9 – 0
Contest Was Played on Field of Slime Several Inches Deep Orange and Black Squad Outplayed Opponents at All Stages of the Game
Eckstein Makes Points
Battling for nearly an hour Saturday afternoon on a field that resembled a sea of mud, Massillon high’s gridiron warriors finally triumphed over the pride of Akron South by the score of 9 to 0 in a slow but intensely exciting contest. The soggy condition of the field made fast play impossible. After the first down the players became nearly unrecognizable and more than once was time called out in order to allow some poor unfortunate to dig the mud out of his mouth and eyes.
The game did not begin until 4:05 o’clock and the greater portion of the contest was played in the slowly gathering dusk. Although outweighed by the Akron team, the local players were in the game every minute and their spirited attack swept the rubber city lads off their feet while the suddenness of the onslaught left them dazed. The orange and black team carried the ball within striking distance of the Akron goal line several times only to lose it on fumbles.
To fullback Eckstein goes the credit for making all the points. The first score came in the second quarter. With the ball on their 15-yard line, Akron was held for downs and forced to punt. Theis, Massillon’s star tackle, broke through the line and blocked the kick, sending it spinning toward the Akron goal line. Harold, left end, chased after the ball, caught it and was downed on the one-yard line. Eckstein bucked the ball over for the touchdown. Goal was missed.
The remaining three points were made in the last quarter, near the close of the game, when Eckstein booted the ball over the bars from placement on the 20-yard line
At no time during the game did Akron South threaten Massillon’s goal and they never advanced the ball over Massillon’s 35-yard line. Massillon’s line played a great game Saturday and to use the expression of one of the local rooters who saw the contest, they opened holes in the Akron line big enough for an N.O.T. interurban car to go through sideways.
The team showed up mighty well Saturday. The players stopped the Akron team time after time and they only made first down once while Massillon was only forced to punt once.
Massillon’s little group of rooters numbering 25 out-rooted Akron South’s supporters who numbered nearly 200. The game was played in the newly finished stadium on Wooster Avenue.
Line up and summary
M.H.S. – 9 Pos. A.S.H. – 0
Harold LE Whalen
Theis LT Taylor
Snyder LG Wile
Spuhler C Possehl
Graybill RG Miller
Stultz RT Sisler
Houriet RE Stevens
Hollinger QB Welkar
Zorger LHB Pfahl
Eckstein FB Newfield (c)
R. Smith (c) RHB Munro
Score by quarters:
Massillon – first 0; second 6; third 0; fourth 3.
Massillon – Eckstein.
Goals from placement:
Massillon – Eckstein.
Referee – Smith (Akron).
Umpire – Jones.
Head Linesman – Boerner (Massillon).