and New Philadelphia High clash.  The teams are about equal in strength, although the visitors outweigh the locals quite a few pounds to the man.  New Philadelphia comes determined to win and get even for last year’s defeats.  Special cars will be run to the park.  The game will be called at 3 o’clock sharp.  It is certain that a large crowd will witness the game.  The expenses will be quite heavy.

The line-up will be as follows:  Klotz, center; Miller and Fiegenschuh, guards; Jones and Scott, tackles; Kline and Kirchhofer, ends; Merwin, quarterback; Smith, fullback; Burkhart and Thompson, halves; Taggart and Heckman, subs.

Locals Though Outweighed,
Played the Best Game

Coach Benedict and the High School Fans
Perfectly Satisfied With the Result
Against Such a Heavy Team as That from the Southern City

The Massillon high school football team celebrated the opening of the football season in Massillon Saturday on the baseball park grounds by playing a tie game with the big New Philadelphia high school team, the score being 0-0 after two bitterly fought halves.  Superintendent Cronebaugh, of the Massillon public schools, and Superintendent Maurer, of New Philadelphia, were the timekeepers.

The locals were outweighed at least fifteen pounds to the man, and perhaps twenty, and the feat is therefore the more creditable, as the heavy visiting team looked able to down the local light team by a big score.

Coach Verne Benedict was referee and Thompson umpire for the visitors.  The work of both was satisfactory, very few protests being registered.  Massillon high kicked off and New Philadelphia brought the ball back to the middle of the field, where it went to Massillon, then to the visitors, until the half was over.  Massillon’s line did some great work in holding down the visitors, and the halfback, fullback and quarterback surprised the New Philadelphia team with their hard tackles.  As a result of the hard work in the hot sun the visitors were well exhausted in the beginning of the second half and the lighter Massillon players swept them off of their feet, carrying the ball to the fifteen yard line before the big New Philadelphia linemen could recover.  Here the visitors held and took the ball on downs, Massillon again holding and getting the ball, but losing at once on a fumble.  It was at this stage of the game that Farrel, the visiting right end, took the ball and skirted Massillon’s end for a forty yard run before being brought down by Captain Merwin who was backing up the line.  This was as close as New Philadelphia came to scoring, the game being called with the ball well toward the middle of the field.

Coach Benedict and the players on the Massillon high school team are deserving of considerable praise for the plucky fight made against such a heavy team, and if the work Saturday is improved upon, M.H.S. will bother many of the high school teams of this state.

Kline, Kirchhofer, Merwin, Burkhart and Smith all played unusually good games, while the rest of the men, although outweighed, more than held their own with the visitors.

The line-up was as follows:

Phila.                Position                   M.H.S.
Orr                      RE                 Kirchhofer
Rippert                 RT                 F. Wagner
Kustic                  RG                     Willison
Paige                     C                           Klutz
Cunning               LG               Fiegenschuh
Senhauser            LT                 H. Wagner
Farrell                  QB                      Merwin
Amstead              RH                         Jones
Cabel                   LH                    Burkhart
Gintz                    FB                         Smith

Time, fifteen and twenty minutes halves.

Referee and umpire alternating:
Benedict of Massillon;
Thompson, of New Philadelphia.

Superintendent Cronebaugh, of Massillon;
Superintendent Maurer, of New Philadelphia.
Head Linesman – Jack long, of Massillon;
Assistants – Souers, of New Philadelphia; and Tucker of Massillon.


1904: Massillon 5 Canton Central 12

Canton Team Too Heavy for the Locals

The Massillon Team Lacked Ginger in the Second Half,
Allowing the Canton Boys to Score Easily
Game was a Clean One

Yesterday afternoon at the new park Massillon met defeat for the second time this season at the hands of Canton High, the score standing 12 to 5.  The Canton team made a touchdown in each half, the local team making their score early in the second.

The game was not called until about 4 o’clock.  Captain Kennedy, of Canton, won the toss and chose to receive at the south goal, there being a strong wind from the south.  Albright made a beautiful kick against the wind, Kennedy receiving the ball at about the thirty yard line and was downed before advancing more than five yards.  The Canton men began to batter the light Massillon line and went around end for substantial gains, Schaeffer, the Canton right tackle, being especially conspicuous in gains.  The opposing team seemed to have things their own way for a long while, until the fifteen yard line was reached.  Here the Canton team was forced to put forth every effort to realize a goal and it looked as if they would lose on downs, but finally they reached the goal line.  It was an easy goal and was kicked.

Canton now kicked to Massillon, Albright receiving.  The home team went through the heavy Canton line and made good steady gains, the hurdling of Albright being the most spectacular feature.  The end runs attempted by Massillon resulted in a loss, and straight bucks were carried out.  A fumble was made about this time which resulted in Canton’s receiving the ball.  A few gains were made by the opposition but they again lost the ball.  Albright now made a good heady play, as well as one of the most beautiful punts seen on a Massillon gridiron this season.  The punt was made at the forty-five yard line and for sixty yards it sailed down the field going across Canton’s goal line.  The ball was now kicked from the twenty-five yard line to Massillon who advanced it to the fifteen yard line and here lost the ball.  Canton carried it toward their goal but time for the first half was now called.

At the beginning of the second half Canton kicked to Massillon, McFarren receiving the ball and making a good gain to the thirty yard line.  Steady gains on line bucks were made by the Massillon boys.  Kirchhofer, the plucky Massillon fullback, now showed his true form, worming himself through the line for good gains at all times, his one gain of five yards being one of the longest made by the home team during the game.  Albright’s hurdles were here brought to the front again and his end runs netted good gains.  The Massillon team steadily worked itself from the thirty-five yard line to the ten yard line on good straight football.

The Canton team here braced up and Massillon had to work its hardest but finally by massing the men Albright was pushed and pulled through for the first touchdown Massillon High has made on Canton for many a day.  This touchdown was made at the southeast corner of the field and the punt, which was so successful for the Tigers last Saturday, was tried but Hollander failed to heel the ball.

Canton now kicked off to Massillon, Burkhart receiving.  Canton soon received the ball and the Massillon team apparently lost heart and allowed the Canton team to make gains of fifteen and twenty yards at a down, Wenger carrying the ball across goal and again goal was kicked, the score standing 12 to 5.  Massillon now received the kickoff and Burkhart made the proper play under the circumstances, punting to the thirty yard line.  A few gains were made by Canton when time was called.  Everybody seemed fairly well satisfied with the game, although the allowing of Canton’s second touchdown was entirely unnecessary.

The line-up was:

Canton                   Position            Massillon
Gould                         LE                Smith, Hollander
Hershey                     LT                Jones
Haylor                       LG                Stoner, Kaylor
Gibson                        C                 Tucker
Brown                       RG               Ratchford
Shaffer                       RT                Kaylor, Smith
Clarke                        RE                Merwin
Kennedy                    QB               McFarren
Knox                         LH                Albright
Vliet                           FB                Kirchhofer, capt.
Holl, capt.                  RH               Burkhart

Linesman, McCallum and Bast.

The work of all the boys was entirely satisfactory, the backs playing fine ball and the linemen laid down before the heavy Canton line, holding them whenever possible.  Ratchford played an unusually good game and Tucker played all over Gibson.  Merwin, Smith and Hollander put up a fine game; Merwin getting the ball on fumbles in a twinkle.  Jones and Stoner put up a stiff game.  The game was an unusually clean one, no quarrelsome spirit being in evidence.


1904: Massillon 0 Wooster 44

High School Football
Team Defeated at Wooster

On Wednesday afternoon on the athletic field of Wooster University the Massillon High School met one of the worst defeats in the history of the football team, the score standing
44 to 0.

The local team was completely out-classed, showed poor form, played slow ball and utterly failed to stop Wooster’s fierce end runs and line bucks.  The Wooster team has shown wonderful improvement since the game here, when it beat the Massillon team by the score of 5 to 0, and it is now altogether the fastest aggregation Massillon has met this season.  Massillon, of course, was greatly handicapped by the absence of some of the regular players and the lack of practice of the last week was clearly shown.  Wooster has the advantage of good coaching and has a spirit of willingness that the home team lacks.

The game was called at 3:15, Wooster kicking off to Massillon, which faced the east goal, Smith received the ball at the twenty yard line and advanced ten yards.  Quarterback Merwin called line bucks which were found to be a hard proposition, end runs were tried which were hardly more successful, and the result was the loss of the ball on downs at the fifty yard line, Wooster here taking the ball through Massillon’s line for great gains and with several long gains on end, Mouchy, Wooster’s big fullback, carried the ball across the line for the first touchdown after about five minutes of play.  Elder kicked an easy goal.  Smith again secured the ball on Wooster’s kickoff and advanced it to the twenty-five yard line where he lost it on a fumble, Wooster taking the ball around the end for fifteen yards and after a few bucks through the line Captain Blough, of Wooster, took the ball for the second touchdown, Elder missing an easy goal.

On Wooster’s next kickoff Smith once more received the ball and succeeded in making the thirty-five yard line, where, after the first down, another fumble was made and Wooster again fell on the ball.  Massillon now succeeded in stopping one of Wooster’s bucks but on a double pass the big Wooster fullback carried the ball back to the goal post for the third touchdown, where Sellers missed an easy goal, the score standing 21 to 0.

Albright caught the ball on the kickoff at the fifteen yard line and was downed at the twenty yard line.  Massillon was held to a one yard gain on two downs and a punt was called.  Albright kicked to the forty yard line, Wooster made a good gain and an end run netted them fifteen yards.  The next down Wooster lost a yard but Mouchy, taking the ball behind good interference, scored the fifth touchdown, which, when goal was kicked, left the score 27 to 0.

Wooster again kicking to the locals, Burkhart carried the ball to the twenty yard line, where the inevitable fumble was made but the ball was not lost.  Albright punted to the center of the field and the clever triple pass by the opposing school worked well, netting them fifteen yards, when Albright made a nice tackle just as time for the first half was called.  The Massillon boys naturally felt pretty sore but after a short rest went back to face the music.

Massillon kicked to Wooster and they by a double pass succeeded in reaching the
thirty-five yard line where the same tick play was worked which took the ball way down the field and in another down Halfback Blough made another touchdown, Sellers kicking goal.  On the next kickoff the ball was advanced to the thirty yard line and Massillon was held for downs at the forty yard line, Wooster walking down the field.  Center Tucker made a nice tackle, the opponents were held for a down and their double pass was blocked, but a quarterback run and several line bucks took Blough across the line for the sixth touchdown, after which Elder kicked goal.

Wooster again kicked off and the usual fumble by Massillon was made.  Wooster held for two downs but one of the longest runs of the game, one of forty yards, took Wooster a long way down the field and but for a tackle by Burkhart and Kirchhofer, would have netted another touchdown.  Massillon again got in and Wooster was held for a down but Blough taking the ball was pulled across goal for the seventh touchdown of the game.  Sellers missed an easy goal and before the ball was kicked off time was called, the score standing 44 to 0.

The halves played were twenty and fifteen minutes.

Following is the line-up:
Wooster                       Position          Massillon
Bricker                         LE                 Hollander
Reiman                         LT                  Schnierle
Saborn                         LG         Wagner, Jones
Orr                               C                       Tucker
McSweeney                 RG                Ratchford
Lindsay                        RE                      Myers
Sellers                          QB                   Merwin
Mouchy                        FB               Kirchhofer
Lanbach                       RH                  Burkhart
Blough (capt.                LH                   Albright

Coach St. John, of the university, refereed in a very satisfactory manner.
Snyder, of Massillon, umpired.
McFarren and Manlin were timekeepers.
McGlen was head linesman.

But High School Football Players
to Have One More Game

A meeting of the High School football team of 1904 was held Thursday afternoon.  Owing to the crippled condition of the team, with Schnierle and Kirchhofer out of school and Tucker out of town, besides nearly the whole team being more or less hurt, the team was disbanded for the season, and the only remaining game, that with Barberton High for next Saturday, was cancelled.

Officers were elected for the season of 1905, Fred D. Mersin captain and Lyman H. Tucker manager being the selections.


1904: Massillon 12 New Philadelphia 0

The Football Team Won by a Score of 12 to 0
New Philadelphia Put Up a Strong Game
and Showed Surprising Strength Near the Close of the Game
Massillon High Rallied and Held the Opponents on Downs

Saturday afternoon before a crowd of about one hundred and fifty people the Massillon high school football team more than redeemed itself for any former defeats by trouncing New Philadelphia High by the score of 12 to 0.  The game was one of the best seen on a Massillon field this season.

The game was called at 2:30, New Philadelphia kicking off to Massillon.  The kick was a nice one and Smith received it at the fifteen yard line and advanced to about ten yards.  Massillon started line bucks, but New Philadelphia displayed unexpected strength.  The boys managed to push a few yards up the field toward north goal, but rather than run the risk of being held for downs, McFarren called a punt and Albright responded by making a fine one of forty yards.  New Philadelphia managed to reach the fifty yard line when a fumble was made and Massillon secured the ball.  Burkhart now found a hole and slipped through for a fifteen yard run, after which the opposing line was hit for long gains, Kirchhofer displaying fine talent in this line.  The boys were now at the five yard line and Albright took the ball and put it across the line directly beneath the goal posts amid the cheers of the onlookers.  The goal was an easy one and was kicked by Albright.

The local team now kicked to the visitors, who received the ball at the fifteen yard line and advanced to the twenty-five yard line, where McFarren made a nice tackle.  Slow gains by the opposition were now in order and on a fumble by New Philadelphia Jones by quick work managed to fall on the ball.  Big “Dutch” Senhauser, the adversaries’ right half, was now laid out.  Massillon here devoted its efforts to line bucks and gained steadily.  The locals here made some great runs – Smith one of twenty-five yards, Albright thirty-five yards and Burkhart twenty yards, in close succession, bringing the home team to the five yard line when time was called.  The score was 6 to 0.

At the beginning of the second half Massillon again kicked to the guests.  The ball was caught at the twenty yard line and advanced fifteen yards by good dodging.  The visitors could not realize on Massillon’s line and a fumble was made which resulted in a loss to them of twelve yards.  Albright tackled the man before he could make any gain.  Massillon here made good gains, though it had to fight gamely for them.  The home aggregation now neared its goal and its blood was up for a second touchdown to make it better than its first game with this team, and Albright carried the ball under the goal posts and once more kicked goal.

Massillon once more kicked to the opposition, the ball being received at the fifteen yard line, where the man was instantly tackled without a gain.  The New Philadelphia team succeeded in reaching the twenty-five yard line when the man with the ball was tackled behind the line and was carried back fifteen yards.  A punt was called by the visiting team and was fumbled by McFarren, New Philadelphia regaining the ball.  The opposing team now played the best of the whole game, going through Massillon’s line for its five yards regularly.  Time for the second half was rapidly nearing the end and the home boys put forth every effort to keep the visitors from a touchdown.  As they reached the five yard line Massillon braced itself and the result was a yard to gain on the third down when time was called, the score standing 12 to 0.

The line-up was as follow:
New Phila.             Position                Massillon
L. Zellner                   LE                   Hollander
Kislig                         LT                         Jones
Cunning                     LG                   Ratchford
Page                           C                        Tucker
Olmstead                   RG                     Wagner
Ripeth                        RT                         Smith
Orr                            RE                      Merwin
K. Zellner                  QB                  McFarren
Foster                        LH                    Burkhart
Senhauser, capt.         RH                     Albright
Wilkin                        FB                 Kirchhofer

Alternate referee and umpire, Bast and Doeschock.
Timekeepers, Cronebaugh and Wiley.
Head Linesman, Souers.

The record of the High school team now stands as follows:
Wooster                  5
Massillon                 0

Canton                    8
Massillon                 0

New Philadelphia     0
Massillon                 5

Barberton                0
Massillon               15

Canton                  12
Massillon                 5

The game with Wooster on next Wednesday will be rather one sided with the present crippled state of the team, with Kaylor sick, McFarren with a sprained wrist, and Stoner doubtful as to being able to play.


1904: Massillon 15 Barberton 0

The Local Boys Score Three Touchdowns
Barberton was Never Dangerously Near Massillon’s Goal
Every Member of Massillon High
Played to Win from Start to Finish
A Financial Loss

Friday afternoon, before a moderately large crowd, Massillon High gave an exhibition of what it can do against a team of its own size and weight.  Much delay was experienced in starting the game, as the greater part of the team did not arrive at the grounds, being delayed by a derailed car at the square.  The crowd grew quite impatient and Manager Tucker finally started after the team on foot but happily met the car and the game finally started about 4:30.

Barberton kicked off to Massillon; the ball was fumbled and no advance was made; Barberton in turn made a fumble.  The Massillon boys now made great gains toward south goal, Burkhart hitting the line for fine advances, and the home team went steadily up the field.  The ball was given to Albright who made a magnificent run for thirty-five yards.  On the next down Burkhart received the ball and went around left end for a fifty yard run, making the first touchdown.  Albright failed on goal.  On the second kickoff Albright secured the ball at the twenty yard line and reached the thirty-five yard line before going down.  Massillon now played straight football going through the line at will.   When the thirty-five yard line w as reached a fumble was made but Merwin secured the ball; the fumble was repeated, Barberton getting the ball but losing it directly by a blocked punt.  Line plunges were made and Albright scored the second touchdown but Merwin failed on goal.

On the third kick Massillon made a good gain but time for the first half was called, Massillon having possession of the ball at the thirty-five yard line.

At the end of the second half the visitors were given a chance to score by receiving the kickoff.  The ball was not caught until it reached the five yard line and was only advanced to the twenty yard line.  Barberton now made a nice twenty-five yard run but went outside of bounds.  The run was made by Booth, the opposing left half.  The visitors fumbled, Albright making a fifteen yard gain.  Massillon steadily pushed down the field, Kirchhofer making the third touchdown.  Goal was not kicked.  Massillon High kicked off, the ball going outside at the thirty-five yard line.  When the ball was brought back Massillon was forced to punt.  Booth again made a magnificent run of forty yards but was “laid out” when tackled and time was called.  The game was a good clean one and few accidents were in evidence.

The line-up was a follows:
Massillon                Position               Barberton
Hollander, Smith        L.E.                 Fuergeson
Jones                        L.T.                   Sneddon
Stoner                       L.G.              Kreighbaum
Tucker                        C                       Chisnell
Ratchford                  R.G.                 Robertson
Kaylor                      R.T.                      Davies
Merwin                     R.E.           Booth, Boden
McFarren                 Q.B.                   Peterson
Albright                     L.H.                     Witwer
Burkhart                   R.H.
Kirchhofer (capt.)     R.B.                       Boden
(capt.) Rowe

Time – Two fifteen minute halves.

Stewart and Blinn, of Barberton, alternated as referee and umpire.
Timekeepers – Julius Wittmann and Jack Shreve.
Head Linesman – Bast.

The Massillon boys put up a good, fast game and gave the crowd a fine exhibition of the game.  Every man played his position in fine style and the team played together well.

Burkhart as a ground gainer surprised everybody, going through the line and around end at will apparently, while Albright tore around end for great gains.  Kirchhofer played a hard plunging game and McFarren put up a good fast game.  Merwin played a fast game while “Pete” Hollander was a star in the first half, Smith doing his best in the second.  The work of Kaylor was one of the features.