1904: Massillon 5 New Philadelphia 0
Massillon Scores the Only Touchdown
Time was Called as Albright Crossed the Line
in the Last Half of the Game
Superintendent Cronebaugh Did a Little Coaching
Saturday afternoon, in the midst of a pouring rain, Massillon High administered a dose of defeat to New Philadelphia High, to the tune of 5 to 0, the touchdown being made by Albright in the last minute of play. The game was a most exciting one and was witnessed by a large crowd of Massillon, New Philadelphia and Canal Dover rooters. The game was called about 3 o’clock on the field located at the edge of town. Massillon kicked off to New Philadelphia, who defended the north goal. Albright made a good kick and it reached the ten yard line before it was secured. Kirchhofer downed the man after making a slight gain. The opposing team now hit Massillon’s line for steady gains until they reached the center of the field when the ball was lost on a fumble. Massillon pushed its way back the field until the ball was lost on downs at about the twenty-five yard line. McFarren received a severe blow on the nose and time was taken out. The battle raged up and down the field in this manner for some time, Massillon being penalized for Superintendent Cronebaugh coaching on the field. Massillon had possession of the ball when the first half ended, no score being made by either team. The rain was at its worst at this time.
At the beginning of the second half New Philadelphia kicked off to Massillon, who this time faced the south goal. McFarren received the ball at the twenty-five yard line and advanced about fifteen yards by clever dodging. The Massillon team now found New Philadelphia’s weak spot at left end and gain after gain was here made by Albright. The gains on line bucks were not productive of as large gains. Massillon reached the twenty-five yard line but lost the ball on a fumble. New Philadelphia now hit the line for good gains for some time, reaching the middle of the field, but here lost the ball. Massillon slowly went toward their goal but were finally held and Albright punted. The kick was a beauty and the opposing quarterback, Zellner, misjudged it, touching but not stopping it. Merwin here made a fine run and succeeded in falling on the ball about the twenty-yard line. There was but a few minutes yet to play and the Massillon boys got down to business. Albright went around right end for good gains and just as time was called put the ball across the line for the first touchdown Massillon has made this season. There was a slight dispute as to whether the touchdown was made before time was called but this was decided in Massillon’s favor.
Every member of the Massillon team played fine ball and good interference was given the man with the ball. Albright was in the game all the time, hitting the line and making beautiful end runs. Burkhart and Kirchhofer hit the line hard and McFarren gave good interference. All the line men worked hard and the ends broke up interference in fine shape. At no time was the New Philadelphia team dangerously near Massillon’s goal.
The line-up:
Massillon Position New Phila.
Smith L.E. Steller, Zellner
Jones L.T. Kilvig
Kaylor L.G. Cunning
Tucker C. Page
Stoner R.G Stellner, Zellner
Ratchford R.T. Orr
Merwin R.E. Congleton
McFarren Q.B. C. Zellner
Kirchhofer F.B. Wilkin
Albright R.H. Sunhauser
Burkhart L.H. Foster
Umpire, Meinhart.
Timekeepers, Souers, Myers.
Referee, Derschook.
For New Philadelphia, Page, L. Zellner and “Dutch” Sunhauser played a good game. Zellner played in oxford shoes without cleats and lost one of them, playing in stocking feet. After the game the team was given supper at a local restaurant and were shown about the town. All the Massillon boys expressed themselves as well pleased with their treatment. In the evening a number of the boys were entertained at the homes of the “New Philiates” and considerable difficulty was experienced in getting home, there being….THE REST OF THE STORY IS NOT AVAILABLE.