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Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1934: Massillon 6, Canton McKinley 21



Washington high’s hope for an undefeated season and state championship, that rose in a crescendo of nine straight victories, faded under an avalanche of red and black Saturday afternoon when Canton McKinley climbed to the pinnacle of fame by defeating the Tigers 21-6.

Twenty-thousand fans looked on from bleachers that circled the entire field. It was the largest crowd ever assembled to witness a sports event in Stark county and the first half produced two periods of the finest football every played on a gridiron.

Two Touchdowns in Five Minutes
It was an offensive battle from the opening kickoff and twice in the first five minutes the ball was carried across the goal. McKinley received and never stopped in a relentless march until it had scored the first seven points of the season on the Tigers.


What would Massillon do when scored on – fold up? It was uppermost in the mind of everyone of the 20,000 and the Tigers answer was a march of 64 yards from the kickoff to the McKinley goal. Massillon missed the extra point when Hank Krier was bottled up trying to carry it across and the score stood 7-6 throughout the remainder of the period and the first half.

The same offensive battle might have been staged in the second half were it not for a series of bad breaks that wrecked both offense and defense of the Tigers, causing a breaking down of morale and a necessary shift in the defensive setup that could not cope with the powerful attack of Jimmy Aiken and his Canton Bulldogs, who romped on to two more touchdowns.

Fumble Costly Break
The first bad break that preceded the turning point in the game came when the Tigers, in possession of the ball for the second time of the afternoon, marched from their own 23-yard line to a first down on the Canton 22.

They had the Bulldogs on the run and it looked line a certain touchdown until D.C. McCants fumbled on a reverse and Dick Miller, McKinley end, pounced through and recovered the ball.

Canton lashed back with another ferocious drive that put Dutton out of the game, with two probably cracked ribs. He was hurt when he blocked out a Canton receiver just as Lohr intercepted Zazula’s pass. Interference was called and the pass was declared completed. McCoy was sent in to pass for McKinley, but Lohr was again on the job and pulled down a pass on the nine-yard line. Krier was carried off the field with a badly wrenched ankle on the first play hereafter.

Loss of Krier Weakens Team
The Massillon ball carrier, ace scorer in Ohio who in the first quarter had increased his record for the season to 149 points with a 37-yard dash through the center of the Canton team, was ganged as he hit the line. Frigley jumped on his neck and underneath the pile Haas twisted the ankle that had been injured in practice earlier in the week.

Krier was out. His ankle puffed up as though inflated with air and he had to be carried by his teammates to the Massillon bench. That was the third bad break for the Tigers and with it went all hope for a Massillon victory. Up to that time Massillon looked the better team on both offense and defense.

Only close followers of the Tiger team know the importance of Krier to the Massillon lineup. First of all he is the punch of the backfield. That he displayed prior to his injury when only on one occasion did he fail to gain and statistics will show that his average gain until taken out was 11 yards, which passes the individual record of any other player on the field.

Important Defensive Man
But Krier is just as important defensively. He plays a guard position on the line and has greater penetration than either Snavely or Molinski. He demonstrated that once in the second period when he broke through and sat Jim Huff on the grass for a 10-yard loss.

With Krier and Dutton on the bench, Coach Brow had to change his entire lineup. He sent Edgar Herring, a 127-pounded, in at halfback. His blocking power against a 200 pounder was nil. The biggest shakeup, however, had to be made defensively. Snavely went into the line, a position he played last year but had not attempted to play before Saturday. Lange was called in to back up the line in place of Snavely. Snavely does not have the penetrating power of Krier at guard and Lange is not the vicious tackler that Snavely is.

It was the turning point of the game. The half ended three plays later and the Tigers were licked in the dressing room when it became apparent to all that their inspiration and main cog, Hank Krier, would be unable to play any more. He sat on the bench throughout the last two periods but could not re-enter. He was taken to the city hospital after the game for an examination and X-ray pictures will be taken today. He is hobbling around on crutches.

Canton Superior Team Second Half
It was all Canton the second half. The Tigers were never in the race the last two periods. They fought back but got nothing save a severe body beating that would cause any weak liver to give up the football forever, but not the Massillon Tigers. They battled to the end and in the last few minutes began handing back medicine they had been taught not to prescribe.

McKinley added 14 more points to its score over the weakened Massillon team and could have kept piling more on the heap had not the game ended when it did.

The Tigers experienced their first bad luck at the start when they lost the toss and had to kickoff to the Bulldogs. It paved the way for the first Canton touchdown and the first points scored on Massillon this year.

Krier got off a poor kick and Zazula returned to the 35-yard line. Huff made seven at right end and ran to a first down on the 50-yard line. Halter got three at left guard and Huff raced to another first down on the 33-yard stripe. Ballos made six at center and Halter a yard. McKinley was penalized five yards. Dutton nearly intercepted Zazula’s pass but fumbled. Huff almost thrown twice, got away for a dash to a first down on the 17-yard line. Halter took it to the eight-yard line and Massillon called for time. Halter went to the five-yard line. Two plays only netted the Bulldogs two yards but the Tigers were penalized for being offside giving Canton the ball on the one-yard line. Halter wiggled across the goal and Huff carried it over for the extra point. It was 7-0 Canton.

Tigers Strike Back
Lange received the following kickoff and was downed on the 36-yard line. D.C. MCCants playing his best and last high school football game smashed through left tackle for six yards. Shertzer was unable to hold Dutton’s pass. Krier raced through to a first down on the Canton 46-yard line and the glee on the east side was throttled. Dutton passed too far for Shertzer to receive, but he smashed through left tackle for nine yards. Third down and two to go and Krier took the ball through center on a fake. A huge gap opened in the Canton line between none other than Lewis Young and Tut Allen, the giants of the McKinley team. Through it Krier raced, cut to his right and out sped the McKinley secondary, including 10-second Huff in a 37-yard run for a touchdown.

For a moment it was feared play would be called back but the violation was for Canton being offside and the touchdown was allowed. The Massillon fans thundered their approval, but their joy partially diminished when Krier was thrown in his tracks trying to run the extra point across.

Canton received but its offense was checked by the Tigers who took the ball on their
23-yard line and began another drive toward the Canton goal. They had the Bulldogs on the run, as Krier hit for 19, McCants three, Dutton four, McCants three, Krier one, Dutton nine, McCants six, Krier 1, McCants eight, Krier one and a first down on the McKinley
22-yard line. Then came the fumble and the Bulldogs charged back only to be stopped with Lohr’s interception of McCoy’s pass on the nine-yard line. There followed Krier’s injury, three plays a punt and intermission.

Bulldogs Score At Start of Third
The Bulldogs duplicated their first kickoff performance by taking Morningstar’s boot at the start of the third period and marching 62 yards. Huff made four, Ballos five, Ballos one, Halter four, Huff three and a first down on the Tiger 35. Then came squatty Red Halter around left end behind a wave of Crimson interference that bowled everybody out of the way until someone nailed the red head on the Tigers’ four-yard line. It took McKinley three plays to get it over, Huff carrying it across on a right end sweep. Haas kicked goal. Canton 14, Massillon 6.

Canton had another chance when Lange fumbled the kickoff and Allen recovered on the Massillon 34. McKinley’s chances faded, however, when Referee Eddie Howells twice caught Haas holding and the Bulldogs were penalized 30 yards. The Tigers took the pigskin but unable to make their yardage, kicked to the Canton 30. The Bulldogs charged back to the Massillon 37 where they were stopped by the Tigers who again took possession of the ball. Halter quickly got it back for McKinley, however when he intercepted Dutton’s pass and ran it back to the Massillon 37.

Again Canton threatened but was stopped on the nine-yard line. Byelene tried to make a yard on fourth down but was nailed with inches to go and Canton got the sphere on the
15-yard stripe.

A five-yard penalty helped stop this threat on the 13-yard line. Dutton kicked back to his own 46 and again the Crimson surged forward. Halter in two attempts raced in to the Tiger 25. Huff went through for 14 yards to the 11. Halter made six. Huff four and Halter knifed through for the final touchdown. Haas kicked the 21st point.

There was nothing much to it thereafter. The Tigers tried to pass for a touchdown but Halter was always in the way and intercepted two in a row.

In the final minutes of play, Haas was put out of the game for slugging and Canton was penalized 25 yards.

Then McCants came into a pileup and was charged with unnecessary roughness and Massillon was penalized 15 yards. Only the gun saved further scrapes as the teams took their final fling at each other.

15 First Downs For Canton
Statistics show Canton as making 19 first downs to seven for the Tigers. Neither team completed a forward pass, remarkable in view of the fact that passing has been a consistent ground gainer for both teams in past performances.

Canton gained 315 yards from scrimmage to the Tigers’ 143 yards but Massillon with Krier in the first half gained 126 yards to 123 for Canton and Canton in the first half lost seven yards from scrimmage while the Tigers didn’t lose a yard.
Massillon was penalized three times for a total of 25 yards and Canton nine times for a loss of 85 yards.

Two of the McKinley penalties were for holding and one for Haas’ slugging of Lohr.

Massillon fans did a lot of talking Sunday. They were particularly concerned over noticeable holding and slugging in the McKinley line and the shouts of glee that went up from the east side of the field when Krier was carried off.

Canton’s joy at seeing Krier out of the game, maybe attributed to the high strung enthusiasm that causes one to yell first and think after. Massillon fans might have given the wild whoop had Huff been ganged. In any event it is not good sportsmanship.

As to the holding and slugging there was many a Massillon fan hoping some Tiger would cut loose with a left and right to the jaw and mid-section.

It raises an old question. Is it more advantageous to teach your linemen to hold and chance getting away with a large percentage of violations or is it better to play the game within the rules and avoid penalties.

Seven members of the starting Massillon eleven, played their last football for the Tigers Saturday. They were Wendell Lohr and Bob Shertzer, the ends; Don Wolfe, left tackle; Cloyd Snavely, right guard; D.C. McCants, fullback; Henry Krier, left halfback and Jack Lange the blocking halfbacks.

The other four will be back again next season. They are August Morningstar, center; Neri Buggs, right tackle; Eddie Molinski, left guard and Howard Dutton, quarterback. Mike Byelene, Jake Gillom and Edgar Herring the other trio to see service will be back next year.

Both Coach Brown and Coach Aiken, were concerned over the time of the first two periods. A check from the Massillon bench showed they were only of eight minutes duration instead of 12, and a review of the game, reveals that each team had the ball but three times in the entire first half. Massillon kicked to McKinley and it made a touchdown. McKinely kicked to Massillon and the Tigers made a touchdown. The Tigers kicked to McKinley and forced the Bulldogs to punt. Massillon carried back to the 22-yard line and fumbled and Canton was stopped with an interception on the nine-yard line. Three plays later the half ended.

Lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Canton
Shertzer LE Miller
Wolfe LT Frigley
Molinski LG Allen
Morningstar C Young
Snavely RG Wertman
Buggs RT Haas
Lohr RE Green
Dutton QB Zazula
Krier LH Huff
Lange RH Halter
McCants FB Ballos

Score by periods:
Canton 7 0 7 7 21
Massillon 6 0 0 6 6

Massillon – Byelene, qb-lh; Herring, lh; Gillom, fb.
Canton – McCoy, qb; Daniels, lh; Fryer, rg; Mentzer, g.

Canton – Huff; Halter 2.
Massillon – Krier.

Point after touchdown:
Canton – Huff (carried); Haas 2 (placekick).

Referee – Howells.
Umpire – Shafer.
Head Linesman – Barrett.
Field Judge – Smith

Game Is Still The Big Topic
Police and City Officials
Praise Spectators for Orderly Behavior;
Seller of Alleged Bogus Tickets Under Arrest

With the gridiron classic staged by the Bulldogs of McKinley high school, Canton, and the orange and black Tigers of Washington high school, Saturday, still the principal topic of conversation in schools, city hall, stores and on street corners, police authorities and
non-partisan fans today sung highly the praises of the general orderliness and conduct of the spectators’ before, during and after the contest.

True, there were some fights among the rabid fans liquor flasks were titled frequently, ticket scalpers were present selling bogus tickets and some confusion in the reserved seats sections was the result, but all in all Stark county’s greatest sports spectacle will go down in history as one of friendly rivalry in which the throng of 20,000 spectators was well and efficiently handled by Massillon police, state highway patrolmen, deputy sheriffs, Canton school zone police and members of Massillon Post, No. 221, American Legion.

Leo Sabroglia, of 1737 E. 19th Street, Cleveland, was arrested at the field by police after he is alleged to have sold three bogus tickets for $3 to Homer Arnold. He was jailed on a suspicion charge, but an affidavit charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses had been drawn up this morning by Prosecutor Lewis C. Wiggins. Signature of one of the city school authorities to the affidavit was awaited. He probably will be arraigned in municipal court this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

Police said Sabroglia was in possession of several bogus tickets and $6 when taken into custody. Several other persons were said by police to have been selling bogus tickets at the field but they were not apprehended.

Washington high school was broken into Saturday evening, a woman had her pocketbook stolen and a Canton man had his pocket picked at the game, police were told.

Belief was expressed today that two men who escaped guards stationed at the high school had broken into the school thinking possibly that proceeds of the game were in the board of education office.

Pocket Is Picked
A window in the rear of the building was forced open. The pair was seen in a corridor approaching the board of education office. They escaped through a door they had opened when chased by guards. A crowbar and club were left behind by the men when they fled.

Charles E. Trew, of 1000 Arlington Street S.W., Canton, reported to police today that his pocket was picked of $46 while he watched the game. A pocketbook containing $6 and 10 dance tickets was snatched from Mrs. D.H. Volzer, of 1233 Cleveland Avenue N.W., as she was leaving the game.

While Homer Eicker, of R.D. 2; Bowdil, watched the game, his auto a 1928 Chevrolet sedan bearing license E46-741, was stolen from Edwin Avenue S.E. The car had not been recovered this morning.

Chief of Police Edward M. Ertle today expressed his appreciation of the conduct of the fans. Despite the intense rivalry, Massillon was quiet Saturday evening. Students and the older fans abided by the pleas of Mayor William Limbach and police for orderliness.

Chief Extends Thanks
Thanks were extended by Chief Ertle to officers of the highway patrol for the efficient manner in which they directed traffic at important street intersections near the athletic field, the deputy sheriffs, Canton police, local patrolmen and legionnaires and all others who aided in handling the crowd.

Police of Massillon and Canton today were searching for a gang of hoodlums, believed to have been from Canton, who Friday evening severely beat Kenneth Greenfelder, 17, of 229 State Avenue N.E. and Earl Clifford of 606 Guy Street N.W. Washington high school students; abducted Greenfelder and took him about six miles from the city where they sheared off part of his hair with clippers before turning him lose.

It was said today several other Massillon boys were abducted by a Canton gang and submitted to hazing. No reports of the cases had been made directly to police, however.

A bunch of keys were found at the south end of the football field and turned over to Desk Sergeant Daniel Brady. The owner may secure them at police headquarters upon identification.


Independent Sports Editor

The big game is over – but not forgotten. It will be the subject of discussion for many weeks to come.

Another chapter has been written into the history of Massillon-Canton athletic rivalry by a group of valiant young warriors, who if they seek knowledge of the beginning of this rivalry, must thumb the pages of history or learn about it from old timers.

Twenty thousand spectators, in a friendly holiday mood, saw this latest chapter of Massillon-Canton gridiron rivalry go into the page of history Saturday afternoon on Massillon field.

Twenty thousand fans saw the great Bulldogs of Canton McKinley high school plunge and dash their way through the great, but not quite great enough, Tigers of Washington high school for a 21 to 6 victory that brought to the Bulldogs recognition as Ohio scholastic champions and a string of 11 straight victories in 1934. It brought joy and rejoicing to all of Canton, particularly to Jimmy Aiken, McKinley coach and his intrepid gladiators. They stand out as the high school champions of Ohio, probably of the nation. They have a great team; they proved it in the heat of conflict against their oldest enemy.

In Massillon there is no rejoicing for the mighty Tigers lost the game they wanted to win more than any other on their schedule. It was their first defeat in 10 battles; the first time during the season they had seen an enemy march across their goal line. Certainly Massillon is sad but it took its beating standing up. No one can blame Paul Brown and his courageous Washington high lads if they were downhearted Saturday night but their heads were not bowed in humiliating defeat.

They gave the best they had, they went down fighting, they never gave up. They were conquered by a superior enemy, a foe that struck with the swiftness and deadliness of lighting. Even in defeat those orange and black clad lads came off the field with the praises of the multitude ringing in their rears. They had fought a good fight even in defeat and they deserve a lot of credit for it.

Of course the game is over, Canton won a well deserved victory and a state championship that it merited, but one can not help but wonder just what the ultimate result of that great battle would have been had not the two most costly breaks in the contest gone against the youthful Tigers.

Had they not occurred the final outcome might not have been changed but no one can deny that Massillon was not the equal if not the superior of the vaunted Bulldog until those breaks popped into the picture to ruin what looked like a fine opportunity for Massillon to pull the Bulldog’s fans for the first time in three years.

Both those breaks came in the second quarter. The first occurred when D.C. McCants, powerful Negro fullback, fumbled the ball on Canton’s 26-yard line, the Bulldogs recovering and halting a Massillon march that seemed destined not to end until the Tigers had placed the ball back of Canton’s goal.

The second break came a few minutes later when Henry Krier, Massillon’s great halfback, plunged through the Canton line, went down under a mass of Bulldog tacklers and never came back again to take part in that game. A severely twisted ankle forced Krier to the sidelines and out of the combat. He had to be carried off the field. He was severely wrenched by Canton tackles as he went to the ground.

With the loss of Krier went Massillon’s chances for victory. The loss of this great star was a severe blow but it seems as if the deciding turn in the game came when McCants fumbled.

A fumble may occur at any time and fate picked upon McCants, who had been playing a whale of a game, to be its victim It was a tough break for the boy – not only for him but for the Massillon cause. But that is football.

No more sensational game of football has ever been played anywhere than those stalwart teams unfolded before that huge crowd in the first half. It was as brilliant a spectacle of offensive performance as any one would want to witness.

So swiftly did both teams strike that fans were left almost breathless as they attempted to take it all in. Canton received and starting from its 35-yard line marched right down the field with Jim Huff, lanky Negro ace and Red halter, slashing midget halfback driving back the Tigers with vicious thrusts off tackle and around the ends, a drive which did not stop until Halter knifed his way though the line for a touchdown, the first scored against Massillon this year.

It all happened in less than five minutes. But what followed was even more breath-taking. Massillon received. The Massillon receiver was downed on his 35-yard line. Then like the th5rusts of a rapier Krier and Howard Dutton cut into that Canton line. Krier made a first down. A Tiger pass failed. Dutton slashed for eight. Another Massillon pass failed to connect. And then Krier brought the fans to their feet in a mad burst of cheering as he dashed through the Canton line, shook off Bulldog tackers as if they were paper dummies, ran by the astonished and fleet Jim Huff as if he were standing still and raced unmolested across 38 yards of turf for a touchdown – a truly great feat.

Massillon failed to make the extra point but the Tigers were just coming into their own. A few minutes found them again in possession of the ball and once again they began cracking great gaping spaces in that Canton line as Krier, McCants and Dutton paraded steadily down the field toward the Canton goal.

Yard after yard they pushed back the Bulldogs until they had the ball on Canton’s 26. On one of the plays Shertzer was knocked out but gamely stuck to his post. Then McCants darted toward the left side of his line. He reached for the ball but it bounced out of his outstretched hands. It rolled along the ground as players of both teams dove for it. But Dick Miller, Canton left end, was head of them all and it was Canton’s ball.

That break gave the Bulldogs new courage and when Krier was hurt a few minutes later they were on their way, not to be stopped again.

Canton was not the best team on the field in the first half but it was by far the best in the second half when it scored the two deciding touchdowns.

Two splendid ball carriers had a lot to do with Canton’s victory. They were Huff and Halter. The Tigers found them harder to stop than tax collectors but great as Huff and Halter are they probably wouldn’t have gone far had it not been for the brilliant interference they had all afternoon.

Not detracting at all from their great performance but any halfback even a six-year-old boy, could have gained ground Saturday with the interference the Bulldogs threw up to protect their ball toters. It was beautiful to watch even though destructive to Massillon hopes. Few high school teams have ever possessed the interference Aiken developed for his Bulldog ball carriers.

Although the crowd was the largest to ever witness an athletic event in Massillon or Canton, it was well handled and for that school authorities, police of Massillon, Canton, the state highway patrol and American Legion members deserve credit.

Every inch of space in the field was jammed with spectators. They started to come early and an hour before game time the park was loaded to the gunwales. Long lines of automobiles were parked all around the field for blocks in either direction. Sale of phoney tickets caused a slight stir early in the afternoon but this situation was soon remedied. Some people may not have gotten the seats they thought they bought but there were only a few instances of this.

It was a friendly crowd, too, in which a spirit of good feeling manifested itself throughout the afternoon. True there were one or two minor battles but these were quickly squelched by the strong arm of the law. A few fans, who had looked into the bottle that cheers, too frequently were evidenced but they were having a good time and so were the others who saw them.
After the game the crowd left the field in an orderly manner. Traffic away from the field in some instances traveled slowly and an hour after the conclusion of the game cars were still packing the streets leading from the field and the highways out of town particularly to the east.

The city, however, quickly settled back into its normal routine. Restaurants were busy at noon and in the evening. But Saturday night passed without any serious disorder, a situation which was feared by many. There were no snake dances, no free for all battles, in fact two hours after the game no one would have thought Massillon had been host to the largest crowd in its history.

The day went off without anything unusual, other than the huge crowd and great football game.

Mother Nature furnished a perfect setting for the big day. It was cloudy in the morning but at noon the sun broke through and sent its rays earthward the remainder of the day. Ideal weather conditions existed. The air was snappy but not too cold to make it uncomfortable for spectators.

The crowd and field presented a colorful sight. Cheer leaders and bands of the two schools kept the vast throng entertained for two hours before the game. The bands of both schools drilled and played as they never have before and both were praised for their exhibitions.

Photographers, newspapermen and radio announcers were dashing here, there and everywhere. A Goodyear blimp soared over the field with a big banner with “Yea Tigers. Yea Bulldogs” streaming out behind.

Great cheers went up as the players came out on the field. Coaches and assistants first looked over the playing surface and then went back into the clubhouse to give last minute instructions to their warriors.

Canton was first on the field. Several minutes later the Tigers made their appearance. Photographers snapped pictures of the crowd, the cheer leaders, the mascots, the players, coaches and officials – in fact they were shooting right and left with reckless abandon.

The game was hard fought, at times it was rough. Earl Haas, Canton right tackle, finally was ejected by officials for his roughness. The cheer that came up from the Canton bleachers when Krier was carried off the field was not at all to the liking of many Massillon fans. To them it appeared a bit unsportsmanlike. Officials also were panned a bit for alleged laxness in enforcing penalties.

But those things are bound to happen in a rivalry such as Massillon and Canton have known for years.

From a Canton angle it was a perfect day in all respects. From a Massillon angle it was perfect except for one thing—the wrong team won but another year is coming.

Cloyd Snavely
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 72, Niles 0



An aerial attack, as efficient as it was spectacular, carried the Washington high Tigers to their ninth victory of the season Saturday afternoon as they smothered Niles high 72-0 before the smallest crowd of the season. Less than 3,000 fans attended the contest.

The victory brought to Massillon the first Big Six football championship, a loop reorganized last spring from the remnants of the N.E.O. Big Ten. The football trophy will be presented to Massillon at a meeting of the league in Alliance, December 10.

Score Six Times With Passes
Air lanes pointed toward the Massillon goal Saturday as the Tigers tossed six passes for touchdowns and three for points after touchdown. It was a masterful exhibition of aerial rivaling that of the bombardment that took place in the Barberton game.

Howard Dutton and Mike Byelene manned the guns and fired away with success all afternoon. Particularly the sophomore Mike, who played the major portion of the game because of Coach Paul Brown’s desire to give Dutton as much rest as possible.

Byelene threw them far and short and bulleted one into the waiting arms of Jake Gillom who was down on his knees in the end zone with his hands raised toward the heavens when the ball dropped out of the sky and got into his arms.

Passer Given Protection
No team can have a forward passing attack without first having a passer and no passer can throw the ball accurately without having ample time to pick out his man. That’s where the unsung hero comes in and if you were a close observer Saturday you would have noticed that one of the main reasons why the Tiger passing attack clicked was that the passer had plenty of time to throw the ball.

McCants, Jack Lange and the other backs and linemen threw up a wall of protection that gave Dutton and Byelene a chance to pick the receiver. Then they fired. Only one was intercepted and not a one was blocked behind the line of scrimmage.

From the very start when Dutton rocketed the pigskin to Bob Shertzer for 12 yards and a touchdown it was evident that the fans would be treated to plenty of forward passing.

The first three touchdowns came out of the sky with Lohr racing for one and Shertzer for two of them and just when Niles was expecting another cannon ball, big D.C. McCants galloped through his right tackle for 55 yards and another score.

A little bit of straight football gave Krier an opportunity to sweep his left end from the three-yard line and kick a point after touchdown for a new high point record in the N.E.O. league.

Then back to the air the Tigers went and as though trying for a long distance record, Byelene pegged the ball to Shertzer for a net gain of 60 yards and another touchdown.

You might have thought that enough and Coach Brown not caring to roll up a gigantic score on a friendly rival, sent in new replacements, but 125-pound Ed Herring had ambitious ideas, snared a Niles pass set sail for a 45-yard run and looked like a forward pass himself as he flew over would be tacklers and side-stepped others in his touchdown jaunt. Three men were left strewn behind him, but all managed to continue in the game.

A 15-yard loss because of a fumble looked like a certain barrier to another touchdown after the ball had been advanced by a pass to the six-yard line but Byelene faded back and let go again. Up came Lohr in the air to take the ball over the heads of two Niles players and six more points were added to the Tigers’ score.

Score After Fumble
As usual the breaks go against the losing team and Mike Byelene was on the ob to see that they did. He pounced on Kaye’s fumble on the 20-yard line, ripped through for 10 yards and then aimed another pass to Herring who danced around in the end zone as the ball sailed into his arms. Over into the same corner Byelene shot the ball to Bob Shertzer for another point and the Tiger total was swelled to seven.

Then old Jake Gillom seemed to think that he ought not be left out of it and carrying the ball three times in succession, once for a run of 35 yards, he stormed his way across the Niles goal. They it was that Jake got down on his knees and took a pass from Mike for the extra point and the 66th of the afternoon.

Ambitious Jack Herring gathering the ball off the ground and sweeping the ends like a scared rabbit, lugged the ball across for the final score. His final effort was a 30-yard sweep around his right end. He was given fine support as he outran the Niles secondary and carefully picked his way along the east sideline to the north goal. Gillom tried to make the extra point but was smothered in his tacks and the timekeeper fired his gun to keep the score from getting any larger.

Hopelessly outweighed and at times playing a team of midgets, Niles had little to offer offensively except a forward passing attack that faded out when most needed.

The visitors threatened but once and it looked mighty serious for the Tigers that one time in the third quarter when Gales, returning a Massillon kickoff, broke through the entire Tiger team and raced to the Massillon 42-yard line before being downed from behind by Neri Buggs, who wouldn’t give ground for 10 pound shell.

Carry Ball To 20-yard Line
Niles wasn’t through yet, however, for Gales pegged the ball to McCormick for a first down on the Massillon 26-yard line. Two line plays took the ball to the 20-yard line and Coach Hoker, of Niles, hoping to attain the distinction of being first to score on the Tigers, sent in what regulars he had resting on the bench for one last desperate thrust. The regulars tried twice and at the end of the two attempts were shoved back to the 37-yard line where they lost the ball on downs. That ended Niles’ scoring threat but it in no way stopped the fight of the visitors. They were in there tackling and piling on right up to the end; but accomplishing little.

Long passes for touchdowns usually hold down the number of first downs a team makes in a game, but not Saturday. Statistics show the Tigers made their 10 yards on 25 occasions while Niles made four, three of them in the third period.

Massillon gained 189 yards with the forward pass, completing eight of 18. One was intercepted and eight were thrown away. Those were in addition to the three that produced points after touchdown. Niles completed five of 13 passes for 73 yards. Five were grounded and three intercepted.

Massillon lost 45 yards in penalties to Niles’ 50 yards.

In setting a new scoring record in the N.E.O. Big Six, Krier exceeded the former record held by Larry Russell, Alliance ace of two season ago. Krier went into Saturday’s game with 136 points and scored a touchdown and one extra point to increase his total for nine games to 143. Russell made 139 in 10 games.

The 72 points scored against Niles increases the Tigers’ total for the season to 421, an average of 46.77 points a game, which is higher than Canton McKinley’s per game average. Canton has scored 466 points in 10 games an average of 46.6 points per game.

The Washington high band broke loose with new music and a new drill Saturday afternoon. A sidelight of next Saturday’s contest with Canton will be the drilling of the two bands. Canton for years has had the best scholastic band in the county, but the Massillon musicians have been practicing overtime and drilling on Oak Avenue S.E. with the hope of having something to toot their horns about next Saturday.

Lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Niles
Shertzer LE Bogg
Wolfe LT Treceini
Molinski LG Sawyer
Morningstar C Chuirazzi
Snavely RG Roberts
Buggs RT Kramer
Lohr RE Lewis
Dutton QB Reese
Krier LH Driscoll
Lange RH Flask
McCants FB Zuzolo

Score by periods:
Massillon 12 13 21 26 – 72

Massillon – Byelene, qb; McDew, le: Gillon, fb; Herring, lh; Miller, lg; Graybill, c.
Niles – Miller, lg; McCormick, re; Kave, lh; Gales, fb; Traxer, rh; Bender, le.

Massillon – Shertzer 3; Lohr 2; McCants; Krier, Gillom; Herring 3.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Shertzer 2 (passes); McCants (line plunge); Gillom 2 (line plunge and pass); Krier (placekick).

Referee – Boone.
Umpire – Smith
Head Linesman – Wagner.


Coming Game Big Pep
Meeting Subject

Canton and Massillon will be raked
over the coals many times tonight
in informal pep conversation as the
Booster club gets together for its
biggest meeting of the year.

Coach Paul Brown will be called
upon to talk, but the Massillon grid
mentor will not disclose his plan of
attack for Saturday nor give an
expression of opinion on the possible
outcome of the big battle for the
State championship.

There will be plenty of opinions
from other sources, however, and the
game will be both won and lost many
times before the evening is over.
While the meeting is primarily for
Boosters, anyone whether a member
or not may attend. The meeting will
be held at 7:30 p.m. in the main
study hall.

Cloyd Snavely
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 42, Akron East 0



An inspired Akron East high team, playing its best football of the season, held the Washington high school Tigers scoreless for two periods Saturday afternoon but eventually weakened in the path of a spirited drive that produced six touchdowns in the second half and a 42-0 Massillon victory, the eighth of the season for the Tigers whose goal line has not been crossed by an opponent.

East was supposed to have been a setup for the Tigers this year. It was Lou Little, Columbia’s fine coach who only recently said there are no setups. Every team is a threat and every game a hard game, for there is always the chance of the “easy team” suddenly becoming imbued with great confidence and overthrowing an opponent that has too much of it.

East Played Inspired Football
Little talks from experience for only last year his Columbia Lions pounced into the Rose Bowl of the Pacific coast and made monkeys of the experts who had ridiculed the selection of Little’s team as the East’s representative in the traditional New Year’s day game with Stanford. Columbia, playing inspired football, won that game 7-0 and Stanford had been proclaimed throughout the land as Columbia’s superior.

It was this type of football that kept Akron East in the game Saturday and made for it somewhat of a record in defeat; for no other team has succeeded in stopping the Washington high Tigers scoreless in two successive periods.

It was evident from the kickoff that the Tigers were in for a busy afternoon. East received and Walker and Stager, fleet halfbacks, immediately tore through the Tigers revamped defense for long gains that would have meant a first down had not two five-yard penalties set the Orientals back 10 yards in the same series.

East Stops Massillon Backs
Stopped by penalties from making the yardage, Walker punted out of bounds on the
32-yard line. Krier and McCants made a first down on their 47-yard line, but the going got tough from there on and the Tigers found themselves stopped for the first time this season.

They showed spasmodic flashes of offense but the Orientals were equal to the occasion and rallied their forces to stop every drive before it could penetrate into dangerous territory.

In fact, the nearest the Tigers could get to the East goal in the first half was the East
21-yard line. There Krier fumbled when tackled and Kidney recovered for the visitors.

The Orientals were not only a defensive team in the first half but they had an offense that worried the Massillon fan who was hoping the Tigers could keep their goal line from being crossed. The revamped Massillon defense, which consisted of McCants on right tackle, Snavely on left end, Wolfe at right guard and Krier backing up the line, proved unequal to the occasion and the team went back to the old style in short order.

Orientals Threaten
Throughout the first two periods and the rest of the game for that matter, Walker and Stager threatened to break away at anytime and prance for a touchdown. Stager, a former Akron Red Pepper star, was exceptionally fast. You thought he was going at full speed until a hole loomed in sight and when he put on full stream it looked like a vacuum had sucked him through. These two aces on one occasion advanced the ball to Massillon’s
20-yard line where Snavely recovered Walker’s fumble to end the threat.

East made two first downs to Massillon’s three the first period and one to the Tigers’ four in the second quarter. Penalties usually inflicted for offside stopped several other attempts of the Orientals to gain yardage.

What took place in the Massillon dressing room between halves is known only to the players themselves but what happened thereafter is more pleasant writing.

The Orientals came back into the game with pep and ginger and fought every inch of the way as they backed up 66 yards under the withering attack of the Massillon backs and charging linemen. Then the goal line was reached and D.C. McCants smashed his way through for the first touchdown of the game. Henry Krier kicked goal and the score was
7-0 in the Tigers’ favor.

East Surrenders
The touchdown shattered the morale of the visiting athletics. Their big moment was lost and the Tigers had proved themselves the better team. From there on East yielded ground more rapidly and the Tigers taking to the path of least resistance, the forward pass, soon had the score rocketing upward in a touchdown parade that was stopped only by the timekeepers’ gun. Fourteen points were scored in the third period and 28 in the fourth to increase the team’s total for the season to 349.

The first touchdown drive began when Knox Little booted the ball out of bounds on the Tigers’ 34-yard line. Krier smashed the right side of the East line for a 15-yard gain and took the ball past midfield in a second attempt. Dutton snapped a pass to Lohr for a first down on the Akron 40. He tried another that Lohr couldn’t reach and when a pass to Shertzer was grounded after a three-yard gain by Krier it looked as though the Orientals had once again succeeded in stopping the Massillon advance. With fourth down up, Dutton faded back and fired again. Shertzer grabbed the ball but as he did an Akron player grabbed his arm and the pigskin bounded out. Interference was ruled and it was first down on the 25-yard line. A beautifully executed lateral-forward, Shertzer to Lohr went for naught when Lohr with a clear field dropped the ball. McCants, however made up for it by carrying the East team on his back to the 15-yard line. He and Krier went on for another first down on the two-yard stripe and McCants went over in two attempts. Krier placekicked the extra point.

It didn’t take long to get another. Krier kicked off and East dashed back to the 25-yard line. But Shertzer intercepted Walker’s pass on the 40. Dutton passed too far in the flat for Shertzer but pegged a second to Lohr who made a brilliant catch as he took the ball away from two East players and fell across the goal line for a touchdown. Krier again kicked the extra point and it was 14-0 Massillon.

Early in the fourth quarter the Tigers scored again. The period opened with them in possession of the ball on the 36-yard line. McCants and Krier advanced it to the 33-yard stripe and it was fourth down with one-half yard to go. Wasting no time, Krier cut through his right tackle and tore between two of the East secondary for the touchdown. Again he placekicked the extra point.

A 60-yard march featured a 40-yard run by Krier placed the ball on the eight-yard line in position for the fourth touchdown. McCants went over on the first play and Krier kicked his fourth goal.

Passes Gain and Score
Krier placed the Tigers in position for their fifth score when he intercepted a pass over the line while sprawled out on the 37-yard line. When McCants failed to gain, Mike Byelene passed to Krier for a first down on the 20-yard line. McCants picked up seven yards and Krier went over in two plays. The first try for point failed but East was offside and on the second attempt, Byelene passed to Lohr in the end zone for the extra point.

The Tigers got the ball next time on the East 28-yard line, when they held the Orientals for downs. On the first play, Byelene snapped a sure fire pass to Shertzer for the touchdown. This time McCants plunged the ball across for the extra point and the score was 42-0 in Massillon’s favor.

The end of the game saw the Tigers’ driving for another touchdown. Byelene had just passed 30 yards to Krier for a first down on the 20-yard line when the timekeeper pulled the trigger.

The difference between the two teams and the types of game they played before and after intermission is best shown by first downs. Where the Tigers made but seven first downs to East’s three the first half, they made 14 to two for the Orientals the last two periods. They only tried one pass which was incomplete the first half. In the second half they completed six of 10 passes for a total gain of 116 yards. East completed two of 10 passes for a gain of six yards. Two were intercepted. Massillon was penalized 25 yards and East 45 yards.

Lineup and Summary:
Massillon Pos. Akron East
Shertzer LE E. Talley
Wolfe LT Schenz
Molinski LG Eisentraut
Morningstar C Rosado
Snavely RG McMillen
Buggs RT Skinner
Lohr RE Kidney
Dutton QB Walker
Krier LH Walker
Lange RH Stager
McCants FB Noga

Score by periods:
Massillon 0 0 14 28 42

Massillon – Byelene, qb; McDew, le; Gillom, fb.
East – Little, le; Tally, re; Bell, rg; Meade, lg; Becrell, qb; Hicks, fb; Averette, re; Huff, qb.

Massillon – McCants 2; Krier 2; Lohr; Shertzer.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Krier 4 (placekicks); Lohr (pass from Byelene); McCants (line plunge).

Referee – Watkins (Wooster).
Umpire – Kelly (Kenyon).
Head Linesman – Kester (Mt. Union).

Cloyd Snavely
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 33, Akron West 0



A first half assault that produced four touchdowns and then withered under a rejuvenated Akron West team, gave the Washington high Tigers their seventh straight victory of the season Saturday and brought an end to the visiting Cowboys fine record of 20 undefeated games.

In chalking up the 33-0 triumph the Tigers played some of their best and at the same time some of the poorest football of the season.

Unable to Get First Down in Third Quarter
Where the local gridders smashed through the visiting eleven’s defense for four touchdowns in the first and second periods they were stopped without a first down and completely outplayed in the third quarter and showed but on burst of offense in the final frame that produced their fifth and last touchdown.

Even though their two star backs, Van Adams and Mose Allen sat on the bench, the Cowboys showed more offense against the Tigers Saturday than any team has this season. Twice sustained drives carried them up the field to within the 20-yard line. They made nine first downs, four of them in the third quarter.

Coach Belchly, of West high came to Massillon, fully expecting to lose the game. He did not give himself a chance and for that reason did not start Adams and Allen, believing it would be wiser to save them for West’s important Akron city series battle with South high this coming week.

Might Have Score With Aces
As it developed, Belchly had the situation sized up correctly. With Adams and Allen in the game, West could not have stopped the Tigers’ smashing offense the first half. The two ace ball carriers might have added a scoring punch to the Cowboys’ offense in the third period, when they drove to the 20-yard line, but it was evident that West was not strong enough to win and Belchly wasn’t going to take any chances on either being injured. He did put Adams into the game in the last few minutes of the fourth quarter but Allen remained on the wood plank throughout.

It was Henry Krier, who carried the burden of the Tiger attack in the first two periods. He scored three touchdowns before indigestion forced him from the game, early in the second period. He got back into the mix-up in the third period but was unable to do little the last two frames.

The first time the Tigers got their hands on the ball they drove for a touchdown. Lohr returned a punt nine yards to the West 41-yard line and Dutton pegged a pass to Shertzer for a first down on the 24. West was penalized five yards and Krier fought his way through right tackle for 19 yards and a touchdown. McCants went over for the next extra point on a power play.

Wolfe Covers Fumble
Don Wolfe covered Poulos’ fumble on the 22-yard line to place the Tigers in position for their second touchdown. McCants on the first play smashed through to the 12 and Krier in two attempts went the remaining distance. This time he placekicked the extra point and the score was 14-0 at the end of the quarter.

The third touchdown ended in a beautiful 59-yard run by Krier. Parks’ punt was grounded on the Massillon 25-yard line and McCants and Krier alternated in carrying the pigskin to the Massillon 41-yard line. Krier was ordered through his right tackle. He cut over to the sideline where he appeared bottled up by three West players. He sidestepped one, cut back toward midfield, outran the remainder of the secondary and had Shertzer trailing at his heels ready to spill any Wet tackler who might catch up to him. McCants carried the ball over for the extra point.

Morningstar, Wolfe and Molinski blocked Parks’ punt on the fourth down on the 14-yard line to gain position for the fourth touchdown of the half. Shertzer made nine yards around right end on a mousetrap and McCants plunged the remaining distance. An attempted pass for the extra point was wide of Shertzer the receiver.

West Reveals Punch
st came back with its first offense of the game and carried and passed the ball from its own 34 to the Massillon 18-yard line where Lohr intercepted Bertolini’s pass and ran back to his own 40 before being tackled. Though time would not permit West to show again in the half, the Cowboys launched another offensive in the third period that threatened to cross the Tiger goal line for the firs time this season. With Bertolini a second stringer, who has been warming the bench most of the season, carrying the ball, the Cowboys marched from their own 10-yard line to the Tigers’ 20 before losing the pigskin on downs. The Tigers only had the ball three times in the third period and were unable to make headway at anytime.

The Massillon offense began to click again in the fourth period and four plays carried the ball from the 10-yard line across the visitors’ goal. Lohr was downed with a punt and a
15-yard penalty set the local team back to its 10-yard line, McCants made it all and 10 yards to spare and Krier raced for another first down on the West 42-yard line. McCants again tore through for a first down on the 27 and with the visitors secondary sucked in, Byelene hurled a pass to Lohr for the final touchdown of the game. Krier’s kick was wide of the goal posts.

The local team made another bid to score and carried the ball from its own 15-yard line to the five-yard line, where a five-yard penalty and two consecutive fumbles lost the ball on the five-yard line.

In defeating West the Tigers made 20 first downs to the visitors’ nine and completed four of 12 passes for a total of 63 yards. Two were intercepted. West completed six of 10 passes for a total of 70 yards. Two were intercepted.

Massillon lost 55 yards through penalties to West’s 10 yards.

With West out of the way the Tigers prepare this week for another Akron team. East high, an old rival which will be met on Massillon field Saturday afternoon.

Lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Akron West
Shertzer LE Boughner
Wolfe LT Mathews
Molinski LG Selby
Morningstar C Abney
Snavely RG Ziruolo
Buggs RT Hoff
Lohr RE Parks
Dutton QB Johnson
Krier LH Poulos
Lange RH Bruniage
McCants FB Bertolini

Score by periods:
Massillon 14 13 0 6 33

Massillon – Byelene, lh, qb; McDew, le; Herring, lh.
West – Miller, rg; Petro, c; Mikaloshek, rg; Adams, lh.

Massillon – Krier 3; McCants; Lohr.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – McCants 2 (carried); Krier (placekick).

Referee – Shafer (Akron).
Umpire – Gross (New Philadelphia).
Head Linesman – Michales (Ohio State).

Cloyd Snavely
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 65, Alliance 0



Stark county grid history was made at Mount Union stadium, Alliance, Saturday afternoon, as the Tigers of Washington high school crushed the Alliance Aviators under a 65-0 score, the largest ever made by the orange and black in a game with a county opponent.

With every man playing his part to perfection, the Tigers fought over the Alliance goal line 10 different times to turn in the biggest count in what so far has been the most successful football season in the history of the local school and to assume an impressive lead in the three-way battle for the 1934 Stark grid championship.

Outplay Old Rivals
The score tells the story. In every department of the game the Tigers far outplayed their ancient rivals who, though they fought hard, could do nothing to stem the tide of touchdowns which engulfed them.

After the first minute of play in which the Tigers scored their first touchdown, it was only a question of how lopsided the score was to be. The points continued to mount at a rate of better than one a minute and as the gun finally ended the game and the Tigers romped off the field with their points for the season advanced to the impressive total of 274 and their goal line still uncrossed.

Tigers Get 22 First Downs
Twenty-two first downs were registered by the Tigers, 16 in the first half, while they were allowing the Aviators but three, two in the first quarter and one in the fourth. The orange and black advanced the ball 408 yards while Alliance carried it 79 yards.

The Tigers opened with two touchdowns in the first period. They put on steam to score four in the second, coasted through the third, getting one tally and put the pressure on again in the fourth for three more.

The game produced, as far as local fans were concerned, everything that makes for thrills in a football game except, of course, a tight score. Blocked punts, intercepted passes, long runs for touchdowns, passes over the goal line – all were included in the Tigers’ bag of tricks.

For the Tigers there was no individual hero. Six different, men helped in the scoring and as many and more played their valiant but largely unnoticed parts in setting the stage for the touchdowns.

Henry Krier was high-point man with three touchdowns and an extra point. Bob Shertzer and D.C. McCants each got two touchdowns and an extra point. Ed Herring scored twice and Cloyd Snavely once. Mike Byelene and Jake Gillom contributed the other two points after touchdown.

Two of Krier’s touchdowns were made on long end runs which good interference on the part of several of his teammates and some snappy stepping by Henry himself made possible. On one occasion Krier broke through from the Aviators’ 42-yard line and raced across the goal stripe. A few minutes later he repeated the stunt, carrying the pigskin from the Alliance 36.

Long Run By Shertzer
The big thrill of the afternoon was furnished by Shertzer who raced 82 yards for a touchdown after intercepting an Alliance pass. His interception ended the only serious threat made by the Aviators which came after a Tiger misplay gave them possession of the ball on the Massillon 33 early in the fourth quarter.

Another thrill was provided by Wendell Lohr late in the third frame when he took an Alliance pass on his own 35 and carried 45 yards to the Alliance 15 before being stopped. That play enabled the Tigers to score their seventh touchdown about a minute later.

Two other plays which resulted in touchdowns were pulled by Buggs and Snavely who did not figure in the scoring of those particular tallies. Early in the final period Buggs blocked an Alliance punt and Snavely recovered to go for a touchdown, shortly after, Snavely pulled an assist which enabled Shertzer to make his long romp, knocking the ball away from the potential receiver into Shertzer’s waiting arms.

D.C. McCants was in his old form and pierced the Aviators’ line consistently for substantial gains. Byelene, the sophomore quarterback, didn’t score a touchdown but was personally responsible for many of the first downs which put the ball in a scoring position.

Jack Lange, whose fine defensive work in a backfield position has gone unheralded and Molinski, Wolfe and the other unsung heroes of the line opened big holes for their backfield teammates and rolled opposing players out of the way so they could make their big gains.

Passes were few. The Tigers tried seven and completed three, with Byelene on the throwing end for 37 yards. Two were good for touchdowns. The Aviators attempted four, completing two for 12 yards. The Tigers were set back 50 yards and the Aviators 35 by penalties.

The game had only started when the Tigers scored touchdown No. 1. On the first play after getting the ball on his own 20, Korleski fumbled for Alliance and Molinski recovered. Two successive five-yard penalties put the pigskin on the 10 and after Krier made five yards through the line he circled left end for the tally. His kick for the point failed.

On the first play after the next kick Korleski again fumbled on his 35 and Massillon recovered. Five plays put the ball on the 12 and Byelene passed to Shertzer behind the goal line. A bad pass from center prevented a try for the point.

March From Own 35
Alliance got its first two first downs before the Tigers started a march from their own 35, carrying to the three-yard stripe before the quarter ended. McCants went over on the first play of the second period and Krier carried for the point.

A few minutes later Krier made his 42-yard run for the fourth touchdown and got No. 5 shortly after on a 36-yard jaunt. Shertzer and Byelene scored the points by carrying the ball over the goal line.

An 80-yard march produced the next Tiger tally. Byelene did most of the carrying as the ball was advanced to the Alliance 24 where he then passed to Lohr for 13 yards to the 11. McCants gained five yards and Herring circled right end for the remaining distance. Lohr’s try for point was unsuccessful. The half ended shortly after with the Tigers holding a 39-0 advantage.

Early in the third period shortly after the Tigers’ first punt, Lohr made his 45-yard return to the Alliance 15. Two plays made it first down on the two-yard marker and Alliance held for two plays before McCants walked over the goal line. He also carried for the point.

On three first downs the Tigers a little later carried from their own 25 to the Alliance 36 where a penalty necessitated a punt their second of the game as the period ended.

It was Alliance’s ball on its own 20 as the final quarter started. Three plays brought no gain and Korleski dropped back for a punt. Buggs fought in and blocked it and Snavely scooped up the ball in the midst of the entire Alliance team to run the short distance for a touchdown. Krier’s kick for the point was blocked.

Exciting Plays
A 15-yard penalty on the Tigers after Lohr returned a punt to his own 41 set the stage for the two exciting plays which followed. Failing to get the required 10 yards in three plays, Gillom dropped back for a punt. The throw from center was to the side and before Jake could try a punt he was downed on his own 33 giving the Aviators the ball.

Small gains by Korleski and Dantzler and a seven-yard pass from Korleski to Seufts gave the Aviators a first down on the Massillon 23. Another advance of a yard was made before Korleski dropped back for a pass. It was intended for Seufts but before it got to him Snavely tipped it to Shertzer who showed himself as a potential 100-yard dash man as he raced 82 yards down the west sideline in record time. The kick for point failed.

Another fumble by Korleski which was recovered by McDew on the Alliance 37 gave the Tigers their final touchdown, a pass from Byelene to Herring being good for the tally. Gillom grabbed the pass from center to go over the line for the last point.

An interception of a pass by Morningstar a minute later came as the game ended.

The game was attended by a crowd of approximately 3,000 fans with Massillon evidently having as many present if not more than Alliance. Rain fell several times during the fracas but failed to slow down the Tigers.

Saturday, Akron West’s Cowboys come here to battle the Tigers. Records of the two teams so far indicate a victory for the orange and black.

The summary:
Massillon Pos. Alliance
Lohr LE Koch
Buggs LT Wenzel
Molinsk LG Fete
Morningstar C Johnston
Snavely RG Cassidy
Wolfe RT Pfeiffer
Shertzer RE Starks
Byelene QB Long
Krier LH Zumbar
Lange RH Korleski
McCants FB Dantzler

Massillon – McDew, re; Herring, lb; Gillom, fb; Carter, qb; Schimke, rg; Miller, lg; Peters, rt; Price, rt.
Alliance – Seufts, le; Greenwalt, c; Shively, lg; Zamatlas, lt; LaNave, qb; Oyster, rg; Raber, lg; Grimes, rg; Czkita, rh.

Score by quarters:
Massillon 12 27 7 19 65

Massillon – Krier, 3; Shertzer 2; McCants 2; Herring 2; Snavely.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Krier; Shertzer; Byelene; McCants; Gillom.

Referee – Howell (Sebring).
Umpire – Boone (Grove City).
Head Linesman – Barrett (Sebring).

Cloyd Snavely
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 54, Barberton 0



With a great display of offensive power which far excelled their previous four stellar performances, the Tigers of Washington high administered a humiliating 54-0 trouncing to Barberton high’s Magics on Massillon field, Saturday afternoon.

The decisive victory was somewhat of a personal triumph for Wendall Lohr, flashy left end of the Tigers, who scored six touchdowns, five by pulling down passes and the other by a thrilling 50-yard return of a punt.

Gives Great Demonstration
Lohr, whose clever play at end and as a safety man for the Tigers in past games was more or less overlooked by most fans as they watched other players in positions more adapted to ball carrying and scoring, rose to the heights of brilliance, Saturday, to give one of the finest demonstrations of pass receiving ever seen on Massillon field. On at least two occasions he negotiated seemingly impossible catches and ran for touchdowns.

Considerable credit must be given to Bob Shertzer and Mike Byelene, right end and quarterback respectively, who tossed the ball to Lohr, with deadly accuracy in the absence of Howard Dutton who was out of the game because of an injury. Their work showed that Coach Paul Brown has an abundance of good passers for use in emergencies.

Gillom, Krier Star
In passing out laurel wreaths Jake Gillom and Henry Krier must not be missed. Replacing D.C. McCants at fullback, the elongated Gillom showed that his performance in a substitute role a week ago Saturday was not a flash in the pan but a true indication of what he can do when given the opportunity. Krier performed in his usual excellent manner except that he devoted more of his efforts to defense, time and time again stopping Barberton ball carriers.

Aid Scoring
Gillom and Krier each scored a touchdown. Krier’s educated toe accounted for four of the Tigers’ six extra points while Gillom scored the other two. The fact that the Tigers made all but two of their extra points was especially pleasing to many fans who know the importance of scoring points after touchdown in a tight game.

The first half was all Lohr as he registered the two touchdowns scored in the initial period and one in the third. The Tigers climaxed their scoring spree with a four touchdown barrage in the third quarter, Lohr accounting for two after Gillom and Krier scored one each. Lohr’s final tally in the closing period was somewhat of an anti-climax.

Only in the first two quarters did Coach Jimmy Price’s Magics show anything. They registered two first downs in the opening quarter and three in the second, but after that the Tigers’ great line didn’t allow them a thing. Two of Barberton’s first downs resulted from 15-yard penalties on Massillon.

The Tigers registered 21 first downs, 11 in the first half and 11 in the second. Of nine passes tried the Tigers completed six for 140 of their 399 yards.

The first touchdown march of the orange and black gridders started the first time they got possession of the ball. With the pigskin on their own 45, McCants and Krier took turns at carrying and aided by a penalty on Barberton, advanced to the Magics 25. Three tries netted nine yards and it was fourth down and a yard to go.

First Touchdowns
On a fake, Shertzer, took the ball from Krier on a lateral, ran far to the left and heaved a pass to Lohr behind the goal line. The pass was good for 16 yards. Krier’s successful kick made the score 7-0.

Barberton got its only first downs of the quarter on the following plays. With the ball on his own 23, Glass broke away and was stopped by Lohr after getting to the 41. A 15-yard penalty on the Tigers gave the Magics the ball in Massillon territory, one of the two times in the game, but on the next play Hill fumbled. Byelene recovered and the Tigers were on their way to another touchdown.

McCants got five yards and Byelene added seven, making it first down. On the next play Byelene tossed 9 yards to Lohr who leaped far into the air for the pigskin, snagged it with his fingertips and scampered 35 yards for a touchdown. Krier’s kick failed and the score was 13-0.

The early portion of the second period was important only in that it was during that time that Barberton got two first downs, going a short distance into Massillon territory and the Tigers punted one of two times during the game. Gillom negotiated the kick after three plays netted but nine yards with the pigskin near midfield.

A few minutes later the Tigers were headed for another touchdown. Snavely returned a punt five yards to Massillon’s 45. Gillom and Krier made it first and 10 on Barberton’s 44. Three more plays advanced the ball to the 31 and a pass from Byelene to Lohr was good for 12 yards. Gillom added two yards and Krier went through for seven. At this point Shertzer again took the ball from Krier on a lateral, ran to the right and tossed 10 yards to Lohr back of the goal line. Krier kicked his second extra point, making the score 20-0.

Massillon Penalized
Barberton had time only to try a play which brought a 15-yard penalty to Massillon and gave the Magics their final first down and to attempt a pass which failed before the gun ended the half.

Early in the third period Lohr started the Tigers on another touchdown march by returning a punt 15 yards to Barberton’s 40. On the first play Byelene slipped around left end for 30 yards, being stopped by Gazafy after he seemed to be on his way to the goal line. Gillom fought to the two-yard stripe and Barberton was penalized half the distance. Gillom hit the line for the touchdown and Krier kicked the point. The score 27-0.

Broaddics took the next kick deep in his own territory and was stopped on
Barberton’s 23. Two plays lost three yards and Glass punted to Barberton’s 30. Krier went around left end for 10 yards and two plays by Gillom and Krier put the ball on the six-yard line. Gillom made a yard before Krier went through for touchdown No. 5. Krier kicked for the point, making the count 34-0.

Another nice return of a Barberton punt by Lohr a minute or so later set the stage for another Tiger touchdown . He brought the ball back 23 yards to the Magics’ 29. On the first play Byelene threw a pass to Lohr. Surrounded by Barberton players, Lohr stuck his hands far above his head, grabbed the pigskin, side-stepped several would-be tacklers and went 28 yards for his fourth touchdown. Byelene’s pass to Lang for the point failed and the score was 40-0.

Barberton tried three plays before Lohr gave the crowd its biggest thrill of the afternoon. Taking Broaddics punt on the midfield stripe, Lohr raced down the west sideline and evaded the entire Barberton team to go 50 yards for a touchdown. Gillom crashed through the dazed Barberton line for the point to send the Tigers’ total to 47 points shortly before the quarter ended.

The Tigers had to travel 66 yards from their 34 yard line for their final touchdown. A neat nine-yard run by Gillom with Snavely and Krier furnishing interference and a five-yard penalty on Barberton made it first and 10 on Massillon’s 48. Gillom fought his way to Barberton’s 25 on the next play. A pass and a line play failed but Barberton was penalized five yards.

With the ball on the 20, Byelene shot another pass to Lohr and it was good for the final touchdown. Gillom bucked the line for the last point.

The game marked the end of the first half of the Tigers’ schedule. So far they have scored 209 points while their goal line has not been crossed.

The five games played so far were important but not as important as at least two, those with Alliance and Canton, of the remaining five.

Alliance Next Week
Next Saturday the Tigers travel to Alliance. This game has a two-fold importance in that it will be the Tigers’ first and only game this season on a foreign field and it will be their first battle in the Stark county championship series.

At the start of the season the Aviators looked weak indeed, but they have improved considerably as their 47-6 victory over Dover a week ago proves. The Aviators did not play the past weekend, probably because of their game with the Tigers this coming Saturday.

The smallest crowd of the year, less than 4,000 persons, attended the game here Saturday.

The summary:
Lohr LE Gerhardt
Buggs LT Johnson
Molinski LG Hackney
Morningstar C Lawver
Snavely RG Baker
Wolfe RT Chigges
Shertzer RE Hurley
Byelene QB King
Krier LH Glass
Lange RH I. Hill
McCants FB Gazafy

Score by quarters:
Massillon 13 7 27 7 54

Massillon – Price, rt; Gillom, fb; McDew, re; Herring, lh; Miller, lg; Peters, lt.
Barberton – Broaddics, rh; Getz, re; Finefrock, lt; C. Hill, lh; Mahaffey, rt; Minter, lt.

Massillon – Lohr 6; Gillom; Krier.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Krier 4; Gillom 2.

Referee – Howell.
Umpire – Boone.
Head Linesman – Barrett.

Cloyd Snavely
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 45, Youngstown South 0



Pudgy Henry Krier, who had to fight like a demon to retain his left halfback post on the Washington high football team this fall, came into his own last night and scored every point as the Washington high Tigers whaled Youngstown South high 45- 0 on Massillon field before a crowd of 4,000 fans.

Soon after school closed last spring the Flying Dutchman began training for football by lugging 100-pound cakes of ice to keep down his worst opponent – overweight. He succeeded and reported for practice last August weighing less than he did at anytime last season. Furthermore, continual training overcame attacks of nervous indigestion which bothered him frequently last fall.

Scored Seven Touchdown
Krier scored seven touchdowns and kicked three goals from placement after touchdowns last night as he raced through the visiting Youngstown South team. Three came after long runs of 33 yards, 19 yards and 10 yards, while the others were short plunges of a yard or more through the line of scrimmage.

One-sided as the score may seem, South caused the Tigers more trouble than has any other team this season. It came within three first downs of the Tigers mark of 15 and within a yard of attaining the distinction of crossing the local team’s goal line, something no other team has come close to doing this season.

A speedy colored boy, Chub Ash was Dusty Ashbaugh’s leading ground gainer. Time and again he weaved through the Tiger tackles for sizeable gains and occasionally tossed passes that advanced the ball deep into Massillon territory.

South Threatens Thrice
On no less than three occasions, South had Tiger rooters massed for a “hold that line” cheer, but each opportunity ended with the interception or grounding of a pass.

It was late in the fourth quarter that the visiting team, making its first appearance here in 10 years, tossed a scare into the Tiger rooters; and the Massillon gridders for the first time this season showed what they could do when fighting with their backs to the wall.

The trouble started when Port covered a Massillon fumble on the Tigers’ 37-yard line.

Myers dropped back from tackle to pass the ball. The first was grounded, but he pegged a second attempt to Terhanko for a first down on the 23-yard line. A line play gained three yards and two passes were grounded. Fourth down coming, Myers dropped back and lobbed another long heave toward the southeast corner of the field. Terhanko was going down hard under the ball and Dutton, trying to knock it down, got his hand on the Youngstown end’s shoulder, interfering with the catch. Youngstown was given the ball at the spot where the interference took place and it was first down on the four-yard line. The Tigers swarmed through on the next play to smear the ball carrier and were penalized for unnecessary roughness. The officials gave the ball to South on the one-yard line.

Bat Down Passes
With their back to the wall the Tigers batted down three passes in a row, the last two over the line of scrimmage, to take possession of the ball on their own 20-yard line. Their unscored on record had been preserved.

Though the 45 points look big in print, especially when the opponent was a team with the reputation of Youngstown South, the fact of the matter is the Tigers did not play as consistently good a game as they did against either Cleveland Shaw or Sharon.

They yielded more ground from scrimmage and their attack was rough at times. While their passing attack gained 138 yards, it was not as effective as last week, partly because of poor receiving at times. Eight passes were grounded and five completed. South completed nine of 24 passes for a gain of 101 yards. Six were intercepted.

The first Massillon touchdown was the result of a 19-yard smash by Krier through right tackle. He missed the kick. In the second period he reeled off 33 more yards and a touchdown after Dutton had gained possession of the ball for the Tigers on an intercepted pass and carried it to the 33-yard line on a 16-yard sweep around left end.

Shertzer Scores But Ball Called Back
The third touchdown would have been Shertzer’s on a mouse trap play had not the ball been called back when both teams were offside. Krier was then given the ball and he cut through left tackle for 10 yards and the touchdown. This time he kicked the extra point and that concluded the scoring for the first half.

The Tigers lost little time shoving over a touchdown in the third period. Getting the ball on their own 46-yard line, Dutton pegged it to Shertzer, who ran to the South six-yard line before being downed. Krier banged through center for the touchdown, but missed from placement for the extra point.

A 10-yard pass, over the line, Dutton to Lohr then gained a first down on the 18-yard line, paved the way for the second touchdown of the period. Jake Gillom, who substituted for D.C. McCants, when the latter was removed from the game because of a badly split lip, crashed through for 17 yards to the one-yard line. Krier circled his left end for the touchdown and kicked the extra point.

Two passes, one Dutton to Shertzer for 20 yards and another Dutton to Krier for 19 yards put the ball on the one-yard line and again enabled Krier to plunge over for a touchdown in the first 30 seconds of the fourth period. He missed the uprights in the try for the extra point.

Dutton Passes 41 Yards to Lange
A 41-yard pass, Dutton to Jack Lange, who fought his way to the four-yard line, paved the way for the last Tiger score, Krier going through center for the touchdown. He placekicked the extra point. South’s big last minute threat followed and the game ended shortly thereafter.

The injury of McCants uncovered a new star for the Tigers, Jake Gillom, whose off tackle smashes and snake hips delighted the crowd. Gillom, playing more than half the game, gained nearly every time he carried the ball, the longest, a dash of 27 yards.

The game was the last night football contest of the season. The remaining six games will be played on Saturday afternoons, five here and one at Alliance. Barberton will be the Tigers opponent next Saturday. The local team has scored 155 points in its four games.

Lineup and summary:
Shertzer LE Terhanko
Wolfe LT Nemeth
Molinski LG Scall
Morningstar C Yorkunds
Snavely RG Port
Buggs RT Stabalito
Lohr RE Baer
Dutton QB Krenciprock
Krier LH Ash
Lange RH Dumhoff
McCants FB Schultz

Score by periods:
Massillon 6 13 13 13 45

Massillon – Price, lt; Gillom, fb; McDew, le; Byelene, lh.
Youngstown – Collins, rh; Casacson, le; Myers, lt; McPhilliamy, rt; Morris, qb; Granite, fb.

Massillon – Krier 7.

Point after touchdown:
Massillon – Krier 3.

Referee – Lobach.
Umpire – Jenkins.
Head Linesman – Boone.


Starts Tuesday, October 16,
at Rider’s Drug Store
No orders held longer than one week; no tickets held later than
November 17.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 34, Sharon, PA 0

Sharon Out Of Way, Tigers Prepare For Youngstown South Invasion


Badly beaten in body, but strengthened in spirit by their 27-0 defeat of Sharon Saturday afternoon the Washington high Tigers point this week to stem the invasion of Youngstown South Friday evening.

Not since Dave Stewart and his Tigers walked off the field at Youngstown 10 years ago have Massillon and South high met in an athletic engagement. Until this year Massillon refused to schedule its old rival, but now that the bitter rivalry and ill feeling of the episode of 1924 has subsided, the peace pipe has been smoked and Friday evening South high comes for an after dark battle on Massillon field.

South Having Off Season
Memories of the rivalry and bitter feeling that existed between the two schools in 1924 will do more to make the turnstiles click next Friday than will the prospects of seeing a nip and tuck gridiron battle.

Its performance this season indicates that South is below par this fall and not the powerhouse that goose stepped for Dusty Ashbaugh in years gone by.

Never-the-less the Washington high coaching staff is forgetting the past and pointing for this week’s game and this week’s alone, hoping that the customary letdown that invariably hits a team sometime during a season, will not make its ghastly appearance in the shadows Friday evening.

Second only in importance to its battle for the Youngstown city championship is the Massillon game to South high. Tales of 1924 have been handed down by older brothers to the South high gridders who 10 years ago were just beginning to learn what the three R’s were all about.

Say Massillon Should Win
Warren scouts who witnessed the Tigers conquest of Sharon, Saturday, including Coach Pierre Hill and Tommy Thompson, Warren sports writer, were unanimous in the opinion that Massillon, playing the type of ball it did Saturday would crush South with ease. Both have seen Ashbaugh’s team perform several times this season and although they spoke highly of the rhythm of its performance the power isn’t there, they said.

The problem of keeping the Tigers keyed to the pitch that struck the death knell of Sharon, Saturday is one for the Massillon coaching staff to cope with. Any letdown in inspiration might prove disastrous to the crest of popularity the Massillon gridders enjoy.

The Tigers were pointed for Sharon and never did a group of boys want to win a ball game any more. None slept over four hours that night before, but tossed and rolled in restless nervousness, eager to exchange pajamas for grid togs and bed for the green sward of the Massillon field.

They pranced around like colts at the barrier in the dressing room and paced up and down in the hallway as minutes seemed like hours while they waited to trot on the field.

They were keyed up and what followed when they thrust themselves at the visiting Sharon huskies, is now a matter of history, but history that is worth recounting for the sake of remembering the deeds of those who write it for Washington high school Saturday in its first athletic contest with Sharon high school.

Dutton Guides Fine Offense
Dynamic Howard Dutton, generalissimo of the Massillon eleven and the finest little quarterback the school has had in many a year, directed the most versatile and powerful offense that has been Massillon’s since 1922. A single wing, a spread formation, spinners, reverses and passes from both offensive formations, fake punts and power plays, so bewildering the iron men of Sharon, that 14 first downs were rolled up against a defense that here-to-fore had proved impregnable to the running attacks of three other high schools.

While the guiding hand of Dutton directed the Massillon offense to say there was an individual star would be doing an injustice to the other 10 players. They were all in there fighting for each other. Without one, the other 10 would not have commanded the attention it received.

Take the first touchdown for instance. Dutton heaved a 20-yard pass to Lohr who caught the ball shoulder high and raced for six points. Lohr, however, only carried the ball across. Bob Shertzer made a touchdown, or more properly, made it possible when he cut across fast to hurl his body in front of Steve Klaric and cut him down for the rest of the game.

Klaric, Sharon’s triple threat quarterback, who played defensive right halfback, would have tackled Lohr or slowed him down until a teammate could nail him from behind.

The hard legitimate block of Shertzer’s fractured Klaric’s shoulder and took from Sharon the main cog of its offensive setup.

Again it was Shertzer who removed a tackler from Dutton’s path in the fourth period when the Massillon quarterback intercepted a pass from Charles Weiser, Sharon quarterback and galloped 35 yards for a touchdown.

Linemen Deserve Praise
Too frequently the blocker is forgotten in the praise accorded the open field runner and what Shertzer did for Lohr and Dutton was being done in every play on the line of scrimmage where you cannot see it. It is because of these clocks, hidden behind a wall of humanity, that a ball carrier is able to penetrate into the territory of his opponent and it is the lineman who takes the body beating while giving all for his fellow teammate and gets little credit for it.

Such a beating did the Tigers take Saturday. Though victorious 27-0, at half time they were battered more than they had been at the end of any previous game. Hardly a man there is who saw service Saturday but what today is nursing cuts and bruises.

Sharon suffered an even heavier toll of casualties and Coach Stewart and his assistant, Ted Rosenberg, a former Washington high gridder, who learned his football under Dave, lamented the loss of Klaric, a costly blow to a team that will be forced to pit itself against four strong opponents in consecutive weeks. Mike Lyshoir, a hard hitting center, likewise succumbed to the drive of the Tigers as he was crushed beneath the feet of D.C. McCants when the Massillon fullback smashed through the Sharon line in the third period. Knocked senseless by the blow, it took Stewart and the entire Sharon team, subs included, to get Mike off the field to the bench. The same thing has happened to Mike before and affected him in the same way and perhaps that is the reason why Stewart and his squad did not take it too seriously. Mike in the locker room after the game was shouting his glee and patting fellowmen on the back for defeating Massillon. He thought Sharon had won.

Tigers Score On Pass
The Tigers scored their first touchdown in the middle of the first quarter. Getting the ball on their own 23-yard line, where Lohr was dropped after a short return of Klaric’s punt, Dutton reeled off 12 yards for a first down on t he Massillon 34-yard line. McCants waded through this right tackle for six yards and Krier missed a first down by inches. Krier then raced 16 yards for a first down on the Sharon 41-yard line. Having drawn in the visitors’ secondary, Dutton saw his chance to pass, dropped back and heaved a 20-yard peg to Lohr who raced the remaining 21 yards along the sidelines for a touchdown. Shertzer removing the last would be tackler, Klaric, from his path. Krier carried the ball across for the extra point.

In Sharon territory nearly all the time, the Tigers didn’t punch the ball over again until near the end of the second period when they launched an offensive from their own 46-yard line. Again forward passes advanced the ball into position. One to Shertzer gained eight yards. Byelene lost a yard but Dutton pegged another pass to Lohr for a gain of 26 yards that brought a first down on the Sharon 20-yard round. Shertzer made three on the mouse trap and a five-yard penalty on top of Dutton’s dash made it first down on the nine-yard line. Byelene hit right tackle for four yards. Sharon threw up a blockade for McCants as he thundered down Hogan’s alley, but Dutton swept his left end for three yards. Fourth down and two to go and McCants dropped back for more alley slumming, but he bobbled the pass from center and as Sharon tacklers closed in on him suddenly cut to his right and out raced two would be tacklers as he crossed the goal line at the corner of the field. An attempted pass for the extra point failed.

Massillon made a bid for a touchdown in the third quarter as it marched to the four-yard line, where a mix-up lost six yards on the second down and two incomplete passes gave Sharon the ball. Sharon too passed into Massillon territory for the first time during the game and carried the ball to the 25-yard line where the drive stopped with a fourth down pass over the goal.

Lohr’s 25-yard return of Niec’s punt to the Sharon 40-yard line started the Tigers on the way to their third touchdown. Krier made five but Massillon was penalized five on the next play. Dutton passed 22 yards to Krier for a first down on the 22-yard line. A penalty set the Tigers back five yards and a pass failed to gain. A fake punt gained five yards and Dutton crossed up his opponents with a pass over the line of scrimmage to Lohr for 17 yards and a first down on the four-yard line. McCants lugged it over in two attempts and Krier placekicked the extra point.

Dutton scored the local’s last touchdown shortly afterward when he intercepted Wieser’s pass and behind fine blocking raced 35 yards for the touchdown. Krier kicked the extra point.

Sharon passes again penetrated deeply into Massillon territory but failed with a touchdown in sight and the ball on the 15-yard line.

Stewart Compliments Tigers
Before leaving the clubhouse Saturday, Coach Stewart paid tribute to the Tigers as being a fine ball club capable of beating everything in their path up to the Canton game.

The drum and bugle corps of Massillon Post No. 221 acted as Sharon’s representative musical organization. Mayor J. Fred Thomas, of Sharon was the guest of Mayor Williams “Pat” Limbach of this city.

The crowd numbered somewhat in the vicinity of 4,500 fans. Instead of a guarantee, the schools shared receipts on a 50-50 basis.

The game will be discussed tonight at the meeting of the booster club at 7:30 in the high school. Tickets for the Youngstown South – Massillon game will be placed on sale at this meeting

The lineup and summary:
Shertzer LE Nichols
Wolfe LT Popovich
Molinski LG Phillips
Morningstar C Msysohir
Snavely RG Mitch
Buggs RT Bartholomew
Lohr RE Bayer
Dutton QB Klaric
Krier LH Seaman
Lange RH Niec
McCants FB Donato

Score by periods:
Massillon 7 6 0 14 27

Substitutions: Massillon – Byelene, lh; McDew; Price, lt; Gillom, fb. Sharon – Weiser, qb; Lombardo, c; J. Jones, rt; Bowie, lh; Thomas, rh; Ben Jones, le; Keryan, re; Ogg, le.

Massillon – Lohr; McCants 2; Dutton.

Point after touchdown:
Massillon – Krier 2 (placekick); Krier 1 (carried).

Referee – Howells (Sebring).
Umpire – Shafer (Akron).
Head Linesman – Boone (Canton)


Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 46, Cleveland Shaw 0



Having turned back John Snavely’s Cleveland Shaw high team in no uncertain matter by a score of 46-0, the Washington high Tigers prepare this week for the invasion of another former Washington high coach, David B. Stewart and his Sharon, Pa., gridders.

Twill be a more difficult task the Tigers will face next Saturday afternoon on Massillon field than that they had to deal with last week, for scores prove Sharon superior to Shaw and it being Stewart’s first appearance since he left Washington high after the 1925 season, a great battle is looked forward to with not many points separating the victors.

Typical Stewart Team
Scouts bring back the word that this year’s Sharon team is a typical Stewart team, big, rough and in condition to play 48 minutes of the hardest kind of football.

It will be remembered that this was always a primary factor in Stewart’s success while coaching in Massillon and one only has to review scores of the 1921-25 seasons and see how many games Massillon won in the second half of those years to prove his point.

Two of them were the greatest battles ever played by a Washington high eleven, that with Cleveland Shaw in 1922 and the other with Erie Academy at Erie, Pa., in 1925, when none other than your present coach, Paul Brown, directed a fourth quarter rally that netted two touchdowns and victory. These games were unbelievable comebacks that snatched victory out of the fire. They were typical Stewart played games.

Rayen Beat Sharon
Sharon can be defeated. Youngstown Rayen has already done it by a point this year and the type of football played by the Tigers against Shaw Saturday, ought to place them on a par with Stewart’s rough and ready huskies.

The Massillon team was an improved eleven Saturday and clicked much smoother than it did in the opening encounter last week against Tiffin Junior Home.

A versatile attack that combined passes with a running attack had the lighter Shaw team backing up from the start and the defense stubbornly refused to yield ground.

In their goalward marches the Tigers rolled up 23 first downs to six for the visitors and advanced the ball 161 yards on forward passes. They completed nine of 19 passes, two of which were intercepted.

Shaw Gains on Passes
Shaw made its first down as a result of aerial heaves, mostly short pegs over the line of scrimmage. Bill Snavely, son of the coach to Leslie Woodworth, an end. Young Snavely was the outstanding player on the field for the visitors, while his third cousin, Cloyd Snavely, of Washington high eleven, backed up the line viciously for Massillon and on one occasion intercepted one of his cousin’s passes and galloped 50 yards for a touchdown that was not allowed when the officials found Wolfe guilty of holding on the play.

It was apparent from the kickoff that the wet grass would work a handicap to both teams and the Shaw players, lacking long cleats for wet weather found it exceptionally hard to hold their footing. Though the field otherwise was in good condition for play, the crowd was disappointing to the management and no more than 3,000 spectators at the most witnessed the game. Weather, it is believed, dampened the attendance.

The Massillon gridders scored the first time they laid their hands on the ball. Held on the 20 yard line after receiving the kickoff, Dave Wistar, halfback got away a quick kick that Lohr returned eight yards from his 35 to his 43 yard line. Krier got two yards at right tackle and ran 15 more for a first down on the Shaw 40. Dutton made five and McCants hit Hogan’s alley for a first down on the 21. Krier made three at left end, McCants a yard at center, Krier five more at right tackle and then hit through right tackle for a first down. Dutton made three and Shaw was penalized five on the next play. Krier made it first down on the goal line and McCants plunged the ball across. Krier placekicked the extra point.

Krier Scores On End Sweep
Wistar fumbled the following kickoff on his 25-yard line and McCants recovered for Massillon. Dutton’s pass was grounded. Krier made five yards before being hit by Gaudio and McCants plunged to a first down on the nine-yard line. Dutton sneaked through for six yards and Krier circled his left end for the touchdown. McCants was nailed in his tracks when he attempted to plunge for the extra point.

A drive of 70 yards that began in the first period produced the third touchdown of the game early in the second quarter. A beautifully placed punt by Wistar got by Lohr and rolled to the Massillon 30 where Dutton scooped it up and returned four yards. Krier made five yards and when Perna piled on to the Massillon player, Shaw was penalized 15 yards. McCants lost a yard from punt formation but made nine on the next play. On two more attempts he made it first down on the 27 yard line. Dutton fumbled for a three yard loss, Krier recovering. Shaw was penalized five yards for offside and Krier slipped and lost four yards as the quarter ended.

Lohr took Dutton’s pass on his finger tips but couldn’t hang on to the ball. A pass over the line to Lohr, however, netted a first down on the 12-yard line. Krier lost two yards and Massillon was penalized five for being offside. Dutton stepped back and shot a pass to Shertzer for a touchdown. Krier plackicked the extra point.

The Tigers got into position for their next score when they held Shaw for downs on Shaw’s 35-yard line. McCants made five yards and Dutton passed 14 yards to Shertzer for a first down on the 16-yard line. Byelen lost three yards at right end and missed Dutton’s pass over the goal. Dutton passed over the line to Lohr for nine yards and McCants plunged for a first down on the four yard stripe. Byelene got two yards at right guard and McCants went through the same spot for a touchdown. McCants slipped when he tried to catch Dutton’s pass for the extra point.

Shaw In Tiger Territory
The Massillon gridders made but one touchdown in the third period. It followed Shaw’s first offensive threat of the game in which passes from Snavely to Woodworth carried the ball to the Massillon 41 where Snavely was forced to punt. His kick was blocked and McCants recovered for Massillon on the 44. Krier made 15 but Massillon was penalized 15. Krier made four yards at right tackle and Dutton pegged a pass to Krier for 19 yards. McCants plunged for a first down on the 33 yard stripe. Shertzer missed Dutton’s pass by inches. Dutton made five yards at left tackle and Krier hit the other side for a touchdown. His attempted placekick was blocked by Snavely.

Shaw kicked off to Massillon and McCants was downed with the ball on the 14-yard line. Dutton immediately dropped back and hoisted a beautiful 60-yard spiral to the Shaw 35. Shaw’s passing attack flashed momentarily as the ball was brought back to the Massillon 41-yard line, but Dutton ended the threat when he intercepted Snavely’s pass and ran it back to the 44-yard line. That started another touchdown drive. McCants fumbled for a loss of three yards, but got it back and more on the next attempt. Dutton shot a pass to Shertzer for first down on the visitors 48 and on the next play pegged the ball to Krier for 15 yards and Krier raced 18 more to a first down as the quarter ended. McCants hit center for five and drove again for a first down on the two-yard line. He went over on the third attempt for a touchdown and Krier placekicked the extra point.

Early in the period Shaw worked the ball with passes to the Massillon 30-yard line where the Tigers held for downs and took possession of the ball. Massillon launched a 70 yard drive for a touchdown. Dutton made 14 yards on a spinner and McCants in two attempts made it first down on Shaw’s 44-yard line. Dutton passed 22 yards to Lohr for a first down on the 22-yard line. McDew let Dutton’s pass go through. Krier picked up five yards at right tackle and hit the same spot for first down on the five-yard line. McDew circled his right end on a lateral pass for a touchdown. Krier kicked the extra point.

Lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Shaw
Shertzer LE Flint
Wolfe LT Zentgraf
Molinski LG Ryan
Morningstar C Struck
Snavely RG Kipp
Buggs RT Kidd
Lohr RE Cleland
Dutton QB W. Snavely
Krier LH Wistar
Lange RH Eisenhutt
McCants FB Gaudio

Score by periods:
Massillon 13 13 6 14 46

Substitutions: Massillon – Byelene, lh-qb; McDew, le; Herring, lh; Gillom, fb; Graybill, c; Russ, re; Peters, lt; Miller, le; Carter, qb; Price, rt; Schimke, rg.
Shaw – Byers, re; Kraft, rt; Perha, lb; Wilson, rg; Hill, c; Seman, rh; Woodworth, le; Dainert, lt; Walters, fb; Goodwin, lt.

Massillon – McCants 3; Krier 2; Shertzer; McDew.

Point after touchdown:
Massillon – Krier 3 (placekick).

Referee – Gross (New Philadelphia).
Umpire – Howells (Sebring).
Head Linesman – Kelly (Salem).

Cloyd Snavely
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1934: Massillon 37, Tiffin Junior Home 0



A versatile attack, with passes and laterals mixed in with end dashes and off tackle smashes, carried the Washington high school Tigers to a 37-0 victory over Tiffin Junior Home here Friday evening in the opening game of the season played before a crowd of 5,000 fans.

Two touchdowns in the first period, two in the second and two more in the fourth told the power of the Massillon team. There were let downs frequently and occasional mechanical troubles, but the Tigers clicked consistently enough to plaster the first defeat of the season on the Junior Home boys.

Tigers in Star Roles
Leading the offensive assault was Henry Krier, D.C. McCants, the two quarterbacks, Mike Byelene and Howard Dutton and Wendall Lohr, whose snaring of Dutton’s passes delighted the crowd. Defensively, it was Cloyd Snavely whose hard tackles while backing up the line had much to do with Tiffin’s inability to carry the ball anywhere.

Outweighed, the Tiffin gridders did their best to make a game of it and went down fighting in the last ditch. Even when hopelessly beaten they dug their cleats into the sod and staved off Tiger scoring attempts on three occasions.

The Tigers did not demonstrate any unusual line crushing power. They played an open game and their touchdowns were largely the result of forward passes rather than a hard running attack.

Krier First to Score
“Heine” Krier was first to cross the Tiffin goal. The first period was well under way when Bruce Manning, the Juniors’ versatile quarterback, caught Lohr asleep and punted 60 yards on first down over the Tiger safety man’s head to the Massillon 20-yard line.

McCants was set at liberty and galloped 46 yards to the Tiffin 34-yard line before being dropped. Krier smashed for 10 yards on the next play. He got nine more yards in two attempts and McCants barely made it first down on the 14-yard line. Massillon was set back five yards for being offside, but McCants made three more yards and a pass, Dutton to McCants brought a first down on the two-yard stripe. The Juniors’ braced and held McCants to a net gain of one yard on two attempts. Krier then smashed through the left side of the Tiffin line for a touchdown. He placekicked the extra point.

The second touchdown came shortly after the following kickoff. Krier booted the ball to Manning who returned to the Juniors’ 35-yard line. McCants partially blocked Manning’s punt on the third down and Morningstar, having dropped back to cover for a pass, caught the ball in the air and raced 44 yards for a touchdown. Krier missed his kick.

That ended the scoring for the first quarter.

Lateral Scores Touchdown
Lohr started the Tigers moving for their first touchdown of the second period when he returned Manning’s punt from his own 23-yard line to his 33-yard line. McCants made six yards from punt formation. The Tigers were penalized five yards for being offside on the next play. Tiffin, however, was penalized 15 yards for roughing McCants and a pass, Dutton to Shertzer, brought a first down on the Tiffin 30-yard line. Dutton snapped another pass to McCants good for three yards and McCants ran to a first down on the
15-yard stripe on the next play. Krier hit right tackle but a 15-yard penalty for holding set Massillon back to the 30-yard line. Again Dutton stepped back and heaved a long pass to Lohr who stepped out of bounds on the five yard line. An end around play with a lateral to Shertzer produced a touchdown. Krier failed twice to set the ball across the uprights.

Krier kicked off to Manning who was stopped on his 24-yard line. Massillon held and Manning booted to Lohr, who returned 10 yards to his 43-yard line. Massillon was penalized five yards on the next play, but a pass from Mike Byelene who replaced Dutton, to Lohr netted first down on the Tiffin 30. Krier made two yards, Byelene four and McCants got through for a first down on the 20. A lateral, Krier to Shertzer lost two yards. Byelene sneaked through center on the next play for a 22-yard touchdown. Krier’s kick was wide of the posts. The second half ended a minute later with Massillon in the lead, 25-0.

Neither team scored in the third quarter. Tiffin midway in the period got into Massillon territory but a pass to an ineligible receiver gave Massillon the ball on its own 40. McCants got away to a 38-yard run but Tiffin braced and intercepted a pass to end the threat.

The fourth quarter opened with a bang. Dutton on the first play throwing a pass to Lohr who ran the remaining distance of 44 yards for a touchdown. A pass failed to gain the extra point.

The Tigers launched another drive that carried them to the 15-yard line where the Juniors grounded three passes in a row to regain possession of the ball. Manning punted the ball back to his 40 and Lohr returned to the Tiffin 28. McCants hit for nine yards and Dutton made it first down on the 18. Byelene lost a yard but a lateral to Shertzer netted first down on the seven-yard line. Dutton sneaked through to the one yard line and McCants plunged across. The pass for the extra point was grounded.

The last five minutes of the game was one substitute after another, until both coaches nearly used up their supply of reserves.

Tigers Make 20 First Downs
The Tigers had the edge in every department of the game. They made 20 first downs to three for Tiffin and completed seven of 17 passes for a gain of 129 yards. Two passes were intercepted. Tiffin gained nine yards on passing and had five incomplete and one intercepted.

Massillon lost 115 yards in penalties while Tiffin was penalized 40 yards.

Tiffin Junior Home is an orphanage of the Junior O.U.A.M. Boys from many states in the union, whose fathers are dead are sent to the orphanage. The football team last night represented 10 different states. The school only has an enrollment of 130 boys and its football team is annually called upon to play one of the stiffest schedules of any high school team. Mooseheart, Ind. And Steubenville are among its strong opponents this year.

Schools are eager to schedule the Juniors because fraternal affiliations add to the gate attractions.

Color and lots of it was injected into the game. Pennants of the Tigers 1934 opponents were suspended from the light poles. Massillon’s state champions, the American Legion boys, drilled and played before the game. So did the Washington high and the Junior Order bands.

Bud Houghton, Longfellow junior high coach described the game over a public address system from a position in the press box.

Jimmy Aiken a Spectator
One of the most interested spectators was Jimmy Aiken, Canton McKinley high coach. Said Jimmy between halves, “It looks like you have a good team. You have some big boys there. Are those weights correct? Those boys make my fellows look like pee-wees.”

We answer, “Oh yeah.”

Many compliments were heard last night over the fine condition of Massillon field. The turf is finer than that found on many of the nation’s biggest stadiums. Actual observation has disclosed that.

Except for a cramp in the leg sustained by Krier it was not necessary to take time out for any injuries last night. Krier’s leg was hurt.
Dutton’s punting brought back memories of fine Washington punters of years gone by. Not a bad one did the little Massillon quarterback get away last night and he placed several out of bounds with fine accuracy.

Washington high will face stiffer opposition here next Saturday when Jack Snavely, former Tiger coach brings his Cleveland Shaw high team to Massillon. For 10 years Massillon faculty managers have been trying to schedule Shaw, but not until this year could they complete negotiations. Shaw last made its appearance here in the undefeated season of 1922, when the later Edwin “Dutch” Hill dove over the line of scrimmage in the last 27 seconds of play to tie the score at 6-6 and Bill Edwards booted the extra point that gave Massillon a 7-6 victory.

The lineup and summary of last night’s game:
Shertzer LE Ferguson
Wolfe LT Herron
Molinski LG Valentine
Morningstar C Warf
Snavely RG Waugman
Buggs RT Quick
Lohr RE Morrison
Dutton QB Manning
Krier LH Paynter
Lange RH Johnson
McCants FB Cartwright

Score by periods:
Massillon 13 12 0 12 37

Massillon – Byelene, qb-lh; Gillom, fb; McDew, e; Miller, g; Carter, rh; Herring, lh; Price, t; Russ,e; Graybill,c; Schimke, g; Peters,t.
Tiffin – Fields, hb; Langdale, lt; Hampton, re; Fargis, le; Gunter, g; Schlemmer, t; Wilson, c; Whittaker, g.

Touchdowns: Massillon – Krier; Shertzer; Byelene; Morningstar; Lohr; McCants.

Point after touchdown: Massillon – Krier (placekick).

Referee – Shafer.
Umpire – Michaels.
Head Linesman – Rupp.

Cloyd Snavely