That crack orange and black eleven of Massillon high school will make the fans forget all about the brilliant performance of the 1915 team if it isn’t careful.
Coach Snavely’s youthful tigers showed some 2,500 odd spectators Saturday afternoon in a convincing manner that they are a great deal faster and have a better attack than last year’s crew, when they smothered Wooster’s high eleven under a 52 to 0 drubbing on the driving park gridiron.
Wooster high sent here a beefy aggregation of gridders and a big fullback, weighing nearly 190 pounds, who was a star when it came to ripping up the Tiger line for substantial gains. But beef played little part in the fracas and the plinging fullback—Carlton, captain of the Wayne county team—could not play the entire game himself.
Massillon’s attack both on offensive and defensive was so bewildering and puzzling to the visiting team that from the very outset it was evident it would not be able to weather the storm, although it did put up a plucky fight to halt the orange and black’s victorious march.
McLaughlin’s great generalship in directing Massillon’s team play, his brilliant running in a broken field and his accurate hurling of the forward pass; Thomas’ daring in skirting Wooster’s ends or dashing through the line; Stults’ heavy line plunging; Harrold’s fine work in receiving forwards, and the great defensive playing of Bischoff, Ertle and Zepp was too much for Wooster’s heavy aggregation and they wilted before Massillon’s attack.
It took the local team just one minute and 25 seconds to score the first touchdown. Massillon received. Two line plunges brought in the Wooster wingmen and then McLaughlin shot a forward to Harrold, which brought a gain of 50 yards. McLaughlin darted through left tackle on the next play and by some great dodging and running, gained 30 yards and the first touchdown.
Wooster received, was held and punted. Thomas skirted right end for a big gain of 40 yards and a minute later plunged through tackle for the second touchdown. The third touchdown in the quarter came after a series of line plays had brought the ball to the one yard line with goal to gain on the fourth down. McLaughlin shot into the Wooster line and hung up the third set of counters.
Wooster succeeded in holding the orange and black scoreless in the second quarter but in the third quarter a forward from McLaughlin to Bischoff for 12 yards scored a touchdown.
It was in this quarter that Carlton showed up well for Wooster. The big fullback, who last season was out of the game most of the time on account of injuries, hurled himself into the line time after time for big gains and he worked the ball within striking distance, but a Wooster man fumbled and Massillon recovered.
In the fourth quarter Massillon ran rough shod over the Wayne county boys. Four touchdowns and one goal were annexed. Stults placed Massillon in position to score by a 45 yard plunge through the line, McLaughlin taking the ball over on the next play from the two yard line. Shortly after that he scored again and a few minutes later shot a 20 yard pass to Harrold for a touchdown. McLaughlin made the last touchdown 10 seconds before time expired: He plowed through the line for eight yards.
Massillon – 52. Pos. Wooster – 0.
Harrold (c) le Wemer
Stoner lt Freck
Ertle lg Guoynes
Zepp c Fritz
Oberlin rg Morrison
C. Archbold rt Hickman
Bischoff re Imhof
McLaughlin qb Badtorf
Thomas lhb Bartel
Stults fb Carlton (c)
Converse rhb Stultz
Score by quarters:
Wooster 0 0 0 0
Massillon 20 7 0 25
Touchdowns – McLaughlin 5, Thomas 1, Bischoff 1, Harrold 1.
Goals – McLaughlin 4 out of 8.
Referees – Plott, of Otterbein; Fleming, of W. & J.
Umpires – Day, of Muhlenburg; Fleming, of W. & J.
Headlinesman – Copenhaver, of Heidleberg.
Timers – Coleman, of Massillon; Shuch, of Wooster.
Time of quarters – 12 minutes.
Substitutes: Massillon – Chayney for Stoner, Ertle for Bischoff, Stoner for Ertle, Underwood for Oberlin, H. Archbold for Converse, Fulton for Archbold. Wooster – Leib for Mo