The Massillon Tiger Football Booster Club wants you to say “Happy Birthday” to your friends, family or loved ones on Friday nights at Paul Brown Tiger Stadium.
This fundraiser is being conducted to support the long-term operational costs of our new scoreboard.
For a $50 donation you can put your friends, family or loved ones names in lights on the giant PBTS scoreboard. See sample below.
Follow the donation link below to make a payment via Paypal to the Massillon Tiger Football Booster Club.
Enter your donation amount of $50
In the section that says “Add Message to Seller”. Type the name of the person you wish to say Happy Birthday too. See Example below.
Once your payment is confirmed we will put your request in the rotation for the next weeks game.
For additional questions. Reach out to us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/massillontiger.boosterclub/