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Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1914: Massillon 3, Alliance 0

Eckstein’s Kick From Placement
From 35-Yard Line
With Only a Minute to Play,
Wins Thrilling Game of Football
for Orange and Black Over Alliance
Theis Stars

With only one minute of play remaining and a large round-faced moon sending its first silvery rays shimmering across the field and Massillon high in possession of the ball on Alliance’s 35-yard line, fullback Joe Eckstein dropped back for a place kick. Quarterback Hollinger motioned for the ball, caught it and touched the ground. There was a thud as leather met leather and then the pigskin rose above 22 struggling gridiron warriors and sailed gracefully over the bar, bringing to the orange and black the greatest victory of the season by the score of 3 to 0 over a foe whose determination was unbendable as steel and whose grit won praises of 500 football fans Saturday afternoon at the Driving Park.
It was a game that will go down in the annuals of the old or rather new school, as one of the greatest gridiron victories a Massillon high team had ever won.
For several seconds after the kick the spectators seemed rooted to the ground. They were amazed by the brilliancy of the mighty boot. Then bedlam broke loose. Orange and black clothed warriors grabbed and hugged each other and performing antics that they would not think of at any other time. Men threw their hats in the air and the fairer sex, laughed, clapped their hands and wept for sheer delight. In an instant the field was black with people. A horde of jubilant high school students grabbed Eckstein and placed him on their shoulders and carried him around the field. It was the happiest moment in the big fullbacks’ life.
But with Alliance it was different. The crimson warriors who had fought so nobly to attain victory, had tasted the bitter cup of defeat. They fell to the ground, buried their faces in the dirt and cried. Here and there an Alliance player could be heard sobbing as if he had lost everything in the world.
It was a mighty struggle, so terrific and brilliant that it was proclaimed by many as the greatest game that has been played in old Tiger town for many years.

Alliance fought hard to stave off defeat. It played recklessly. What did it matter if players were hurt so long as they kept the orange and black from winning. They dashed into every play but the strain began to tell and in the second half they were slowly but surely beaten back by the local team and the ball was in Alliance’s territory throughout the greater portion of the last 28 minutes of the struggle. Several times Eckstein tried to drop the ball over the bars but failed. One time the ball hit the goal post and bounced back into the field. Neither team had a chance to score a touchdown, although the local team had several opportunities, but each time the Alliance players would buckle down and stop the orange and black.

Only those who saw the contest realized how brilliant a battle it was. Alliance had a good team and should be given credit for the plucky fight it put up.

Massillon played the better game. It gained considerably more ground than its opponents and the local line was like a stone wall. Not one yard did the Alliance backs make by line plunging. Their gains were made on end runs and forward passes.
It cannot be said that any player did not do his best. All were in the game every minute but the name of one player stands out prominently and that player is Theis, left tackle, for the orange and black. His brilliant defensive work was by far the brightest spot in that sterling game of football. Time after time he broke through the line and nailed the runner. He often tackled the man on the opposite side of the line. He tackled like a furious bull and Alliance was unable to stop his whirlwind attack.

The playing of Eckstein was as brilliant as that of Theis. It was his trusty toe that brought victory, when the fans believed that a scoreless tie would be the outcome of the struggle. The big fullback played the best game of his football career. He hit the line like a shell from a German howitzer and was a bear on defense. Hollinger was Massillon’s best ground gainer. Zorger made a pretty 50 yard run in the last quarter.

For Alliance the playing of Beck, the midget center and Woolf, right half, stood out prominently. Beck, weighing only 109 pounds, was the star for his team. He was in every play. He was injured in the last quarter and had to be taken out.

Some of the credit for the victory goes to Coach Snavely of the local squad. He has developed the players into a real football team, one that fights every minute of the game. A big increase in the tackling ability of the team was noticed in Saturday’s contest.

Following is the line up and summary
M.H.S. – 3 Pos. A.H.S. – 0
Harrold le Baier
Theis lt Albright
Snyder lg Elkis
Spuhler c Beck
Clay rg McGranahan
Stultz rt Davis
Houriet re Ashbrook
Hollinger qb Kirk
R. Smith (c) lhb Thompson
Eckstein fb Roach (c)
H. Smith rhb Woolf

Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 0 0 3 3
Alliance 0 0 0 0 0

Goals from placement:
Massillon – Eckstein.

Massillon – Zorger for Harrold; Clay for Snyder; Snyder for Clay; Graybill for Clay; Bunker for H. Smith; Zorger for Bunker; H. Smith for Bunker; Bunker for Eckstein.
Alliance – Bowman for Beck; Reese for McGranahan.

Referee – Roderick.
Umpire – Rudy.
Head Linesman – Rudy.

Timers: Parsons; Cappock.

Time of periods: 15 and 12½ minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1914: Massillon 10, Salem 0

SCORE 10 – 0
Orange and Black Wins
Hard Fought Game From Fast Salem Team
Hollinger Star of Contest
Speedy Quarter Shows Up Well
in Carrying Ball for Local Aggregation

Another victory was tucked away in the folds of the orange and black Saturday afternoon when the high school defeated the crack Salem high team on Longfellow school grounds by the score of 10 to 0. The local team put up a great game of football Saturday but lost several chances to score by fumbling. Fumbles alone marred the playing of the orange and black warriors.
To Hollinger goes the honor of being the star of the contest. The speedy quarterback was a demon in a broken field. Seldom did he fail to gain when carrying the ball. Dodging here and there, he eluded tackler after tackler, making gains anywhere from 5 to 55 yards. His 55-yard run, early in the second quarter, was the feature of the game. On returning punts, he showed up well, bringing the ball back close to where it was kicked from.
Coach Snavely’s boys were in the game every minute. They outplayed the Salem warriors and had they not fumbled the ball at critical stages of the contest, the score would have been larger. They missed three chances to score by the air route in the first half. Hollinger threw the ball once to Smith and twice to Houriet and all three passes would have been good for touchdowns had not the players stepped out of bounds in receiving the ball.

Massillon scored its only touchdown in the first quarter. Salem was held for downs on the 35-yard line and forced to punt. Theis, left tackle, always on the job, broke through the line, blocked the kick and sent the ball spinning into the hands of Captain Smith, who raced 35 yards to the goal for a touchdown. Hollinger kicked goal.

Shortly after the third quarter started, Eckstein dropped the ball over from placement from the 30-yard line. It was a pretty kick.

On the ends Zorger, Moody and Houriet put up a great game. Houriet played his usually brilliant game. He grabbed a Salem forward pass in the last quarter and ran 50 yards before being downed.

Theis and H. Stultz at the tackles, stopped all attempts at line plunging. Stultz did some fine punting. Snyder, E. Stultz, Graybill and Clay outplayed their opponents and were continually breaking through and nailing the man. Spuhler at center was a big cog in the local team’s defense. Hollinger at quarter, ran the team in fine shape. In the backfield R. Smith, Eckstein, Hille and H. Smith presented an array of players hard to beat. Good at line plunging and running the ends, they bewildered the Salem team.
The red and black team of Salem played a good game. It did fine team work and its attack kept the orange and black guessing. Windell, captain and quarterback on the Salem team, was the star. He played a good game. His punting was one of the features of the contest. His kicks were high and averaged nearly 50 yards.

Following is the line up and summary
Massillon – 10 Pos. Salem – 0
Zorger le Cavanaugh
Theis lt Whinnery
Snyder lg Logan
Spuhler c McClery
Graybill rg Cosgrove
H. Stultz rt Lamphard
Houriet re Turner
Hollinger qb Windell (c)
Hille lhb Williman
Eckstein fb Baillie
R. Smith (c) rhb Hagen

Score by quarters:
Salem 0 0 0 0 0
Massillon 7 0 3 0 10

Massillon – R. Smith.

Massillon – Hollinger 1.

Goal from placement:
Massillon – Eckstein.

Massillon – Moody for Zorger; E. Stultz for Snyder; Graybill for E. Stultz; Clay for Graybill; H. Smith for R. Smith; Zorger for Hille.
Salem – Baillie for Cavanaugh; Vollman for Lamphard; Baillie for Grinner.

Referee – Roderick
Umpire – Rudy.
Head Linesman – Boerner.

Timers: Kester; Leyda.

Time of periods: 12½ minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1914: Massillon 0, Akron Central 6

Heavy Akron Central Team
Defeats Massillon High 6 to 0
on Field of Mud and Water
Local Team Greatly Outweighed,
Outplays Its Opponents Throughout
Most of the Contest

Akron Central, Saturday afternoon, in the Wooster Avenue stadium, Akron, handed Massillon high its first defeat of the season by the score of 6 to 0.

The entire game was played in a steady downpour. The field soon became a quagmire and the mud several inches deep. It was the rain rather than Akron Central that spelled defeat for the orange and black. Had Old Sol continued to shine as he did earlier in the day, it is more than likely the locals would have handed Akron Central a decisive beating for even in the mud and mire it outplayed its opponent throughout the greater part of the game.

Massillon kicked off to Akron, who brought the ball to the 15-yard line by steady line plunging. The orange and black took a brace and held Akron for downs. Stultz immediately kicked out of danger. Akron’s backs now started to ram the line and by steady plunging brought the ball up to within a foot of Massillon’s goal line from where Carderilli bucked it over. Goal was missed. Akron’s score had been made five minutes after play started.

The orange and black fought desperately to keep Akron from scoring but all that the Summit county boys had to do was to stamp their feet in the mud, lunge at the Massillon line and the impact would push the light team back several yards. It was unable to get a foothold in the mud.

After this Massillon fought the rubber city team to a standstill. Akron several times carried the ball to the shadow of the orange and black goal posts but each time the local boys held and Akron was forced to give up the oval.

Massillon’s only chance to score came in the third quarter, when Akron fumbled the ball. Harold scooped it up and had a clear field but he slipped and was downed. Had the field been dry and solid the local boys would have scampered away to a touchdown.

The orange and black showed up well in the mud. The defensive playing of Houriet, Theis and Hollinger stood out prominently.

Following the line up and summary
M.H.S. – 0 Pos. A.C.H.S. – 6
Harold le Spaulding
Theis lt Flowers (c)
Snyder, E. Stultz lg Wright
Spuhler c Youtz
Graybil, Graze rg Benedict
Stultz rt Shaw
Houriet re Harter
Hollinger qb Jenkins
H. Smith, Zorger lhb Carderhill
Eckstein fb Rook
R. Smith (c) rhb Hillibush

Score by quarters:
Akron 6 0 0 0 6
Massillon 0 0 0 0 0

Akron Central – Carderilli 1.

Referee – Owens (Akron).
Umpires – Kester (Massillon).
Rudy (Massillon).
Head Linesman – Smith.

Time of periods – 12 and 15 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1914: Massillon 9, Akron South 0

9 – 0
Contest Was Played on Field of Slime Several Inches Deep Orange and Black Squad Outplayed Opponents at All Stages of the Game
Eckstein Makes Points

Battling for nearly an hour Saturday afternoon on a field that resembled a sea of mud, Massillon high’s gridiron warriors finally triumphed over the pride of Akron South by the score of 9 to 0 in a slow but intensely exciting contest. The soggy condition of the field made fast play impossible. After the first down the players became nearly unrecognizable and more than once was time called out in order to allow some poor unfortunate to dig the mud out of his mouth and eyes.

The game did not begin until 4:05 o’clock and the greater portion of the contest was played in the slowly gathering dusk. Although outweighed by the Akron team, the local players were in the game every minute and their spirited attack swept the rubber city lads off their feet while the suddenness of the onslaught left them dazed. The orange and black team carried the ball within striking distance of the Akron goal line several times only to lose it on fumbles.

To fullback Eckstein goes the credit for making all the points. The first score came in the second quarter. With the ball on their 15-yard line, Akron was held for downs and forced to punt. Theis, Massillon’s star tackle, broke through the line and blocked the kick, sending it spinning toward the Akron goal line. Harold, left end, chased after the ball, caught it and was downed on the one-yard line. Eckstein bucked the ball over for the touchdown. Goal was missed.

The remaining three points were made in the last quarter, near the close of the game, when Eckstein booted the ball over the bars from placement on the 20-yard line

At no time during the game did Akron South threaten Massillon’s goal and they never advanced the ball over Massillon’s 35-yard line. Massillon’s line played a great game Saturday and to use the expression of one of the local rooters who saw the contest, they opened holes in the Akron line big enough for an N.O.T. interurban car to go through sideways.

The team showed up mighty well Saturday. The players stopped the Akron team time after time and they only made first down once while Massillon was only forced to punt once.

Massillon’s little group of rooters numbering 25 out-rooted Akron South’s supporters who numbered nearly 200. The game was played in the newly finished stadium on Wooster Avenue.

Line up and summary
M.H.S. – 9 Pos. A.S.H. – 0
Harold LE Whalen
Theis LT Taylor
Snyder LG Wile
Spuhler C Possehl
Graybill RG Miller
Stultz RT Sisler
Houriet RE Stevens
Hollinger QB Welkar
Zorger LHB Pfahl
Eckstein FB Newfield (c)
R. Smith (c) RHB Munro

Score by quarters:
Massillon – first 0; second 6; third 0; fourth 3.

Massillon – Eckstein.

Goals from placement:
Massillon – Eckstein.

Referee – Smith (Akron).
Umpire – Jones.
Head Linesman – Boerner (Massillon).

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1914: Massillon 33, Uhrichsville 0

Local High School Gridders
Trounce Uhrichsville 33 to 0,
in Opening Contest of Season
Orange and Black Plays
Good Ball at Times
Players Show Up Well

Massillon high’s gridiron warriors celebrated the opening of the 1914 gridiron season Saturday afternoon by trouncing the pigskin chasers from Uhrichsville by the score of 33 to 0 on the old high school grounds.

The youthful wearers of the orange and black played brilliant ball at times and at others their attack was not so good. The local team did not show up well in tackling and was not able to break up Uhrichsville’s forward passes. The southerners worked nine successful forwards, making three straight twice.

To Captain Smith goes the honor for making the first touchdown of the season. Massillon kicked to Uhrichsville. The local gridders held and forced Uhrichsville to punt but the ball was recovered by Uhrichsville on the ten-yard line. Uhrichsville fumbled the ball and Eckstein fell on it. Massillon was held for downs and forced to punt. Spuhler recovered the kick on the 12-yard line. Eckstein shot through center and placed the ball the one foot from the line where it was carried over by Smith. Hollinger missed goal.

The second touchdown came near the close of the second quarter; Eckstein bucking the ball over. Goal was missed.

In the second half the local team started out with a rush and played the best football of the contest. Soon after the quarter had started Capt. Smith went through for the third touchdown. Hollinger kicked goal.

Hollinger made the last two touchdowns. Near the end of the third quarter he went through the Uhrichsville line for 12 yards and a touchdown. He kicked goal. The last touchdown came when Hollinger grabbed a Uhrichsville forward pass in the last quarter and sprinted 35 yards to the goal. Goal was kicked.

Uhrichsville threatened to score in the last quarter. Four forward passes, in quick succession placed the ball on the three-yard line. The Massillon line tightened and Uhrichsville was forced to give up the ball.

The local team showed up well at times and with another week’s practice should be able to give a good account of itself. Straight line plays was all that was used by the orange and black. Eckstein at full and Zorger at half back played a good game. Massillon’s line, composed of nearly all new players, showed up well and very seldom did the Uhrichsville backs go through for large gains. Many changes in the line up were made by Coach Snavely.

Quimby, white-headed fullback for Uhrichsville, was the star for his team. The two-headed player was mixed up in every play. Blythe, former star quarterback at Mt. Union referred the game.

Following is the summary
M.H.S. – 33 Pos. Uhrichsville –0
Harold le McDonald
Theis lt McKee
Snyder lg Heck
Spuhler c Witting
Graze rg Miller
Stultz rt Edwards (c)
Houriet re Burns
Hollinger qb Eckfeld
H. Smith lhb Gow
Eckstein fb Quimby
R. Smith (c) rhb Marshall

Score by quarter
1 2 3 4
M.H.S. 6 6 14 7 33
Uhrichsville 0 0 0 0 0

Uhrichsville – Heck for McKee; Russell for Heck.
Massillon – Moody for Harold; Archbold for Snyder; Graybill for Graze; Burk for Hollinger; Zorger for H. Smith.

Massillon – Hollinger 2; Smith 2; Eckstein 1.

Massillon – Hollinger 3.

Referee – Blythe (Mt. Union)
Umpire – Parsons.
Head Linesman – Gorrell.

Timers: Kester; Hamilton

Time of periods: 10 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1913: Massillon 13, Canton Central 13


In a game full of brilliant tackling and spectacular playing M.H.S., in the last game of the season, held its old rival Canton high to a tie score, 13 to 13, Saturday afternoon on the local grounds. All touchdowns were made by the use of the forward pass, both teams depended largely upon this method to gain. Canton excelled in the art of forward passing, working four straight forwards in the third quarter.
Not since the old Tiger days has such a crowd of football fans been assembled as on Saturday afternoon. They were massed around the field five and six deep and were continually rooting and cheering the players.

Canton sent over a large delegation of rooters and with the high school band stationed on the south side of the field kept up a continual din through the game.

On the north side were the high school students and led by cheerleader, Kirk Baxter let out yell after yell through the entire contest. When Rifer shot the ball to Hollinger for the first touchdown after a few minutes of play bedlam broke loose and cheer after cheer rent the atmosphere.

Between halves the student body held a parade around the field and a Canton rooter wishing to enlarge his collection of pennants grabbed a banner from one student, a riot threatened, it was quickly broken up and the offender ordered out of town by Mayor Kaley.
The day was ideal for a football game, probably a little to warm for the players, but spectators were well satisfied. The grounds were in fine condition also.
Captain Cholly of the red and black won the toss and choose to defend the west goal. Kester kicked off, Cholly returning the ball 15 yards. Cholly went through the line for 6 yards. Cholly goes through left tackle for 6 more making first down. Massillon held and Canton punted,

Massillon’s ball on the 46 yard line, Kester goes through for 5, Rider makes 1 yard, Smith goes through left tackle for 30 yards. On the next play Rider shot the ball to Hollinger for the first touchdown. Kester kicked goal.

Massillon’s second touchdown came in the second quarter on a forward from Kester to Rogers who ran 20 yards for the score. Kester failed goal. On the next kickoff Canton started a steady march down the field, line plays and forward passes placed the ball on the one-yard line with four downs to make the required one yard; the orange and black line held and Canton was unable to cross the goal line.

Canton’s first touchdown came in the second quarter on a double pass from Cholly to Douds to Brown registered the first score for the red and black. Cholly missed goal.

On the kickoff, Rudy received the ball and sustained injuries which forced him to leave the game, Spidle taking his place. Rider captured a Canton forward and ran 50 yards as the half ended before being downed.

Massillon receives. A forward from Rider to Hollinger makes a gain of 50 yards, Canton blocked Rider’s attempt at a drop kick. The red and black working forward after forward made their second touchdown. A pass from Snyder to Jackson for 40 yards made the score. Cholly kicked goal. Score tie.

Both teams were now fighting desperately to score, the ball kept zig-zagging back and forth through the middle of the field. The red and black would work forward passes for big gains only to be held for downs by the fighting wearers of the orange and black. With a few minutes left to play, Kester recovers a blocked punt and with a five yard penalty for a Canton player being offside, the ball was placed on the one-yard line. With victory within their grasp, the orange and black were unable to cross Canton’s goal line. On an end run, Rider was thrown for a loss of 4 yards. Kester went through the line for 3 on the next play, he fumbled and a Canton player recovered. They immediately kicked out of danger. The quarter ended with the ball in the middle of the field.
For the orange and black, Smith and Hollinger played the star games with Theis, Rogers and Kester close seconds. Smith at halfback tore through the Canton line for many big gains and played the best game of his career. Hollinger at right end stopped everything that came his way and gave a brilliant exhibition of hard and accurate tackling. Theis at tackle was too big an obstacle for the Canton backs to surmount and not a yard was made through him. Rogers at left end played a strong defensive game and scored one of the touchdowns. Kester, although not kicked the ball with his usual skill, easily out punted his rival; the Canton team being weak in the kicking department. Kester also hit the line well and made several long gains. The orange and black line played low and the red and black found it impossible to gain any ground through them. Houriet pitted against a man weighing 175 pounds, playing him off his feet.

The red and black excelled in the use of the forward pass, working it time and again for large gains.

Captain Cholly the brilliant captain of the Canton team was easily the star of the game. Had it not been for his great playing Canton would have been beaten by a large score. He entered the game with three damaged ribs and often had to be assisted to his feet after being downed. In returning punts he is in a class by himself, by his twisting and dodging, often bringing the ball back to where it was kicked from. He was forced to quit the game in the last quarter.

Following is the line up and summary
Massillon – 13 Pos. Canton –13
Rogers le Douds, Cook
Theis lt Hague
Houriet lg Pontius
Spuhler c Volzer
Paroz rg Wise
Rudy Capt –Spidle rt Van Vorhis
Hollinger re Jackson
Rider qb Snyder
McLaughlin, Vogt lh Zengler, Cook
Smith rh Cholly Capt.
Kester fb Brown

Massillon – Hollinger; Rogers.
Canton – Brown; Jackson.

Referee – Snyder (Cleveland).
Umpire – Gibson (Mt. Union).
Head Lineman – Bast (Massillon).

Time of quarters: 15 and 12 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1913: Massillon 3, Barberton 21

Wet and Slippery Field Aids
Heavy Match City Team


Big Line Plunger Gives Great Exhibition of Playing
Easily Out Punts Rival
Rudy and Hollinger Also Play Good Games

Massillon high Saturday afternoon received its fourth defeat of the season at the hands of Barberton high by the score of 21 to 3. The local team was outweighed several pounds to the man and the wet and slippery condition of the field greatly aided the heavy match city team. Had the game been played on a dry field the score would have been much lower, as Massillon out played their opponents. Fumbles were numerous and the light Massillon line could do little against their heavier opponents. The Barberton team did not put up a clean brand of football and were penalized several times for using rough tactics.

Barberton scored its first touchdown after one minute of play. Massillon received, McLaughlin getting the ball on the kickoff. On the next play a poor pass to Kester caused him to fumble and a Barberton man recovered it. On the next play Geottge went through the line for a touchdown. Brokaw kicked goal.

Foust made the second touchdown, receiving one of Kester’s punts in midfield. The speedy halfback ran through the entire Massillon team for a touchdown. Brokaw again kicked goal.

The last score was made by Geottge in the third quarter on a line buck. Brokaw kicked goal.

Rider scored Massillon’s only points in the first quarter by a drop from the 20-yard line. The varsity was within striking distance of Barberton’s goal several times, but would either lose the ball on downs or fumble it. In the first quarter the local team made four first downs and carried the ball to the
eight-yard line only to lose it on a fumble.

Kester was Massillon’s shining light. The big fullback by his great playing and kicking can be reckoned the equal of any high school back and punter in the state. He easily out punted his rival and hit the line with terrific force, going through for gains from five to forty yards whenever called upon to carry the ball. On defense he was a tower of strength.

Rudy, his running mate, also put up a great game. These two players have been Massillon’s biggest asset this season. Hollinger, at end, played a strong defensive game and made many brilliant tackles. Smith, at left half, although the smallest member on the squad, went through the heavy Barberton line for several substantial gains. Spuhler, at center, played a good game. “Spook” made one bum pass that was responsible for a Barberton touchdown but he made up for it by his great playing during the rest of the half. Injuries caused his being taken out in the second half.

Rider at quarter ran the team in good style and ran back punts in fine shape. Rogers and Theis at tackles, were stumbling blocks for the Barberton backs. McLaughlin, at end, played a strong defensive game. At guard Spidle, Paroz and Houriet gave a good account of themselves.

Foust played the star game for Barberton. The speedy back would tear through the Massillon line for big gains. Geottge at full, also showed up well at line plunging.

Following is the line up and summary
Massillon – 3 Pos. Barberton – 21
McLaughlin le Baushhuger
Rogers lt Mansfield
Spidle, Houriet lg Chisnell
Spuhler, Spidle c Snyder
Paroz rg Baughman
Theis rt Yackee
Hollinger re Eberhardt
Rider qb Chandler (cap.)
Rudy (cap.) rhb Foust
Smith lhb Brokaw
Kester fb Geottge

Barberton – Geottge 2; Foust 1.

Goals after touchdowns:
Barberton – Brokaw 3.

Drop kick: Massillon — Rider.

Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Mack.
Head Linesman – Yingling.

Time of quarters: 13 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1913: Massillon 0, Alliance 6

Defeats Local Team Saturday
by Score of 6 to 0


Contest Take Place on Mount’s New Athletic Field
Alliance Scores Touchdown by Air Route
Kester Sick, Unable to Play

On a field that resembled a sea of mud, Massillon high went down to defeat before the fast Alliance team Saturday afternoon by the score of 6 to 0. Alliance scored its touchdown in the third on a long forward pass over the goal line. It traveled from quarterback Kirk to end Baier.

The game was played on Mt. Union’s new athletic field and the rain of the previous night had turned the field into a sea of mud. Fast play was impossible and forward passes did not work on account of the slippery condition of the ball.

Alliance did not expect to win from the local team, but put up a brilliant game and finally romped away with the big end of the score. The varsity was within striking distance of Alliance’s goal several times, but could not carry it over. Much line bucking was done, end runs and trick plays being of no value on the wet field.

The absence of Kester from the line up was greatly felt by the local team. The star fullback was unable to accompany the team on account of illness. His line plunging ability and kicking would have helped Massillon greatly.

The line up and summary
Massillon – 0 Pos. Alliance – 6
Rogers le Baier
Thies lt Packer
Spidle lg Mathias
Spuhler c Branfield
Paroz rg McGranahan
Houriet rt Davis
Hollinger re Miller
Rider qb Kirk
McLaughlin lhb Drukenbrod
Smith rhb Borton
Rudy fb Roach

Alliance – Baier.

Referee – Clarke (Kenyon).
Umpire – Calvin (Mt. Union).

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1913: Massillon 14, New Philadelphia 0


Massillon high added another victory to its list Saturday afternoon, when it defeated New Philadelphia 14 to 0 on the local grounds. New Philadelphia out played the varsity during the first half, using only line bucks. The New Philadelphia team tore up the local line repeatedly for substantial gains. In the second half the tide turned and Massillon asserted itself and played New Philadelphia off its feet.

Hollinger was the shining light in Saturday’s contest, making both touchdowns and playing a strong defensive game. The first score was made in the third quarter when Holly captured a New Philadelphia forward and raced 25 yards for a touchdown. Kester kicked goal. The second touchdown was made in the last quarter on a forward pass from Kester to Hollinger, who ran 45 yards for the down. Kester kicked goal.

Kester still continues to boot the ball. He easily out punted his opponent Saturday. Jake rammed the line with terrific force, being the only player to make any gains through the New Philadelphia line. Kester is also good at throwing the forward pass.

Smith played a strong defensive game, the little whitehead being in on every play. Theis at the other tackle also gave a good exhibition of defensive work. Rider at quarter ran the team in good style. Rogers was off form Saturday, not playing the game he is capable of. It is hoped he will play a better game next Saturday. McLaughlin and Rudy made several good end runs while Spidle, Albright and Houriet at guards and Spuhler at center were in every play.

For New Philadelphia, Wallick and Scott were the shining lights.

The teams were evenly matched in weight and play was kept in the center of the field during the greater part of the game. Massillon gave a good exhibition of open football trying many forwards, several of which worked, the trouble being the inability of the man receiving the pass to hold the ball. Several more touchdowns would have been added had the ball been held.

Rider tried several drops from difficult angles, one of which crossed the bars.

New Philadelphia used straight football, continually ramming the line and making good gains the first half, but the local team took a good brace in the second half and stopped all attempts at piercing the line.

Following the line up and summary
Massillon – 14 Pos. New Phila. – 0
Rogers le Stiffler
Theis lt Anderson
Spidle, Albright lg Hill
Spuhler c Rangler
Houriet rg Evans
Paroz, Smith rt Watkins
Hollinger re Wallick (c)
Rider qb Scott
McLaughlin lhb Wills
Rudy (c) rhb Stevenson
Kester fb Kelly

Massillon – Hollinger 2.

Goals from touchdowns:
Massillon – Kester 2.

Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Fry.
Head Linesman – Yingling.

Time of quarters – 13 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1913: Massillon 0, Akron Central 25

Greatly Outweighed,
Local Team Fights Every Inch of the Way and Holds Akron’s Star Team
to Four Touchdowns


Big Fullback Plays Best Game of His Career
Jackson Stars for Akron
Massillon’s Line Plays Well But Could Not Stop Battering

Beef! Beef! Beef!

Beef alone won for Akron Central its 25 to 0 victory over M.H.S. Saturday on the high school grounds. Had the two teams been of equal weight, Massillon would have won the game by a comfortable margin, but as it was, the heavy Akron team would batter down the defense of their lighter opponents and stop the plays.

The local team went into the game determined to fight their hardest and fight they did. Greatly outweighed, they held the hard hitting Akronites to four touchdowns. Massillon played an open game. Several attempts to pierce the Akron line were tried, but in most cases no gains were made. Akron was forced to punt often and in the second quarter they were held for three downs on the one-yard line, on the fourth down Rabe went around right end for a touchdown.

A great improvement was shown by the varsity in Saturday’s game. It seemed line a different team; the players were in the game fighting every step. The line played low and the backfield hit its hardest. Akron, confident of winning by a record score, soon found that it would take its best playing to defeat Massillon.

Massillon won the toss and chose to defend the east goal. Hollinger received and advanced the ball to midfield. Kester went through for 8 yards. Rider went around end for 30 yards. Akron took a brace and held Massillon for downs. The ball was kept moving through the middle of the field; Massillon playing a kicking game.

In the second quarter Akron bucked the ball to the three-yard line and Jackson went through for the first touchdown. Goal was missed. Toward the end of the quarter Rabe went around and for the second touchdown.

Jones made the third touchdown in the third quarter. Carderilla kicked goal. Rabe made the fourth.

Massillon’s team work excelled that of Akron and many forward passes were made.

The varsity had a chance to score in the first quarter, with the ball on the 30 yard line. Rider dropped back for a drop kick, but a poor pass by Spuhler caused a fumble.

Fullback Jake was Saturday’s star. Kester put up the game of his life, hitting the line with terrific force. On defense he was everywhere, breaking through and throwing the heavy Akron backs with a thud. He out punted his opponent easily, his kicks averaging 60 yards. Rider, Hollinger, Rogers and all the rest of the team put up a good game.

For Akron, Jackson played the best game, being the hardest player on the team to tackle, it usually taking five or six players to stop him.

Following is the line up and summary
Massillon – 0 Pos. Akron – 25
Rogers le Bahr
Theis lt Flower
Paroz-Albright lg Freeman
Spuhler c Carderalli – Jones
Hollinger re Knight
Rider qb Rabe
Rudy (c) rhb Jackson (c)
McLaughlin lhb Bevington
Kester fb Goodyear

Akron – Jackson 1; Jones 1; Rabe 2.

Goal after touchdown:
Akron – Carderalli.

Referee – Bast (Massillon)
Umpire – Owens (Buchtel).
Head Linesman – Snavely.

Time of quarters – 15 minutes and 12 minutes.