A dash around right end for 15 yards by “Swig” Thomas, star halfback netting a touchdown, gave Massillon high its only points in a stiff encounter Saturday afternoon with Akron Central on the M. B. A. C. field, Clay street. The score was 6 to 0, Thomas placing the ball behind Akron’s goal line late in the third quarter.
The Akronites presented a stiff defense but did not threaten to score, until near the end of the game when a forward pass from G. Zimmerman to Daum gave the Akron captain a chance to dash away for a 40 yard gain, before being downed by Oberlin on Massillon’s 13 yard line. This was the only time that the rubber city tossers penetrated within Massillon’s 20 yard zone.
The visitors had only an opportunity to make one play before the game ended. It was a nip and tuck battle for the most part with both teams being evenly matched. Captain Daum, sorrel topped leader of the Akron eleven, was the biggest ground gainer for the rubber city lads while “Swig” Thomas, the orange and black’s clever halfback, was the big factor for Massillon on offense.
On defense Converse was the shining light for Coach Snavely’s crew. The stocky halfback backed up the right side of the line in splendid shape, making a number of spectacular tackles.
Although Massillon did not carry the ball within Akron’s 20 yard line until the third quarter when Thomas scored the only touchdown, the orange and black lost two chances to score by fumbling. The youthful Tigers carried the ball to Akron’s 22 yard line in the second quarter but a bad pass, causing a fumble, which was covered by Akron robbed Coach Snavely’s boys of a chance to score. Again in the third quarter with the ball on Akron’s 24 yard line, Fulton fumbled the pigskin when tackled and Daum covered for the rubber city eleven.
It was on the next play after this fumble that Archbold intercepted an Akron pass on Akron’s 34 yard line and Massillon then marched across the visitor’s goal, Thomas making the distance in three plays.
“Swig” proved a very consistent ground gainer Saturday and very seldom failed to make a few yards when called upon to carry the ball.
The orange and black line played a hard game and although outweighed by the Central’s linemen, stopped most of the visitors attempts to gain ground through the line.
Lineup and summary:
Massillon – 6. Pos. Akron – 0.
Miller le Slater
Cheyney lt Porosky
C. Graybill lg C. Zimmerman
Ertle c Bertle
Harrison rg Ellis
Oberlin rt Tisdale
Meyers re Evans
Fulton qb G. Zimmerman
Thomas lhb Daum
Converse rhb Bevington
Archbold fb Spessard
Touchdowns – Thomas.
Referee – Maurer, Wooster
Umpire – Miller, Massillon
Timers – Copenhaver, Britton.
Time of quarters – 10 and 12 min.
Substitutions – Kemp for C. Graybill, E. Graybill for Conv