1912: Massillon 20, Salem 7
SCORE, 20 TO 7
Salem Heavy,
but Could Not Stop Locals
Speedy Captain Could Not be Stopped by Visitors
Entire Massillon Team Puts Up Fine Game
Connors and Carey Shine for Salem
In a hard fought game Massillon high defeated Salem high Saturday afternoon on the high school grounds by a score of 20 to 7.
The Salem team outweighed Massillon eleven by about five pounds but the dash and vim of the local team overcame the deficiency in weight and as a result Salem was completely out played in all departments of the game. At times the Salem line took a brace and held the locals and this usually happened when the locals were near their line. Salem’s touchdown was the result of a clever forward pass from the middle of the field and which took the ball to the Massillon one-yard line and on the next down it was pushed over.
The Massillon team put up a great game both on the offensive and defensive and the team showed much improvement over last Saturday’s game. The Massillon backfield continually went through the visitor’s line for long gains and when on the defensive the line was like a stone wall. Although the entire Massillon team put up a good game, Miller, the speedy captain and halfback, was the individual star. He went through the Salem line again and again, twisting and dodging his way here and there for long gains. He was also effective in going around the ends pulling off long gains by his fleetness.
Another feature of the game was the rooting of the high school students. Under their cheer leader “Nun” Hendrich, they kept up a continual din from the time the whistle blew until the end of the game.
Salem kicked to Massillon. Kester received the ball and returned it about fifteen yards. After working several forward passes the ball was fumbled and Salem got it but was forced to punt after being held for three downs. Massillon now started up the field and when on Salem’s thirty yard line Rider dropped back for a drop kick but the ball flew wide. Salem kicked out and the ball was once more in Massillon’s possession. Miller went around right end for a long gain and by line bucks the ball was soon within striking distance of Salem’s goal. Miller went through the line for the first touchdown of the game. Kester kicked goal.
Score 7 to 0.
Massillon again received and before long was on the ten yard line but here Salem took a brace and the locals were held for downs. Salem punted and again Rudy, Kester and Miller took turns at going through the line and Kester tore through for another touchdown. Kester kicked goal.
Score 14 to 0.
Massillon again lined up to receive but after several downs, the whistle blew for the first half. Salem kicked to Massillon the second half but Massillon held for downs. Salem fumbled the ball and Baer recovered it for Massillon. After several forwards failed to work Massillon punted and Salem was also forced to punt. Third quarter over. Stern replaced Limbach at right end.
Massillon lost the ball near Salem’s line. Salem punted. Leonard received a hard bump on the head and was carried off the field. Scott took his place at left tackle. Stern gained twenty yards on a pretty forward pass. On the eighteen yard line Miller dashed through the Salem line for another touchdown. Stern was putting it all over the big right tackle who was almost twice the size of himself. Goal was missed.
Score 20 to 0.
Salem kicked to Massillon. A Salem player intercepted a Massillon forward pass and Salem tried a field goal from the 20 yard line but it failed. Massillon lined up for play but lost the ball on downs. Salem pulled off a pretty forward pass, Bryan to Carey and the ball was carried to Massillon’s one-yard line. On the next down Conners went over the line for a touchdown. Goal was kicked.
Score 20 to 7.
Massillon received. When the ball had been carried back to the middle of the field the final whistle blew.
The summary
Massillon – 20 Pos. Salem – 7
Johns le Windle
Wells lt Scott-Leonard
Theis lg Leonard – Scott
Rider c Harwood-Gwinner
Baer rg Jewell
Becker rt Cronin
Limbach-Stern re F. Bryan
Hollinger qb A. Bryan (c)
Miller (c) lhb Trotter
Rudy rhb Vaughn
Kester fb Conners
Massillon – Miller 2; Keser.
Salem – Connors.
Referee – Fugate.
Umpire – Sonnhalter.
Head Linesman – Miller.
Timeskeeper – Coleman (Massillon).
Allen (Salem).
Time of quarters – two 12½ minutes; two 10 minutes.