1908: Massillon 7 Dover 5
Hammersmith Participated in Defeat of Dover.
Massillon Outweighed Visitors Ten Pounds to the Man
and Had Greater Endurance
Local Eleven Exhibited Ginger and Strength but Little Science.
It was Johnnie Hammersmith, Massillon’s thunder and lightning halfback who played the winning game Saturday against Dover high school football team, on the high school grounds. Hammer was in the game from start to finish and played the whole second half with a cramp known as a Charley Horse among the initiated, in his left leg. The injury was not received in the game but was due to overexertion of single muscles in practice. In the first half Hammer was first down the field on the second kick off and downed the Dover man behind the line, scoring Massillon’s first two points on a safety. In the second half it was Hammer who carried the ball over the line on an end run from the ten yard line, scoring five more points and winning the game. After fifteen minutes of play in the first half Dover made its only five points. After netting thirty-five yards on a forward pass and bucking the line for five yards, Klar carried the ball over for Dover in a mass play on left tackle.
In general the two teams were evenly matched. Massillon outweighed Dover perhaps ten pounds to the man, but Dover has been practicing for a month to Massillon’s week and a half and it showed it. In the matter of endurance Massillon again had the advantage. Dover started off like a whirlwind but before the end of the first half Massillon had it so completely fogged that time was taken out four times by the Dover team, which was penalized two yards for the last time, each team being allowed to call time out but three times in a half. The deciding factor in the game, however, was Massillon’s invincible determination to win the first game. Much depended upon the outcome. There is a project on foot among the citizens of Massillon to back the team financially and to purchase a complete outfit for the team in place it makes good. Between the halves Superintendent Cronebaugh told the team there was $200 in sight if it won the game. Coach Hall exhorted each player to his mightiest deeds and Massillon went out and won. It was do or die, and they did.
Considering the recent organization of the Massillon team and the number of new men in the lineup, their playing was excellent. But five, Erb, Carr, Hammersmith, Snavely and Wells, are veterans. The remainder are this year’s recruits. Bowers as quarter, generaled the team like a veteran. The right play was forth coming at the right time and the weak spots were “Hammered” unmercifully. Burkhart at center, Leahy at tackle, and Richards t end, buckled into the opposing line like old timers. The game brought out many weak points, however, which will be remedied as soon as possible. Klar and Benson played the game for Dover.
Snavely kicked off to Benson, who advanced fifteen yards. Casbeer was thrown for a loss, Benson failed to gain around left end, Klar punted to Hammersmith. Hammersmith made six yards around right end. Snavely was thrown without gain. Dover caught on side kick. Benson made six yards through right guard. Dover penalized five yards for holding. Benson failed to gain. Klar punted to Hammersmith, Snavely failed to gain. Kickout failed. Score, Dover 5; Massillon 0.
Snavely kicked off to Peters who fumbled ball and was down by Hammersmith across the line. Massillon awared a safety. Score, Dover 5; Massillon 2.
Dover kicked out from twenty-five yard line. Massillon’s ball. Hammersmith failed to gain, Snavely fumbled, Hammersmith recovering ball, Snavely punted to Klar who returned fifteen yards, Benson made two yards around left end. A forward pass failed. Time called. Score Dover 5; Massillon 2.
Klar kicked to Hammersmith who returned fifteen yards. Hammersmith failed to gain, Snavely failed to gain, Casbeer blocked Snavely’s punt, Hammersmith recovering ball, Snavely failed to gain through guard, Hammersmith made seven yards around right end, Hammersmith punted to Klar who returned twenty yards; downed by Carr. Benson fumbled, Richards recovering the ball, Hammersmith failed to gain. A forward pass netted twenty yards, Snavely gained three yards through left guard. Dover was penalized five yards for holding. Hammersmith gained two yards. Dover penalized two-yards for holding. Davis failed to gain around right end. Hammersmith made a touchdown on right end run for ten yards. The kickout failed. Score, Massillon 7; Dover 5.
Snavely kicked off to Benson who returned fifteen yards. Klar fumbled, giving Massillon the ball. Davis made three yards through tackle. Hammersmith failed to gain, on-side kick and failed. Dover’s ball. Klar fumbled. Hammersmith falling on ball. Davis made two yards, Hammersmith fumbled. Dover’s ball. A forward pass netted fifteen yards, Klar made five yards through tackle, Benson made three yards, Casbeer made two yards, Casbeer made seven yards around end, Peters made three yards through left tackle, Klar made three yards through right guard, Casbeer made five yards, Casbeer made three yards, Klar failed to gain, forward pass failed. Richards falling on ball, Hammersmith punted to Klar who was downed by Richards. Time up. Score,
Klar made five yards through right guard, Benson failed to make gain. Massillon’s ball. Hammersmith made ten yards around right end. Davis made two yards around left end, Snavely failed to gain, Hammersmith punted to Klar, thrown by Snavely, Benson thrown for a loss. A forward pass netted thirty-five yards. Benson made five yards through right tackle, Klar carried the ball over the line. Score: Massillon 7; Dover 5.
The line-up:
Massillon – 7 Pos. Dover – 5
Richards le Brister
Erb lt Athey
Moody lg A. Godfrey
Burkhart c Davis
Carr rg Wendling
Leahy rt Peters
Wells re J. Godfrey
Bowers qb Radswell
Hammersmith lh Casbeer
Davis rh Benson
Snavely fb Klar
Halves: 20 and 15 minutes.
Umpire – Merwin.
Referee – Dow.
Time keeper – Hall.
Head Linesman – Bloomberg