Category: <span>History</span>

1907: Massillon 0 Canton Central 0

Two High School Teams Play
a 0 to 0 Game

Supporters of the Massillon Team
Were Delighted With its Work –
Grounds Were in Excellent Shape
and a Big Crowd Witnessed the Game.

For the first time in many years the Massillon High School football team kept the Canton High School team from scoring Saturday afternoon.  While Massillon High has won an occasional victory from Canton High on the baseball diamond, the fates have for the past three or four years been dead against them on the grid.  This year’s team delighted its supporters Saturday afternoon by playing a 0 to 0 game with its usually victorious opponents. It was one of thE neatest gridiron battles seen in this football city for many a day.

The grounds were in excellent shape.  Wire had been strung entirely around the field, obviating the annoyance caused by spectators getting in the way, goal posts had been erected and when the two teams dashed onto the field to hold a short limbering up practice before the game, they were cheered by a throng of hundreds of people.  The field was dotted with pennants, the orange and black of Massillon and the red and black of Canton High, and about every third rooter was attacked to a large red megaphone.  Rome’s reputation in the howling line was entirely cast in the shade.

The game commenced on the second at 3 o’clock.  Cheered on by cries of “Rifferty-rafferty, riff-raff, chifferty-chafferty, chiff-chaff,” etc., which is the first chapter of Canton High’s sensible, intelligent yell, the Canton players lined up at the west end of the field and received the kickoff from Massillon.  Brooks caught the kick, but advanced it only a short distance.  On a fumble Massillon soon gained the ball, but in its own territory.  After several ineffectual attempts to circle the ends, Grinnell tried a forward pass to Wells, which failed, and Canton got the ball.  Unheeding Massillon’s failure in the same line, the Canton High immediately tried a forward which also failed, Grinnell capturing the ball.  Dow was then hurled and thrust against the line for eight yards, Grinnell and Wagner also steadily pounded the line and Massillon gained its yards for several downs.  Canton got the ball far down in its own territory and immediately attempted to punt, but Snavely crashed through the line and blocked it on Canton’s ten-yard line.

Massillon High now went wild with delight.  Nothing seemed surer than that Canton High should be scored upon.  As a last resort Canton again tried the forward pass.  This time it succeeded and about twenty yards were gained.  A delayed quarter back run netted about fifteen yards more for Canton, and they were out of danger for the time being.   The forward pass was by far the most popular play.  Canton tried it again and Snavely downed the runner in his tracks, and when the same play was tried again Wagner got the ball but was knocked out.  In about five minutes he insisted on re-entering the game.  Punting was now resorted to.  Captain Grinnell out punted his opponent by many yards on every punt. The ball going out of bounds, both teams hurdled the wire, crashed through the crowd and in an instant a mass of humanity was rolling over and over in the road.  When the mass was resolved into its elements, Keeley Miller was found snugly wrapped around the ball.  The first ended with the ball in Massillon’s possession near the middle of the field.  Neither side had scored.

Although Wagner was badly injured, he insisted on entering the game when the teams lined up after a ten minute respite.  In the second half he played the game of his life.  Many a time he was the first man down the field on a punt, would down his man, and then lay stretched out on his back thoroughly done up.  The injury which he received in the first half only seemed to make him play the harder.  Canton High kicked off to Massillon when the second half began, Grinnell getting the ball.  Punting soon became more the custom than ever.  Grinnell’s trusty leg always sending the ball forty yards or more.  Canton now made a good end run which looked good for a touchdown, but the runner was downed by the indomitable Wagner far down in Massillon’s territory.  Things looked…


Oct. 10, 1907

High School Team Defeated
by Adversaries’ Superior Weight

Although the Massillon High School football beam enjoyed a good practice game against the Business College eleven on the high school grounds Wednesday afternoon, the enjoyment ended there, for the final score was not at all to its liking.  Much to the High School team’s surprise and indignation, the Business College team trimmed it by the score of 6 to 0.  The victory was due to the terrific line hitting of the Business College and Thompson’s end runs.  Although the business College had not played before this season, excellent signal work was done and the runner was always given excellent interference.  The High school was greatly out-weighed, and this was the reason for their defeat, as they could not withstand the onslaught of the Business College’s much heavier back field.

Both captains seemed desirous of kicking field goals.  Whenever either team got within striking distance, and sometimes when they were not, a try would be made by Grinnell or Schnierle for goal from the field.  Every attempt failed.  Massillon High played a much better game on the ends than was the case of New Philadelphia last Saturday.  Thompson was the only Business College back that made any gains on the end.  Punting honors were about even between Grinnell and Thompson, each kicking well.

The High School team has no reason to chide the girls for non-support.  A large crowd of high school maidens were in evidence and in spite of the fact that theirs was the losing side, sent cheer after cheer echoing across the field.

1906: Massillon 0 Canton Central 28

October 25, 1906
Massillon Could Not Stand Canton’s Line Plunges

When Canton and Massillon High met yesterday at the park, fortune favored the red and black.  Massillon was defeated by even a greater score than at Canton, the final score being 28-0.  As at Canton, Canton made their principal gains by means of the forward pass, which was worked several times, netting astonishing gains.  Also the bull-like rushes of Hershey wrecked devastation on Massillon’s line.

Canton scored touchdown and goal and a place kick at nineteen yards, making ten points.  In the second half they scored three touchdowns, succeeding to kicking goal every time.

A fine crowd attended the game, the high school turning out almost in a body, and Canton brought along a large delegation.  The songs and yells which had been carefully practiced for several days were much in evidence, and quite a rooting match took place between Canton and Massillon enthusiasts.

The Wells twins and Dow played the game for Massillon and were always under the heap.


Canton – 28            Position  Massillon – 0

McCoy        LE         S. Reese
G. Wellsynon                    LT G. Wells, Miller
Wagner       LG         Hollinger
Lonebaugh     C          Wenger
White          RG               Baer
Cooke, McGregor   RT      H. Wagner
Stevenson    RE   Klotz (capt.)
Copthorne  QB             Graze
Clarke         RH      C. Wagner
Gibson        LH          S. Wells
Hershey       FB               Dow

1906: Massillon 0 Canton Central 24




Physical Culture Instructor Addresses Pupils

In chapel this morning Superintendent Cronebaugh introduced to the assembled students Prof. Winder, an instructor in physical culture.  He is at present located in the city and intends to organize a class in physical culture from among the high school students.  He gave a brief talk on his personal physique, his methods of development and his former work.  Prof. Winder is a living exponent of his work.  He weighs 207 pounds, stands six feet one and is admirably proportioned.  It was suggested that possibly Manager Stewart had better secure his services for the Tigers before “Blondy” Wallace sets his orbs upon him.  Superintendent Cronebaugh made a short speech congratulating the high school, and very particularly the football team, on the brilliant showing made last Saturday in the game against Wooster, a hitherto undefeated foe of M.H.S.

The football team went thru a practice game with the White Stars yesterday afternoon on the high school grounds, which resulted in the close score of 5-0 in favor of the High School.

OCTOBER 18, 1906


Preparing for Football Game With Canton

Yesterday afternoon the High School football squad went thru an invigorating practice on the ball field.  Kirby and Moran, two of the Tigers who are temporarily crippled, had charge of the practice, and demonstrated several good formations and trick plays which will probably be used Friday in the game against Canton.

The game at Canton will commence at 3:30 Friday on the lake grounds.  Canton High is said to be especially well versed in the intricacies of the forward pass, and its value will probably be demonstrated in this game.  Moran will be on hand to coach the team this afternoon, which will be the last practice before the game.

OCTOBER 20, 1906

The Massillon High School football team went gloriously down to defeat at the hands of the Canton High School team at Meyer’s Lake Friday afternoon by the score of 24 to 0.  The local team was badly crippled, owing to the fact that several star men were not in the game.  The forward pass was worked five times successfully by the Canton team, which resulted in three of the four touchdowns that were made.  The local team lost the ball several times, as the necessary ten yards could not be made thru Canton’s strong line.  Next Wednesday these teams will meet on the gridiron at the Massillon park and the locals expect to turn the trick.

Line-up and summary:

Canton – 24                 Pos.  Massillon – 0

McCoy left end           Hoover
Eynon left tackle         O. Wells
Wagner       left guard           H. Wagner
Longebaugh               center          Wenger
Poyser, Myser        right guard         Hollinger
Cook        right tackle     Miller
Stevenson right end  Hammersmith
Copthorne      quarterback              Klotz
Gibson        left halfback       S. Wells
Clark, (c)  right halfback       C. Wagner
Hershey            fullback            Snyder

Stevenson; McCoy;
Hershey; Weeks.

Goals from the field:

Failed goals from touchdown:
Hershey  3;

Time of halves – 20 minutes.

Score at the end of first half:
Canton       14
Massillon     0

Referee and umpire, alternating:
Bowman, of Canton;
Merwin, of Massillon.

Weckel, of Canton.
Hopkins, of Massillon

Head Linesmen:
Mumaw, of Canton;
Dow, of Massillon.

1906: Massillon 0 Massillon Ex-Highs 5

Ex-Highs Defeat the M.H.S. at the Park Saturday
(This is also considered an Exhibition Game)

The football game at the park Saturday afternoon between Massillon High and ex-Highs resulted in a victory for the latter by the interesting score of 5-0. As was expected, the alumni outweighed the students considerably, but the good organization of the latter almost made up for this. The game was called at 2:45 and until near the end of the first half both teams fought fiercely within an area of fifty yards. With but several minutes to play the ex-Highs pushed Miller over the line for a touchdown. An attempt at goal failed.

In the second half, by a clever use of the forward pass, S. Wells made a splendid run for a touchdown. However, this was ruled out by the referee on account of some technicality or other. No scores were made in the second half. No ill feeling was shown with the exception of a slight argument between Lee Willenborg and several of the high school faculty on account of some partiality shown to the ex-Highs. However, matters were amicably settled and “all went merry as a wedding bell.”

The teams with blood in their eyes faced each other as follows:

Massillon High – 0 Position Alumni – 5

Klotz LE Reed
G. Wells LT Becker
Baer LG Garrett
Wenger C Schworm
Wagner RG Youngblood
Miller RT Hagan
Grinnell, Smith RE Brown
Graze QB Merwin
Wagner RH Jones
S. Wells LH Thompson
Dow FB Miller

Head Linesman – Lee Willenborg.
Referee – Anderson.
Linesmen – Moody and Borroway.
Timekeeper – Prof. Hopkins.

Time of halves – 25 minutes.

1906: Massillon 21 Wooster 0


SEPTEMBER 27, 1906
(This game was considered a scrimmage or exhibition game)

Ex-Highs Made Two Touchdowns in the Last Half

Spectators Nearly Stop the Game by Crowding on the Field

S.A. Wilson Came Last Night
McChesney Here on Friday

The Massillon High School football team opened the season by losing the first game to the ex-High football team on the high school grounds Wednesday afternoon by the score of 10 to 5.  The high school boys made the first touchdown of the game in the first half.  The ball was in the possession of the high school boys and as they had two downs and about five yards to gain they punted the ball towards the goal when Graze managed to get the ball and scored a touchdown.  The ex-High team worked hard to get the ball across the goal line, but fumbles kept them from doing so the score ended (this portion of the line is unreadable…High School’s favor.

In the second half the game went the other way.  The ex-Highs braced up and managed to score two touchdowns.  Merwin, who played quarterback for the ex-Highs, punted the ball near the goal line, which Dow fumbled.  Burkhart picked up the pigskin and scored the first touchdown for the ex-Highs.  The second touchdown was scored by Keller, the
ex-Highs bringing the ball up the field to the goal line by forward passing and line bucking.  Much difficulty was experienced by the teams on account of the spectators crowding over the lines, making it almost impossible for the game to proceed.  Time and time again both teams were penalized for being offside and tackling too low, some of the players using the rules in use last season.  The High School team is (this portion of line unreadable…) to put up a good fight with any high school team in the vicinity.

The line-up and summary follow:

Ex-High            Position    High School
Snyder  left end             Graze
Fiegenschuh left guard           H. Wagner
Crookston               center           Winger
Keller       right guard        Bair
McGuire   right tackle     Wells
S. Reed    right end     Taggart
Merwin      quarterback         Swanson
Thompson   left halfback Wells
Burkhart   right halfback          Wagner
Miller    fullback               Dow

Score of first half:
High 5; ex-high 0.

Time of halves:
25 and 30 minutes.

Graze, Burkhart and Keller.

Referee – H. Reed.
Umpire – Becker.
Timekeepers – Brown and Hay Smith.

OCTOBER 8, 1906
(Regular Season Game)

School Team Defeated
Wooster High by the Score of
21 to 0

In the preliminary game the Massillon High School football team defeated the Wooster High School team by the score of 21 to 0.  It was thought that on account of the increased weight of the visitors that the local team would suffer a bad defeat, but although the visitors weighed fifteen pounds more to the man they could not hold the locals.  Koltz’s end run from the locals’ fifty yard line was the feature of the game, although Swanson, Wells and Dow starred.  The High School team is now in fine form and is ready to meet any of the high school teams.

Line-up and summary:

Massillon – 21            Position   Wooster – 0
Koltz   right end       Slaybaugh
Grinnell     right tackle Firestone
Bair  right guard               Ibrig
Winger    center            Redick
H. Wagner  left guard     Miller
G. Wells     left tackle Weygant
Taggart  left end             Everly
Swanson      quarterback  Shallenberger
S. Wells      left halfback   McSweeney
C. Wagner right halfback Bender
Dow     fullback               Baer

Swanson 1; Wells  2; Dow  1.

Kicked goal:
Dow  1.

Referee – Merwin, of Massillon.

Time of halves – 20 and 15 minutes.


Ex-Highs Defeat the M.H.S. at the Park Saturday
(This is also considered an Exhibition Game)

The football game at the park Saturday afternoon between Massillon High and ex-Highs resulted in a victory for the latter by the interesting score of 5-0.  As was expected, the alumni outweighed the students considerably, but the good organization of the latter almost made up for this.  The game was called at 2:45 and until near the end of the first half both teams fought fiercely within an area of fifty yards.  With but several minutes to play the ex-Highs pushed Miller over the line for a touchdown.  An attempt at goal failed.

In the second half, by a clever use of the forward pass, S. Wells made a splendid run for a touchdown.  However, this was ruled out by the referee on account of some technicality or other.  No scores were made in the second half.  No ill feeling was shown with the exception of a slight argument between Lee Willenborg and several of the high school faculty on account of some partiality shown to the ex-Highs.  However, matters were amicably settled and “all went merry as a wedding bell.”

The teams with blood in their eyes faced each other as follows:

Massillon High – 0       Position      Alumni – 5

Klotz           LE              Reed
G. Wells      LT           Becker
Baer            LG            Garrett
Wenger         C        Schworm
Wagner       RG    Youngblood
Miller           RT             Hagan
Grinnell, Smith                   RE            Brown
Graze          QB           Merwin
Wagner       RH              Jones
S. Wells      LH      Thompson
Dow            FB              Miller

Head Linesman – Lee Willenborg.
Referee – Anderson.
Linesmen – Moody and Borroway.
Timekeeper – Prof. Hopkins.

Time of halves – 25 minutes.

1905: Massillon 6 Dover 0


As a preliminary to the Tiger game, Massillon High School, won from the Dover High School, the score being 6 to 0.  The game was a very close one and the hardest Massillon has had this season.  Two twenty-five minute halves were played.  The entire Massillon team put up a great game and the line held in great shape.  Merwin’s punts were all of the first class and Dover never realized any gain upon them.  Kline and Jones at the ends got into the game and broke up Dover’s interference repeatedly.  Miller, Burkhart and Thompson made great gains and cut up the line.  Massillon kicked off to Dover, Burkhart making a nice tackle.  Dover was forced to punt and held Massillon, fumbling  directly afterwards. Burkhart circled the end for twenty-five yards but the ball was lost on downs.  Diefenbacher, for Dover, made twenty-five yards on a trick play but fumbled.  The ball was thus kept in the center of the field until the end of the first half, neither team scoring.  Dover then kicked south to Massillon, Scott bringing the ball to the forty yard line.  Merwin went around end for twenty yards; Thompson made fifteen.  Dover was forced to punt, and after line bucks Burkhart carried the ball around end thirty yards, following it by fifteen yards for a touchdown.  Merwin kicked goal.

Massillon kicked to Dover, who was not dangerous in the second half.  It took the hardest kind of work during the remainder of the game but no touchdown resulted.  For the spectators the game was more exciting than the Tiger game.  The Dover team held the heavy New Philadelphia high school team to a 0 to 0 score.  They were slightly outweighed by the Massillon boys.

Line-up and summary:

Massillon High – 6  Position       Dover High – 0

Kline                          LE             E. Schawaker
Fiegenschuh               LT                          Steitz
Beatty                        LG                          Kline
Klotz                           C            M. Schawaker
Grinnell                      RG                         Klarr
Scott                          RT                       Allman
Jones                         RE                          Lund
Merwin (c)                QB             Diefenbacher
Thompson                LHB          Richardson (c)
Burkhart                   RHB                   Waldron
Miller                         FB                        Peters

Minehart, referee.
Coleman, timekeeper.
J. Long, head linesman.

Time – Two 25 minute halves.

1905: Massillon 0 New Philadelphia 0

SEPTEMBER 12, 1905


Captain Merwin, of the football team, is looking up candidates for the varsity eleven and expects to turn out a winning team.  The players must keep up a fair average in school work and Superintendent Cronebaugh will attend to the matter of scheduling games.  Merwin, Smith, Burkhart, Jones and Hollinger are some of  the announced candidates.


Schedule of Football Games for the Season

The first real musical exercises conducted by Miss Brosman, the new instructor in this department, were held Wednesday morning.  A few of the simpler songs were gone over, Miss Brosman expressing herself as well pleased with the manner of the rendition.

A schedule for the football season has been arranged and Massillon high will have a season of good hard work and all the practice which it is possible for the team to get as necessary.  Captain Merwin is putting the team down to steady work and the way they go through practice is good for the hearts of the old high school men to see.

The following is the scheduled:
September 30               New Phildadelphia high, at home.
October 14                  Wooster high, abroad
October 19                  probably Barberton high, at home
October 25                  Dover high, at home
November 1                 Wooster high, at home
November 11               New Philadelphia high, abroad
November 17               Dover high, abroad

By the above the quality of ball required by the boys may well be seen.  New Philadelphia was a hard proposition last year, though Massillon defeated them two straight games.  Wooster won from Massillon twice last season, walking all over the home boys the second game.  Barberton was easy last time and Dover is an unknown quantity.

SEPTEMBER 29, 1905

Tomorrow the local football season opens at the park, when the Massillon High and New Philadelphia High clash.  The teams are about equal in strength, although the visitors outweigh the locals quite a few pounds to the man.  New Philadelphia comes determined to win and get even for last year’s defeats.  Special cars will be run to the park.  The game will be called at 3 o’clock sharp.  It is certain that a large crowd will witness the game.  The expenses will be quite heavy.

The line-up will be as follows:  Klotz, center; Miller and Fiegenschuh, guards; Jones and Scott, tackles; Kline and Kirchhofer, ends; Merwin, quarterback; Smith, fullback; Burkhart and Thompson, halves; Taggart and Heckman, subs.

Locals Though Outweighed,
Played the Best Game

Coach Benedict and the High School Fans
Perfectly Satisfied With the Result
Against Such a Heavy Team as That from the Southern City

The Massillon high school football team celebrated the opening of the football season in Massillon Saturday on the baseball park grounds by playing a tie game with the big New Philadelphia high school team, the score being 0-0 after two bitterly fought halves.  Superintendent Cronebaugh, of the Massillon public schools, and Superintendent Maurer, of New Philadelphia, were the timekeepers.

The locals were outweighed at least fifteen pounds to the man, and perhaps twenty, and the feat is therefore the more creditable, as the heavy visiting team looked able to down the local light team by a big score.

Coach Verne Benedict was referee and Thompson umpire for the visitors.  The work of both was satisfactory, very few protests being registered.  Massillon high kicked off and New Philadelphia brought the ball back to the middle of the field, where it went to Massillon, then to the visitors, until the half was over.  Massillon’s line did some great work in holding down the visitors, and the halfback, fullback and quarterback surprised the New Philadelphia team with their hard tackles.  As a result of the hard work in the hot sun the visitors were well exhausted in the beginning of the second half and the lighter Massillon players swept them off of their feet, carrying the ball to the fifteen yard line before the big New Philadelphia linemen could recover.  Here the visitors held and took the ball on downs, Massillon again holding and getting the ball, but losing at once on a fumble.  It was at this stage of the game that Farrel, the visiting right end, took the ball and skirted Massillon’s end for a forty yard run before being brought down by Captain Merwin who was backing up the line.  This was as close as New Philadelphia came to scoring, the game being called with the ball well toward the middle of the field.

Coach Benedict and the players on the Massillon high school team are deserving of considerable praise for the plucky fight made against such a heavy team, and if the work Saturday is improved upon, M.H.S. will bother many of the high school teams of this state.

Kline, Kirchhofer, Merwin, Burkhart and Smith all played unusually good games, while the rest of the men, although outweighed, more than held their own with the visitors.

The line-up was as follows:

Phila.                Position                   M.H.S.
Orr                      RE                 Kirchhofer
Rippert                 RT                 F. Wagner
Kustic                  RG                     Willison
Paige                     C                           Klutz
Cunning               LG               Fiegenschuh
Senhauser            LT                 H. Wagner
Farrell                  QB                      Merwin
Amstead              RH                         Jones
Cabel                   LH                    Burkhart
Gintz                    FB                         Smith

Time, fifteen and twenty minutes halves.

Referee and umpire alternating:
Benedict of Massillon;
Thompson, of New Philadelphia.

Superintendent Cronebaugh, of Massillon;
Superintendent Maurer, of New Philadelphia.
Head Linesman – Jack long, of Massillon;
Assistants – Souers, of New Philadelphia; and Tucker of Massillon.

1904: Massillon 5 Canton Central 12

Canton Team Too Heavy for the Locals

The Massillon Team Lacked Ginger in the Second Half,
Allowing the Canton Boys to Score Easily
Game was a Clean One

Yesterday afternoon at the new park Massillon met defeat for the second time this season at the hands of Canton High, the score standing 12 to 5.  The Canton team made a touchdown in each half, the local team making their score early in the second.

The game was not called until about 4 o’clock.  Captain Kennedy, of Canton, won the toss and chose to receive at the south goal, there being a strong wind from the south.  Albright made a beautiful kick against the wind, Kennedy receiving the ball at about the thirty yard line and was downed before advancing more than five yards.  The Canton men began to batter the light Massillon line and went around end for substantial gains, Schaeffer, the Canton right tackle, being especially conspicuous in gains.  The opposing team seemed to have things their own way for a long while, until the fifteen yard line was reached.  Here the Canton team was forced to put forth every effort to realize a goal and it looked as if they would lose on downs, but finally they reached the goal line.  It was an easy goal and was kicked.

Canton now kicked to Massillon, Albright receiving.  The home team went through the heavy Canton line and made good steady gains, the hurdling of Albright being the most spectacular feature.  The end runs attempted by Massillon resulted in a loss, and straight bucks were carried out.  A fumble was made about this time which resulted in Canton’s receiving the ball.  A few gains were made by the opposition but they again lost the ball.  Albright now made a good heady play, as well as one of the most beautiful punts seen on a Massillon gridiron this season.  The punt was made at the forty-five yard line and for sixty yards it sailed down the field going across Canton’s goal line.  The ball was now kicked from the twenty-five yard line to Massillon who advanced it to the fifteen yard line and here lost the ball.  Canton carried it toward their goal but time for the first half was now called.

At the beginning of the second half Canton kicked to Massillon, McFarren receiving the ball and making a good gain to the thirty yard line.  Steady gains on line bucks were made by the Massillon boys.  Kirchhofer, the plucky Massillon fullback, now showed his true form, worming himself through the line for good gains at all times, his one gain of five yards being one of the longest made by the home team during the game.  Albright’s hurdles were here brought to the front again and his end runs netted good gains.  The Massillon team steadily worked itself from the thirty-five yard line to the ten yard line on good straight football.

The Canton team here braced up and Massillon had to work its hardest but finally by massing the men Albright was pushed and pulled through for the first touchdown Massillon High has made on Canton for many a day.  This touchdown was made at the southeast corner of the field and the punt, which was so successful for the Tigers last Saturday, was tried but Hollander failed to heel the ball.

Canton now kicked off to Massillon, Burkhart receiving.  Canton soon received the ball and the Massillon team apparently lost heart and allowed the Canton team to make gains of fifteen and twenty yards at a down, Wenger carrying the ball across goal and again goal was kicked, the score standing 12 to 5.  Massillon now received the kickoff and Burkhart made the proper play under the circumstances, punting to the thirty yard line.  A few gains were made by Canton when time was called.  Everybody seemed fairly well satisfied with the game, although the allowing of Canton’s second touchdown was entirely unnecessary.

The line-up was:

Canton                   Position            Massillon
Gould                         LE                Smith, Hollander
Hershey                     LT                Jones
Haylor                       LG                Stoner, Kaylor
Gibson                        C                 Tucker
Brown                       RG               Ratchford
Shaffer                       RT                Kaylor, Smith
Clarke                        RE                Merwin
Kennedy                    QB               McFarren
Knox                         LH                Albright
Vliet                           FB                Kirchhofer, capt.
Holl, capt.                  RH               Burkhart

Linesman, McCallum and Bast.

The work of all the boys was entirely satisfactory, the backs playing fine ball and the linemen laid down before the heavy Canton line, holding them whenever possible.  Ratchford played an unusually good game and Tucker played all over Gibson.  Merwin, Smith and Hollander put up a fine game; Merwin getting the ball on fumbles in a twinkle.  Jones and Stoner put up a stiff game.  The game was an unusually clean one, no quarrelsome spirit being in evidence.