Players Struggled Through the Mud for Victory
Zintsmaster made Two Touchdowns
Clay Starred at Tackling,
Also at Carrying the Ball and the Ashland Team
Forward Pass Worked Perfectly
The Massillon high school team Thursday afternoon brought its season to a triumphant close by defeating the Ashland college team by the score of 24 to 0.
When the players left the high school field after the game they were soaked to the skin and mud and water were dripping and streaming from their uniforms. Ashland undoubtedly felt the worse drowned out of the two, for when the game ended the score stood 24 to 0 in favor of the husky aggregation that has met with so many reverses during the past season, and that has during the same time been so often unjustly blamed for its defeats.
The Ashland team, though it outweighed Massillon at least 25 pounds to a man, was completely outplayed at every position and at every stage of the game. The field, fairly wet at the start, was a veritable lake of mud before the game ended, and the players slipped, stopped and slid hither and thither in the slimy, slippery slush, while the spectators hurled imprecations into the teeth of the weather. And through it all, it rained.
At about 3 o’clock the pigskin spheroid was propped up on a heap of sawdust in the center of the field and the Massillon kicker booted it 40 yards to Ashland. Within a few minutes the ball was Massillon’s and the orange and black began a steady advance toward the goal. Massillon attempted to punt, but was blocked. Ashland got the ball and punted out of the danger region. Massillon held its opponents and got the ball on downs.
Clay took the ball, and with half the Ashland team clinging to his muddy garments, went through the line for a five yard gain. Massillon fumbled the ball, Ashland recovering, 30 yards from the goal. Kester tackled an Ashland man several yards back of the scrimmage line. Ashland attempted a placekick, but it was blocked before the ball was two feet from the ground.
Ashland now put its shoulder to the wheel, and by the aid of a supreme effort managed to come within five yards of Massillon’s goal, where it very unceremoniously lost the ball on downs. Heyman came to the rescue for Massillon, punting the ball 50 yards down the field to a safe haven in the arms of an Ashland player, many miles from home. Massillon held its own, and Ashland was forced to punt, the ball landing safely in Miller’s arms. Heyman carried the ball for a 25 yard gain and Custer made 15 yards more, when Ashland began to hold and was given the ball.
Clay made a sensational tackle of the man carrying the ball, getting him around the neck several yards back of the line of scrimmage. Ashland punted and Massillon recovered. Kester and Clay each made five yards straight through Ashland’s heavy line and the ball was fumbled, Ashland recovering it. The first period ended with the ball not five yards from the center of the field, where play was first started.
Ashland began the second period by fumbling the ball. Custer slip several yards through the mud in an attempt to recover the ball, but an Ashland player beat him to it. Clay made another tackle behind the line and Ashland was forced to punt, recovering its own ball. Massillon held well, and Ashland again punted, Miller recovering the ball.
By this time the players were well covered with mud. Clay’s face was as black as a coal pile, where one of his opponents had affectionately caressed him.
Receiving the ball on a punt one of Ashland’s players broke away and was within 15 yards of the goal when Miller, coming in from behind, tackled him low and brought him to the ground with a crack. Massillon held its own and Ashland punted. Zintsmaster received the ball from the punt and made a sensational run for the first touchdown, while the crowd went wild with enthusiasm. Goal of the field. Goal was kicked, making the score 13 to 0.
Ashland kicked off to Massillon, Custer returning 30 yards before being downed.
Massillon punted 50 yards or more down the field, the ball rolling over the line, where it was recovered by an Ashland player. Miller, coming up at top speed tackled the man behind the goal line, and another touchdown was scored for Massillon. Goal was again kicked. Score 19 to 0. Shortly afterward time was called for the first half.
On account of the bad condition of the weather the teams took only a short intermission, and again went into the game. Neither team left the game from the time of the first kick off till the whistle blew for the end of the game. In the meantime, Yell-leader Thompson, with a crowd of trusty rooters, made the field ring with shouts of encouragement.
Massillon kicked off to Ashland at the beginning of the second half, and again the pigskin chasers slid hither and yon through the mud. Just as dusk was falling on the turbid waters, Clay carried the ball and the greater part of the Ashland team down the field for a long gain; bringing up only a few yards from the goal, and Custer swam over the line for the fourth and last touchdown of the game. Goal was missed, leaving the score 24 to 0.
This signal victory of the local team over a college team that outweighs it heavily, and under the most unfavorable circumstances for the lighter of the two contesting teams, shows a great advance over conditions at the beginning of the season.
The line-up:
Massillon Pos. Ashland
Arthur le Findley
Keeton lt Hostler
Wagner lg Chapman
Portmann c Fulk
Huffman rg Spreng
Clay rt Ankrum
Zintsmaster re Miller
Custer lh Kempler
Custer lh Wise
Kester fb Shamberger
Heyman rh Baer
Massillon – Zintsmaster 2; Miller; and Custer.
Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Sites.
Field Judge – Leahy.
Head Linesman – Merwin.