1900: Massillon 0 Canton Central 5
High School Boys Sturdily Breast the Blows
And the Youthful Knights of the Gridiron Go Down to Defeat Before the Hardy Men From the County Seat
‘Twas a Game with Many Fine Features
Other Athletic and Sporting News
The Canton high school eleven in a hotly contested game of football, Wednesday afternoon at the Massillon baseball park, defeated the Massillon high school team by a score of 5 to 0. The game was scheduled to begin at 3:30 but it was nearly 4, when all the preliminaries, were arranged. The Canton aggregation came in a special car, accompanied by many friends and admirers, among who were many ladies. The Massillon school also turned out in force, and the cries of the rivals filled the air.
The toss up was won by Schnierle, the Massillon captain, who chose the west end of the field and the kickoff. Canton, after making a small gain, lost the ball on a fumble by the quarterback. Massillon, after a vain attempt to trample the Canton team into the ground, also lost the ball in the same manner. The Canton team’s superior weight now began to tell on the Massillon line, and finally Rob was rushed across the line for a touchdown.
Massillon then kicked off, and held the Canton team for three downs, obtained the ball and by a good run by Wiseman advanced the ball ten yards. J. Miller punted the ball far into the enemy’s territory just as time was called.
The second half was a hard struggle between the teams, Massillon trying hard to score, and the Canton boys working just as hard to prevent them, when time was called the Massillon team, was very near the Canton goal line. The halves were of twenty minutes’ duration each.
The features of the game were the tackling of Young and J. Miller, and the end running of Wiseman. Ray L. Markel, of this city, and Boyer, of Canton, were the referees. J.M. Sarver acted as timekeeper. The game was very free from objectionable slugging. There were no accidents.
The teams lined up as follows:
C.H.S. Pos. M.H.S.
Zollinger right end J. Miller
Cross right tackle Young
Correl right guard Nother
Slaker center Schnierle
Wagoner left guard Sonnhalter
and Gorman
Cook left tackle Albright and F. Miller
Strang left end Bast and Oberlin
Mahaffey quarterback Hipp
Van Horn right halfback Myers
Rackle left halfback Wiseman
Rob fullback M. Miller
Rex, Hudson, subs Benedict
C.H.S. 5
M.H.S. 0