Category: <span>History</span>

1900: Massillon 0 Canton Central 5

High School Boys Sturdily Breast the Blows

And the Youthful Knights of the Gridiron Go Down to Defeat Before the Hardy Men From the County Seat
‘Twas a Game with Many Fine Features
Other Athletic and Sporting News

The Canton high school eleven in a hotly contested game of football, Wednesday afternoon at the Massillon baseball park, defeated the Massillon high school team by a score of 5 to 0.  The game was scheduled to begin at 3:30 but it was nearly 4, when all the preliminaries, were arranged.  The Canton aggregation came in a special car, accompanied by many friends and admirers, among who were many ladies.  The Massillon school also turned out in force, and the cries of the rivals filled the air.

The toss up was won by Schnierle, the Massillon captain, who chose the west end of the field and the kickoff.  Canton, after making a small gain, lost the ball on a fumble by the quarterback.  Massillon, after a vain attempt to trample the Canton team into the ground, also lost the ball in the same manner.  The Canton team’s superior weight now began to tell on the Massillon line, and finally Rob was rushed across the line for a touchdown.

Massillon then kicked off, and held the Canton team for three downs, obtained the ball and by a good run by Wiseman advanced the ball ten yards.  J. Miller punted the ball far into the enemy’s territory just as time was called.

The second half was a hard struggle between the teams, Massillon trying hard to score, and the Canton boys working just as hard to prevent them, when time was called the Massillon team, was very near the Canton goal line.  The halves were of twenty minutes’ duration each.

The features of the game were the tackling of Young and J. Miller, and the end running of Wiseman.  Ray L. Markel, of this city, and Boyer, of Canton, were the referees.  J.M. Sarver acted as timekeeper.  The game was very free from objectionable slugging.  There were no accidents.

The teams lined up as follows:

C.H.S.                            Pos.                                       M.H.S.
Zollinger                       right end                                   J. Miller
Cross                         right tackle                                    Young
Correl                        right guard                                   Nother
Slaker                            center                                    Schnierle
Wagoner                     left guard                               Sonnhalter
and Gorman
Cook                          left tackle              Albright and F. Miller
Strang                           left end                       Bast and Oberlin
Mahaffey                   quarterback                                     Hipp
Van Horn                 right halfback                                  Myers
Rackle                       left halfback                               Wiseman
Rob                              fullback                                  M. Miller
Rex, Hudson,                  subs                                     Benedict

C.H.S.                 5
M.H.S.                 0

1899: Massillon 30 Massillon Business College 0

Wednesday’s Game
a High School Victory

The Massillon Football Team Orders Uniforms and Selects Royal Blue and White as Its Colors
The Bowling Contest

The football prestige of the business college sustained a serious blow, Wednesday afternoon, when a team, playing under its colors, was defeated by the high school team, on the latter’s grounds, by the score of 30 to 0.  At one time it looked as if there would be no game.  Manager Young, of the business college, put in his appearance, but the larger part of his team, evidently wiser and possessed of more timidity, from a former experience with the game, failed to put in an appearance.  However, after borrowing several players form the high school team, impressing several more from among the spectators, and securing an agreement from the manager of the former team to play with but ten men the team was ready to play.  The victors showed superiority in practice from the very outset.  Besides its lack of this, the business college team was also outclassed in weight.  Five of the six high school touchdowns were made in the first half, the business college team bracing up in the latter part of the game.  William Boerngen acted as referee.  Ray Markel as umpire, and William Kay as timekeeper.

The following were the line-ups:

High School                    Pos.             Business College
Slusser                               c                             Wilhelm
Schnierle                           rg                              Ackert
Schuster                            lg                         Sonnhalter
Stark                                 rt                           Coleman
Dobson                             lt                            Bresman
Meyers                             le                            Shertzer
Harrison                           qb                           Benedict
McAllister                        rhb                              Young
Emery                              lhb                      Grossweiler
Mong                                fb                             Mitchell

1899: Massillon 5 Claytown 8

November 6, 1899

High School Team Claims
Referee Made Unfair Decision

Saturday afternoon’s game between the high school and Claytown football teams had a rather unsatisfactory ending.  A large crowd was present.  In the first half, Egan, of Claytown, and Emery, of the high school team, made touchdowns, making the score 5 to 5.  In the second half, after some playing, Claytown punted the ball.  Emery, of the high school, fumbled the ball.  Egan, of the Claytown team, in running after it, touched it with his feet, the ball going over his team’s goal line.  The high school boys claimed he had kicked it intentionally, while Claytown said it was accidental.  Referee Boerngen decided in favor of the latter and gave them a safety, making the score 8 to 5.  The high school boys claimed the decision was unfair, and left the field.  The feature of the game was the playing of Mong, Emery, Schearag and C. Miller.  William Boerngen was referee, Robert Featheringham umpire, and Frank Wittmann timekeeper.

The line-up follows:

High school                     Pos.                        Claytown
Schnierle                            c                             J. Miller
Schuster                            rg                           Richards
Slusser                              lg                       W.R. Smith
Ackert                               rt                            T. Miller
Young                               lt                           Wiseman
Dobson                             re                          W. Smith
Myers                               le                                 Egan
Harrison                           qb                          Schearag
Emery                              rhb                           Clapper
McAllister                        lhb                          C. Miller
Mong                                fb                                  Getz

1899: Massillon 0 Wooster 26

Defeated by Wooster Saturday Afternoon

Both Teams Strengthened by Outside Talent
All Arrangements Completed for Canton – Massillon Game on Thanksgiving Day
The Athletic Carnival

The Massillon high school team met its enemies at Wooster Saturday afternoon, and lost its first game this season to the Wooster high school team by the score of 26 to 0.  The mournful news reached the city at about 5 o’clock in the afternoon,  When the 8:45 Pennsylvania train pulled into the station in the evening with the members of the Massillon team on board, the latter were greeted by a sympathetic crowd of staunch admirers, who taking a mental inventory of bandaged heads, and damaged limbs, although they admitted that the defeat was terrible, were unanimous in agreeing that their favorites “died game.”

It appears that both teams had heard rumors of the other’s prowess, and had strengthened their causes by a liberal enlistment of “ringers,” but as Wooster is a university town, the team at that place had a decided advantage in having a larger field to choose from.  At any rate the local team found itself lined up against one that was considerably heavier and by whom it was out-classed at every point of the game.  All of Wooster’s gains were made by end runs, two of the touchdowns being made in the first half, and the remainder in the second.  Bucks against the Massillon line were effective.  Schearhag was obliged to retire in the first half on account of a badly injured eye; Dobson taking his place.  Ray Markel, of this city, refereed the game.

The Massillon team lined up as follows:

Schnierle, center; Schuster, rg; Rigler, lg; McAllister, rt; Stark, lt; Featheringham, re; Schearag, le; Mong, qb; Emery, rhb; Grossweiler, lhb; Vogt, fb.


Arrangements were completed Sunday morning for the great Canton-Massillon game which is to be played at Mahaffey Park on the afternoon of Thanksgiving Day.  The Canton boys are practicing hard for the meeting, while those who saw the members of the Massillon team at work in the field, north of Cherry Street, Sunday afternoon, say that the East Enders will have to practice much harder if they expect to win this year.  The Massillon team will meet for practice at the West Street grounds at 7 o’clock tonight.

1895: Massillon 0 Canton Central 6

October 28, 1895

A Lively Game of Football at Pastime Park

The high school football teams of Massillon and Canton met at Pastime Park, Saturday afternoon, and after two spirited halves, Canton won, score 6 to 0.

The teams lined up as follow:

CANTON                      Pos.                MASSILLON
Betham                        Left End                        W. List
Dillon                         Left Tackle                         Arter
Hurford                      Left Guard                     Harrison
Gauchat                         Center                    Capt. Eoltz
Turnbull                     Right Guard           Featheringham
Bald                          Right Tackle                   Hawkins
Linn                            Right End                        O. List
Day                          Quarterback                  Crawford
Pumphrey                 Left Halfback                      Lester
Jahn                        Right Halfback                   Howald
Cubbison                     Fullback                        Dangler

The Massillon eleven succeeded in preventing the Cantons from scoring in the first half.  Dangler opened the second half with a good kickoff.  There were several fine plays, and when time was called the ball was on Massillon’s thirty yard line and the score 6 to 0.