1907: Massillon 0 Canton Central 0
Two High School Teams Play
a 0 to 0 Game
Supporters of the Massillon Team
Were Delighted With its Work –
Grounds Were in Excellent Shape
and a Big Crowd Witnessed the Game.
For the first time in many years the Massillon High School football team kept the Canton High School team from scoring Saturday afternoon. While Massillon High has won an occasional victory from Canton High on the baseball diamond, the fates have for the past three or four years been dead against them on the grid. This year’s team delighted its supporters Saturday afternoon by playing a 0 to 0 game with its usually victorious opponents. It was one of thE neatest gridiron battles seen in this football city for many a day.
The grounds were in excellent shape. Wire had been strung entirely around the field, obviating the annoyance caused by spectators getting in the way, goal posts had been erected and when the two teams dashed onto the field to hold a short limbering up practice before the game, they were cheered by a throng of hundreds of people. The field was dotted with pennants, the orange and black of Massillon and the red and black of Canton High, and about every third rooter was attacked to a large red megaphone. Rome’s reputation in the howling line was entirely cast in the shade.
The game commenced on the second at 3 o’clock. Cheered on by cries of “Rifferty-rafferty, riff-raff, chifferty-chafferty, chiff-chaff,” etc., which is the first chapter of Canton High’s sensible, intelligent yell, the Canton players lined up at the west end of the field and received the kickoff from Massillon. Brooks caught the kick, but advanced it only a short distance. On a fumble Massillon soon gained the ball, but in its own territory. After several ineffectual attempts to circle the ends, Grinnell tried a forward pass to Wells, which failed, and Canton got the ball. Unheeding Massillon’s failure in the same line, the Canton High immediately tried a forward which also failed, Grinnell capturing the ball. Dow was then hurled and thrust against the line for eight yards, Grinnell and Wagner also steadily pounded the line and Massillon gained its yards for several downs. Canton got the ball far down in its own territory and immediately attempted to punt, but Snavely crashed through the line and blocked it on Canton’s ten-yard line.
Massillon High now went wild with delight. Nothing seemed surer than that Canton High should be scored upon. As a last resort Canton again tried the forward pass. This time it succeeded and about twenty yards were gained. A delayed quarter back run netted about fifteen yards more for Canton, and they were out of danger for the time being. The forward pass was by far the most popular play. Canton tried it again and Snavely downed the runner in his tracks, and when the same play was tried again Wagner got the ball but was knocked out. In about five minutes he insisted on re-entering the game. Punting was now resorted to. Captain Grinnell out punted his opponent by many yards on every punt. The ball going out of bounds, both teams hurdled the wire, crashed through the crowd and in an instant a mass of humanity was rolling over and over in the road. When the mass was resolved into its elements, Keeley Miller was found snugly wrapped around the ball. The first ended with the ball in Massillon’s possession near the middle of the field. Neither side had scored.
Although Wagner was badly injured, he insisted on entering the game when the teams lined up after a ten minute respite. In the second half he played the game of his life. Many a time he was the first man down the field on a punt, would down his man, and then lay stretched out on his back thoroughly done up. The injury which he received in the first half only seemed to make him play the harder. Canton High kicked off to Massillon when the second half began, Grinnell getting the ball. Punting soon became more the custom than ever. Grinnell’s trusty leg always sending the ball forty yards or more. Canton now made a good end run which looked good for a touchdown, but the runner was downed by the indomitable Wagner far down in Massillon’s territory. Things looked…
Oct. 10, 1907
High School Team Defeated
by Adversaries’ Superior Weight
Although the Massillon High School football beam enjoyed a good practice game against the Business College eleven on the high school grounds Wednesday afternoon, the enjoyment ended there, for the final score was not at all to its liking. Much to the High School team’s surprise and indignation, the Business College team trimmed it by the score of 6 to 0. The victory was due to the terrific line hitting of the Business College and Thompson’s end runs. Although the business College had not played before this season, excellent signal work was done and the runner was always given excellent interference. The High school was greatly out-weighed, and this was the reason for their defeat, as they could not withstand the onslaught of the Business College’s much heavier back field.
Both captains seemed desirous of kicking field goals. Whenever either team got within striking distance, and sometimes when they were not, a try would be made by Grinnell or Schnierle for goal from the field. Every attempt failed. Massillon High played a much better game on the ends than was the case of New Philadelphia last Saturday. Thompson was the only Business College back that made any gains on the end. Punting honors were about even between Grinnell and Thompson, each kicking well.
The High School team has no reason to chide the girls for non-support. A large crowd of high school maidens were in evidence and in spite of the fact that theirs was the losing side, sent cheer after cheer echoing across the field.