Booster Club Meeting Report – Week 1
Report by Rick Dalsky, Booster Club Secretary
The first General Meeting of the Massillon Tiger Football Booster Club was held in the Media Center of WHS on Monday 8/28/2017. New Booster Club President Steve Berecek welcomed all in attendance. The following events took place:
Gary Vogt briefly gave an update on the new Booster Club web-site. He thanked all who worked on this project and then introduced Don Engelhardt, who presented an overview of the new web-site. The site is a work in process but the amount of information available and its design is very impressive. Be sure to check it out.
Ron Prunty who has been filming the Massillon Tiger football games since 1979 asked if anyone would be interested helping him carry his equipment from his car before the game up onto the stadium roof. The stairs to the roof have been removed and the only access is through a “hole” in the press box. Ron also would like some help getting the equipment down and back to his car after the game. If anyone is interested in helping please contact President Berecek or Ron.
Coach Moore brought two senior football players to the meeting. Senior WR Austin Kutscher and Senior DE, RT Ty Keirns addressed the club on the Mentor game and the upcoming GlenOak game. They also answered questions from the audience.
Coach Moore commented on the Mentor game and how the team was preparing for the next game against GlenOak. He gave an injury update and mentioned several positive performances. He showed film clips from the Mentor game and gave comments on the action. Then he previewed the GlenOak game by showing game film from their first game and reviewing their potential lineup and players.
John Lieberman reminded Boosters to clip the booster coupons from the local newspapers and bring them to future meetings. We are trying to win this $2,000 contest for the 5th straight year.
Away game bus tickets for Warren and Fitch are available at Keller’s in downtown Massillon for $25 each. See Matt Keller if interested in purchasing one.
Nick Pribich reminded Boosters to bring canned goods to future meetings to help us win the annual food drive vs. McKinley.
The next General Meeting of the Massillon Tiger Football Booster Club is scheduled for Tuesday September 5, 2017 at 7:00pm in the Media Center of WHS. Memberships will be available at the door.