Category: <span>History</span>

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1912: Massillon 20, Salem 7

SCORE, 20 TO 7
Salem Heavy,
but Could Not Stop Locals
Speedy Captain Could Not be Stopped by Visitors
Entire Massillon Team Puts Up Fine Game
Connors and Carey Shine for Salem

In a hard fought game Massillon high defeated Salem high Saturday afternoon on the high school grounds by a score of 20 to 7.

The Salem team outweighed Massillon eleven by about five pounds but the dash and vim of the local team overcame the deficiency in weight and as a result Salem was completely out played in all departments of the game. At times the Salem line took a brace and held the locals and this usually happened when the locals were near their line. Salem’s touchdown was the result of a clever forward pass from the middle of the field and which took the ball to the Massillon one-yard line and on the next down it was pushed over.

The Massillon team put up a great game both on the offensive and defensive and the team showed much improvement over last Saturday’s game. The Massillon backfield continually went through the visitor’s line for long gains and when on the defensive the line was like a stone wall. Although the entire Massillon team put up a good game, Miller, the speedy captain and halfback, was the individual star. He went through the Salem line again and again, twisting and dodging his way here and there for long gains. He was also effective in going around the ends pulling off long gains by his fleetness.

Another feature of the game was the rooting of the high school students. Under their cheer leader “Nun” Hendrich, they kept up a continual din from the time the whistle blew until the end of the game.
Salem kicked to Massillon. Kester received the ball and returned it about fifteen yards. After working several forward passes the ball was fumbled and Salem got it but was forced to punt after being held for three downs. Massillon now started up the field and when on Salem’s thirty yard line Rider dropped back for a drop kick but the ball flew wide. Salem kicked out and the ball was once more in Massillon’s possession. Miller went around right end for a long gain and by line bucks the ball was soon within striking distance of Salem’s goal. Miller went through the line for the first touchdown of the game. Kester kicked goal.
Score 7 to 0.
Massillon again received and before long was on the ten yard line but here Salem took a brace and the locals were held for downs. Salem punted and again Rudy, Kester and Miller took turns at going through the line and Kester tore through for another touchdown. Kester kicked goal.
Score 14 to 0.
Massillon again lined up to receive but after several downs, the whistle blew for the first half. Salem kicked to Massillon the second half but Massillon held for downs. Salem fumbled the ball and Baer recovered it for Massillon. After several forwards failed to work Massillon punted and Salem was also forced to punt. Third quarter over. Stern replaced Limbach at right end.

Massillon lost the ball near Salem’s line. Salem punted. Leonard received a hard bump on the head and was carried off the field. Scott took his place at left tackle. Stern gained twenty yards on a pretty forward pass. On the eighteen yard line Miller dashed through the Salem line for another touchdown. Stern was putting it all over the big right tackle who was almost twice the size of himself. Goal was missed.
Score 20 to 0.
Salem kicked to Massillon. A Salem player intercepted a Massillon forward pass and Salem tried a field goal from the 20 yard line but it failed. Massillon lined up for play but lost the ball on downs. Salem pulled off a pretty forward pass, Bryan to Carey and the ball was carried to Massillon’s one-yard line. On the next down Conners went over the line for a touchdown. Goal was kicked.
Score 20 to 7.
Massillon received. When the ball had been carried back to the middle of the field the final whistle blew.

The summary
Massillon – 20 Pos. Salem – 7
Johns le Windle
Wells lt Scott-Leonard
Theis lg Leonard – Scott
Rider c Harwood-Gwinner
Baer rg Jewell
Becker rt Cronin
Limbach-Stern re F. Bryan
Hollinger qb A. Bryan (c)
Miller (c) lhb Trotter
Rudy rhb Vaughn
Kester fb Conners

Massillon – Miller 2; Keser.
Salem – Connors.

Referee – Fugate.
Umpire – Sonnhalter.
Head Linesman – Miller.

Timeskeeper – Coleman (Massillon).
Allen (Salem).

Time of quarters – two 12½ minutes; two 10 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1912: Massillon 66, Uhrichsville 0

66 TO 0
Uhrichsville Beaten in One Sided Contest
Local Team Completely Outclasses Visitors
at All Angles of Game
Uhrichsville Makes Required Yards Twice
Score Varies One Point From Last Year

In the first game of the season, Massillon high downed Uhrichsville high on the high school grounds Saturday afternoon by the one-sided score of 66 to 0.

The Massillon aggregation surpassed its opponents in all points of the game. Although the locals were much heavier than the visitors, yet they were much faster and showed superior team work and knowledge. The heavy Massillon backfield tore great gaps in the Uhrichsville line and reeled off gains of ten and twenty yards at a down. Uhrichsville made the required yards several times on forward passes.

Every Massillon player put up a good game and the team work was excellent, considering this was the first game of the season. For the Uhrichsville team, Quarterback Echfeld and Fullback Reese were the shining lights.

The game started with Massillon lined up to receive. Kester got the ball and carried it back to the middle of the field and by line bucks over the line for the first touchdown, after a minute and a half of play. Kester kicked goal.
Score 7 to 0.
Massillon kicked to Uhrichsville who, unable to make the required yards, was forced to punt. Massillon again began a steady march up the field. When near the goal, Limbach received a pretty forward over the line, making the second touchdown. Here the new ruling that a forward pass may be received over the goal line helped Massillon. Under last year’s rules a forward could not be received over the goal line. Kester kicked goal.
Score 14 to 0
Massillon again kicked to Uhrichsville, but they lost the ball on downs and with the ball once more in possession, Massillon crossed the goal line. Goal was missed.
Score 20 to 0.
In the second quarter some of the lighter Massillon men were put in, but still the score continued to pile up and touchdowns by Kester made it 33 to 0 at the end of the first half.

At the beginning of the second half Uhrichsville received, but was soon forced to punt. Again it was the same old story, Massillon carried the ball across for another score. Goal was missed. Score 40 to 0.
On the next kickoff Massillon needed but one down to get the ball across the line and Hollinger ran 30 yards for a touchdown. Goal was missed.
Score 46 to 0.
Massillon began to use forward passes to a good advantage and these coupled with terrific line plunging netted three more touchdowns before the final whistle, making the final score 66 to 0.

Last season the first game of the season was with Uhrichsville and the score was 65 to 0, just one point less than Saturday’s score. A fair sized crowd was out to witness the game and the loyal high school supporters were on hand to cheer their team on to victory.

Line up and summary
Massillon Pos. Uhrichsville
Limbach le Greeley
Wells lt Demuth
Theis, Gates lg Edwards
Rider, Spuhler c Green
Baer rg Fisher
Becker rt Mitchell
Johns, Smith re Ripley
Hollinger, Vogt qb Echfeld
Miller (c) lhb Marshall
Rudy rhb Kennedy
Kester fb Reese

Massillon – Kester 4; Hollinger 3; Rudy 2; Limbach 1.

Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Atwater.
Head Linesman – Fugate.

Timers – Coleman and Ross.

Time of quarters – 10 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1911: Massillon 0, Massillon Ex-Highs 6

Lost the Game With Ex-Highs, Thanksgiving
Ex-Highs Carry the Ball Over
in the First Few Minutes of Play
Both Teams Put Up a Great Battle
Heyman a Star
Large Crowd in Attendance

Defeated, but fighting until the last minute, the high school football team closed its season Thanksgiving Day morning with its game with the Ex-Highs. The former was slightly out-weighed by the older players, but the high school put up a plucky, peppery game and lost by a single touchdown and goal kick.
Ex-Highs 6
High School 0

As was the case last year the Ex-High team secured its touchdown in the first few minutes of play. The High School kicked off at the beginning of the game and forced the Ex-Highs to punt on the third down. Klotz, between whom and Heyman, there ensued a lively punting duel throughout the game, booted the ball far down the field, but it went out of bounds about ten yards from the high school goal. Instead of punting on their down, the Highs attempted to make the necessary number of yards, but failed. This put the ball near their own goal line in the Ex-High’s possession. A series of smashing line bucks by Custer and Blackburn was sufficient to put the ball over for the only touchdown of the game. Goal was kicked easily.

From this time on the High School team played desperately and put up a better game of the two. Several times they rushed the ball down to within striking distance of the goal, only to fail at the critical moment. The Ex-Highs played a strong defensive game, especially when their opponents became dangerous and their line was almost like a stone wall.

Heyman, paying his last game for the old school, displayed his ability to the utmost. The longer he played the stronger he got and at the last, kept the Ex-High team on the defensive all the time. Time and again he crashed into the heavy line of the opponents tearing great holes in it and making long gains. Miller and Kester also put up a star game on the offensive. Custer’s terrific line plunging featured in the playing of the Ex-Highs. The former school star hit the line like a shot. Blackburn showed great skill in running back punts and he also made many large gains through the line.

Besides Heyman, this was the last High School contest for two other players, Captain Arther and Wagoner.

The lineup
High School  Pos. Ex-Highs
Wells le Miller; H. Ellis
Wagoner lt A. Ellis
Baer lg Wagner
Rider c Tucker
Limbach rg Meinhart
Batlzly rt Reinoehl
Stearns re Bast
Arther qb Merwin; Atwater
Miller lhb Klotz
Heyman fb Custer
Kester rhb Blackburn

Referees – Stone.
Umpire – Vogt.

Timer – Coleman.

Time of periods — 12y minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1911: Massillon 3, Youngstown Rayen 6

Varsity Again Lost to Visiting Team
by Small Score
Neither Team Had Much Opportunity to Make a Goal
Visits in the Danger Zone Were Few
Ashbaugh, Rayen End,
Guided Both Place Kicks Over the Bar

Massillon high lost to Rayen high, of Youngstown, Saturday afternoon by the score of 6 to 3, in the hardest game played by the orange and black this season.

Rayen players arrived over the Pennsylvania railroad early Saturday morning and were taken to the gymnasium, later going to the high school at 2:30 o’clock to be greeted by a chilly crowd of loyal enthusiasts. The fans, however, were all of the paying class and financially the Massillon team was benefited. Rooting was slightly on the wane, a strong, chilly wind keeping the rooters’ spirits on ice.

Rayen had a little the best of it throughout the game, the heavy linemen ploughing holes through the local defense that were unprecedented. Shields, Smith and Smith in the back positions, were almost invincible, seeming to have the power to make gains in their own control.

The Massillon back, too, came in for their share of gains, but the team was greatly handicapped by the heavy opponents. Heyman and Miller worked like clock work, but never got the ball in the danger zone. Kester was good at tackling but seemed unable to get his usual game through the opposing line. Time after time he was called back but always dropped before the Rayen onslaught.

Ashbaugh played the winning part for the Rayen team, kicking two place kicks over the posts. Heyman scored for Massillon during the first quarter and tried later in the game to drop the ball over but it was carried away by the wind. Heyman’s kick was out of the ordinary, being dropped over when he was just a few yards in front of the posts. He lifted it lightly and the wind carried it high in the air, but true to his guidance it sailed directly between the two uprights.

Arther recovered a forward in the center of the field and carried it down the entire distance but was called back, the referee deciding a pass had been left incompleted.

The lineup and summary
Rayen Pos Massillon
Finton, Griffith le Wells
Swanton lt Baltzly
Walton, G. Smith lg Weymer; Limbach
McQuinston c Rider
Humes rg Baer
Robinson (capt). rt Wagner
Ashbaugh; Taylor re Stearns
Sliman qb Arther
Shields lhb Miller
J. Smith fb Kester
E. Smith; Lustig rhb Heyman

Place kick
Rayen – Ashbaugh 2.

Drop kick:
Massillon – Heyman.

Referees – Smith (Oberlin).
Bast; alternating
Head Linesman – Atwater.

Timers: McPhate; Coleman.

Time of periods: 12y minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1911: Massillon 8, Mansfield 5

The Team, Although Weakened,
Puts Up a Great Game

Undaunted by the fact that it was facing a stiff proposition, handicapped by the loss of several of the regulars, the Massillon high school football team went to Mansfield Saturday and defeated the team of that place by the score of 8 to 5. The Massillon team excelled in all the finer points of the game, but Mansfield presented a strong defense and during the first half neither side could score.

The spell was broken, however, in the third quarter when Heyman plunged through Mansfield’s line for a touchdown, following a sensational run by Miller, the speedy half back. Goal was missed but three more points were added to Massillon’s total in the last quarter when Heyman booted the ball across the bar for a field goal.

Mansfield’s touchdown was due to a rank oversight of the referee. Heyman standing behind his own goal line punted but the kick was blocked and the ball rolled back over the goal. Heyman fell on the ball and several opponents fell on him. One of them snatched the ball from Heyman’s grasp in plain sight of the referee. The latter worthy, however, allowed the play to go through as a touchdown.

Miller and Heyman starred for the locals, the former pulling off several long end runs, while the latter made all of Massillon’s points. The line, composed largely of substitutes, was very strong on the defense. This is Mansfield’s third straight defeat at the hands of the Massillon boys and this is the first time they have ever succeeded in scoring on the local team.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1911: Massillon 27, Lisbon 0

Massillon’s Fake Forward
Helped With the Outcome
Kester, Heyman and Stearns
are Credited With Making the Entire Score
Lisbon’s Playing Was Good
and the Team Showed Organization

In a hard fought game Massillon high won from Lisbon high Saturday afternoon by the score of 27 to 0, the total score including four touchdowns, a drop kick and four goals. It was one of the hardest games the varsity has played this year and was incidentally the first game played with Lisbon.

Heyman again led off in the game, not only with the highest total score of 17 points, but also carried off every play around his side of the line. Heyman also kicked a drop over the bar during the second period from the thirty yard line.

Kester followed up his interference which was generally conceded Saturday to be the best organized that has been played by the high school. During the last few minutes of the fourth period Kester crossed the line for a touchdown.

Stearns, right end, scored the first touchdown of the game during the first three minutes of play when he broke up a Lisbon pass and carried the ball from the center of the field for a touchdown.

Massillon received the ball on the kickoff, Kester advancing it to the thirty yard line. McComb, Lisbon end, stopped Miller after the ball had been in play but a few seconds, when the latter threatened a touchdown from the center of the field. Rudy here made heavy gains through the line. Stearn broke up a forward and turned it into a touchdown. Heyman kicked goal.

Lisbom received the ball on the kick off, the ball being put in play on the thirty yard line. Arther, at this time received the longest forward made during the game and carried the ball from the center of the field to the thirty yard line. Heyman attempted a drop but was blocked and later recovered by Massillon and on the next down Kester carried it through the Libson line for eight yards and a touchdown. The period closed.
Massillon 6
Lisbon 0

The ball was put in play at the opposite end of the field on the twenty-five yard line by Massillon. Heyman after considerable hesitation by the team, dropped the ball over from the thirty yard line.

Massillon kicked to Lisbon but quickly recovered the ball when the visitors failed to make yards. Heyman and Kester again worked the same old reliable fake forward, the former making a touchdown. Heyman kicked goal.

Lisbon received the ball, Miller breaking up the interference and downing the runner before any harm was done to Massillon’s yards. Arther again carried a long pass while Kester, Rudy and Miller worked heavy line bucks, decreasing the distance to the goal with every down. Heyman followed up a formidable interference and touchdown, later kicking goal. The period closed with no additional score.

The third period opened and closed with no unusual plays with the exception of Adam’s attempt to make a place kick for Lisbon. The fourth period passed off quietly until Kester made a touchdown during the last few minutes of play.
Massillon 27
Lisbon 0

The Lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Lisbon
Arther (capt.) le McComb
Wagoner lt H. Hollinger
Limbach, Albright, Johns lg Applegate
Rider c Deemer
Baer, Weymer rg Lewis
Wells rt Panier
Stearns re Fletcher
Rudy qb Moora
Miller lhb Hum
Kester fb Porter
Heyman rhb Adams (capt.)

Massillon – Heyman 2; Stearns; Kester.

Massillon – Heyman 4.

Drop kick:
Massillon – Heyman.

Referees – Bast; Steele; alternating
Head Linesman – Atwater.

Time of periods: 10 and 12y.

Time of game: 2:30.

Attendance: about 500.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1911: Massillon 0, Akron Central 6

Teams took Turns Hammering
One Another’s Line
The Senior Half-Back Gathered in the Yards Every Time,
Never Losing the Ball to Akron
Thro’ Failure to Make Yards in Given Downs

The same old story was told in a different way Saturday when the high school went down on the score sheet as being defeated by Akron by a lone touchdown and goal. For the first time this year the line gave way and let Palmer, Akron halfback through for the score. It was not much of a gain he made at that but it counted the entire game.

Heyman played rings around every man crossing his tracks and on fine bucks never played better. Of the eleven men on the team he was generally the last man to touch the ground after being called to carry the ball.

Interference for Massillon was at its best, the line holding for plays on nearly every occasion during the offensive playing, but on the defensive everything went to pieces.

Massillon kicked to Akron, the ball being put in play on the forty yard line. Massillon’s line was weak during the first few minutes of play and Akron hammered at will for heavy gains, the home team losing ground constantly. Palmer, Akron’s left halfback, broke through a large hole and scored. W. Crisp kicked goal.

Massillon again kicked, the ball being started near the center of the field. Massillon worked to the ten-yard line and fumbled, recovering a few minutes later. Heyman worked around the ends as the team neared the goal. Miller on the thirty yard line followed up the strong interference offered on a line shift and gained twenty yards putting the ball down on the ten-yard line. Massillon again lost the scoring chance when the center made a bad pass, the ball rolling down the field several yards, untouched by any of the players. Akron recovered the ball, later punting to Massillon; Arther making a pretty and unusual catch. The quarter closed with the score in Akron’s favor.
Akron 6
Massillon 0.
The ball was put in play in the opposite end of the field. Heyman from the very first getting the best of all bargains. Massillon frequently resorted to tackle-back bucks and played the entire quarter in Akron territory. This quarter passed off without any additional scores.
Akron 6
Massillon 0
Massillon was considerably strengthened after the intermission but scoring was impossible by either team. Both played close with a few exceptions. Rider, local center saved the team from a larger score several times by making tackles which stopped gains likely to result in touchdowns. The orange and black hammered the visiting line during this period and while on the ten-yard line lost the ball through a bad pass, Akron later putting the ball in play. The quarter closed with the ball on the fifteen-yard line and in Massillon’s possession.
Akron 6
Massillon 0
From the fifteen yard line Massillon attempted a forward pass on the third down but lost the ball on failing to make the required yards. Akron refused to take chances on scrimmaging the ball so close to Massillon’s goal and punted on the first down. Heyman received the ball and carried it back close to the spot from which it had been kicked. Miller was called for a line buck when the ball was only a few inches from being out of bounds. He carried the ball to the 12-yard line. Scoring again seemed impossible and the quarter closed with the game to the credit of the visitors.
Akron 6
Massillon 0

Lineup and Summary
Akron Pos. Massillon
R. Palmer le Rudy
Haag lt Wagoner
Swinehart lg Baer
W. Crisp c Rider
McIntoch rg Wells
Baab, W. Crisp rt Baltzly
Smith re Stearns
Mains qb Arther
C. Palmer lh Miller
Abrogasi fb Kester
Jackson rh Heyman

Score by quarters:
Akron 6 0 0 0 6
Massillon 0 0 0 0 0

Akron – Palmer.

Akron – W. Crisp.

Referee – Bast; Stevens.

Timers: Coleman; Smith.

Time of Periods: 10, 12y.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1911: Massillon 41, New Philadelphia 0

Orange and Black
Defeated New Philadelphia 41 to 0
The Two Heavy Massillon Backs Were Not Allowed to Play Until Visitors Began Hammering Wide Gaps in Local Line Albright Saved Day in Long Runs

Massillon high school won back Saturday the laurels wrested from the orange and black at Shaw high, Cleveland, one week previous. The conflict with New Philadelphia was for the first three minutes of the first quarter very thick, Massillon seeming to have lost all football sense as the visiting backs ploughed holes at will through the local line.

Following out the trick acquired at the Shaw game, the utility men were kept on the sidelines until the opportune moment came. Kester and Heyman were not entered at the beginning of the game, both men being pretty well worked out and the coach wanted them to rest for the coming games.

The New Philadelphia tactics were different from what Massillon had expected and as the visitors were hammering down the field for a touchdown the two Massillon backs were trotted out on the field and from this point on the game was played entirely in a different light.

Massillon kicked to Philadelphia, the ball being put in play on the 20-yard line. It was rapidly advanced down the field to within 25 yards of the home goal. Wagoner and Rudy were taken from the backfield and given their old places while Kester was run in at full and Heyman at half.

Miller and Heyman worked wonderfully against the red and black, plowing up twenty and thirty yard furrows around both ends. Heyman carried the ball over for the first touchdown.

Miller followed close suit and two other times afterward carried the ball over for five points, Heyman kicked goals each time.

During the second half a little light shone into the gloomy future which seemed inevitable to the New Philadelphia players. While Captain Arther was playing his men on the visitors’ one-yard line, the ball was fumbled and Hendershot, visiting tackle, recovered the ball without being noticed and broke on a trot down the field.

The sidelines went almost wild when Albright, Massillon’s lightest player and the newest football material in the high school, but a mighty runner, ran down the player and threw him on the one-yard line. It was the most worthy play made during the entire game. Entirely outplayed, New Philadelphia was given this one chance and lost.

The visitors returned the favor shown them by fate and almost immediately after the long run was made after Massillon fumbled, the New Philadelphia back dropped the pigskin, Rider recovering and beating his way up the field for a touchdown.

The lineup and summary
Massillon Pos New Philadelphia
Miller le Kuntz
Baer lt Rangler
Weymer lg Helmick
Rider c Hughes
Limbach rg Schweitzer
Wells rt Hendershot
Stearns re Wallick
Arther (capt.) qb Broadhurst, Winkler, Ringer
Heyman, Rudy lhb Bowers
Kester, Wagoner fb Getz (capt.)
Batlzly rhb Winkler

Massillon – Heyman 2; Miller 3; Kester 1; Rider 1.

Massillon – Heyman 6.

Referee – Bast; Faro.

Times of periods – 10; 12y.

Time of game: 2:45.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1911: Massillon 0, Cleveland Shaw 6

Shaw Well Versed
in Punt Running and Catching
Cleveland Made material Gains
Through the Local Line
Whenever Yards Were Needed
Few Plays Went Around Stearns or Rudy,
of Massillon’s Ends

After having seen the sights of Cleveland in a forty mile automobile strip, Saturday morning, the high school donned the orange and black suits and almost gave Shaw high school the game without protest.

For some reason Massillon was unable to get into football condition. The greatest mistake made was, according to the majority of the by-standers, Massillon’s determination to play a kicking game when a few minutes of hammering the Shaw line would have broken the road for clear playing.

And when relying on the kicking Massillon lost, for Heyman was not at his best. The ball frequently fell short. Punt recovering was not very noticeable by Massillon players. Time and again a punt was fumbled but if it had been held material gains would have been credited to Massillon.

Shaw did not show up on trick plays to any advantage and the home team was working a great part of the game in Shaw territory. Relying, the latter part of the game on forwards, which occasionally worked out, Massillon spruced up slightly but every opportunity for scoring offered was thrown carelessly away.

Shaw was unable to make any gains on tricks, resorting principally to line bucking. Gains were seldom made around either of the ends.

The plays see-sawed up and down the field but finally the balloon went up near the close of the second quarter when Taylor, Shaw’s fullback, carried the ball through the line for a touchdown. One more point was scored when Shaw kicked goal.

Rudy, Miller and Ryder, for Massillon, are to be commended for their quick work in breaking up forwards for Shaw. Several times the members of this trio made individual attempts to catch the passes and saved Massillon from a much worse defeat.

The attendance at the game was fair, but was not as great as Shaw officials had expected. The Case-Dennison football game and the Cincinnati game at Cleveland drew heavily form the high school game. Weather conditions were the best and the grounds were superior to any Massillon high school has played on this season.

Lineup and summary
Shaw Pos. Massillon
A. Ward le Rudy
McNamara lt Wagoner
Riblet c Ryder
Battenfield rg Wells
Queiser rt Baltzly
Allan (capt.) re Stearns
Ferrier qb Arther (capt.)
Locke lhb Miller
Taylor fb Kester
Gordon rhb Heyman

Shaw 6
Massillon 0

Shaw – Taylor.

Shaw – Taylor.

Referees – Baer (Oberlin).
Umpire – Bast.
Head Linesman – Bowie (Reserve).

Time of periods: 10, 12y, 10, 12y/

Time of game – 2:15

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1911: Massillon 3, Alliance 0

Seriously Handicapped,
but Not Afraid of Muddy Field
The First Five Minutes of the Game
was the Only Chance Alliance High School Had
to Look at the Massillon Goal
Playing was Always Close

Massillon high was able to score only three points against Alliance high school Saturday afternoon. It was the only score but you can leave it to any of the rooters who accompanied the orange and black to the college town if the play which score the points was simply a flash in the pan.

Only during the first five minutes of the first twelve and one-half minute quarter was the ball in Massillon’s territory. There are no exceptions to that statement. The game was played entirely by Massillon in the Alliance territory usually between the forty yard line and the goal.

The Hartshorn field was the scene of the game and that field was really and truly a scene. It was not fit for high school ball and the question which filled the minds of Massillon people was how college teams would condescend to play football on a city dump. Muddy all over and partly covered with water, one end of the field between the ten yard line and the goal was no less than eighteen inches higher than the remainder of the field. An actual terrace was made on the field and has never been graded off.

Due to the field, but let it be understood, Alliance played good ball, the Massillon team was greatly handicapped. The first half of the game passed off without much excitement, no score being made.

The second half saw the Massillon team tightening up. There was no fancy playing. Captain Arther worked his brains and the team and finally located the bunch in a favorable place for a drop kick. It was not more than fifteen yards before the goal but Heyman applied the boot and over the ball flew, scoring the lonely three points. A second attempt was made at the goal but it was unsuccessful.

The lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Alliance
Stearns, Wells le Geltz
Baltzly lt H. Tanner
Baer, Weymer lg Scott
Rider c Howson
Baer rg Auld, Stroup
Wagoner rt Schultz
Rudy re Richards
Arther qb Albright
Miller lhb Kallenbaugh
Kester fb F. Tanner
Heyman rhb Pennell, Rosenblum

Drop kick:
Massillon – Heyman.

Referee – Clark; Bast.

Time of periods: 12y minutes.