1903: Massillon 7 Wooster 10
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AKRON HIGH WON Massillon High School Defeated by Score of 26 – 0
The Massillon high school, strengthened by the presence of Gans, of Navarre, Harrison and Myers, were snowed under by the heavy Akron high school football team, Saturday afternoon, on the high school grounds by the score of 26 to 0.
The locals lacked the weight and practice which aided the visitors to pile up such a large score. At times the locals would take a brace and march towards their opponents’ goal line, only to be held at critical periods and prevented from scoring. Myers, Albright and Gans played the game for the locals.
Massillon Positions Akron Tucker C. Fuchs Hollinger R.G. Wynn Stoner L.G. Clause Burkhart R.T. Zeisloft Kaylor L.T. Fuedner Smith R.E. Mars Gans L.E. Kirk Schnierle R.H. Albrecht Myers L.H. Williams Albright F.B. H. Fuedner Harrison Q.B. Gregory (Cap.)
The Massillon Tiger Football Booster Club wants you to say “Happy Birthday” to your friends, family or loved ones on Friday nights at Paul Brown Tiger Stadium.
This fundraiser is being conducted to support the long-term operational costs of our new scoreboard.
For a $50 donation you can put your friends, family or loved ones names in lights on the giant PBTS scoreboard. See sample below.
Follow the donation link below to make a payment via Paypal to the Massillon Tiger Football Booster Club.
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For additional questions. Reach out to us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/massillontiger.boosterclub/
Massillon Eleven Fights in Vain Against Odds
All the Members Were Not Present,
so Their Places Were Filled With Players who Never Worked with the Eleven Before
Other Football Matters and Sporting News Generally
The game of football, Wednesday afternoon, at the fair grounds, between the Canton and Massillon high school elevens, resulted in defeat for the latter by the score of 46 to 0. The Massillon boys only decided at the last minute to go to Canton, and, as usual, when the time set for the departure drew near, the management of the team found that several players were missing. A hasty round up was made, and a patched up team was at last gotten together. The Canton captain won the toss up, and chose the ball and the west end of the field.
Massillon kicked off and after about two minutes of playing, Rackle, of Canton, had scored a touchdown, Canton also kicked goal. Massillon now got possession of the ball on the kick off, kept it one down and then lost it on a fumble, Rackle again scoring a touchdown for Canton. Goal was also kicked. Canton scored one more touchdown before time for the first half was called.
The second half was a repetition of the first, only more scores were made. The Massillon boys simply could do nothing but watch their county seat friends carry the ball over the line and kick goal.
Rackle and Van Horn, of the Canton team, had the wind knocked out of them several times, and the Massillon boys sustained some bad bruises, but no one was severely hurt. Royer, of Canton, acted as referee.
The following is the line up:
C.H.S. Pos. M.H.S.
Strang Left End Bast
Cook Left Tackle Sonnhalter
Wagoner Left Guard Gorman
Slicker Center Benedict
Rex Right Guard Young, Pierce
Fawcett Right Tackle C. Young
Reemsnyder Right End Albright
Mahaffey Quarterback Wiseman
Rackle Left Halfback Goehler
Van Horn Right Halfback Myers
Rob Fullback Schnierle
High School Boys Sturdily Breast the Blows
And the Youthful Knights of the Gridiron Go Down to Defeat Before the Hardy Men From the County Seat
‘Twas a Game with Many Fine Features
Other Athletic and Sporting News
The Canton high school eleven in a hotly contested game of football, Wednesday afternoon at the Massillon baseball park, defeated the Massillon high school team by a score of 5 to 0. The game was scheduled to begin at 3:30 but it was nearly 4, when all the preliminaries, were arranged. The Canton aggregation came in a special car, accompanied by many friends and admirers, among who were many ladies. The Massillon school also turned out in force, and the cries of the rivals filled the air.
The toss up was won by Schnierle, the Massillon captain, who chose the west end of the field and the kickoff. Canton, after making a small gain, lost the ball on a fumble by the quarterback. Massillon, after a vain attempt to trample the Canton team into the ground, also lost the ball in the same manner. The Canton team’s superior weight now began to tell on the Massillon line, and finally Rob was rushed across the line for a touchdown.
Massillon then kicked off, and held the Canton team for three downs, obtained the ball and by a good run by Wiseman advanced the ball ten yards. J. Miller punted the ball far into the enemy’s territory just as time was called.
The second half was a hard struggle between the teams, Massillon trying hard to score, and the Canton boys working just as hard to prevent them, when time was called the Massillon team, was very near the Canton goal line. The halves were of twenty minutes’ duration each.
The features of the game were the tackling of Young and J. Miller, and the end running of Wiseman. Ray L. Markel, of this city, and Boyer, of Canton, were the referees. J.M. Sarver acted as timekeeper. The game was very free from objectionable slugging. There were no accidents.
The teams lined up as follows:
C.H.S. Pos. M.H.S.
Zollinger right end J. Miller
Cross right tackle Young
Correl right guard Nother
Slaker center Schnierle
Wagoner left guard Sonnhalter
and Gorman
Cook left tackle Albright and F. Miller
Strang left end Bast and Oberlin
Mahaffey quarterback Hipp
Van Horn right halfback Myers
Rackle left halfback Wiseman
Rob fullback M. Miller
Rex, Hudson, subs Benedict
C.H.S. 5
M.H.S. 0
Wednesday’s Game
a High School Victory
The Massillon Football Team Orders Uniforms and Selects Royal Blue and White as Its Colors
The Bowling Contest
The football prestige of the business college sustained a serious blow, Wednesday afternoon, when a team, playing under its colors, was defeated by the high school team, on the latter’s grounds, by the score of 30 to 0. At one time it looked as if there would be no game. Manager Young, of the business college, put in his appearance, but the larger part of his team, evidently wiser and possessed of more timidity, from a former experience with the game, failed to put in an appearance. However, after borrowing several players form the high school team, impressing several more from among the spectators, and securing an agreement from the manager of the former team to play with but ten men the team was ready to play. The victors showed superiority in practice from the very outset. Besides its lack of this, the business college team was also outclassed in weight. Five of the six high school touchdowns were made in the first half, the business college team bracing up in the latter part of the game. William Boerngen acted as referee. Ray Markel as umpire, and William Kay as timekeeper.
The following were the line-ups:
High School Pos. Business College
Slusser c Wilhelm
Schnierle rg Ackert
Schuster lg Sonnhalter
Stark rt Coleman
Dobson lt Bresman
Meyers le Shertzer
Harrison qb Benedict
McAllister rhb Young
Emery lhb Grossweiler
Mong fb Mitchell
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