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Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1917: Massillon 20, Wooster 0


Orange and black clad gridiron warriors of Massillon high school annexed their sixth victory of the season Saturday when they trounced Wooster high 20 to 0 in the Wayne county capital.

It was a Wooster fumble on the first kick off that put Coach Snavely’s gridders in position to score. Then it was a Massillon fumble which gave Archbold a chance to scoop up the ball and carry it across Wooster’s goal line. Massillon had carried the ball to within Wooster’s 20 yard zone when the fumble occurred.

Wooster received but was held for downs, punting to Thomas who was thrown in his tracks. The orange and black commenced another march toward Wooster’s goal, Thomas and Archbold ripping off two first downs in succession. Fulton missed a pass but, on the next play Thomas swung around right end for 20 yards placing the ball on Wooster’s 10 yard line from where Archbold carried it over for his second set of counters.

It was a forward pass in the third quarter that gave Massillon its third touchdown. A 10-yard heave, from Thomas to Fulton, who sprinted 50 yards after receiving the pass brought the third set of points.

Wooster was never dangerous, not once penetrating the orange and black’s 20 yard zone. Play during the greater part of the game was in Wooster territory. After running up 20 points Coach Snavely’s tossers played largely upon the defensive. Only straight football was used by the local crew, as the presence of Canton scouts on the sidelines made it necessary for the orange and black to cover up its pet plays which will be sprung on Canton in the big battle next Saturday.

Following is the lineup and summary.

Massillon High – 20. Pos. Wooster high – 0.

Wittmann le Silver

Cheyney lt Dudley

Taylor lg Himes

Ertle c Whitemyer

Harrison lg Spangler

Oberlin rt Long

Fulton re Green

Graybill qb Patdorf

Thomas lhb Morrison

Converse rhb Stutz

Archbold fb Miller
Touchdown – Archbold 2. Fulton.

Referee – Maurer.
Umpire – Jones.
Headlinesman – Smith.

Goals after touchdown: Thomas 2.

Time of quarters – 12, 10, 12 and 10.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1917: Massillon 15, Youngstown Rayen 0


The orange and black of Massillon high and the orange and black of Rayen high, of Youngstown, tested strength in a gridiron duel on the M. B. A. C. field, Clay street, Saturday afternoon, the local eleven downing its Mahoning county foe, 15 to 0, in a contest in which both good and bad football were mixed.

“Swig” Thomas, Massillon’s brilliant halfback, scored all of Massillon’s points, driving through the line twice for touchdowns, kicking one goal and throwing Quarterback Myers of Rayen, behind his own goal line in the second quarter for a safety.

It was Rayen’s fumble on receiving a Massillon punt that gave Coach Snavely’s boys their chance to score the first touchdown. Massillon received but was held, Archbold punting to Quarterback Myers of Rayen, who dropped the ball, Fulton covering for the orange and black on Rayen’s 18 yard line. Thomas, Graybill and Archbold carried the ball to the two-yard line on shift plays from where “Swig” bucked through left tackle for the set of counters. He failed at goal.

Rayen received and Smith, fullback for the visitors, ripped through the center of Massillon’s line for 25 yards but the local line tightened and Massillon gained the ball on its 40-yard line. Archbold made 15 off tackle, and Thomas skirted left end for 45 carrying the ball to the seven-yard line. With four downs in which to make the distance to Rayen’s goal line, Coach Snavely’s boys failed as the visitors put up a stout defense and stopped Thomas on the one-yard line on the fourth down.

Early in the second quarter with Rayen in possession of the ball on its 10-yard line, Thomas dashed in and threw Mardacci over the line for a 11-yard loss and a safety. Rayen gained the ball on its 20-yard line and was held, punting to Thomas on Rayen’s 40. The orange and black commenced a steady march to the goal line which ended when Thomas carried the ball over from the one-yard line. He kicked goal.

Rayen was never dangerous, and did not get within Massillon’s 20-yard line at any time during the contest. In the second half Massillon’s play seemed to lag, although Thomas gained almost every time he carried the ball. Archbold and E. Graybill also made nice gains. Graybill was injured near the middle of the fourth quarter and Fulton was sent to quarter and Miller to right end. Converse did not get into the game, injuries sustained in the Akron West contest keeping him on the sidelines.

Massillon had all the better of the duel with the Rayenites, making 15 first downs to five for the invaders. Both teams punted five times. Massillon did not complete any forward pass until the fourth quarter when Thomas and Fulton negotiated two successful heaves. Rayen failed to gain an inch by the serial route, failing to complete a pass out of five attempts.

Thomas was Massillon’s big star on offense. He was almost unstoppable and rarely failed to gain. On the defense the line played a strong game but Taylor who supplanted C. Graybill at left guard early in the game put up a bear of a game on defense and exhibited about the hardest tackling of any member on the team.

Following is the line-up and summary:

Massillon – 15. Rayen – 0.

Edwards le Rubenson

Cheyney (c) lt Parker

C. Graybill lg McMillan

Ertle c Carney

Harrison rg Halls

Oberlin rt McBride (c)

Fulton re O’Neil

E. Graybill qb Myers

Thomas lhb Mardacci

Wittmann rhb Hough

Archbold fb Smith
Substitutions: Massillon – Taylor for C. Graybill, Fulton for E. Graybill, Miller for Fulton; Rayen – Bromley for McMillan, McMillan for Bromley.

Touchdowns – Thomas 2.
Safety – Massillon, 1.
Goals after touchdown – Thomas 1.

Referee – Maurer, of Wooster.
Umpire – Miller of Massillon.

Time of quarters – 12 and 10.

Score by quarters:
Massillon 6 9 0 0 – 15

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1917: Massillon 25, Akron West 0

M. H. S. Back in Winning Column, Defeats Akron West, Saturday, 25 To 0

When Akron West lined up against Massillon high school’s gridiron warriors Saturday afternoon on the Stadium grounds, Akron, the teams looked evenly matched but, as the game progressed the superiority of the orange and black was demonstrated. The 25 to 0 defeat which the orange and black inflicted was a come back from the overwhelming defeat received the week before from Youngstown South.

Playing the same brand of football it did Saturday, the high gridders should win the remaining three games of their schedule. The line was a stone wall on defense, only three first downs being made by the Akron squad. Only once did they appear weak. At the beginning of the second half, after Archbold kicked to Harter, Harter bucked through left tackle for a twelve yard gain, but the line bucked up and after four unsuccessful attempts to pierce the orange and black wall of defense, the West gridders lost the ball on downs.

With the line opening holes for the backfield men, the Massillon backs were able to make twelve first downs and three touchdowns by going through the Akron line, one touchdown resulting from a forward pass, F. Graybill to Fulton, from the fifteen yard line.

“Swig” Thomas, the orange and black’s brilliant halfback, was up to his old tactics of skirting the ends and ripping the line for gains from five to thirty yards. “Swig” scored the first points of the game nine minutes after play began in the first quarter, going through Akron’s left tackle eight yards for a touchdown.

The second touchdown was made when “Swig” skirted around Akron’s right end from Akron’s 15 yard line for the second counter, one minute and ten seconds after resuming play in the second quarter. Fulton, after the ball had been advanced about 45 yards in the third quarter to Akron’s fifteen yard line received a forward from Graybill over the line, bringing the score up to 19 points. The final points came in the fourth quarter when Archbold carried the pigskin over from the four yard line on a line buck.

With Fulton and Wittman on ends, Coach Snavely has finally developed a pair of wing men capable of breaking up interference and also of receiving forwards. Both ends Saturday were in the game up to their necks, smashing Akron’s interference and getting down the field on punts. Time after time Harter and Noals, receivers of the punts for Akron, were nailed in their tracks.

The Massillon line with Chaney and Oberlin on tackles, Harrison and Graybill on guards, and Ertle at center, was impregnable. On several occasions the linemen broke through and nailed Harter who hurled forward passes for Akron, before he had time to pass.

Graybill at quarter, who has been sub-quarter, ran the team in great shape and played a good offensive game, making several long runs. Converse, always a bear on defense, nailed Akron runners time after time, until injuries sustained in the second quarter, when he and Oberlin came together in making a tackle, forced him from the game. He may probably not be able to enter the Rayen contest next Saturday.

Massillon – 25. Pos. Akron West – 0.

Wittman le Holcomb

Chaney lt Madison

C. Graybill lg Enderline

Ertle c E. Harter

Harrison rg Beldon

Oberlin rt Vaughn

Fulton re Disson

E. Graybill qb Noals

Thomas lhb Schutt

Converse rhb A. Harter

Archbold fb Blum

Substitutes: Massillon, Edwards for Wittman, Miller for Edwards, Edwards for C. Graybill, Kemp for Harrison, Weirich for Oberlin, Wittman for Converse. Akron, Captain for Enderline, Smith for Vaughn, Vaughn for Beldon.

Touchdowns – Thomas 2, Archbold, Fulton.
Goal from touchdown, Thomas.

Referee – Palmer, Akron.
Umpire – Crisp, Akron.
Timekeepers – Black and Harrison.

Time of quarters – 12-10-12-10.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1917: Massillon 0, Youngstown South 19

High School Defeated By Youngstown South In Muddy Battle, 19-0

Playing on a field covered with several inches of mud and water, with rain falling throughout the entire game, Massillon high’s orange and black football team was defeated 19 to 0, Saturday afternoon, at Youngstown by the crack eleven of Youngstown South, one of the best scholastic elevens in the state this season.

Although outweighing Massillon several pounds to the man, South did not rely on a bucking game for its gains after it found that the Massillon linemen were putting up a strong defense. The Mahoning county gridders depended largely upon end runs and forward passes and their ability to shoot passes over the heads of Coach Snavely’s gridders was responsible for all their touchdowns.

South scored twice in the first half on forward passes. In the second half Massillon being unable to dent the opposing line or skirt the ends because of the muddy field, played largely on the defensive and held South to one touchdown, resulting from a long forward pass which took the ball to Massillon’s five yard line from which South bucked it over.

Considering the condition of the field and the strength of the Youngstown South team, Massillon, although defeated, made a very creditable showing. On a dry field the orange and black would have had more of a chance with the steel town warriors who week before defeated Canton 7 to 0.

Massillon did not come near scoring, never working the ball within Youngstown’s 30-yard line. The local team lined up as follows: Edwards, left end; Cheyney, left tackle; Taylor and Kemp, left guard; Ertle, center; Harrison, right; Oberlin, right tackle; Wittman and Myers, right end; Fulton and Graybill, quarterback; Thomas, left halfback; Converse, right halfback and Archbold, fullback.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1917: Massillon 6, Akron Central 0


A dash around right end for 15 yards by “Swig” Thomas, star halfback netting a touchdown, gave Massillon high its only points in a stiff encounter Saturday afternoon with Akron Central on the M. B. A. C. field, Clay street. The score was 6 to 0, Thomas placing the ball behind Akron’s goal line late in the third quarter.

The Akronites presented a stiff defense but did not threaten to score, until near the end of the game when a forward pass from G. Zimmerman to Daum gave the Akron captain a chance to dash away for a 40 yard gain, before being downed by Oberlin on Massillon’s 13 yard line. This was the only time that the rubber city tossers penetrated within Massillon’s 20 yard zone.

The visitors had only an opportunity to make one play before the game ended. It was a nip and tuck battle for the most part with both teams being evenly matched. Captain Daum, sorrel topped leader of the Akron eleven, was the biggest ground gainer for the rubber city lads while “Swig” Thomas, the orange and black’s clever halfback, was the big factor for Massillon on offense.

On defense Converse was the shining light for Coach Snavely’s crew. The stocky halfback backed up the right side of the line in splendid shape, making a number of spectacular tackles.

Although Massillon did not carry the ball within Akron’s 20 yard line until the third quarter when Thomas scored the only touchdown, the orange and black lost two chances to score by fumbling. The youthful Tigers carried the ball to Akron’s 22 yard line in the second quarter but a bad pass, causing a fumble, which was covered by Akron robbed Coach Snavely’s boys of a chance to score. Again in the third quarter with the ball on Akron’s 24 yard line, Fulton fumbled the pigskin when tackled and Daum covered for the rubber city eleven.

It was on the next play after this fumble that Archbold intercepted an Akron pass on Akron’s 34 yard line and Massillon then marched across the visitor’s goal, Thomas making the distance in three plays.

“Swig” proved a very consistent ground gainer Saturday and very seldom failed to make a few yards when called upon to carry the ball.

The orange and black line played a hard game and although outweighed by the Central’s linemen, stopped most of the visitors attempts to gain ground through the line.

Lineup and summary:

Massillon – 6. Pos. Akron – 0.

Miller le Slater

Cheyney lt Porosky

C. Graybill lg C. Zimmerman

Ertle c Bertle

Harrison rg Ellis

Oberlin rt Tisdale

Meyers re Evans

Fulton qb G. Zimmerman

Thomas lhb Daum

Converse rhb Bevington

Archbold fb Spessard
Touchdowns – Thomas.

Referee – Maurer, Wooster
Umpire – Miller, Massillon
Timers – Copenhaver, Britton.
Time of quarters – 10 and 12 min.

Substitutions – Kemp for C. Graybill, E. Graybill for Conv

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1917: Massillon 26, Alliance 7

Spirited Attack In Last Quarter Gives Massillon 26 To 7 Victory Over Foe

Coming from behind and fighting an uphill battle in the fourth quarter, Massillon high’s orange and black eleven, which a week ago bumped into a 27 to 0 defeat at the hands of New Philadelphia, came back with a vengeance Saturday and walloped Alliance high, 26 to 7, at Alliance.

Scoring three touchdowns in the fourth quarter, after Alliance had taken a one point lead in the third period, by scoring a touchdown and kicking goal, Coach Snavely’s warriors retained their hold on the Stark county championship by defeating their first county foe of the 1917 campaign.

The orange and black was altogether a different team Saturday from what it was a week ago. It was chock full of fight and rushed the husky Alliance eleven right off its feet at the very offset when it carried the ball 60 yards on line bucks after the kickoff for a touchdown.

There was no nervousness in the local team’s attack Saturday. It went right after Alliance from the start, with a grim determination to win, and when Alliance forged to the front with a one point lead in the third quarter, it only served to make the orange and black fight harder.

The play that turned the tide of battle in Massillon’s favor occurred early in the fourth quarter. With the ball in its possession, Alliance tried a forward pass. Fulton, Massillon’s speedy quarterback, intercepted the ball on the 20 yard line, and dodging and squirming through the entire Alliance team raced 80 yards for touchdown.

Not profiting by this lesson, Alliance tried another forward a few minutes later, and Fullback Archbold pulled it out of the air and ran 40 yards for Massillon’s third touchdown. But this was not enough for Coach Snavely’s boys. With three minutes to play, the orange and black started a series of line plunges that carried the ball from the 40 yard line to another touchdown, Converse bucking it over just before the game ended.

The work of “Swig” Thomas, Massillon’s brilliant halfback, stood out prominently, Saturday. “Swig” ripped the Alliance line to pieces time after time by his fierce plunging and scored the team’s first touchdown. He also ran the ends in fine shape, gaining frequently.

Alliance, with practically a veteran team on the field, was given better than an even chance of trimming Massillon’s inexperienced eleven, but fight as they would the east end gridders were not able to stop Massillon’s aggressive attack. Kelly scored for Alliance on a forward from Marsh.

With the showing Saturday, the orange and black should finish with a long string of victories, although it has some tough battles coming with Rayen and South, of Youngstown and Canton.


Massillon – 26. Pos. Alliance – 7.

Miller le Johnson

Cheyney (c) lt McGranahan

Graybill lg Akins

Ertle c Segal

Harrison rg Whitman

Oberlin rt Cady

Howells re Hawkins (c)

Fulton qb Marsh

Thomas lhb Hubbard

Converse rhb Kelly

Archbold fb Finke
Score by quarters:
Massillon 6 0 0 20 —26
Alliance 0 0 7 0 —7

Touchdowns – Thomas, Fulton, Archbold 2, Kelly.
Goals – Marsh, Thomas 2.

Referee – Miller, Mt. Union.
Umpire – Beck, Mt. Union.
Head Linesman – Packer, Alliance.

Substitutions – Massillon: Taylor for Cheyney, Edwards for Graybill, Myers for Miller, E. Graybill for Howells, Wittmann for Miller, Kemp for Edwards, Weirich for Taylor.
Alliance: Morrison for Segal.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1917: Massillon 0, New Philadelphia 28

Poor Passing and Fumbling Gives New Philadelphia a Chance to Register Victory

Red and black clad gridiron warriors of New Philadelphia high school won revenge Saturday afternoon over the orange and black of Massillon high school. The Tuscarawas county lads defeated the local aggregation 27 to 0 in a stiff battle on the M. B. A. C. lot.

Poor passing, causing numerous fumbles, gave New Philadelphia its opportunity to score all but one of its four touchdowns. The orange and black, although outweighed by the down staters, who put on the field the heaviest team that has represented New Philadelphia for many seasons, was far superior to the red and black as long as it played together and played football.

But Coach Snavely’s green team which was stacking up against its first real opponent, probably was a little excited and unable to hold together its machine-like play, for it only showed its ability in streaks and then New Philadelphia was hard put to stop it.

Besides erratic passing the orange and black showed a decided tendency to tackle high and furnished little opposition for the men who attempted to advance the ball. “Swig” Thomas, one of the veterans of the team, ran New Philadelphia’s ends several times for substantial gains, but “Swig” was compelled to skirt the red and black wingmen with practically no interference.

New Philadelphia’s first touchdown came after six minutes of play. New Philadelphia received but was forced to punt. Thomas reeled off a first down for Massillon around left end, but then came a bad pass and a fumble, and the locals lost 15 yards. Archbold dropped back for a punt but the pass from center went over his head and New Philadelphia covered on the 18 yard line. Smashes at the line carried the ball to the one yard line from which Warner bucked it over for the first score. Gross kicked goal.

Toward the end of the first quarter a bad pass to Thomas, causing him to drop the ball, which was covered by New Philadelphia on Massillon’s 25 yard line, put the down staters in position to score. Harris and Gross negotiated a first down on a forward pass and the red and black plowed up the line for another 10 yards putting the ball on the five yard line as the quarter ended. Massillon tried hard to hold its opponents but the visitors, with their heavy line and backfield resorted to the old game of line plunging and on the second play in the second quarter, Harris went through center for New Philadelphia’s second touchdown. Gross kicked goal.

During the balance of the second and the third quarters and for the great part of the fourth, Massillon battled its foe on even terms, at times opening up and playing brilliantly. Had the orange and black depended upon open formations for its gains instead of line plays it probably would have fared better. Coach Snavely’s boys worked a number of long forwards and gained many yards around the red and black ends.

New Philadelphia’s last 13 points came in the last three minutes of play. The red and black covered a Massillon fumble and several line smashes brought the ball within striking distance and Warner carried it over, Gross kicking another goal. Massillon received and attempted a forward pass which was intercepted by Gross who ran 20 yards for the fourth touchdown. He missed goal. Massillon made a desperate effort to score in the last few seconds of play and worked the ball to the 15-yard line but the whistle ended the contest.


Massillon – 0. Pos. New Phila. – 27.

Myers le Gross

Cheney lt Stoller

Edwards lg Limbach

C. Graybill c Mathias

Harrison rg Burris

Ertle rt Freeman

Howells re Horger

Fulton q Harris

Thomas lh Hartman

Converse rh Moore

Archbold f Warner

Touchdowns – Warner 2, Harris, Gross.
Goals from touchdown – Gross 3.

Referee – Maurer of Wooster.
Umpire – Miller of Massillon.
Timer – Copenhaver.

Time of quarters – 12 ½ and 15.

Substitutions – Massillon: Miller for Meyers, Ertle for C. Graybill, C. Graybill for Ertle, Taylor for Ertle, Kemp for Taylor, Archbold for Howells, E. Grabill for Fulton, Wittmann for Archbold, Greenfelder for Converse. New Philadelphia: Hansen for Moore.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1917: Massillon 38, Uhrichsville 0

Orange and Black Wins First Game, Trouncing Uhrichsville High, 38-0

Massillon high’s orange and black football team is starting out in 1916 form.

Piling up a total of 38 points, while its opponents were held scoreless, the local gridders Saturday afternoon won their first game of the season by defeating Uhrichsville high in the southern city.

Although the score would indicate a rather easy struggle, the Uhrichsville lads gave Coach Snavely’s boys a hard tussle all the way. The local team used nothing but straight football, fearing to uncover any open work because of New Philadelphia onlookers on the sidelines. New Philadelphia opens the local season next Saturday.

On the first play of the game Thomas, orange and black star halfback, plunged off tackle and ran 70 yards for a touchdown. The play took Uhrichsville’s breath away but the down staters rallied gamely and made Massillon fight for every inch of ground. Six touchdowns and two goals were registered by the local tossers.

The local team showed up well and from its playing Saturday should be able to make another brilliant record for the local school.

Following is the lineup and summary:

Massillon – 38. Pos. Uhrichsville – 0.

Meyers le Davis

Cheyney lt Witting

Ertle lg Parks

Graybill c Surby

Harrison rg Eschliman

Oberlin rt Parrish

Howells re Ransberger

Fulton qb Brown

Thomas lhb Willis

Converse rhb Cunning

Archbold fb Naber
Substitutions – Massillon: Miller for Meyers, Kemp for Cheyney, Ertle for Graybill, Taylor for Harrison, Welrich for Oberlin, Edwards for Howells, Graybill for Fulton, Greenfelder for Converse, Wittmann for Archbold.

Touchdowns – Thomas, Archbold, Wittmann, Fulton, Converse, Graybill.

Goals after touchdown – two.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1916: Massillon 16, Canton Central 9

M. H. S. Beats Canton, Claims State Scholastic Title

High School Closes Its Season Without Defeat by Trimming Canton, 16 to 9

Fighting an uphill battle from the first quarter, Massillon high’s unbeaten orange and black eleven Saturday afternoon defeated Canton high, its ancient rival, 16 to 9, at League park Canton, in the season’s scholastic grid classic, and closed its 1916 schedule without a defeat, winning 10 straight games, totaling 318 points to 36 for its opponents.

The victory gave the youthful Tigers the Stark county title, but Coach John Snavely immediately after the game claimed state scholastic honors for his gridders, and is now attempting to arrange a post season game with one of the other leading high school aggregations in Ohio.

Saturday’s victory was a successful termination of a very successful season. It stamped the orange and black as one of the greatest scholastic teams in the state, and the local warriors deserve all the praise that can be given them.

They fought a game battle, Saturday. While they did not exhibit the dash and well drilled attack that they did in other struggles, still it was good enough to win. Keyed to the highest pitch and fighting with a stubborn determination to win, they came back with the punch in the second quarter after Canton had scored its lone touchdown in the first 15 minutes of play, and carried off the victory.

Canton never proved dangerous after the first period. The red and black fought with might and main to keep Coach Snavely’s gridders from crossing their goal line, but fight as hard as they would the orange and black would not be denied, and carried the ball from its own 25 yard line across Canton’s goal for its first touchdown.

Red and black rooters were frantic when Canton scored its touchdown. They thought it was going to be a repetition of the 1915 game, when Canton won 7 to 6, but their hopes were soon pulled from the high pinnacle down to the abyss of gloom.

Canton played its best game of the season Saturday. There is no doubt about that. The players watched McLaughlin and Thomas, Massillon’s two stars, very closely, and although neither gained as they did in former battles, there was another man in the backfield who tore Canton’s line to shreds time after time. That was fullback Edwin Stults. Stults played a wonderful game, both on offense and defense, and his punting was excellent. He ripped through the red and black line time after time for substantial gains.

In the first quarter the orange and black was facing a strong wind and was handicapped. The advantage lay with Canton, and near the close of the period, Stults punted to Canton’s 50 yard line. Boldt, who by the way was Canton’s star, received the punt and by some fine dodging and running returned the ball to Massillon’s five yard line, and on the next play carried it over the line on a delayed pass and cross buck. He kicked goal.

Massillon had possession of the ball on its 25 yard line when the second quarter commenced. It was here the Youthful Tigers began their victorious march down the field. Four straight first downs and Thomas went over for the first touchdown. McLaughlin and Stults made a first down, Thomas and McLaughlin made another, Stults ripped through the line for 11 and another first down, and McLaughlin hit off left tackle for 20 yards and Thomas then carried it over from the four yard line. McLaughlin kicked goal.

Canton fought hard to keep Massillon from scoring more points, and a few minutes later Stults punted out of bounds on Canton’s five yard line. The red and black fumbled on the first play and Ertle pounced on the ball for Massillon. Two smashes at the line by McLaughlin and he went over for the second touchdown. He kicked goal. Canton rooters began to realize that their team was in for a beating. Massillon’s two remaining points came just before the quarter ended. Canton was held on its 10 yard line and forced to punt. Boldt missed a bad pass, the ball rolling over the line. He recovered, but was downed before he could reach the line, giving Massillon a safety and two additional points.

Neither team came close to scoring in the last two quarters. Canton scored its safety in the last quarter when a poor pass got away from Stults and the leather bounded over the line. He fell on the ball, but Canton annexed two points through a safety.

During the last five minutes of play, the red and black made a frantic effort to score and tie the count. The east enders tried pass after pass, but only one proved successful, a long heave from Swarts to Wiseman, which was good for a 35-yard gain and brought the ball up to Massillon’s 30 yard line, but Bischoff intercepted the next pass and the danger was over.

Massillon outplayed Canton. It made nine first downs to Canton’s four, but was forced to punt 12 times to Canton’s 11. The orange and black did not complete a single forward pass, in fact, McLaughlin relied mostly on line plays and end runs to make Massillon’s gains. Canton had two successful forwards.

Although without the aid of its captain, Rowland Harrold, who was on the sidelines with a broken collar bone, the orange and black’s playing was decidedly superior to that of Canton. The line played well, Bischoff, Stults and Zepp playing strong defensive games. On offense Massillon excelled, gaining more ground than Canton, which had only one man who did any gaining, left halfback Boldt.


Massillon – 16. Pos. Canton – 9.

Ertle le Strang

Chayney lt Volzer

Stoner lg McAnany

Zepp c Walter

Oberlin rg Bow

C. Archbold rt Swartz

Bischoff re Wiseman

McLaughlin qb Schneffer

Thomas lh Boldt

Converse rh Rate

Stults fb Melbourne
Substitutions: Canton – Negley for Strang, Cameron for McAnany, McCarel for Cameron, Phillips for Melbourne. Massillon – H. Archbold for Chayney, Underwood for Stoner, Johnson for C. Archbold, C. Archbold for Johnson, Wittmann for Converse.

Touchdowns – Boldt, Thomas, McLaughlin.
Safeties – Boldt, Stults.
Goals from touchdown – Boldt 1, McLaughlin 2.

Score by periods:
Canton 7 0 0 2 – 9
Massillon 0 16 0 0 – 16

Referee – Snyder, of Harvard.
Umpire – Coombs, of Hiram.

Time of periods – 15, 15, 12 ½, 12 ½.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1916: Massillon 41, Salem 6


Massillon high’s unbeaten football team annexed its ninth straight victory of the season Saturday afternoon on the driving park gridiron, in its final appearance on the home field when it trounced Salem high 41 to 6.

Massillon was expected to win in easy fashion but Salem was not at all expected to score, and so it was a big surprise to the fans when Right Tackle Kille, of Salem broke through the line in the second period and bounced on a Massillon fumble behind its own goal line for a touchdown.

As he had planned, Coach Snavely sent most of his second string men into the fray and saved his regulars for the Canton game next Saturday, but the substitutes did not show the dash and attack of the regulars and Salem played Massillon nearly on even terms during the first half.

The orange and black scored only one touchdown in the first two periods, that coming in the first quarter, when Converse broke through right tackle and ran 25 yards for the score. The score at the end of the first half was 7 to 6, favor of Massillon.

But in the second half things changed. Mainly because McLaughlin, Massillon’s star pivot man, and the brains of Coach Snavely’s outfit, took the helm of the youthful Tiger’s ship. In the last two periods the orange and black did almost as it pleased with the Columbiana boys, piling up 35 points, resulting from five touchdowns and four goals. Massillon, in this half, showed plenty of the ability that has made it the team it is.

The prominent features of the last half of the contest were Thomas’ interception of a forward pass and his brilliant 85 yard run through the entire Salem team for a touchdown; Bischoff’s interception of a Salem pass and his 50 yard dash for a score, and McLaughlin’s great 55 yard run through the visiting eleven for a touchdown after receiving a punt on his 45 yard line.

With most of the regulars in the game in the second half, the orange and black looked more like the team that has come through the season with nine victories. Had the entire first team been in the entire game there is no telling how big a score would have been run up but Massillon still faces its hardest opponent of the season next Saturday in Canton, and the youthful Tigers must work with might and main this week.

Salem was clearly outclassed. They made only one first down, that coming through a penalty. Massillon made 12. The Salemites punted 14 times to Massillon’s eight.


Massillon – 41. Pos. Salem – 6.

Harrold le Kyle

Johnson lt Sterling

Harrison lg Knisely

Zepp c Burce

Stoner rg Finnar

Graybill rt Kille

Ertle re Lanpher

Fulton qb Kelly

Converse lhb Seeds

Wittmann fb Chappel

H. Archbold rhb Hutson
Score by quarters:
Massillon 7 0 14 20 – 41
Salem 0 6 0 0 – 6

Touchdowns – McLaughlin 2, Thomas 2, Converse, Bischoff, Kille.
Goals – McLaughlin 4, Wittmann 1.

Substitutions – Massillon: Bischoff for Harrold, Chaney for Johnson, Underwood for Harrison, Harrison for Underwood, Oberlin for Stoner, C. Archbold for Graybill, McLaughlin for Fulton, Graybill for Converse, Thomas for Wittmann.

Referee – Arthur, Rutgers.
Umpire – Hayes, Muhlenburg.
Head linesman – Graybill.
Timers – Coleman, Copenhaver.

Time of quarters – 10, 12, 10, 12