Game Was Clean, Fast and Snappy
Massillon Team Shows Great Improvement in Team Work
Forward Passes Used Successfully
No Penalties in Entire Game
In a clean, fast game the Massillon high school football team defeated the Mansfield team by the score of 30 to 0, Saturday afternoon on the high school grounds.
The locals outplayed the visitors in every respect and never was the Massillon goal in danger, while the Mansfield line was crossed five times by the orange and black. The game was one of the cleanest ever played on the local grounds and neither team was penalized throughout the entire game. The teams were about equal in weight but the Massillon backs plunged through the opposing line at all times for substantial gains, while Mansfield was usually held.
The local team showed great improvement in team work over the beginning of the season, and the forward passes were carried out in great shape. Two of the touchdowns were made by the use of them.
At 2:30 the teams lined up with Massillon kicking to Mansfield. Longsdorf received the kick and advanced the ball ten yards. Mansfield made five yards around right end and then two at the same place. A run around left end gained five yards, two yards were made through left tackle and two through right tackle and a forward brought no gain. Massillon’s ball.
Kester made three yards through left tackle; Heyman gained twelve yards around right end; Clay tore off ten yards through left tackle and Heyman made five yards at the same place. Kester gained four yards at left tackle and Huffman went twelve yards through center for a touchdown after four minutes of play. Heyman kicked goal. Score 6 to 0.
Massillon again kicked to Mansfield and the runner was thrown back for a loss. Mansfield made six yards through center; four yards at left tackle and one yard at right tackle and was then thrown for a loss and punted thirty-five yards.
Miller received the punt and returned it a short distance. Clay tore off ten yards at right tackle; Custer rammed five yards through left tackle and Kester ran for five yards around left end. Huffman made no gain around right end; Heyman gained twenty yards on a forward pass from Zintsmaster; Heyman was held on the one yard line and Huffman failed to gain; Zintsmaster received a forward pass from Miller and made a touchdown. Heyman kicked goal. Score 12 to 0.
Massillon kicked to Mansfield. Runner tackled after a ten yard run. Mansfield gained ten yards, and on the next two downs was thrown back for losses. End of first period with ball on Massillon’s forty yard line.
Second period: Heyman received Mansfield’s punt. Kester gained nine yards around left end; Heyman gained five yards at left tackle, and Custer gained twelve yards at right, and Huffman gained five yards at the same place. Kester got ten yards at right guard and Heyman three yards at left tackle and Kester five yards at right. Custer gained twelve yards at right tackle and Huffman held for no gain. Heyman made a short punt. Mansfield was held for a down and Massillon regained the ball on a fumble. Heyman gained three yards at right tackle, and was held the next down and Mansfield got the ball.
Mansfield gained eight yards through left tackle; two yards at left tackle and three yards through right tackle, and was forced to punt. Heyman returned the ball thirty yards before being downed.
Zintsmaster made three yards around left end; Custer made four yards at right tackle; Kester made twelve yards through left tackle, and Heyman made on yard at the same place. Half ended with ball on Mansfield’s twelve yard line.
Third period: Massillon kicked off to Mansfield and the ball went over the line. On second kick the runner advanced twelve yards. Mansfield made one yard through left tackle; and was thrown back five yards and punted thirty yards. Heyman returned the punt.
Zintsmaster gained twelve yards on a forward pass; Kester gained fifteen yards around left end and Zintsmaster again made twelve yards on a forward pass. Clay made five yards through left tackle; Heman made one yard at left tackle, and Miller made a touchdown on a forward pass from Zintsmaster. Heyman kicked goal. Score 18 to 0.
Massillon kicked to Mansfield. Mansfield gained seven yards at right tackle; two yards at left tackle; one yard at right guard; was thrown back on next down; gained eight yards on a forward and was held for downs and the ball went to Massillon.
Miller gained eight yards at right end; Kester gained two yards at left tackle; Clay gained twenty yards at left tackle, and Custer made a gain of ten yards for a touchdown. Heyman kicked goal. Score 24 to 0.
Massillon kicked to Mansfield and was thrown back for three yards loss. Heyman got Mansfield forward and was tackled one yard from the line. Heyman went around right end for a 30 to 0.
Mansfield kicked to Massillon. Clay received the kick and made a gain of five yards. Mansfield regained the ball on a fumble but lost it when Zintmaster got a Mansfield forward pass. Kester gained seven yards at left tackle; Heyman gained one yard at left tackle; Kester gained two yards at left guard and five yards at right guard; Heyman gained ten yards around left end. The period ended with the ball in the middle of the field.
Fourth period: Heyman gained twenty-five yards around right end; a forward pass gained nothing; Kester made five yards around left end; Mansfield got Massillon’s forward pass.
Mansfield gained three yards at left and five yards through right tackle; two yards through center; no gain around right end; twenty-five yards around left end; eight yards around left end; was thrown back for five yards loss; Mansfield punted and Miller returned the ball ten yards.
Zintsmaster gained one yard at left end; Custer gained eight yards through right tackle; Clay seven yards through left tackle; Zintsmaster twenty-five yards on a forward pass; Kester lost on a fake forward; Clay gained seven yards through left tackle; Heyman kicked a short punt.
Mansfield failed to gain and punted; Kester returned the ball five yards. Mansfield got the ball on a fumble. Held for no gain; two yards around right end; seven yards around right end; one yard through right tackle; one yard through left tackle; Zintsmaster got the ball on a fumble when the whistle blew for the end of the game.
The line-up:
Massillon Pos. Mansfield
Miller le King
Keeton lt Lehman
Wagner lg Cunningham
Arthur c Hughes
Portmann rg Starden, Free
Clay rt Kallmerter
Zintsmaster re Thuma
Huffman qb Shaw
Custer lh Remy
Heyman rh Longsdorf
Kester fb Schad
Massillon – Huffman; Zintsmaster; Miller; Custer; Heyman.
Referee and umpire, alternating – Bast and Davis.
Field Judge – Merwin.
Head Linesman – Menke.
Length of periods — 12y minutes.