Category: <span>History</span>

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 53, Niles 6

Mike Byelene Stars as Massillon Team Plays Great Practice Game in Trumbull County; Throws 52-yard Pass for Touchdown


And now for Canton! With Niles their ninth victim put out of the way, 53-6, the Washington high Tigers today resumed preparations for their grand finale of the season, the annual duel with their perennial rivals, the Bulldogs of McKinley high.

The Bulldogs took one on the nose Saturday from Oak Park, of Illinois, 7-0 and that will do the Tigers no good. Aiken teams in the past have demonstrated that they can come back, more furious than ever and that is what can be expected next Saturday at Lehman field, Canton.

Tigers Pointing for Canton
For two weeks the Tigers have been preparing for the Canton engagement. They virtually ignored the New Philadelphia and Niles games, but took them on one by one while concentrating their attention on the Bulldogs battle.

Jimmy Aiken, too, has been grooming for Massillon ever since his defeat by Steubenville, we are told. Like Coach Brown with Niles, Aiken tried to sidestep Oak Park, but got caught in the back wash. He could afford to take the chance, however, for a victory over the Tigers, as far as public opinion is concerned would be equal to 10 triumphs over distant Oak Park.

And so, Massillon can expect to find the McKinley Bulldogs at their best Saturday.

But to get back to last week’s 53-6 triumph at Niles. Coach Brown couldn’t have found a better practice game for his squad.

Get Pass Defense Drill
The Tigers were opposed with vicious tackling and most of all, a forward and lateral passing attack that gave the local eleven a lesson in pass defense.

Niles scored but that made little difference for the Tiger goal line had already been crossed, but what was more alarming was the manner in which Niles scored and the many passes they completed against the Massillon eleven.

Canton scouts were in the stands and saw what was going on. In defense of the Tiger first team, however, it must be said that Niles scored and made the majority of their 15 first downs while the second team was on the field.

Those 15 first downs were more than any other team has been able to make against the Tigers this season. Practically all of the first downs were the result of passes. Niles completed 14 of them for a gain of 176 yards.

The Tigers on the other hand did some passing themselves. They scored three touchdowns with passes, one a heave of 52 yards and made one extra point on a pass. All told they made 23 first downs, with the second team playing half the game and two regulars, Howard Dutton and Neri Buggs on the sidelines in street clothes, suffering from colds.

Mike Byelene Shines
It was Mike Byelene’s accurate arm and his slashing thrusts around end and off tackle that led the Tigers to victory, Saturday. He tossed passes for three touchdowns and one extra point and scored three touchdowns himself on runs of 57 yards, 10 yards and 22 yards.

His pass to Morningstar for the sixth touchdown of the game electrified the gallery and sent the crowd home wondering where this little fellow gets all the power in that right arm of his.

The ball was on the Tigers’ 44-yard line. Mike faded way back to his own 34 while Morningstar went down fast. With the wind at his back the Tiger quarter fired the ball. Traveling like a peg from the outfield it held its line and appeared too high for Morningstar to teach but Augie kept going, reached up, snared the ball on his 14-yard line and went on over for a touchdown.

Pass Brings First Score
In fact it was one of Byelene’s fine passes that produced the first touchdown of the game. Massillon received the kickoff, but two five-yard penalties, one for being in motion and another for offside, forced Gillom to punt out on the 15-yard line. When three plays failed to gain but three yards, Yanus returned the punt to the Niles’ 47. On the first play Byelene ran 26 yards to the 21-yard line. Gillom made five but the Tigers were penalized 15 for holding. Byelene didn’t let that stop him. He stepped back and shot a pass which Charley Anderson took on the 10 and ran on for a touchdown. Bob Glass plunged the extra point across.

Niles received and Reese and Zuzolo made a first down on the Tigers 33. There they stopped and Massillon got the ball on a punt on their own 45. Glass rammed for 18 yards. Byelene made four, Gillom two and Glass made it first down on the 27. A pass was no good and the Tigers were penalized five yards for being off side. Jake Gillom got loose for 22 yards and a first down on the 10. Byelene went across and Glass plunged the extra point. The period ended with the score 14-0.

Niles immediately cut loose with a passing attack that began on its 20. Reese tossed to Kaye for 15 yards and to Yanus for a first on the Niles 48. Reese hit center for three and a 13-yard pass to Kaye took the ball in to Tiger territory. Reese got away to the Tiger 21-yard line. Zuzolo made a yard but Voss broke through and dropped Kaye for a loss of five. The threat ended when Ed Herring intercepted a pass and that set the Tigers in motion again.

Massillon was penalized five yards for offside but on the next play Herring got away to his own 43. On the first play Byelene cut inside his left tackle then headed toward the right sideline, reversed his field and ran 57 yards for a touchdown. Herring circled end for the extra point.

Pass To Anderson Nets Touchdown
Niles fumbled the kickoff and a Tiger covered on the 30-yard line. The Tigers were offside on the first play and were penalized five. Byelene lost three yards but Herring made 11 on a fake at center. Snyder picked up two and Byelene passed to Anderson for the touchdown. Another pass to Anderson produced the extra point.

Niles received and a pass, Reese to Yanus put the ball in midfield. Two passes were batted down but on third down, Reese tossed a 10-yard pass to Yanus who shot a lateral to Boag, who ran 40 yards for the Niles touchdown. Reese tried to plunge for the extra point but failed. The half ended with the score 28-6.

Massillon kicked off at the start of the third period and Niles, failing to gain, punted to midfield. Gillom hit right tackle for 17. Byelene made 11 at left end putting the ball on the 22-yard line. Byelene went over for the touchdown. Glass tried to kick the extra point but missed.

Niles struck back with another passing attack that advanced the ball from the Niles 18 to the Massillon 28-yard line. There the Tigers braced and took the ball on downs on their own 32. Gillom made seven yards and Glass two. Byelene made it first down on the 49, but the Tigers were penalized five for offside. Byelene passed to Morningstar for a touchdown. The play was good for a gain of 56 yards. Glass placekicked the extra point. The third period ended with the score 41-6.

Fourth Quarter
Massillon kicked to the 25. On the first play a forward pass Reese to Kaye and an intended lateral to Boag, gained a touchdown for Niles but the ball was called back and the touchdown was not allowed, the officials ruling the lateral traveled forward. It was a tough break for Niles. Niles completed two passes, one for 12 yards and one for six before Snyder intercepted Reese’s pass on the Massillon 37. Herring got away for 26 yards. Byelene and Snyder made it first down on the 15.

Byelene passed to Odell Gillom for what would have been a touchdown only that Gillom was out of bounds when he caught the ball. Byelene carried the ball to the one-yard line and Herring went over. Byelene’s pass for point was smothered.

An intercepted pass by Herring on the Niles 45 put the ball in place for the last touchdown. Snyder made four yards and Byelene passed to Herring for a first down on the 15. Snyder, running hard, went over the goal. Byelene’s pass for the extra point was batted down.

The Tigers threatened once again when Updegraff covered a fumble on the Niles 37. A
29-yard pass to Swoger, sub end, brought a first down on the six-yard line, but Niles covered Carter’s fumble and the game ended without any more scoring.

The Tiger band and several hundred Massillon fans followed the team to Niles. The band gave its usual fine performance between halves.

The concrete stadium in which the game was played was built with PWA funds. It has a seating capacity of 4,000. Less than 2,000 people attended the game. The day was cool and though fans drove through rain to Niles, it did not rain in that city prior to or during the game.

Massillon was penalized 50 yards to five yards for Niles.

Now For Canton
Massillon Pos. Niles
Anderson LE Delvaux
Held LT Scarnerchik
McDew LG Sawyer
Voss C Tortello
Woods RG Schink
Moffett RT Zobitz
Morningstar RE Yanus
Byelene QB Reese
Gillom LH Traxler
Molinski RH Zuzolo
Glass FB Kaye

Score by periods:
Massillon 14 14 13 12 53
Niles 0 6 0 0 6

Massillon – Snyder, fb; Herring , lh; J. Anderson, lt; Snavely, c; Updegraff, lg; Miller, rg; Graybill, lg; Howard, rg; Lee, c; Swoger, re; O. Gillom, le; Carter, lh.
Niles – Gales, fb; Maddow, g; Mooris, c; Seltz, lt; Law, c; Boag, le.

Massillon – Anderson 2; Byelene 3; Herring; Morningstar; Snyder.
Niles – Boag.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Glass (3 carried; kicked 1); Herring (carried);. Anderson (pass).

Referee – Wagner.
Umpire – Rang.
Head Linesman – Pierrott.

Augie Morningstar
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 65, New Philadelphia 0

Powerful Offense Rolls up 10 Touchdowns, 28 First Downs as Team Plays Perfect Football; Travel to Niles Saturday


Having turned back the New Philadelphia invasion 65-0 Saturday, the Washington high Tigers today began two weeks of intensive training for their all important battle Nov. 23 at Canton, the game that will give Massillon a chance to lay claim to the state title.

Niles will be played Saturday in an N.E.O. Big Six contest, but that game should take care of itself and except for setting up a defense to meet Niles’ system of play, Coach Paul Brown will pay little attention to this Saturday’s game.

Tigers Demonstrate Great Power
Brown began bringing his Tigers uphill with the New Philadelphia contest and if they keep on coming like they did Saturday, they will carry dynamite in every move by Nov. 23.

It was Dads’ day Saturday and the Massillon boys showed off before their fathers seated on the sidelines by playing perhaps their most perfect game of football this season. Only once before during the year did they approach that performance and that was at Portsmouth when they rolled over the Ohio River city 46-0.

The Tigers were never at full strength Saturday, for Bob Glass their regular fullback, was kept on the sidelines with an injured ankle. What’s more the other 10 regulars played only half a game because they were not needed.

Snyder Plays Fine Game
All the subs got their chance Saturday and how they did come through. John Snyder played the entire game at fullback. He carried the ball well and his blocking was superb. Matthew Carter stole the show from the other backs, when supported by fine blocking, the raced 67 yards to a touchdown in the third period. Willie McDew played a fine defensive game, as did Don Snavely, next year’s center and from end to end and around the ring in the backfield the subs distinguished themselves with a fine performance.

The offense of both first and second teams was smooth and versatile. When long gains were needed, Howard Dutton and Mike Byelene threw passes and seldom were Massillon backs stopped without gain. That was because of the superior charge of the Tiger forward wall that always kept pushing the Quakers back toward their goal.

The Massillon offensive produced 28 first downs and 10 touchdowns. When a team is working as smoothly as that, it is retaining possession of the ball most of the time and the opposition has little chance to gain. New Philadelphia made six first downs, three in the third period when the visitors’ second stringers pitted against Massillon second and third stringers, passed and plunged their way to three consecutive first downs the last on the Tigers two-yard line. The period ended there and the Massillon first stringers went in to protect their goal. They succeeded. Four plays failed to net a single inch and Howard Dutton punted back safely to midfield. A boo went up from the visitors stands and some Massillon fans joined, for not allowing the Quakers to score, but Coach Paul Brown desired to test the defensive strength of his first team when backed up against its own goal.

Tigers Smother Plays
It was only the second time this season the team was in this position and the first time, a week ago, Akron West pushed over a touchdown.

Not so Saturday however. Every play on the two-yard line was smothered under a mass of orange sweaters. After Dutton had punted out safely, the visitors made three attempts to carry the ball but failed each time and on fourth down Francis muffed a bad pass from center and the ball rolled back to the Quakers’ 30-yard line where Morningstar covered for Massillon. Coach Brown immediately sent his second team back in to finish the game.

Apparently disregarding New Philadelphia’s fine record the past two seasons which included 16 victories in 17 games, the Tigers went to work at the kickoff and Snyder carried the ball back to the 34-yard line. Dutton and Jake Gillom made five yards and Dutton made it first down on the visitors’ 39-yard line. Gillom, running hard line he did at the start of the season, made 14 yards in two trips and a first down on the 25. Gillom again made four and Dutton swept his left end for 17 yards and a first down on the four-yard line. Anderson came around end but plunged over for the touchdown. But the play was sent back, New Philadelphia was penalized to the one-yard line for being offside. Gillom plunged over for the touchdown. Dutton failed to make the extra point.

Morningstar kicked off to Wortman who brought the ball back 15 yards to the 30-yard line. When two plays failed to gain, Wortman quick kicked to Gillom on the 35. He returned 12 yards. New Philadelphia drew a five yard penalty for offside and on the first play thereafter, old Jake tucked the ball under his wing and hauled the mail 48 yards around right end for the second touchdown. Snyder failed to carry the extra point across.

Long Pass Scores Touchdown
Simonetti brought Morningstar’s kickoff back to the 39-yard line. Two plays gained three yards and Wortman kicked a beauty to Herring who took the ball on a bounce near his goal line and got back to the 15 before being downed. Herring made eight yards and Byelene ripped off 17 for a first down on the 40. Snyder made two but Herring lost two. Byelene then stepped back and shot a 30-yard pass to Charley Anderson who caught the ball and with a clear field ahead raced another 30 yards for the touchdown. Byelene failed to carry the ball over for the extra point.

The Tigers were on their way to another touchdown when the first quarter ended. Following the third touchdown, Morningstar kicked to Wortman who returned to the 27. Updegraph got through for four yards but other attempts to carry failed and the visitors punted to Herring who took the ball on his 30 and ran back 19 yards. Byelene completed a pass to Anderson but Charley was out of bounds when he caught the ball. He stepped right back and tried it over, completing one for a gain of 17 yards. There the quarter ended.

Second Period
Snyder rammed through for 18 yards and a first down on the 16-yard line. Herring made a yard at center and Byelene made it first down on the six-yard line. Snyder added two and Herring carried to within inches of the goal but the Tigers were penalized 15 yards for holding. Byelene made five and then tossed to Herring for a touchdown. Eddie Molinski placekicked the extra point.

A complete second team took over the game for the Tigers. New Philadelphia received and when Duda tried to pass, Byelene came up with the ball and was downed on the Quakers’ 48-yard line. Herring made four yards and Byelene passed 14 yards to Bob Swoger who was in for the first time this season. Herring and Byelene made it first down on the Quakers’ 19-yard line. Byelene passed to Odell Gillom for a touchdown and plunged the extra point across. That made the score 32-0 and there it stood the remainder of the half.

First Team Starts Second Half
The first team went back in for the Tigers at the start of the third period. McDew took the kickoff back to the 20-yard line. Jake Gillom fumbled and Stempfly covered for New Philadelphia on the Tiger 30. Stempfly was tossed for a five-yard loss and when two more plays failed, Wortman kicked out on the 23-yard line. Dutton ran 16 yards to the 39 and passed to Snyder for a 15-yard gain. A nine yard pass to Morningstar and a plunge by Snyder made it first down on the 37. When two passes were wide of their mark, Dutton circled his left end for 10 yards and a first down on the 27. He passed to Anderson for 27 yards and a touchdown and another pass to Morningstar produced the extra point.

Morningstar kicked off to Wortman who brought the ball back to the 25-yard line. Simonetti lost two yards on a fumble and when he tried to pass, Morningstar intercepted and ran for a touchdown. The officials, however, ruled that Held clipped from behind on the play and penalized the Tigers 15 yards from the point where the violation took place. Dutton immediately passed to Morningstar for a first down on the nine-yard line. New Philadelphia was penalized five yards for being offside on the next play and Dutton ran for a touchdown. Gillom plunged the extra point.

The subs carried on for the Tigers. Updegraph brought the kickoff back to his 40. Simonetti passed 16 yards to Reiser for a first down and flipped another to Wortman for a first down on the Tiger 32-yard line. Simonetti plunged for four but when he tried to pass on the next play, Snyder intercepted on the 20 and brought the ball back to the 33-yard line. Carter was immediately turned loose around his right end and behind fine interference, he wove his way into the open and raced 67 yards for a touchdown.

Byelene’s pass for the extra point was knocked down.

New Philadelphia made its only threat thereafter. Trimmer brought Miller’s kickoff back to the 41-yard line. Duda passed to Trimmer just short of a first down and then rammed center for a first down on the Tiger 47. Duda passed to Rodd for five and then tossed one to Trimmer for a first down on the 25. Another to Trimmer gained first down on the
15-yard line. Duda made six yards and a five-yard penalty inflicted on the Tigers for being offside gave New Philadelphia a first down on the four-yard line. Francis made two yards but a lateral, Duda to Francis failed to gain. The quarter ended with the ball on the
two-yard line and the Tiger first team went into the game.

Fourth Period
Duda twice tried the center of the line and failed to gain. Dutton kicked back to Francis who was downed on the Massillon 43-yard line. Three plays gained a yard and Francis got a poor pass from center when he tried to punt on fourth down and the ball rolled back to the Massillon 30-yard line where Morningstar recovered. The Massillon subs went back into the game. Byelene and Carter made eight yards and Snyder rammed through for a first down on the 20. Snyder made nine yards and Byelene made it first down on the
10-yard line. Carter skirted right end for seven. Byelene put the ball on the one-yard line and Snyder went over. Byelene passed to Swoger for the extra point.

Following the kickoff New Philadelphia made another brief rally. Trimmer brought the ball back to the 34 and Duda tossed a pass to Rodd for a first down on the Tiger 49. Duda to Simonetti gained five and Duda plunged to a first down on the 39. Duda lost two yards and Carter intercepted his pass on the 36. Carter made five but Massillon w as penalized 15 for holding.

Byelene made five on a spinner and the visitors were penalized five yards for taking too many times out. Carter made three but New Philadelphia was offside and was penalized five yards. Byelene ran to a first down on the visitors’ 40. Snyder was stopped without gain but Byelene came around left end for 13 yards and another first down on the 27. Carter advanced the ball six yards and Byelene went over on a 21-yard run. The try for the extra point failed and the game ended shortly thereafter.

Both teams threw many passes. The Tigers completed 11 of 21 for 200 yards and two extra points. New Philadelphia completed eight of 18 for 73 yards and had three intercepted.

Where the visitors only lost 20 yards in penalties, the Tigers were set back 70 yards.

Season’s Second Largest Crowd
The crowd of 6,500 fans was perhaps the second largest of the season while the reserved seat sale even exceeded that of any other game.

The New Philadelphia band of 100 pieces and the Tigers’ snappy band drilled between halves.

The game ended the Tigers’ home season and that suggests a pat on the back for S. Earl Ackley, faculty manager, who always remains in the background and who seldom sees a football game because he is too busy making everything else run smoothly in the park. Ackley likewise makes all arrangements for road trips and as business manager for the Tigers had done a great job this year.
Power To Spare
Massillon Pos. New Philadelphia
Anderson LE Emery
Held LT Fisher
Updegraff LG Sherer
Voss C Smith
Woods RG Kuenzil
Buggs RT Bedilon
Morningstar RE Resier
Dutton QB A. Gopp
J. Gillom LH Updegraph
Molinski RH Wortman
Snyder FB Simonetti

Score by periods:
Massillon 18 14 20 13 65

Massillon – McDew, lg; O. Gillom, le; Anderson, lt; Moffett, rt; Miller, rg; Snavely, c; Byelene, qb; Herring, lh; Spillman, rh; Snyder, fb; Carter, lh; Swoger, re; Lee, c; Graybill, lg; Howard, lg.
New Philadelphia – Mason, rg; Francis, lh; Stempfly, rh; Stoneman, re; M. Hanna, lg; Trimmer, fb; Brick, lt; Banks, qb; Hostetler, c; Hummell, c; Bliss, lt; Eichel, rt; Swisshelm, qb; Duda, fb; Rodd, qb.

Massillon – J. Gillom 2; Anderson 2; Herring 1; O. Gillom; Dutton; Snyder; Carter; Byelene.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Molinski (placekick); Byelene, J. Gillom (carried); Swoger, Morningstar (passes).

Referee – Howells.
Umpire – Rang.
Head Linesman – Barrett.

Augie Morningstar
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 52, Akron West 7

Visitors Toss Lateral and Forward Passes in 25-yard March to Touchdown but Tigers Win Seventh Straight, 52-7


Though their goal line was crossed for the first time this season Friday evening, the Washington high Tigers looked more like the steam roller football machine they were in their first four games of the season as they leveled Akron West 52-7 for their seventh straight triumph.

The Akron Cowboys in crossing the Tiger goal line in the early minutes of the fourth quarter after a march of 25 yards attained the distinction of being only the second team to score against a Massillon eleven in two years. Last year the Tiger goal line was not crossed until Canton McKinley pushed three touchdowns over in the finale of the season.

West Achieved Ambition
For West, the game was somewhat of a moral victory despite its over whelming defeat. The Cowboys rode into Massillon with the expressed purpose of scoring a touchdown and they left nothing undone to get it.

They tossed laterals, they used the mouse trap, they shot passes and ran spinners and all the other trickery and they even came up with a new fullback, Henry Bergdorf who with but a few quarters of football at his back, stole the show from his teammates. Unfortunately he sustained a minor injury, a cracked rib and had to be removed from the game.

Rain fell shortly before game time and as a result the smallest crowd of the season, 4,000 fans, turned out to see the game, one of the best home attractions of the season.

Tigers Powerful At Start
The Akron Cowboys were caught in a wave of Tiger offense in the opening period and the ground trembled for the second time in as many nights as Massillon backs thundered through their opponents for three touchdowns in nine plays.
It looked like a record high score was in the making, but West braced and the visitors from the first period to the middle of the fourth quarter gave ground stubbornly and resisted all but two efforts of the Tigers to again score.

Then in one grand push the Cowboys obtained possession of the ball on the Massillon
25-yard line and coupled with two aerial pegs and line plays smashed their way across the goal to attain their big objective of the evening.

Massillon Strikes Back
They paid for it a moment later, however, for the Massillon boys aroused at seeing their goal line crossed for the first time this season, lashed back with an attack that produced a touchdown in two plays and two more before the gun sounded the end of the game.

To little 125-pound Ed Herring goes the honor of the most sensational run of the evening a dash of 56 yards through the entire West team on the second play after the Cowboys got their touchdown. Ed twice reversed his field and then sprinted like a frightened hare for the Cowboys’ goal. He was supported by fine blocking as were most of the Tiger ball carriers last night. The forward wall played its usual strong game.

The Tigers were distinctly the better team. They made 20 first downs to West’s eight, which incidentally were more than any other opponent could get this season.

The first three times the Massillon gridders came into possession of the ball, they scored and it took just three plays to get the ball over each time.

They kicked off to West, held the Cowboys without gain and got the ball on a punt on the West 25-yard line. Dutton made 16 yards in two efforts and Jake Gillom romped over for the first score. Glass failed to kick the extra point.

Again Massillon kicked off and again the Tigers held, this time getting the ball on a punt on their own 45-yard line where Jake Gillom was thrown after a five-yard return. Dutton went 25 yards around his left end to the West 20-yard line. Anderson circled his right end to the one-yard line and Jake went over on the next play. Dutton carried the ball across for the extra point.

Poor Punt Starts It Again
Again Morningstar kicked off and this time when West failed to advance the ball beyond the 33-yard line, Stokos punted straight up, the ball being grounded by one of his teammates on the 35-yard stripe. The first shot out of the box, Dutton fired a 20-yard pass to Anderson for a first down on the 15-yard line. Dutton ran to the two and one-half yard line before being tackled and Glass plunged over for the touchdown. Dutton was tackled before he could get across for the extra point.

The quarter ended with the score 19-0 and the game was getting well into the second period when the Massillon eleven managed to slip another over. This time they advanced the ball
largely through the efforts of Bob Glass and Mike Byelene from their own 40-yard line to the West 25. There Buggs, Morningstar and Woods opened a hole a mile wide for Herring to gallop through to a touchdown. The attempt for the extra point failed and the half ended with the score 25-0 in the Tigers favor.

West fought over every inch of ground it gave in the third period but the Tigers managed to launch a sustained march from the kickoff that carried the ball from their own 20-yard line across the visitors’ goal. It went something like this: Gillom three yards right tackle; Dutton five yards at left tackle; Gillom first down on the 38; Dutton’s pass incomplete; Anderson nine yards right end; Dutton first down in midfield; Dutton to Morningstar 20 yard; Dutton five, Dutton 18 and a first down on the seven-yard line; Anderson right end no gain and Glass a touchdown. Dutton carried over for the extra point.

West opened up with its tricks after that and had laterals flying in all directions. With Bergdorf, Longacre and Nichols doing most of the fancy stuff, the Cowboys marched to three straight first downs, carrying the ball to the 15-yard line. Here the Tigers smothered three plays and on fourth down McDew snared Bergdorf’s pass on the goal line and was tackled almost immediately.

Dutton in two plays carried it at least 12 yards up the field, but the Tigers were called for holding and were penalized to their one-yard line.

Dutton dropped deep in the end zone to punt and booted the ball out on the 25. This presented West with a scoring opportunity.

West Scores Touchdown
Nichols put a lateral to Bergdorf for four yards. Nichols sneaked through for five on a spinner and on the first play of the fourth period Bergdorf crashed through to a first down on the 14-yard line.

Nichols made a yard and Longacre a yard and Bergdorf passed to Stokes for six yards. Needing two yards for a first down, Bergdorf took the ball on fourth down and carried it to within a yard of the Tiger goal. He tried to put it over but failed. Then Longacre piled through for the touchdown and Bergdorf swept through for the extra point and West was happy.

That aroused the Tigers. They received and Morningstar lugged the ball back to the 34. Dutton ran the ball around his left end for a gain of 10 yards and on the next play Herring, twice reversing his field, dashed 56 yards for a touchdown. He also carried the extra point across.

West received, could not gain and punted back to its own 44. Dutton hurled an 18-yard pass to Glass for first down on the 26. A pass failed, but Herring scooped up a pass just as it was about to hit the ground and got away for nine yards before being tackled. Dutton ran the remaining 17 yards for the touchdown and Glass carried the extra point over.

Dutton covered Longacre’s fumble on the Akron 45-yard line to put the Tigers in position for their last touchdown. He passed to Herring for a 25-yard gain and on the next play Glass romped through for a touchdown. Dutton failed to carry the extra point across.

The game was played cleanly and few penalties were called. Each team lost 15 yards.

More Praise For Band
The high school band was prepared to stage a spectacular drill between halves and while the wind greatly interfered with the fireworks in connection with the performance, the stands thrilled at the manner in which the young musicians played and executed their steps. All band members had flashlights attached to their caps, which were turned on. At the game time the flood lights of the field were turned off. Those detailed to light fireworks had a hard time touching off the fuses because of the high wind and thus the drill was not as spectacular as it otherwise would have been.

Good For West
Massillon Pos Akron West
Anderson LE Stokos
Held LT Miller
Updegraff LG Grigas
Voss C Abney
Woods RG Mikaloshek
Buggs RT Snyder
Morningstar RE Pender
Dutton QB Nichols
Gillom LH Longacre
Molinski RH Renz
Glass FB Bergdorf

Score by periods:
Massillon 19 6 7 20 52
Akron West 0 0 0 7 7

Massillon – McDew, le; O. Gillom, re; J. Anderson, lt; Moffett, rt; Russ, lg; Miller, rg; Snavely, c; Byelene, qb; Herring, lh; Spillman, rh; Snyder, fb.
West – Matthews, rg; Van Adams, lh; Sattes, lh; Roseman, lg; Weaver, rh; Forzano, rh; Petrow, lg; Field, le; Sours, rt; Evans, lh; Walker, le; Mull, fb; Forney, le.

Massillon – Gillom 2; Glass 3; Herring 2; Dutton.
West – Longacre.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Dutton 2 (carried); Herring (carried); Glass (carried).
West – Bergdorf (carried).

Referee – Jenkins.
Umpire – Gross.
Head Linesman – Rupp.

Massillon Squad
No. Name Pos. Weight
24 A. Morningstar RE 167
22 Charlie Anderson LE 163
32 Neri Buggs RT 181
38 Junior Held LT 187
68 Ralph Updegraff LG 160
34 Walter Woods RG 173
86 Don Voss C 185
44 Howard Dutton QB 143
54 Bob Glass FB 170
52 Jacob Gillom HB 151
88 Ed Molinski HB 175

Average Weight 168 lbs.

82 Jim McDew RE 144
64 Odel Gillom LE 145
26 Junior Anderson LT 170
42 Jack Moffett RT 180
40 Walter Russ LG 158
28 Jim Miller RG 154
20 Don Snavely C 145
50 Michael Byelene Q 150
78 Edgar Herring HB 125
38 Don Spillman HB 142
62 John Snyder FB 150
80 Matthew Carter HB 145
48 Bob Swoger E 150
30 Bill Lee C 132
56 Bob Graybill G 140

Augie Morningstar
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 27, Alliance 0

Aviators Throw Up Crafty Defense and Hold Massillon Eleven to Lowest Score of Season, 27-0;
Washington High Band Deserves Big Hand


Crafty Dr. George Wilcoxon, brought a big scrappy Alliance team to Massillon last night and gave the Washington high Tigers all they cared to handle.

A crowd of 5,000 fans, incidentally the smallest of the season, saw the Aviators hold Massillon scoreless until hear the end of the second period; watched them force the Tigers to punt more often than they had in all five previous games put together and in the end cheered when the visitors broke loose with a sensational passing attack that carried the ball to the 15-yard line, where Walter Woods threw himself on a fumble to end the most serious scoring threat of an opponent this season.

Game Filled With Trickery
The score was 27-0 and that about represents the difference between the two teams. An assistant Alliance coach had said before the game that the Aviators would hold the Tigers to 25 points.

It was a good game to watch and was filled with hard football and the trickery of Dr. Wilcoxon. The Tiger linemen presented a solid front on defense and moved the visitors backward every time they attempted to run with the ball. The equally husky Alliance linemen, flanked with two great ends in Starks and Seufts made the local gridders fight for every inch and forced them inside tackles for gains.

Dr. Wilcoxon devised a shifting defense which baffled the Tigers and rendered the forward pass, one of their chief offensive weapons, almost useless. Nobody knew just what defense the visitors would assemble when the ball was passed. They waited until the Tigers came out of the huddle. Then they shifted their forces, occasionally hopping a man into the line and on several occasions pulling one out to present a five man front.

Tigers Use Spread Formation
Coach Paul Brown, likewise pulled a couple of surprises. He came out with a spread formation, but only managed to work one play off it. On other occasions the Alliance boys broke through when the Tigers shifted and Raber, their center pounced on the ball to keep Voss from passing it.

Brown had equipped his team with the spread formation in the belief that Wilcoxon would introduce a spread against the Tigers. The Alliance coach had one up his sleeve, but used it only once. Had the Tigers not shown him from the start that they were familiar with this type of formation, he might have used it more often.

The right side of the Tiger line looked none too strong in the Barberton, Brown realizing he was scouted, moved Glass to right end on defense last night and put Updegraff on the secondary. Glass is a better defensive player. Updegraff more rangy for pass defense.

The maneuver outguessed Wilcoxon for just as Brown had expected. Alliance centered much of its running attack on the right side of the Massillon line and as on the left – “got nowhere.”

Tigers Hit to the Weak Side
Brown on the other hand anticipated Wilcoxon would have a defense built to stop the hard right tackle smashes of the Massillon team and in this was correct. Jake Gillom needed only to lug the ball once to show he could get nowhere last night so Dutton played his ace in the hole and took turns with chunky Bob Glass attacking the weak side.

These two goys gained practically all the yardage on every touchdown, Glass banding over the Alliance goal all four times and Dutton crossing it twice and Ed herring once on plunges for extra points.

It was the first time this season that the Tigers met their match in weight. The linemen acquitted themselves nobly by forcing a retreat on all Alliance ball carrying efforts and the backs, finding a mass of Alliance men on the right, had to content themselves with short gains through the weak side.

The Tigers might have succeeded in opening the visitors’ defense had they snared passes with more success, but as it was the receivers had a case of butter fingers last night and could not hold the dew soaked ball.

Wilcoxon Pulls One at Start
The craft of Dr. Wilcoxon was displayed at the start when the visitors after winning the toss, elected to kick. The ball was then placed in position, not in the center of the field but 15 yards in from the sideline. Oyster faked a pick up the center of the field, but Madison cut over from the sideline and booted the ball almost laterally across the field. It went out of bounds. Alliance kicked over and this time Oyster booted the ball to Jake Gillom who received on his 20 and raced back to his 48 before being tackled. Gillom, Dutton and Glass carried to a first down on the 36 but here the Aviators mustered their forces and held the Tigers to one yard on three plays, two of which were incomplete passes.
Dutton dropped back and punted the ball into the coffin corner. It went out on the
three-yard line. In two plays Alliance was forced back to the one-yard stripe and when Huffman tried to punt, Tiger linemen broke through blocked the kick and Glass recovered back of the goal line. However, the officials ruled Massillon offside on the play and penalized the Tigers five yards. Huffman kicked out safely to Gillom who was stopped on the 30-yard line and the threat was over.

Alliance had only gained two yards on two plays when Woods, who has developed into quite a ball hawk, covered Huffman’s fumble on the Alliance 35-yard line. A pass, Dutton to Gillom netted a first on the 20 but Massillon was in motion on the play and was set back five. The Tiger could do nothing carrying the ball and Dutton punted over the goal line. On the series of plays that followed Long got away for a 13-yard gain and Alliance’s first first down of the game, but Anderson and Voss made him pay for it by throwing him for losses of four and 10 yards respectively the next two times he carried the ball.

Alliance Holds on 25-yard Line
Huffman punted out on the 40 and Massillon was penalized five yards for being in motion. Dutton got away for a 20-yard run to a first down on the 25-yard line but here again Alliance braced and turned back the Tigers’ scoring threats, finally regaining the ball on the 23-yard line.

Three plays netted a loss of one yard and Huffman punted to Gillom who returned eight yards to the Alliance 48. Bog Glass led an assault that carried the pigskin to the 14-yard line, where Seufts covered a Massillon fumble to end the threat. Alliance’s attempt to gain resulted in the Tigers pushing them back to the two-yard line. Huffman dropped behind his goal and punted to Gillom who was downed on the Alliance 39 with no return. There the first touchdown drive was launched. Gillom muffed Dutton’s pass, but Glass rammed for three yards, then for 10 and a first down on the 26. Gillom only got a yard before he was hit hard by Oyster. Dutton failed to gain but Alliance was offside and was penalized five yards. Gillom slipped though attempts to gain resulted in the launched. Gillom muffed Dutton for a first down on the 15-yard line. Dutton slipped through for six yards and Glass made it first down on the four-yard line. Glass put it on the three-yard stripe and with 50 seconds of the period left to play, lunged over for the touchdown. Dutton then plunged for the extra point.

It didn’t take the Tigers long to score in the second half. Neri Buggs covered the kickoff on the Alliance 40 and a touchdown was in the making. Dutton hurled a pass to Anderson good for a 12-yard gain and a first down on the 30-yard line. Glass made four yards, Dutton two and then 10 more for a first down on the 14-yard line. Glass rammed through for the touchdown. Jake Gillom tried to plunge the extra point over but failed by inches.

Morningstar kicked off to Madison who returned to his 34. Two plays netted Alliance a loss of 15 yards but the visitors recovered their own blocked kick for a first down on the 36 yard line. Held and Anderson tossed Reed and Long for losses and Huffman punted to Gillom who was dropped on the Alliance 45 after a 12 yard gain.

Gillom failed to gain but Dutton wiggled through the weak side for seven and Glass went 18 yards to the 20 yard line. Dutton made three on a spinner and Glass got loose for 15 more yards and a first down on the two-yard line. Dutton made a yard and Glass went over the goal. Alliance was offside on the play but Massillon naturally took the touchdown. Dutton plunged the extra point over.

Morningstar kicked off to long and the Aviators immediately launched an aerial offensive that netted a first down on their own 27 yard line before Eddie Molinski got his hands on one of Long’s throws and was dropped on the 30-yard line. Ed Herring who substituted for Jake Gillom, immediately reeled off 17 yards around right end. Dutton made five and Glass three more before the period ended with the ball on the Alliance five yard line. On the first play of the fourth quarter, Glass plunged through for the touchdown. He came out of the huddle standing up. Ed Herring plunged through for the extra point.

Madison got back to the 20 yard line with Glass’ kickoff where he was hit hard by Willie McDew. When three plays failed to gain Huffman kicked to Herring who only got back seven yards when he slipped and fell on the Alliance 43. Dutton lost 12 yards when he couldn’t find a receiver. He pegged the ball to McDew for a 14 yard gain but when other passes failed, kicked off the side of his foot and out of bounds on the 35.

Alliance Resumes Passing
The Aviators resumed their bombing, but without success and Anderson covered Newman’s fumble on the 23 yard line. Dutton ran to a first down but the effort was lost when the Tigers were penalized 15 yards for holding on the play. Oyster intercepted Dutton’s pass and ran back to his own 41 yard line before being tackled.

Again the visitors began tossing passes and this time to success. Huffman to Long gained a first down on the Massillon 49. Huffman to Starks made it first down on the 39. Huffman to Long brought another first down on the 28. Huffman to Redd gained seven yards and Long to Starks made it first down on the 15 yard line. That was as deep as Massillon territory had been penetrated this season.

Two more Alliance passes were grounded when Woods broke through to cover Huffman’s fumble, partially the result of a poor pass on the 30 yard line.

It ended the most serious scoring threat that has confronted the Tigers this season.

Not discouraged the Aviators fought back and stopped efforts of the Tigers to advance the ball so McDew kicked the ball out of bounds in midfield. The visitors made four attempts to gain but lost on downs on the Massillon 45. Mike Byelene immediately reeled off the longest run of the game as he dashed back 40 yards to the Alliance 15 yard line, where he was tackled from behind. Snyder made two yards and Herring put the ball on the five yard line when the gun cracked to end the game.

While Alliance gained more yardage and made four first downs in the fourth quarter, four to Massillon’s one ,the Tigers in the game as a whole were superior making 13 first downs to Alliance’s six.

Massillon, however, only completed two passes for a gain of 26 yards, had nine incomplete and one intercepted, while Alliance completed nine of 20 passes for a gain of 76 yards. One pass was intercepted by Massillon.

The Tigers were penalized 45 yards, Alliance 15 yards.
An attraction which is rapidly becoming the equal of the team is the drill and music of the Washington high band.

Wear New Caps
Equipped with new white caps, the band gave a demonstration in drilling which might make the American Legion drum and bugle corps jealous, were it not for the fact that its own drill master, Capt. B.L. Kilper, has spent many hours putting the band through its paces.

The Washington high school band which only a few years ago was a straggly outfit with insufficient uniforms to equip everyone, has been built into one of the outstanding bands in the state by C.J. Morrison, its director.

Morrison has been given able assistance by the Band Mothers’ Club, and Capt. Kilper. The young musicians have shown a will to work and a love for music, so much so that they practice the year round, vacation season included and respond for a public appearance every time they are called upon.

Massillon is just as proud of its band as its football team.

A Hard Battle
Massillon Pos. Alliance
Anderson LE Seufts
Held LT Zamaltis
Updegraff LG Carli
Voss C Raber
Woods RG Oyster
Buggs RT Wenzel
Morningstar RE Starks
Dutton QB Long
Gillom LH Huffman
Molinski RH Sina
Glass FB Madison

Score by periods:
Massillon 0 7 13 7 27

Massillon – Byelene, qb; Herring, lh; Spillman, rh; Snyder, fb; O. Gillom, le; Anderson, lt; Miller,lg; Snavely, c; Russ, rg; Moffett, rt; McDew, re.
Alliance – Grimes, le; Adams, re; Vacarlu, lg; Newman, qb; Reed, rh; Kacarab, fb; Hartley, lt; James, fb.

Massillon – Glass 4.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Dutton 2; Herring (plunges).

Referee – Rupp.
Umpire – Jenkins.
Head Linesman – Rang.

Augie Morningstar
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 34, Barberton 0

Visitors Tackle Viciously as Massillon Offense Clogs;
Molinski and Woods Injure Legs; Bands Give Pleasing Exhibition


Though their ferocity was missing and their offense bogged down much of the time, the Washington high Tigers never-the-less chalked up their fifth straight victory of the season Friday evening at the expense of Barberton, 34-0. A crowd of between 6,000 and 7,000 fans witnessed the game.

In that 34-0 score, Jimmy Price, who once wore the orange and black himself, can find a lot of consolation, for his Barberton Magics held the Tigers to 12 less points than any previous opponent.

Fans Wonder What is Wrong
Because the Tigers did not smash Barberton by three-score or more points, fans today were wondering what was wrong. The score might have been larger had the local gridders played their best ball, but the hard and vicious tackling of the visiting eleven also had something to do with keeping down the total.

Contrary to stories emulating from Akron, Jimmy Price did not come to Massillon with the intention of taking a licking, nor did he save his regulars and use his subs as meat for Tiger prey. While down in his heart, Jimmy expected to lose, his objective was not to see how badly he could lose but by how small a score.

He accomplished his purpose and in so doing, retained the admiration of Massillon fans for Jimmy as player and coach. It was Jimmy who upset his alma mater 6-0 when it was coasting along toward an undefeated season in 1933 and Jimmy came along again last night to make Massillon fans bat their eyes and wiggle their ears and ask the question “what is wrong?”

Interference Leaders’ Legs Injured
From a Tiger standpoint several things were wrong’ two in particular. In the first place, the Tigers have been high for four consecutive weeks. Every team gets low sometime during the season and the local eleven bogged down last night. In the second place, Eddie Molinski and Walter Woods, the two boys who lead the interference, both had lame legs, and only played about one half of the game. Walter Russ replaced Woods and Mike byelene went in for Molinski.

While the Tiger offensive was not as impressive from the stands as it has been the past four weeks, on paper it looks fairly good. It produced 34 points to none for Barberton. It produced 20 first downs to six for Barberton and not once was it forced to punt.

The chief weakness last night was the inability of the local eleven to complete passes. Price had a good defense setup for the Massillon air show and all but three forward passes, one for 15, another for 17 yards and one for 24 yards were batted down. Seven were incomplete and one was intercepted. The Magicians on the other hand completed four passes for 65 yards, had two intercepted and one batted down.

From the outset Barberton showed it was out to give the Tigers a battle, when in the first period the Magicians threw back two Massillon thrusts and kept the Tigers from crossing the goal. A 15-yard Tiger penalty for holding helped the Magics’ cause.

The Massillon eleven struck back in the closing minutes of the quarter, however and got the ball in position to score a touchdown on the third play of the second period. Two more were pushed over in that quarter as the Tigers put on their only sustaining offense of the game.

No Second Half Rout
The rout, expected in the second half did not materialize as the Barberton boys threw all their strength into the fray, held the Tigers to a touchdown in each of the third and fourth periods and then exhausted themselves trying to push over one for themselves in the fourth.

They might have succeeded had not Capt. August Morningstar rose to the occasion and intercepted two of Walter Klein’s passes, one deep in Tiger territory. Morningstar’s all around play is rapidly gaining for himself the distinction of being one of the best ends and leaders in all high school history.

The Tigers started a push the first time they got their hands on the ball last night. Jake Gillom received Baker’s punt on the 34-yard line and only took four steps forward before he was brought to earth. Gillom, Glass and Dutton took turns lugging the leather to a first down on the 30-yard line and Jake on a reverse carried it to another first on the Barberton 18. The Tigers went through for another gain that would have netted them a first down, but a penalty inflicted for holding set them back 15 yards. They lost the ball when Barberton recovered a fumbled lateral on the 20-yard line. Barberton gained but eight yards in three attempts and Baker punted to Gillom who caught the ball on his 34-yard line and ran beautifully down the west side line and across the Barberton goal. The ball was called back to the Barberton 36 however, where it was ruled Jacob stepped out of bounds.

Woods was injured on the play and Massillon took time out. Gillom skirted right end for nine yards and Glass hit for a first down on the 25-yard line. Dutton passed over Morninstar’s head. Three more plays only gained nine yards and the Tigers lost the ball on downs on the 16-yard line. Two plays later a Barberton fumble was recovered on the 20-yard line and that put the leather in position for the first Tiger touchdown. Jake Gillom lost a yard but made four the next time he carried the ball. Glass plunged for two. The quarter ended and Herring replaced Gillom.

Herring wiggled through for eight yards and Mike Byelene took the ball to the four-yard line. Herring carried it to the one-yard line and Byelene went over in a big push for the touchdown. Glass plunged for the extra point.

Molinski Scores
The Tigers kicked off to Barberton and when the Magicians failed to gain, Baker punted to Herring who took the ball on his 40 and returned it eight yards. Glass made six yards through right tackle. Dutton’s long pass to Anderson was batted down. Dutton went through for a first down on the visitors’ 42-yard line. Herring swept his right end for a
six-yard gain and Glass made two yards at left tackle. Dutton again carried the ball to a first down on the Barberton 26-yard line. Glass hit center for three yards and Dutton made five at the same spot. Dutton picked up two more for a first down on the 16-yard line. A forward pass off a lateral to Anderson was knocked down. Dutton faded back and fired a 15-yard pass to Herring who took the ball to the one-yard line. Eddie Molinski plunged it over for the touchdown and Dutton carried for the extra point.

Jake Gillom went back into the game. Morningstar kicked off to Armbuster who was downed on the 28-yard line. Klein made three yards, but on the next play the Magicians got their signals mixed and a lateral failed to reach the intended receiver and rolled for a loss of 20 yards. Baker punted his team out of the hole, the ball sailing to the Barberton
48-yard line. Gillom nearly got away in a 26-yard sprint to the 22-yard line. Glass made three yards and Gillom made it first down on the 12-yard stripe. Glass and Dutton carried the ball to the one-yard line where Gillom lugged it over. Dutton passed to Morningstar who caught the ball in the end zone for the extra point.

The Tigers took the kickoff at the start of the second half and marched straight up the field to a touchdown. Glass nearly got away on the kickoff but was tackled on his 46-yard line. A penalty for offside set the Tigers back five yards. Gillom made four at left tackle, Dutton hit for six and Glass made it first down on the Barberton 44. A 24-yard pass, Dutton to Gillom advanced the ball to the 20-yard line. Glass went through for 14 yards and a first down on the 10-yard stripe. Glass lost a yard at left tackle. Dutton took the ball forward five yards and Glass went through his right guard for the touchdown. He kicked the extra point.

Barberton Flashes Offense
Barberton came back with an abbreviated offensive. Klein caught Morningstar’s kickoff on the 10-yard line and ran it back to the 25. Klein knifed through for six yards on a spin and Zalar swept his end for a first down on his 40. It was Barberton’s first first down of the game. Klein made two yards at left tackle, only to have Morningstar end the offensive by reaching up and pulling down his pass on the Massillon 46. The Tigers carried the ball back to the 17-yard line where a 15-yard penalty set them back. Klein ended the threat completely by intercepting Dutton’s pass on the 13-yard line. He got loose on a fine sweep around his left for 18 yards and a first down on the Barberton 31. Three plays failed to gain more than five yards and Baker on the first play of the fourth period, punted out of bounds on his own 48-yard line. Glass plunged for seven yards and Herring back in the game for Gillom wiggled through for two. Dutton made it first down on the Barberton 35. Herring nearly got away at right tackle and dashed to the 10-yard line. Glass made three but Barberton was offside and was penalized five yards. Dutton plunged through for a touchdown. Glass failed to kick the extra point.

Barberton came back with a passing attack. Zalar was downed with the kickoff on the
30-yard line. Ferris made three at left end but Glavitsch was tossed for a four-yard loss by Anderson and Buggs. Klein snapped the ball to Rels for a first down on the 47-yard line, an 18-yard gain. Zalar made two yards and Glavitsch eight but Barberton was offside and was penalized five yards.

Byelene intercepted Klein’s pass in midfield but Massillon was penalized 15 yards for roughing the passer, giving Barberton a first down on the Tigers 46. Klein lost a yard, but Klein on the next play passed to Armbuster for a first down on the Tigers’ 33. When three line plays failed, Klein passed again, this time to Glavitsch for a first down on the 20-yard line. Klein lost four yards and elected to pass again. This time Morningstar was waiting for the ball; snared it and ended Barberton’s last threat. The Tigers were hammering back toward midfield as the game ended.

Massillon lost 55 yards in penalties to 20 yards for Barberton.

The bands of the two schools gave a fine exhibition in drilling between halves. Barberton’s 65-piece band formed a huge pin wheel in the center of the field and shot Roman candles from the hub. The visiting musicians then moved into a large M and marched down the field by the Massillon stands.

The local band had but a few minutes left for its drill. It went through some complicated maneuvers before giving way to the second half of the football game.

The crowd while not as large as that which attended the opening game of the season with Akron East, numbered between 6,000 and 7,000 spectators. Barberton was accompanied by a large delegation.

Victory No. 5
Massillon Pos. Barberton
Anderson LE Armbuster
Held LT Finefrock
Updegraff LG Mahaffey
Voss C Jetter
Woods RG Moyer
Buggs RT Baker
Morningstar RE Gerhardt
Dutton QB Reis
Gillom LH Klein
Molinski RH Allen
Glass FB Zalar

Score by periods:
Massillon 0 21 7 6 34

Massillon – Russ, lg; Byelene, qb; Herring, lh.
Barberton – Ferris, lg; Brash, lt; Marcinko, c; Culbertson, lg; Giavisch, qb.

Massillon – Byelene; Molinski; Gillom; Dutton; Glass.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Glass, Dutton (carried); Morningstar (pass); Glass (placekick).

Referee – Howells.
Umpire – Boone.
Head Linesman – Barrett.

Augie Morningstar
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 64, Youngstown South 0

YOUNGSTOWN SOUTH CRUSHED BY TIGERS Massillon Eleven Rolls Up 64-0 Victory
in Fine Offensive Exhibition; South Tries Desperately With Passes But Fails To Score


Under a sky illuminated by the fire belching furnaces of the Mahoning Valley, the Tigers of Washington high school rolled on to their fourth straight victory Friday evening.

Youngstown South was the victim and Busty Ashbaugh’s sons of steel workers went down under a 64-0 score. The Tigers milled touchdowns with the same crushing force as the boys who rolled steel nearby.

Have Made 246 Points in Four Games
They scored on brute strength that overwhelmed a lighter line. They made points on trickery, that baffled the South high gridders and they took to the air when secondary reinforcements moved in to halt their land attack. Their 64 points hoisted their total for the season to 246, an average of 51.5 points per game. They have kept their goal line clean.

The victory will have more advertising strength for the Tigers than all of the previous triumphs combined for South even in lean years has always commanded respect in scholastic football circles. The Youngstown team, however, was not the equal of Portsmouth, last week’s Tiger victim. Portsmouth had a stouter line and tackled more viciously than Ashbaugh’s team.

The victory, the most decisive registered by either team in their interrupted and prolonged series, gave Massillon the edge over Ashbaugh. Up to game time last night each team had won four games. Now the Tigers hold the edge, 5-4.

Many Massillon Fans Attend
Ten thousand fans perhaps 1,000 of them from Massillon and maybe more ,no one knows, looked on as the teams lined up for the opening kickoff. The last cloud had just disappeared and moonlight bathed the bleachers which were saturated with an all-day rain.

The Tigers discarded the orange and black clothing and put on their mud clothes. They appeared in white sweaters and white helmets, with khaki pants.

They kicked off and when South failed to gain in two cracks at the Tiger line, Domhoff booted the ball to Jake Gillom who returned seven yards to the South 48. There began the Massillon offensive which produced the first touchdown of the game, 10 touchdowns in all and 24 first downs to five for South.

Gillom hit right tackle for 13 yards and a first down on the South 35. Dutton passed to Gillom 17 yards for another first down on the 18-yard line. Dutton hit left tackle for nine yards. Glass went through center for three yards and a first down on the six-yard line. Then Charley Anderson legged around right end to take a lateral and scamper across the South goal. Five plays, six points. Glass’ attempted kick for the extra point was wide of the uprights.

One Touchdown First Quarter
That by the way, was the only touchdown the Tigers could get in the first period. Once they pushed it down to the 25-yard line where a 15-yard penalty ended their effort. Again they shoved it down to the 18-yard line, where South bolstered and turned back the advance, Massillon losing the ball on the 25-yard stripe after being penalized five yards.

The first quarter attack, however did angle the ball in position for a touchdown on the second play of the second period.

Having gained possess if the ball on the Massillon 25, Domhoff threw a pass which Jake Gillon intercepted on the South 48. He skirted right and for 14 yards and a first down on the 34. Glass made two yards and Dutton snapped a 12-yard pass to Anderson for a first down on the 20 as the first period ended.

Second Period
Gillom made two yards at right tackle and Glass slipped through for an 18-yard dash to a touchdown. His attempted placekick for the extra point was wide.

The Tigers scored on the following kickoff. Mayer booted the ball which was caught by Charley Anderson on his own 22-yard line. Anderson legged it straight up the center of the field. His teammates to a man opened an alley in front of him and Charley, running hard, raced through the column to a touchdown. It was a beautiful exhibition of blocking and Charley changed his pace as the way was cleared for him. This time Mike Byelene passed to Augie Morningstar for the extra point.

South came back on the following kickoff to carry the ball into Tiger territory when interference was called on a pass. But Morningstar, who might better be called the evening star as a result of his fine all-around play last night, went up into the air to pull down Domhoff’s pass on the 30-yard line. Augie was going full steam forward with a clear field ahead of him when he stumbled and went down on his own 39. It made no difference, for Ed Herring, who had substituted for Jake Gillom, immediately wheeled around right end for 61 yards and a touchdown in as brilliant a jack rabbit dash as you ever saw. He flanked South on the right, then cut back to his left from the sideline to the middle of the field. Then he headed for the sideline again and finally wound up cutting back across the field to scamper over the goal line near the middle. Bob Glass plunged the ball over for the extra point and that made it 26-0.

Morningstar Stops South Rally
South kicked to Herring who was brought down on the 25-yard line. The Tigers drove back past midfield where Collins intercepted Byelene’s pass. Domhoff passed to Bush to carry South to the Massillon 42, but Morningstar pulled down another on the 35-yard line and got back to his 45 before being stopped.

Byelene gained a yard. Byelene fumbled and recovered and when a pass was grounded Mike punted out of bounds on the 48-yard line. On the first play Byelene intercepted Domhoff’s pass and came back to the 50. He ran 16-yards at left tackle for a first down on the 34-yard line. Herring skirted right end for a first down on the 19. A five-yard penalty for offside gave the Tigers the ball on the 14-yard line. Byelene made it first down on the five-yard line. Glass went to the one-yard line and Byelene took it over. His attempted pass for the extra point was grounded and the half ended with the score 32-0.

Third Quarter
The Tigers failed to gain after the kickoff and Dutton punted out on the South 30-yard line. Somebody broke through to block Domhoff’s attempted pass and old Neri Buggs reached up and caught it before it could touch the ground, giving Massillon the ball on the 28-yard line.

That set the stage for the prettiest play of the evening. A reverse, Gillom to Dutton and a lateral to Anderson sent the Tiger left end skirting wide around the right flank where he pegged the ball to Morningstar, the right end for a touchdown. It was a perfectly executed play, five men including the center handling the ball and brought a roar from the stands. The attempted kick for the extra point failed.

South took the kickoff and again launched a passing attack coupled with a 14-yard dash by Cortelezi that brought the ball into Massillon territory. But just as in every other instance, the South boys passed once too often and this time Jake Gillom speared the ball on his 34. Senzik, who played a whale of a guard for South, broke through and tossed Jake for a
five-yard loss. Glass came back to hammer for 10 yards and Jake himself made it first down on his 47. Dutton faded back and hurled the ball to Anderson who got to the South 15-yard line before being tackled. It was good for 38 yards. Dutton immediately tossed another pass, this one to Morningstar for a touchdown. Glass kicked goal and the score was 45-0.

Sontag brought the kickoff back to the 35-yard line, but Dutton pulled down a pass and ran back to the 40-yard line before being tackled. Bob Glass went through between guard and center for a touchdown. The try for point failed. That ended the scoring in the third period at 51-0.

Fourth Quarter
As a result of two passes, one called on interference and the other completed for a 16-yard gain, South had the ball on the Tiger 32-yard line at the start of the period. Domhoff tried three more passes in succession but all were knocked down and Tiger linemen blocked Domhoff’s punt on the fourth down to five Massillon the ball on its own 37. Glass hit for two yards, Dutton three, and Glass a first down on his own 47. Two passes failed, but Byelene shot a lateral to Herring for a first down on the South 25. Herring made five at right end and Byelene three at left tackle. Herring ran to the two-yard line but the Tigers were penalized 15 for holding. Byelene passed 25 yards to Odell Gillom who was downed on the one-yard line. Herring went through for the touchdown and Glass kicked goal.

Domhoff nearly crossed the Tigers up on the following kickoff when Collins gave him the ball on a reverse. He carried it back to his 43 before being hauled down from behind by Willie McDew. Following an exchange of fumbles, South lost the ball on downs on the Tigers 20-yard line when three passes failed. Herring made a yard and Glass a yard. Herring then went to the midfield on a lateral pass. Byelene made 19 on a spinner. Herring went to the 13-yard line where he fumbled but recovered. A pass off a lateral was grounded. Herring made seven yards and Byelene went over for the touchdown. The attempt for the extra point failed.

Throughout the game South tried desperately to score and obtain some satisfaction out of the defeat. As predicted before the game, Ashbaugh relied on the forward pass. His boys threw 28 in all and completed nine, three on charges of interference, for gains of 117 yards. The Tigers intercepted seven passes. Massillon tried 11 passes and completed five for 115 yards. Three were intercepted. Massillon was penalized 75 yards, South 25 yards.

Busty Ashbaugh, after the game told Coach Paul Brown he thought Massillon this year has the greatest high school team he has ever seen play. “If you can keep the boys from getting swell headed, you ought to win the state title,” he said.

Dave Stewart Pleased
Dave Stewart, former Massillon coach, got a “kick” out of the game. A spectator from the Massillon bench, he smiled while the Tigers rolled on to touchdown after touchdown. He saw in it revenge for 1924 farce, the game in which he pulled his Massillon team off the field. And Coach Brown by the way was a member of the Massillon team that year.

With their drum major strutting a new orange uniform, the Tiger band performed before the spectators between halves, spelling “YSH” before the Youngstown crowd and the usual M and W for the Massillon fans. Hats off to the band boys and girls. They beat Youngstown too! The band and the team had dinner after the game. The team ate chicken. Every victory means chicken for the Tiger gridders.

Some fans were wondering today why Massillon, following one touchdown kicked off from the South 45-yard line. This was because Referee Eddie Howells called unnecessary roughness on the try for the point after touchdown. A penalty of 15 yards was inflicted on South on the kickoff and South elected to receive. This placed the ball in kicking position on the South 45-yard line.

Biggest Of All

Massillon Pos. Youngstown South
C. Anderson LE Bush
Held LT Isaacson
Updegraff LG Senzik
Voss C Fisher
Woods RG Raab
Buggs RT Stabilito
Morningstar RE Morrison
Dutton QB Mayer
J. Gillom LH Collins
Molinski RH Domhoff
Glass FB Sontag

Score by periods:
Massillon 6 26 19 13 64

Massillon – O. Gillom, le; J. Anderson, lt; Miller, lg; Snavely, c; Russ, rg; Moffit, rt; McDew, re; Byelene, qb; Herring, lh; Spillman, rh; Snyder, fb; Carter, lh.
South – Gaston, le; martin, qb; Cortelezi, lh; Concrecote, lt.

Massillon – Anderson – 2; Glass 2; Morningstar 2; Herring 2; Byelene 2.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Glass 3 (kicked 2; 1 plunged); Morningstar 1 (pass).

Referee – Howells.
Umpire – Boone.
Head Linesman – Wick.

Augie Morningstar
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 46, Portsmouth 0

Brilliant Massillon Offense Crushed Down-stater’s in Second Half as Orange and Black Aggregation Scores Third Victory of Season


PORTSMOUTH, Oct. 5 – A golden tornado from northeastern Ohio, dipped into this bend in the Ohio river last night and with a swirl of offense, lifted a 46-0 victory out of a cloud of fog and away from a gallant football team representing Portsmouth high school.

It was the third straight triumph of the season for the Washington high Tigers who in three games have rolled up 182 points while holding their opponents scoreless.

It was a victory scored at the expense of an opponent of recognized ability, an opponent which previous to Friday had kept all others from crossing its goal.

Morningstar Scores on Pass.
Thrown back when they penetrated into Trojan territory the Tigers were unable to score in the first period of play, but they shocked the crowd of seven thousand and brought several hundred Massillonians to their feet cheering when they drove deep into Trojan territory in the second quarter, where Morningstar reached high in the air, juggled Howard Dutton’s pass on his finger tips, then tucked the ball under his arm and scampered 20 yards for the first touchdown of the game.

Bog Glass kicked goal.

The point looked mighty big the rest of the half, for Portsmouth, though outclassed 12 to 2 in first downs, gave ground stubbornly and turned back all effects to score.

Coach Paul Brown and the Massillon delegation, particularly those who had recklessly bet the Tigers would win by 35 points, were worried when Boe Morris’ foot met the ball in the kickoff and sent it spinning into the arms of young Howard Dutton at the start of the third period.

Dutton in Brilliant Dash
Dutton tucked the sphere under his arms and started slowly, while a wave of orange formed ahead of him. Then he set sail past the 20, the 30, on by midfield, down to the Portsmouth 30, where Morris, who had dropped back after the kick, came in to tackle. But Augie Morningstar was there and cut Morris down with a perfect block while Dutton scampered over the goal.

It was the turning point of the game, Portsmouth coming out with the intention of getting a touchdown, collapsed and from then on the Tigers broke through their line with ease. They scored two more touchdowns that period and three more in the fourth, little star Herring, 125-pound halfback getting three of them. The game ended with both coaches substituting freely.

Hard fought as it was, for ball carriers were met by a swarm of tacklers, who at times hit as though they would drag the runner into the river nearby, it was the cleanest battle in which Massillon has played this year. The first half moved with lightning speed, time out being called but once, that when Morris cracked a collar bone on the try for point after the first Massillon touchdown. That was the only time out taken for injury in the entire game. Not a penalty was inflicted for holding or unnecessary roughness or clipping. Massillon was penalized five yards three times, twice for offside and once for being in motion. Portsmouth did not draw a penalty.

Tigers Never Punted
The game was unique in that Massillon never punted. The Tigers had the ball in midfield with fourth down and 10 yards to go on one occasion, but smart Mike Byelene saw the timekeeper reach for his gun and instead of punting he passed, far over Anderson’s head and the gun sounded before the ball could be put in play again. Massillon made 25 first downs to Portsmouth’s three, making six in each of the first two periods, seven in the third and six more in the fourth. The Trojans made one in each of the first, second and fourth periods.

As a reward for their victory, the Tigers were given a chicken dinner after the game. They spent the night in Chillicothe and continued on to Columbus where this afternoon they will see Ohio State battle Kentucky University.

First Quarter.
Portsmouth won the toss and elected to receive defending the north goal. Morningstar kicked to Morris who took the ball on the five yard line and brought it back to the 25. McGarey was stopped without gain in a plunge at the Massillon line. He tried again and gained about three yards through center. A lateral pass, Turner to Morris gave Portsmouth first down on its 48-yard line. Copen made two yards at left tackle. McGarey failed to gain at center on a spinner, Morris punted out of bounds on Massillon’s 15-yard line.

Jake Gillom made seven yards at right tackle. Gillom hit left tackle and made a first down on the 28-yard line. Glass hit center for five yards. Dutton made one yard at left end. Glass hit center for a first down on the Massillon 39-yard line. Gillom on a reverse around right end gained five yards. Copen intercepted Dutton’s pass on the Massillon 40.

Morris failed to gain on a lateral pass from Copen. McGarey made a yard at center; ball on Massillon’s 39-yard line. Turner was tackled by Molinski for a loss of three yards. Morris punted out of bounds on Massillon’s 12-yard line.

Dutton lost three yards at left end. The Portsmouth boys were tackling very, very hard.. Dutton made seven yards through right guard. Gillom dashed around right end for a first down, being tackled on the Massillon 34-yard line. Glass made four yards at center. Dutton on a spinner play hit for a first down on the Massillon 46. Glass smashed for another first down on the Portsmouth 38 yards line. Gillom hit around left end for nine yards. Glass bored through center for three yards and a first down on the Portsmouth
26 yard line as the first period came to a close. Score: Massillon 0; Portsmouth 0.

Second Quarter
Glass made three at left tackle. Gillom hit right tackle for six and a first down on the Portsmouth 17 yard line. Gillom was thrown hard for no gain at right end. Dutton made three yards at left tackle. Gillom made one yard on a reverse around left end. Dutton passed over the goal line but the ball was batted down by Copen. It was Portsmouth’s ball on its own 20-yard line.

Turner made one yard at center. Morris punted to Gillom who fumbled on the Massillon 45-yard line; Anderson recovering for Massillon. Dutton immediately went through his right tackle for 20 yards to the 30 yard line. Then Dutton passed to Morningstar who made a great catch on the Portsmouth 20 yard line and ran for a touchdown. Glass place kicked the extra point and Massillon was leading 7 to 6.

Portsmouth took time out. Morris was hurt during the scrimmage on the placekick but refused to leave the game.

The game started with a white ball in play. Portsmouth always has used a tan ball in its night games. After Massillon scored Portsmouth put a tan ball on the field. Captain Morningstar of the Massillon team immediately protested but lost his protest and the game proceeded with the tan ball in play.

Glass kicked off to the 50-yard line. There was a scramble for the ball. The officials called the ball back and another kickoff was ordered, ruling Massillon offside on the play. Glass kicked to Turner who took the ball on his 10-yard line and ran it back to the 30 before being tackled. Turner lost one yard at right tackle. He was thrown hard by Neri Buggs. Morris ran to the Massillon 37-yard line. McGarey tried the center of the line but was met by a solid wall of orange and black clad Massillon players. He failed to gain. Turner lost one yard at right tackle. Buggs dashed through the line and nailed him for the loss. A lateral to Morris who then attempted a forward pass failed to gain as Anderson knocked down the ball just as it left Morris’ hands. Morris punted to the 17-yard line where McGinnis grounded the ball.

Glass hit left tackle for six yards before being stopped by White, Portsmouth center. Dutton hit left tackle for a first down but the ball was called back and Massillon was penalized five yards for offside. Glass made seven at center. Portsmouth took time out as Ford was substituted for Morris at quarterback. Gillom went through right tackle for a first down on the 31-yard line. Mike Byelene replaced Dutton at quarterback. Gillom lost two yards at left tackle. Glass hit center for nine yards. Gillom raced through right tackle for a first down on the Massillon 45 yard line. Byelene went through left tackle for six yards. Glass drove his way though center for a first down on the Portsmouth 43 yard line with one minute left to play in the half. Gillom made four yards at right tackle and was down under a swarm of Portsmouth players. Byelene went around left end for a first down on the Portsmouth 20 yard line but the ball was called back and Massillon penalized five yards for offside. Byelene attempted a forward pass but the ball sailed over Anderson’s head. Turner knocked down Byelene’s pass to Morningstar. Byelene passed over Anderson’s head just as the gun ended the first half. Score: Massillon 7; Portsmouth 0.

Third Quarter
Morris, Portsmouth quarterback, sustained a cracked shoulder on the play following the touchdown. He continued to play until near the end of the second quarter being replaced by Ford.

Copen kicked off to Dutton, who ran it back 75 yards on a spectacular dash for a touchdown. Glass kicked the extra point, making the score, Massillon 14; Portsmouth 0.

Glass kicked off to turner who ran from the goal line back to the Portsmouth 28 yard line. McGarey failed to gain, being tackled by Anderson. Turner’s interference clogged in front of him and he failed to gain at right tackle. Flowers downed Ford’s punt on the Massillon 35 yard line.

Gillom immediately ran 23 yards for a first down on the Portsmouth 42. He skirted right end, Glass made three at center. Dutton ran 11 yards for a first down on the Portsmouth 26-yard line. Glass hit right tackle for the third touchdown, knifing his way through the Portsmouth team to score. Mitchell replaced Flowers at right tackle for Portsmouth, Schroeder went in for Daum at left guard for Portsmouth. Dutton passed to Anderson for the extra point. Anderson taking the ball behind the goal line, making the score: Massillon 21; Portsmouth 0.

Glass kicked off to Turner, who fumbled when tackled hard on the 30 yard line. Portsmouth however recovered the ball. McGarey’s lateral pass was incomplete. Copen ran the ball around left end, clear across the field and out of bounds for a five yard gain. McGarey failed to gain in a plunge at the center of the line being stopped by Woods and Held. Morris returned to the game at the start of the third period despite his cracked shoulder. His shoulder was well padded. Morris punted out of bounds on the Massillon 30.

Glass gained nine yards at left guard, before being stopped by McGarey. Glass hit center for a first down on the Portsmouth 47 yard line. Dutton made eight yards at left tackle. Gillom circled right end for a first down on the Portsmouth 35 yard line. Dutton passed 11 yards to Gillom for a first down on the 24 yard line. Glass smashed through center for seven yards. Glass ran to the five yard line where he fumbled the ball and it was recovered by Copen, Portsmouth right halfback.

Flowers kicked out to Jack Gillom, who caught the ball on the Portsmouth 35 and ran it back to the 20 yard line. Glass made two yards in a smash at center. Glass hit for a first down on the Portsmouth five yard line. Glass made four yards in a plunge through left tackle. Gillom failed to gain in an attempt to pierce right guard. Glass plunged through the line for a touchdown and came out of the jumble of players standing up. Glass’ attempted placekick was wide of the posts. Score: Massillon 27; Portsmouth 0.

Byelene reentered the game for Massillon, replacing Dutton. Herring went in for Gillom. Glass kicked off to Ford, who substituted for Morris. Ford carried the ball back to his own 34 yard line. Turner made one-yard before being smeared by Updegraff. Ford made five yards at center as the quarter ended. Score: Massillon 27; Portsmouth 0.

Fourth Quarter
Brown went in for Portsmouth, replacing McGarey at fullback. Copen made three yards at left tackle. Ford punted out of bounds on the Massillon 41-yard line.

Byelene ran 16 yards around left end for a first down on Portsmouth’s 42 yard line. Herring made seven at right tackle. Byelene went off left tackle for a first down on the Portsmouth 29 yard line. Herring dashed around right end for a first down on the Portsmouth 10 yard line. Byelene skirted left end to the four yard line. Herring made a first down on the one yard line. Herring went though right tackle for touchdown. He went through standing up. Glass’ placekick hit the uprights but Portsmouth was off side and Massillon was given another chance to make the point. Glass’ second attempt was wide of the post. Score: Massillon 33; Portsmouth 0.

Glass kicked off to Turneer who caught the ball on his goal line and ran it back to the Portsmouth 24 yard line, where he was tackled by Anderson. Brown failed to gain at the line. Copen lost three yard when thrown by Held. Ford punted to Herring who caught the ball on his 42-yard line and raced it back 10 yards to the Portsmouth 48.

Byelene went through left tackle to the Portsmouth eight-yard line. Byelene crashed through center for four yards. Herring raced through left tackle for another Massillon touchdown. Daum went back into the game for Schroeder at left guard for Portsmouth. Herring went through right tackle for the extra point. Score: Massillon 40; Portsmouth 0.

Coach Paul Brown of Massillon sent an entire new team into the game. The crowd was beginning to leave convinced Portsmouth long ago faded out of the picture as an equal opponent for the Massillon aggregation.

Massillon kicked off, McDew, substitute end, kicking to Brown who brought the ball back to the 32 yard line. Turner was tackled by Voss after a three yard gain but the play w as called back and Massillon was penalized for offside. Cobert replaced White at center for Portsmouth. Brown failed to gain in an attempt to pierce the center of Massillon’s line. The game was delayed as Portsmouth sent a number of new players into the contest. Ford’s attempted pass was knocked down. Jones replaced Turner at left half for Portsmouth. Brown in a lateral off a double reverse was thrown for a five yard loss by Snyder, now playing fullback for Massillon. Ford punted out on his own 32 yard line. He was rushed by the Massillon forward wall.

Herring ran around his right end and dashed down the field 32 yards for a touchdown. Snyder failed to make the extra point in a smash at center. Score: Massillon 46; Portsmouth 0.

McDew kicked off. Brown took the kick and brought the ball back from his 15 to the Portsmouth 38 yard line. Ford’s pass was knocked down by Herring. A pass, Ford to Brown, gave Portsmouth a first down on the Massillon 47-yard line. It was Portsmouth’s first first down of the second half and its third of the game. Ford took a lateral and passed but he ball was grounded by Herring. Brown coming around left end, gained about four yards before being tackled by Snavley, Massillon center. Ford passed but Snavely batted the ball down. Ford punted out of bounds on the Massillon 15-yard line.

The stands were emptying fast, only a few of the faithful Portsmouth fans remaining. The Massillon delegation was still very much in evidence.

Byelene gained five around left end as the final gun sounded.

Final score:
Massillon 46
Portsmouth 0

Lineup and summary:
Anderson LE McGinnis
Held LT Rardin
Updegraff LG Daum
Voss C White
Woods RG Sally
Buggs RT Flowers
Morningstar RE Ruel
Dutton QB Morris
J. Gillom LH Turner
Molinski RH Copen
Glass FB McGarey

Score by periods:
Portsmouth 0 0 0 0 0
Massillon 0 7 20 19 46

Massillon – Snavely; C.J. Anderson; Miller; Spillman; Russ; Moffett; Byelene; Snyder; Gillom; Herring.
Portsmouth – Serey; Jones; Ford; Schroeder; Cover; Orth; Lamm;Mitchell.

Massillon – Morningstar; Glass 2; Herring 3; Dutton.

Points after touchdowns:
Massillon – Glass 2 (placekicks); Herring (carried); Anderson (pass).

Referee – Marquard.
Umpire – Hummond.
Head Linesman – Schwab.

Augie Morningstar
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 66, Cleveland Shaw 0

Massillon Gridders Will Travel to Southern Tip of State to Play Undefeated Spartans, Friday;
Squad in Good Shape After Encounter


Having commanded the attention of the state with their crushing 66-0 victory over Cleveland Shaw, Saturday, the Tigers of Washington high school today began pointing for their second successive invasion.

Thursday they travel to the southern tip of the state where Friday evening they battle Portsmouth, a team undefeated in three games and a team which annually ranks with the best in southern Ohio.

Portsmouth Has Strong Team
Down in Portsmouth they are preparing for a battle royal. The Spartans have no intention of stretching themselves on the ground and watching Massillon legs walk over them. In fact they see for themselves an opportunity to step into the limelight of the scholastic gridiron this week-end for a victory over the Tigers would put them on top in the scramble for the mythical state schoolboy title.

Paul Brown, Washington high school coach, is just as concerned about this week’s game; for Portsmouth right now looms as the biggest hurdle between now and the Canton game.

In fact the Tiger coach began his preparations for Portsmouth last week and one reason why the Massillon offense at times in the Shaw game looked like a flivver with a cylinder or two missing was the fact that Brown was using the game as a laboratory to test a few things he had been thinking about for next week.

Leave Thursday for Game
Brown is sufficiently concerned about Friday’s game that he is taking his squad to Portsmouth Thursday so as not to tire the team with a long ride the day of the game.

Fortunately the Massillon gridders came out of their romp with Shaw in good condition. There were few injuries and time was taken out but once Saturday and for the first time this season when Ed Herring, light halfback got lime in his eye and a bump on the head when two Shaw players tackled him at the same time. Jake Gillom got a swat on the leg, but the stiffness probably will be gone by Friday.

Shaw looked anything but a Snavely coached team as Massillon remembers the elevens he turned out here years ago.

There was weight in the squad of some 40 players who lined the bench and there were several capable ball carriers, but the machine-line precision which Jack always obtained in Massillon was missing and the players gave way quickly to injuries.

From the opening whistle there was no doubt left as to the outcome of the game. The Massillon forwards opened yawning gaps in their opponents’ line. The quarterbacks, Dutton and Byelene quickly sensed Shaw’s weak pass defense and hurled the ball for gains of 142 yards alone. They say a perfect pass cannot be blocked and that more than Shaw’s weak defense may be the reason for their success in the air. Furthermore, with a little better receiving, the Tigers would have scored at least two more touchdowns. The boys, it seems, dropped the easy ones and caught the impossible shots.

Gillom Leads Assault
It was long legged and shifty Jake Gillom who led the assault that produced 10 touchdowns and six extra points, but five other boys shared in the scoring.

It was little Ed Herring, who weaves with the rhythm of a Negro spiritual, who brought the spectators to their feet when he hit off tackle in the second period for a 68-yard touchdown sprint.

It was Augie Morningstar who went up into the air and pulled down a pass when two Shaw players had their hands on the ball.

It was Howard Dutton and Mike Byelene who shot the twisting passes into the arms of the receivers.

It was the entire Massillon team, cooperating in one unit, supported by 1,000 fans and a smartly stepping band that convinced Cleveland spectators that Massillon must be included again this year in the reckoning for state title.

Make 27 First Downs
There are several reasons why. In the first place the Tigers made 27 first downs and the fact that Shaw failed to make any speaks well for the unseen work of those men in the pit, Messrs. Morningstar, Anderson, Held, Buggs, Voss, Updegraff, Woods and the supporting cast.

In the second place, had Coach Brown wanted to do so, he could have piled up a much larger score, but as it was, he chose to substitute and used two full teams in the game.

The Tigers scored the first time they got their hands on the ball. Jake Gillom ran the kickoff back to the 35-yard line. Then he and Shaw made it first down on the Shaw 40. A 25-yard sprint by Gillom put it on the 15. Gillom and Glass put it on the one-yard line where Jacob went across. Glass’ kick for the extra point was wide.

Shaw kicked off again to Massillon, Charley Anderson running it back to his 40. When a pass and line play failed to produce sufficient yardage, Dutton punted to the Shaw 30.

The Tigers held and Cadiou punted back to the Massillon 30. Dutton and Gillom made it first down on the Shaw 40. A pass, Dutton to Anderson advanced the ball nine more yards and Gillom carried it to a first down on the 20. Then Dutton rifled the ball to Morningstar who was downed on the six-yard line. Glass in two attempts bucked it over. Dutton passed to Charley Anderson for the extra point.

Shaw again kicked off, Herring lugging it back to his 40. Byelene dashed to the Shaw
33-yard line. Herring gained seven on a reverse. Byelene passed to Herring for what would have been a touchdown but the ball was called back and a five-yard penalty inflicted on the Tigers. Snyder made seven yards and Byelene one, but when Snyder drove for a first down the ball was again brought back and a 15-yard penalty inflicted on Massillon for holding. Determined not to punt Byelene dropped back and shot a long pass which Anderson caught on the 10-yard line. Herring put the ball on the seven-yard line as the quarter ended.

Second Quarter
Byelene made five yards but both sides were off and the ball was brought back. Snyder went over in two drives at the Shaw line and carried it across again for the extra point that made it 20-0.

Anderson fumbled the kickoff and Cadiou recovered on the Massillon 40. Dutton came to the rescue, however, and intercepted Eisenhut’s pass on the 32. On the first play, Ed Herring hit through right tackle for a 68-yard run and touchdown. Glass kicked the extra point.

Herring brought the following kickoff back to his 45. Dutton made nine yards in two attempts and Herring made it first down on the Shaw 45. A triple pass lost three yards. Herring made six yards and Dutton shot him a pass for a first down on the 12-yard line. Dutton made three yards and Glass hammered through for the touchdown and kicked the extra point that made it 34-0 in the Tigers’ favor at the half.

Third Quarter
Shaw received at the start of the second half but quickly punted back to the Tigers’ 40. Jake Gillom and Dutton carried it to the 30-yard line where Gillom hit off around the right side for a touchdown. Dutton passed to Anderson for the extra point.

Shaw received and when Russell fumbled, Dutton pounced on the ball on the 28-yard line. An 18-yard pass to Morningstar made it first down on the 10-yard stripe. Dutton lost two and Anderson only made two on a mousetrap, but Dutton stepped back and sent the ball sailing down the alley to Jake Gillom who caught it behind the Shaw goal. Molinski’s kick for the extra point was low.

Morningstar kicked off over the goal line and the ball was put in play on the 20-yard stripe. The Tigers held and Gillom returned Cadiou’s punt from his 40 to the Shaw 25. Anderson dropped Dutton’s pass. Gillom made two at left end and Dutton went to the 10-yard line on a spinner. Snyder ripped through for a touchdown. A pass for the extra point failed and the quarter ended with the score 53-0.

Fourth Quarter
The fourth quarter was getting well along before the Tigers could score again, though they twice were down to the goal line, once losing a touchdown on a muffed pass and again fumbling on the one-yard line. The assault started anew, however when Herring caught a punt on the Shaw 40 and ran back to the two-yard line before being nailed. Byelene immediately wiggled over the goal. A pass was grounded for the extra point.

Taking the kickoff to the Shaw 40, the Tigers struck back for their final touchdown of the game. Byelene passed to Herring for a first down on the 25. Two five-yard penalties set the Tigers back, but Byelene again passed to Herring for a touchdown. His pass to McDew provided the 66th point of the game.

The game was the first road trip for the Tigers this season and nearly 1,000 fans followed the team by auto. A caravan of some 100 autos escorted by police, left at noon. Many others followed at a later hour.

The school band made a great showing, particularly when pitted against the Shaw musicians who have one of the best scholastic bands in the United States.

Lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Shaw
Anderson LE McGinnis
Held LT Russell
Updegraff LG Jack
Voss C Hill
Woods RG Wilson
Buggs RT Drickamor
Morningstar RE Halliday
Dutton QB Nolish
Gillom LH Cadiou
Molinksi RH Eisenhut
Glass FB Hermanson

Score by periods:
Massillon 13 21 19 13 66

Massillon – McDew, re; O. Gillom, le; Moffet, rt; J. Anderson, lt; Miller, lg; Russ, rg; Snavely, c; Byelene, qb; Herring, lh; Spillman, rh; Snyder, fb; Carter, lh.
Shaw – Edney; Oliphant; Ring; Berkey; Neary; Chapell; Campbell; Moore; W. Russell.

Massillon – J. Gillom 3; Glass 2; Snyder 2; Herring 2; Byelene.

Points after touchdown:
Massillon –Anderson 2 (pass); Snyder (plunged); Glass 2 (placekick); McDew (pass).

Referee – Brubaker (O.W.U.)
Umpire – Gross (Marietta).
Head Linesman – Scullion (O.W.U.).

Augie Morningstar
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo

1935: Massillon 70, Akron East 0


Versatility of Well Balanced Massillon Team Has Fans Wondering How Strong It Really Is; 9,500 See Game


The grand opening of the 1935 football season took place in a grand way here Friday evening before a crowd of 9,500 fans and all Massillon today was wondering just how powerful its Washington high Tiger team really is.

Akron East was crushed 70-0, but even East did not feel the full effect of the Tiger offensive which had much up its sleeve that was never pulled out. Trickery was not needed, for Tiger passes and power plays, executed with mid-season rhythm, produced 11 touchdowns, despite efforts to hold down the score by substitution. And East thought it was tops this year.

Tigers Score First Time They Get Ball
It didn’t take long for the Tigers to demonstrate their superiority. That which followed the kickoff revealed immediately the power that is Massillon’s this year, for receiving on their own 37-yard line, the orange and black marched straight up the field to the 12-yard line where Jake Gillom, dancing halfback, tucked the ball under his arm on a double reverse and scampered around left end for a touchdown.

A parade of touchdowns followed, with Gillom scoring three more, one on a beautiful
75-yard return of a punt, Charley Anderson, three and Byelene, Dutton, Herring and Snyder one each.

To amass so great a total, the Tigers rolled up 24 first downs, an unusually large number and held East to seven, most of which were the result of a short pass over the line of scrimmage and despite all their gaining, the local gridders lost 90 yards on penalties, as against 25 for the visiting team.

Sparkle in New Suits
Their new orange and black uniforms with white letters glistening under the floodlights of Massillon field, the Tigers looked like a college team in their parade up the field. Conceded a weight advantage over the visiting team, the new uniforms made the local players appear even much larger than they really were a psychological advantage in gridiron dress.

The game was played in a setting of splendor. The huge crowd of 9,500 fans filled the green and orange stands and formed a background for the musical and gridiron drama of the evening. The American Legion drum and bugle corps staged the same drill in which it will appear at the national competition in St. Louis Wednesday. The Washington high band strutted proudly up the field in a drill between halves that made every Massillon citizen proud of this organization. Pennants of Tiger opponents this year floated from masts on the light poles. The word “Massillon” in black letters on an orange background, stood out boldly on the top of the press box. Several hundred junior boosters whooped it up all evening in their own section of stands. They will be an important cog in the booster club from now on.

After pageantry of this kind, nothing but a sweeping Massillon victory could be in order and that which took place on Massillon field has fans pondering whether this year’s team is not better balanced than that of last fall.

The Tiger offensive was directed by two young fellows, Howard Dutton and Mike Byelene, the lightest players on the Tiger varsity but both No. 1 quarterbacks. Dutton with an edge in punting and receiving was the official starter, but Byelene, who followed him to the signal post, dazzled the visiting team with his long and accurate passes that reached their target with few exceptions. All told passes gained 205 yards for Massillon.

The play of the entire Tiger team was a delight to Massillon fans. They said last year that Lohr and Shertzer could not be replaced, but before this season is over their shoes may even give corns to Charley Anderson and August Morningstar, who did everything last night that is required of good ends.

Strong On Defense
From tackle to tackle, the visitors could do nothing. Woods, Updegraff, Voss, Held and Buggs throwing up a stonewall defense. The backfield had everything to be desired, with Jake Gillom providing the fireworks. Bob Glass, played but a few minutes for fear of aggravating an injured ankle, but was replaced by John Snyder, a product of Lorin Andrews Junior high, who score one touchdown and got away to one long run.

Eddie Molinski’s outstanding work was his backing up the line of scrimmage. He and Morningstar threw themselves into ever open breach and the gap was immediately closed.

Another fireball who sticks his feet out as though taking hurdles was Edgar Herring, a sub back and the lightest man on the team, 125 pounds. Twice he electrified the crowd with his open field running and once had cleared all opposition and was away to a long gallop when he became over balanced and fell. The Tiger forward wall was revealed in the first touchdown march.

Downed with the kickoff on the 37-yard line, Glass made four at center and Dutton two. Then Jake Gillom got away for five yards and a first down on his own 48. Glass made two and Gillom scampered 12 yards around left end to the East 38. He skirted the other side next time for a 15-yard sprint to the 23.

Dutton made three at left end and Glass plunged for a first down on the 12-yard line. Then on a double reverse, Gillom skirted his right end and scored standing up. Glass missed the try for the extra point.

Updegraff Grabs Pass
The Tigers kicked to East, but when Massillon held, the visitors returned the punt to midfield. Two grounded passes and an offside penalty set the Tigers back and Dutton punted out of bounds on the East 30. Then the visitors tried a basketball pass and Updegraff went up in the air to intercept it. On the first play, Gillom skirted his right end for the second touchdown and this time Glass kicked the extra point.

Glass was removed from the Tiger lineup and did not play thereafter. He was replaced by Snyder.

The Tigers kicked again to East, Noga bringing the ball back to the 25-yard line. Tally, however, fumbled and recovered for a loss of 12 yards and East punted out on the 25-yard line. Gillom made six yards at left tackle. Dutton shot through the right side of the goal line and Snyder carried it across. The try for point was missed leaving the score 19-0.

The Tigers again kicked off to East and the Orientals worked the ball to their own 47-yard line for their first first down of the game, a pass, Noga to Talley advancing the ball nine yards. Two more passes were attempted. One was blocked and the second was intercepted by Morningstar on the East 47-yard line just as the first period ended.

Second Quarter
Another touchdown drive immediately got underway. Gillom scampered for nine yards at right end, but Massillon was penalized 15 for holding. Byelene who replaced Dutton, rifled a pass to Morningstar for gain of 23 yards and Gillom took a lateral from Byelene and traveled to the visitors’ 20. Next time he circled right end for a 15-yard dash to the
five-yard line. Byelene sneaked through for three and Gillom went over for the touchdown. Byelene’s pass for the extra point was too high for Morningstar to reach.

The Tigers kicked off and East brought the ball back to midfield where Massillon held and forced the visitors to punt. Getting the ball on the 10-yard line the Massillon offensive again went into action. Byelene hit for five and Snyder made it first down on the Tiger 20. Gillom got loose and ran 30 yard to midfield. Byelene made five on a spinner and then fired a pass to Anderson for a first down on the visitors’ 20. Snyder failed to gain and two passes were grounded, but on fourth down, Byelene gambled and passed again. This one Anderson took to the five-yard line before he was tackled. Byelene went around left end for the touchdown. Eddie Molinski kicked the extra point.
The entire varsity was removed from the field and second stringers carried on the remainder of the half with no further scoring.

Third Quarter
East kicked off to Massillon at the start of the second half; Gillom receiving and carrying back to the 25. He made five at left tackle and 11 more on an end jaunt. Dutton’s pass was blocked and the Tigers were penalized five yards for being in motion. When Dutton and Gillom failed to negotiate a first down, Dutton punted to the visitors’ 33. Failing to gain, East punted back to the Massillon 25-yard line. Gillom caught the ball, sidestepped the ends and struck out to his left sideline as his interference formed. Twisting and out running tacklers in a change of pace and supported by excellent blocking, the Tiger safety man scampered 75 yards for a touchdown, his fourth of the game. Molinski’s kick for the extra point was low.

The Tigers kicked to East, but the Orientals after grounding two passes and failing to gain in a line plunge kicked to the Massillon 30. Snyder made three yards at left tackle and Dutton four on a spinner. Dutton shot a long pass to Anderson for a first down on the East 33. Another pass was grounded, but Gillom made up for it by galloping to a first down on the 15.

Dutton made five at left tackle and Gillom went over but the ball was called back and the Tigers penalized 15 yards. Dutton ran to the goal line on a fake and went over on his second attempt for a touchdown. Molinski missed the kick.

The Tigers kicked off to East, but the visitors lost 15 yards for holding and kicked out of bounds on their own 25. Dutton’s pass was grounded and Snyder failed to gain, but Dutton shot the ball on the third down to Anderson who made a pretty catch and ran for a touchdown. This time Molinski kicked the extra point and the score was 51-0. That ended the scoring of the third period.

Fourth Quarter
The Tigers kicked off to East and the ball was brought back to the 30-yard line. However, the visitors lost 15 yards on a lateral pass and punted to Byelene, who caught the ball on the East 30. Byelene immediately ripped through for 15 yards and on the next play heaved the ball to Herring for a touchdown. His pass for the extra point was grounded.

East struck back on the following kickoff with its best offensive of the game and carried the ball to the Tigers 35-yard line where Snyder recovered Tally’s fumble. Byelene made three yards but Massillon was penalized five. Herring fumbled for a loss of five more. Then Herring got loose and ran his right end to midfield, a dash of 25 yards. He was clear of opponents but was set off balance by the last East tackler and stumbled and fell. Another penalty set the Tigers back five yards, but it didn’t matter for Byelene sailed the ball to Anderson for a gain of 50 yards and a touchdown. Molinski missed the extra point.

The last touchdown followed Molinski’s interception of an East pass on East’s 46-yard line. Herring struck for seven yards and Snyder dashed to the East 15. Herring made five, but Massillon was penalized 15 for holding. Byelene then passed 30 yards to Anderson for the score. Byelene carried the ball for the extra point. The game ended with a steam of substitutions continually changing the personnel of the Massillon lineup.

The lineup and summary:
Anderson LE Averitte
Held LT McMullen
Updegraff LG Smith
Voss C Pisel
Woods RG Schenz
Buggs RT Hupp
Morningstar RE Skinner
Dutton QB Hicks
Gillom LH Noga
Molinski RH Mitchell
Glass FB Talley

Score by periods:
Massillon 19 13 19 19 70

Massillon – McDew, re; O. Gillom, le; J. Anderson, lt; Mofett, rt; Russ, lg; Miller, rg; Snavely, c; Byelene, qb; Herring, lh; Spillman, rh; Snyder, fb; Carter, lh.
Akron East – Sutfin, lh; Maluke, rt; Boggs, qb.

Massillon – Gillom 4; Anderson 3; Dutton; Snyder; Herring; Byelene.

Point after touchdown:
Massillon – Glass (placekick); Molinski 2 (placekick). Byelene (line buck).

Referee – Jenkins (Akron).
Umpire – Boone (Canton).
Head Linesman – Tyler (Western Reserve).

Augie Morningstar
Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large)

1934: Massillon 6, Canton McKinley 21



Washington high’s hope for an undefeated season and state championship, that rose in a crescendo of nine straight victories, faded under an avalanche of red and black Saturday afternoon when Canton McKinley climbed to the pinnacle of fame by defeating the Tigers 21-6.

Twenty-thousand fans looked on from bleachers that circled the entire field. It was the largest crowd ever assembled to witness a sports event in Stark county and the first half produced two periods of the finest football every played on a gridiron.

Two Touchdowns in Five Minutes
It was an offensive battle from the opening kickoff and twice in the first five minutes the ball was carried across the goal. McKinley received and never stopped in a relentless march until it had scored the first seven points of the season on the Tigers.


What would Massillon do when scored on – fold up? It was uppermost in the mind of everyone of the 20,000 and the Tigers answer was a march of 64 yards from the kickoff to the McKinley goal. Massillon missed the extra point when Hank Krier was bottled up trying to carry it across and the score stood 7-6 throughout the remainder of the period and the first half.

The same offensive battle might have been staged in the second half were it not for a series of bad breaks that wrecked both offense and defense of the Tigers, causing a breaking down of morale and a necessary shift in the defensive setup that could not cope with the powerful attack of Jimmy Aiken and his Canton Bulldogs, who romped on to two more touchdowns.

Fumble Costly Break
The first bad break that preceded the turning point in the game came when the Tigers, in possession of the ball for the second time of the afternoon, marched from their own 23-yard line to a first down on the Canton 22.

They had the Bulldogs on the run and it looked line a certain touchdown until D.C. McCants fumbled on a reverse and Dick Miller, McKinley end, pounced through and recovered the ball.

Canton lashed back with another ferocious drive that put Dutton out of the game, with two probably cracked ribs. He was hurt when he blocked out a Canton receiver just as Lohr intercepted Zazula’s pass. Interference was called and the pass was declared completed. McCoy was sent in to pass for McKinley, but Lohr was again on the job and pulled down a pass on the nine-yard line. Krier was carried off the field with a badly wrenched ankle on the first play hereafter.

Loss of Krier Weakens Team
The Massillon ball carrier, ace scorer in Ohio who in the first quarter had increased his record for the season to 149 points with a 37-yard dash through the center of the Canton team, was ganged as he hit the line. Frigley jumped on his neck and underneath the pile Haas twisted the ankle that had been injured in practice earlier in the week.

Krier was out. His ankle puffed up as though inflated with air and he had to be carried by his teammates to the Massillon bench. That was the third bad break for the Tigers and with it went all hope for a Massillon victory. Up to that time Massillon looked the better team on both offense and defense.

Only close followers of the Tiger team know the importance of Krier to the Massillon lineup. First of all he is the punch of the backfield. That he displayed prior to his injury when only on one occasion did he fail to gain and statistics will show that his average gain until taken out was 11 yards, which passes the individual record of any other player on the field.

Important Defensive Man
But Krier is just as important defensively. He plays a guard position on the line and has greater penetration than either Snavely or Molinski. He demonstrated that once in the second period when he broke through and sat Jim Huff on the grass for a 10-yard loss.

With Krier and Dutton on the bench, Coach Brow had to change his entire lineup. He sent Edgar Herring, a 127-pounded, in at halfback. His blocking power against a 200 pounder was nil. The biggest shakeup, however, had to be made defensively. Snavely went into the line, a position he played last year but had not attempted to play before Saturday. Lange was called in to back up the line in place of Snavely. Snavely does not have the penetrating power of Krier at guard and Lange is not the vicious tackler that Snavely is.

It was the turning point of the game. The half ended three plays later and the Tigers were licked in the dressing room when it became apparent to all that their inspiration and main cog, Hank Krier, would be unable to play any more. He sat on the bench throughout the last two periods but could not re-enter. He was taken to the city hospital after the game for an examination and X-ray pictures will be taken today. He is hobbling around on crutches.

Canton Superior Team Second Half
It was all Canton the second half. The Tigers were never in the race the last two periods. They fought back but got nothing save a severe body beating that would cause any weak liver to give up the football forever, but not the Massillon Tigers. They battled to the end and in the last few minutes began handing back medicine they had been taught not to prescribe.

McKinley added 14 more points to its score over the weakened Massillon team and could have kept piling more on the heap had not the game ended when it did.

The Tigers experienced their first bad luck at the start when they lost the toss and had to kickoff to the Bulldogs. It paved the way for the first Canton touchdown and the first points scored on Massillon this year.

Krier got off a poor kick and Zazula returned to the 35-yard line. Huff made seven at right end and ran to a first down on the 50-yard line. Halter got three at left guard and Huff raced to another first down on the 33-yard stripe. Ballos made six at center and Halter a yard. McKinley was penalized five yards. Dutton nearly intercepted Zazula’s pass but fumbled. Huff almost thrown twice, got away for a dash to a first down on the 17-yard line. Halter took it to the eight-yard line and Massillon called for time. Halter went to the five-yard line. Two plays only netted the Bulldogs two yards but the Tigers were penalized for being offside giving Canton the ball on the one-yard line. Halter wiggled across the goal and Huff carried it over for the extra point. It was 7-0 Canton.

Tigers Strike Back
Lange received the following kickoff and was downed on the 36-yard line. D.C. MCCants playing his best and last high school football game smashed through left tackle for six yards. Shertzer was unable to hold Dutton’s pass. Krier raced through to a first down on the Canton 46-yard line and the glee on the east side was throttled. Dutton passed too far for Shertzer to receive, but he smashed through left tackle for nine yards. Third down and two to go and Krier took the ball through center on a fake. A huge gap opened in the Canton line between none other than Lewis Young and Tut Allen, the giants of the McKinley team. Through it Krier raced, cut to his right and out sped the McKinley secondary, including 10-second Huff in a 37-yard run for a touchdown.

For a moment it was feared play would be called back but the violation was for Canton being offside and the touchdown was allowed. The Massillon fans thundered their approval, but their joy partially diminished when Krier was thrown in his tracks trying to run the extra point across.

Canton received but its offense was checked by the Tigers who took the ball on their
23-yard line and began another drive toward the Canton goal. They had the Bulldogs on the run, as Krier hit for 19, McCants three, Dutton four, McCants three, Krier one, Dutton nine, McCants six, Krier 1, McCants eight, Krier one and a first down on the McKinley
22-yard line. Then came the fumble and the Bulldogs charged back only to be stopped with Lohr’s interception of McCoy’s pass on the nine-yard line. There followed Krier’s injury, three plays a punt and intermission.

Bulldogs Score At Start of Third
The Bulldogs duplicated their first kickoff performance by taking Morningstar’s boot at the start of the third period and marching 62 yards. Huff made four, Ballos five, Ballos one, Halter four, Huff three and a first down on the Tiger 35. Then came squatty Red Halter around left end behind a wave of Crimson interference that bowled everybody out of the way until someone nailed the red head on the Tigers’ four-yard line. It took McKinley three plays to get it over, Huff carrying it across on a right end sweep. Haas kicked goal. Canton 14, Massillon 6.

Canton had another chance when Lange fumbled the kickoff and Allen recovered on the Massillon 34. McKinley’s chances faded, however, when Referee Eddie Howells twice caught Haas holding and the Bulldogs were penalized 30 yards. The Tigers took the pigskin but unable to make their yardage, kicked to the Canton 30. The Bulldogs charged back to the Massillon 37 where they were stopped by the Tigers who again took possession of the ball. Halter quickly got it back for McKinley, however when he intercepted Dutton’s pass and ran it back to the Massillon 37.

Again Canton threatened but was stopped on the nine-yard line. Byelene tried to make a yard on fourth down but was nailed with inches to go and Canton got the sphere on the
15-yard stripe.

A five-yard penalty helped stop this threat on the 13-yard line. Dutton kicked back to his own 46 and again the Crimson surged forward. Halter in two attempts raced in to the Tiger 25. Huff went through for 14 yards to the 11. Halter made six. Huff four and Halter knifed through for the final touchdown. Haas kicked the 21st point.

There was nothing much to it thereafter. The Tigers tried to pass for a touchdown but Halter was always in the way and intercepted two in a row.

In the final minutes of play, Haas was put out of the game for slugging and Canton was penalized 25 yards.

Then McCants came into a pileup and was charged with unnecessary roughness and Massillon was penalized 15 yards. Only the gun saved further scrapes as the teams took their final fling at each other.

15 First Downs For Canton
Statistics show Canton as making 19 first downs to seven for the Tigers. Neither team completed a forward pass, remarkable in view of the fact that passing has been a consistent ground gainer for both teams in past performances.

Canton gained 315 yards from scrimmage to the Tigers’ 143 yards but Massillon with Krier in the first half gained 126 yards to 123 for Canton and Canton in the first half lost seven yards from scrimmage while the Tigers didn’t lose a yard.
Massillon was penalized three times for a total of 25 yards and Canton nine times for a loss of 85 yards.

Two of the McKinley penalties were for holding and one for Haas’ slugging of Lohr.

Massillon fans did a lot of talking Sunday. They were particularly concerned over noticeable holding and slugging in the McKinley line and the shouts of glee that went up from the east side of the field when Krier was carried off.

Canton’s joy at seeing Krier out of the game, maybe attributed to the high strung enthusiasm that causes one to yell first and think after. Massillon fans might have given the wild whoop had Huff been ganged. In any event it is not good sportsmanship.

As to the holding and slugging there was many a Massillon fan hoping some Tiger would cut loose with a left and right to the jaw and mid-section.

It raises an old question. Is it more advantageous to teach your linemen to hold and chance getting away with a large percentage of violations or is it better to play the game within the rules and avoid penalties.

Seven members of the starting Massillon eleven, played their last football for the Tigers Saturday. They were Wendell Lohr and Bob Shertzer, the ends; Don Wolfe, left tackle; Cloyd Snavely, right guard; D.C. McCants, fullback; Henry Krier, left halfback and Jack Lange the blocking halfbacks.

The other four will be back again next season. They are August Morningstar, center; Neri Buggs, right tackle; Eddie Molinski, left guard and Howard Dutton, quarterback. Mike Byelene, Jake Gillom and Edgar Herring the other trio to see service will be back next year.

Both Coach Brown and Coach Aiken, were concerned over the time of the first two periods. A check from the Massillon bench showed they were only of eight minutes duration instead of 12, and a review of the game, reveals that each team had the ball but three times in the entire first half. Massillon kicked to McKinley and it made a touchdown. McKinely kicked to Massillon and the Tigers made a touchdown. The Tigers kicked to McKinley and forced the Bulldogs to punt. Massillon carried back to the 22-yard line and fumbled and Canton was stopped with an interception on the nine-yard line. Three plays later the half ended.

Lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Canton
Shertzer LE Miller
Wolfe LT Frigley
Molinski LG Allen
Morningstar C Young
Snavely RG Wertman
Buggs RT Haas
Lohr RE Green
Dutton QB Zazula
Krier LH Huff
Lange RH Halter
McCants FB Ballos

Score by periods:
Canton 7 0 7 7 21
Massillon 6 0 0 6 6

Massillon – Byelene, qb-lh; Herring, lh; Gillom, fb.
Canton – McCoy, qb; Daniels, lh; Fryer, rg; Mentzer, g.

Canton – Huff; Halter 2.
Massillon – Krier.

Point after touchdown:
Canton – Huff (carried); Haas 2 (placekick).

Referee – Howells.
Umpire – Shafer.
Head Linesman – Barrett.
Field Judge – Smith

Game Is Still The Big Topic
Police and City Officials
Praise Spectators for Orderly Behavior;
Seller of Alleged Bogus Tickets Under Arrest

With the gridiron classic staged by the Bulldogs of McKinley high school, Canton, and the orange and black Tigers of Washington high school, Saturday, still the principal topic of conversation in schools, city hall, stores and on street corners, police authorities and
non-partisan fans today sung highly the praises of the general orderliness and conduct of the spectators’ before, during and after the contest.

True, there were some fights among the rabid fans liquor flasks were titled frequently, ticket scalpers were present selling bogus tickets and some confusion in the reserved seats sections was the result, but all in all Stark county’s greatest sports spectacle will go down in history as one of friendly rivalry in which the throng of 20,000 spectators was well and efficiently handled by Massillon police, state highway patrolmen, deputy sheriffs, Canton school zone police and members of Massillon Post, No. 221, American Legion.

Leo Sabroglia, of 1737 E. 19th Street, Cleveland, was arrested at the field by police after he is alleged to have sold three bogus tickets for $3 to Homer Arnold. He was jailed on a suspicion charge, but an affidavit charging him with obtaining money under false pretenses had been drawn up this morning by Prosecutor Lewis C. Wiggins. Signature of one of the city school authorities to the affidavit was awaited. He probably will be arraigned in municipal court this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

Police said Sabroglia was in possession of several bogus tickets and $6 when taken into custody. Several other persons were said by police to have been selling bogus tickets at the field but they were not apprehended.

Washington high school was broken into Saturday evening, a woman had her pocketbook stolen and a Canton man had his pocket picked at the game, police were told.

Belief was expressed today that two men who escaped guards stationed at the high school had broken into the school thinking possibly that proceeds of the game were in the board of education office.

Pocket Is Picked
A window in the rear of the building was forced open. The pair was seen in a corridor approaching the board of education office. They escaped through a door they had opened when chased by guards. A crowbar and club were left behind by the men when they fled.

Charles E. Trew, of 1000 Arlington Street S.W., Canton, reported to police today that his pocket was picked of $46 while he watched the game. A pocketbook containing $6 and 10 dance tickets was snatched from Mrs. D.H. Volzer, of 1233 Cleveland Avenue N.W., as she was leaving the game.

While Homer Eicker, of R.D. 2; Bowdil, watched the game, his auto a 1928 Chevrolet sedan bearing license E46-741, was stolen from Edwin Avenue S.E. The car had not been recovered this morning.

Chief of Police Edward M. Ertle today expressed his appreciation of the conduct of the fans. Despite the intense rivalry, Massillon was quiet Saturday evening. Students and the older fans abided by the pleas of Mayor William Limbach and police for orderliness.

Chief Extends Thanks
Thanks were extended by Chief Ertle to officers of the highway patrol for the efficient manner in which they directed traffic at important street intersections near the athletic field, the deputy sheriffs, Canton police, local patrolmen and legionnaires and all others who aided in handling the crowd.

Police of Massillon and Canton today were searching for a gang of hoodlums, believed to have been from Canton, who Friday evening severely beat Kenneth Greenfelder, 17, of 229 State Avenue N.E. and Earl Clifford of 606 Guy Street N.W. Washington high school students; abducted Greenfelder and took him about six miles from the city where they sheared off part of his hair with clippers before turning him lose.

It was said today several other Massillon boys were abducted by a Canton gang and submitted to hazing. No reports of the cases had been made directly to police, however.

A bunch of keys were found at the south end of the football field and turned over to Desk Sergeant Daniel Brady. The owner may secure them at police headquarters upon identification.


Independent Sports Editor

The big game is over – but not forgotten. It will be the subject of discussion for many weeks to come.

Another chapter has been written into the history of Massillon-Canton athletic rivalry by a group of valiant young warriors, who if they seek knowledge of the beginning of this rivalry, must thumb the pages of history or learn about it from old timers.

Twenty thousand spectators, in a friendly holiday mood, saw this latest chapter of Massillon-Canton gridiron rivalry go into the page of history Saturday afternoon on Massillon field.

Twenty thousand fans saw the great Bulldogs of Canton McKinley high school plunge and dash their way through the great, but not quite great enough, Tigers of Washington high school for a 21 to 6 victory that brought to the Bulldogs recognition as Ohio scholastic champions and a string of 11 straight victories in 1934. It brought joy and rejoicing to all of Canton, particularly to Jimmy Aiken, McKinley coach and his intrepid gladiators. They stand out as the high school champions of Ohio, probably of the nation. They have a great team; they proved it in the heat of conflict against their oldest enemy.

In Massillon there is no rejoicing for the mighty Tigers lost the game they wanted to win more than any other on their schedule. It was their first defeat in 10 battles; the first time during the season they had seen an enemy march across their goal line. Certainly Massillon is sad but it took its beating standing up. No one can blame Paul Brown and his courageous Washington high lads if they were downhearted Saturday night but their heads were not bowed in humiliating defeat.

They gave the best they had, they went down fighting, they never gave up. They were conquered by a superior enemy, a foe that struck with the swiftness and deadliness of lighting. Even in defeat those orange and black clad lads came off the field with the praises of the multitude ringing in their rears. They had fought a good fight even in defeat and they deserve a lot of credit for it.

Of course the game is over, Canton won a well deserved victory and a state championship that it merited, but one can not help but wonder just what the ultimate result of that great battle would have been had not the two most costly breaks in the contest gone against the youthful Tigers.

Had they not occurred the final outcome might not have been changed but no one can deny that Massillon was not the equal if not the superior of the vaunted Bulldog until those breaks popped into the picture to ruin what looked like a fine opportunity for Massillon to pull the Bulldog’s fans for the first time in three years.

Both those breaks came in the second quarter. The first occurred when D.C. McCants, powerful Negro fullback, fumbled the ball on Canton’s 26-yard line, the Bulldogs recovering and halting a Massillon march that seemed destined not to end until the Tigers had placed the ball back of Canton’s goal.

The second break came a few minutes later when Henry Krier, Massillon’s great halfback, plunged through the Canton line, went down under a mass of Bulldog tacklers and never came back again to take part in that game. A severely twisted ankle forced Krier to the sidelines and out of the combat. He had to be carried off the field. He was severely wrenched by Canton tackles as he went to the ground.

With the loss of Krier went Massillon’s chances for victory. The loss of this great star was a severe blow but it seems as if the deciding turn in the game came when McCants fumbled.

A fumble may occur at any time and fate picked upon McCants, who had been playing a whale of a game, to be its victim It was a tough break for the boy – not only for him but for the Massillon cause. But that is football.

No more sensational game of football has ever been played anywhere than those stalwart teams unfolded before that huge crowd in the first half. It was as brilliant a spectacle of offensive performance as any one would want to witness.

So swiftly did both teams strike that fans were left almost breathless as they attempted to take it all in. Canton received and starting from its 35-yard line marched right down the field with Jim Huff, lanky Negro ace and Red halter, slashing midget halfback driving back the Tigers with vicious thrusts off tackle and around the ends, a drive which did not stop until Halter knifed his way though the line for a touchdown, the first scored against Massillon this year.

It all happened in less than five minutes. But what followed was even more breath-taking. Massillon received. The Massillon receiver was downed on his 35-yard line. Then like the th5rusts of a rapier Krier and Howard Dutton cut into that Canton line. Krier made a first down. A Tiger pass failed. Dutton slashed for eight. Another Massillon pass failed to connect. And then Krier brought the fans to their feet in a mad burst of cheering as he dashed through the Canton line, shook off Bulldog tackers as if they were paper dummies, ran by the astonished and fleet Jim Huff as if he were standing still and raced unmolested across 38 yards of turf for a touchdown – a truly great feat.

Massillon failed to make the extra point but the Tigers were just coming into their own. A few minutes found them again in possession of the ball and once again they began cracking great gaping spaces in that Canton line as Krier, McCants and Dutton paraded steadily down the field toward the Canton goal.

Yard after yard they pushed back the Bulldogs until they had the ball on Canton’s 26. On one of the plays Shertzer was knocked out but gamely stuck to his post. Then McCants darted toward the left side of his line. He reached for the ball but it bounced out of his outstretched hands. It rolled along the ground as players of both teams dove for it. But Dick Miller, Canton left end, was head of them all and it was Canton’s ball.

That break gave the Bulldogs new courage and when Krier was hurt a few minutes later they were on their way, not to be stopped again.

Canton was not the best team on the field in the first half but it was by far the best in the second half when it scored the two deciding touchdowns.

Two splendid ball carriers had a lot to do with Canton’s victory. They were Huff and Halter. The Tigers found them harder to stop than tax collectors but great as Huff and Halter are they probably wouldn’t have gone far had it not been for the brilliant interference they had all afternoon.

Not detracting at all from their great performance but any halfback even a six-year-old boy, could have gained ground Saturday with the interference the Bulldogs threw up to protect their ball toters. It was beautiful to watch even though destructive to Massillon hopes. Few high school teams have ever possessed the interference Aiken developed for his Bulldog ball carriers.

Although the crowd was the largest to ever witness an athletic event in Massillon or Canton, it was well handled and for that school authorities, police of Massillon, Canton, the state highway patrol and American Legion members deserve credit.

Every inch of space in the field was jammed with spectators. They started to come early and an hour before game time the park was loaded to the gunwales. Long lines of automobiles were parked all around the field for blocks in either direction. Sale of phoney tickets caused a slight stir early in the afternoon but this situation was soon remedied. Some people may not have gotten the seats they thought they bought but there were only a few instances of this.

It was a friendly crowd, too, in which a spirit of good feeling manifested itself throughout the afternoon. True there were one or two minor battles but these were quickly squelched by the strong arm of the law. A few fans, who had looked into the bottle that cheers, too frequently were evidenced but they were having a good time and so were the others who saw them.
After the game the crowd left the field in an orderly manner. Traffic away from the field in some instances traveled slowly and an hour after the conclusion of the game cars were still packing the streets leading from the field and the highways out of town particularly to the east.

The city, however, quickly settled back into its normal routine. Restaurants were busy at noon and in the evening. But Saturday night passed without any serious disorder, a situation which was feared by many. There were no snake dances, no free for all battles, in fact two hours after the game no one would have thought Massillon had been host to the largest crowd in its history.

The day went off without anything unusual, other than the huge crowd and great football game.

Mother Nature furnished a perfect setting for the big day. It was cloudy in the morning but at noon the sun broke through and sent its rays earthward the remainder of the day. Ideal weather conditions existed. The air was snappy but not too cold to make it uncomfortable for spectators.

The crowd and field presented a colorful sight. Cheer leaders and bands of the two schools kept the vast throng entertained for two hours before the game. The bands of both schools drilled and played as they never have before and both were praised for their exhibitions.

Photographers, newspapermen and radio announcers were dashing here, there and everywhere. A Goodyear blimp soared over the field with a big banner with “Yea Tigers. Yea Bulldogs” streaming out behind.

Great cheers went up as the players came out on the field. Coaches and assistants first looked over the playing surface and then went back into the clubhouse to give last minute instructions to their warriors.

Canton was first on the field. Several minutes later the Tigers made their appearance. Photographers snapped pictures of the crowd, the cheer leaders, the mascots, the players, coaches and officials – in fact they were shooting right and left with reckless abandon.

The game was hard fought, at times it was rough. Earl Haas, Canton right tackle, finally was ejected by officials for his roughness. The cheer that came up from the Canton bleachers when Krier was carried off the field was not at all to the liking of many Massillon fans. To them it appeared a bit unsportsmanlike. Officials also were panned a bit for alleged laxness in enforcing penalties.

But those things are bound to happen in a rivalry such as Massillon and Canton have known for years.

From a Canton angle it was a perfect day in all respects. From a Massillon angle it was perfect except for one thing—the wrong team won but another year is coming.

Cloyd Snavely