I was doing some research a few days ago on former Tiger player and coach Elwood Kammer and ran across a rather interesting news story from the local paper describing some shenanigans following the Massillon-McKinley Game. What was most surprising is that the story was written in 1925, nearly a hundred hears ago. A decade before Massillon’s Paul Brown and Canton’s Jimmy Aiken really put the big game on the map. Anyway, the triviality of the story and the intricate details presented make for a great read. Please enjoy this look into the past.
Egg Throwing Episode After Football Game Lands Two Canton Boys in Court
November 23, 1925
An aftermath of the Massillon-Canton football game last Saturday at Canton was presented in municipal court this morning when Edgar Robinson, 18, a Canton McKinley high school student, and his companion, Milton Rutherford, 17, of Canton, were arraigned before Judge Kaley on charge of disorderly conduct growing out of an egg throwing episode Saturday evening about 5:30 o’clock when Robinson and Rutherford came to Massillon celebrating Canton’s victory.
Robinson is alleged to have tossed a rather ripe article of hen’s fruit through the window of a street car filled with Massillon rooters, said egg striking a coat worn by Miss Dortha Crowell, of Navarre, and almost ruining the garment. With Miss Crowell were the Misses Thelma and Velma Hostetler, of 1216 Wood Street.
Then Robinson is alleged to have driven his automobile into the rear of a car belonging to J.F. McMillen of 118 Wood Street, damaging a bumper.
Both Robinson and Rutherford denied they had thrown any eggs but declared that they had been made a target for a lot of Massillon sharp-shooters on the curb in East Main Street who hurled numerous eggs at them as they drove down East Main Street.
Police reported that the street car on which the girls were riding stopped at Lincoln Avenue. Robinson and Rutherford were traveling west in Main Street in Robinson’s roadster. When their car stopped at Lincoln Avenue it is alleged they started throwing eggs, one going through the window and striking Miss Crowell.
When the boys continued on their way and later collided with McMillon’s car when it is alleged the brakes on Robinson’s car were defective.
Robinson was arraigned before Judge Kaley on charges of disorderly conduct and operating a car with defective brakes. He pleaded not guilty to both charges and after a trial was found guilty of the disorderly conduct charge. Sentence was deferred for three days in order to give the boy a chance to file a motion for a new trial. He will be tried on the defective brake charge this afternoon.
Rutherford, because of his age, was turned over to Probation Officer Allen who released him, subject to call.
The egg-throwing episode which resulted in the boys’ arrest was not the only one to be staged here Saturday night as victory mad groups of Canton rooters invaded the city. More than one egg battle was fought out along Main Street and about 9 o’clock Saturday night grocers were reporting a shortage of hen fruit. Over-ripe tomatoes also made their appearance.
One group of Canton rooters, it is said, came to Massillon on a truck, bringing with them a goat. On the side of the truck was banner bearing the words “We got Massillon’s goat.” As they headed east to Main Street to return to Canton they were made the target for a heavy bombardment of eggs. Then when the egg supply ran out the Massillonians, whoever they were, chased the truck to near the city limits, overhauled it and captured the goat. Mr. Goat was said to have been seen trotting around Massillon streets Sunday morning about 1 o’clock.