Rubber City Team Exhibits a Peppery, Fighting Brand of Football
Local Team Out played by Opponents
and Fail to Score
Captain of the Varsity Plays Brilliant Game
Akron Wins by Drop Kick in the Last Quarter
Massillon Outweighed
Akron South’s peppery, fighting team of pigskin chasers inflicted upon M.H.S. the first defeat of the season on the local grounds Saturday afternoon by the score of 3 to 0. Mansfield, Akron South’s fullback, dropped the ball over from the 30 yard line in the last quarter.
Akron outfought and out played Massillon during the whole game. The determination to win and the fighting spirit so characteristic of Massillon teams was entirely lacking in Saturday’s game. As individuals each member of the team played his hardest but the team work exhibited in earlier games was not in evidence. The fact that the local team was outweighed was no reason for the defeat. If any kind of football had been played the victory would have gone to the local team. A decided brace will have to be taken by the varsity if it wishes to defeat Akron Central next Saturday.
The fact that Akron won by only three points was due to the brilliant playing of Captain Rudy. The big back was practically the whole team on defense. The Akron backs found it easy to go through the line but they could not get past Rudy. Rudy was also the best ground gainer. In the first quarter he recovered a fumble and ran 40 yards before being tackled from behind. Kester, Smith and Rogers played strong games. Kester gave a good exhibition of punting, out kicking his opponent by 20 yards.
Newfield, Akron’s center, was largely responsible for the small gains made by the local team. He would break up the play before it was fairly started. Mansfield scored Akron’s points and was a good ground gainer.
Massillon’s line played a poor game, the opposing linemen getting the charge nearly every time. Fumbling was also a great factor in losing. Only one of Massillon’s forward passes were successful.
Following is the line up and summary
M.H.S. Pos. Akron
Rogers le Frick
Theis lt Duff
Paroz lg Fish
Spidle, Sphuler c Newfield
Graze, Houriet rg Tomkinson
Smith rt Sisler
Rider re Thornton
Hollinger qb Spangler
Rudy (c) rhb Astrup
McLaughlin lhb Welker (c)
Kester fb Mansfield
Drop kick:
Akron South – Mansfield.
Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Snavely.
Head Linesman – Yingling.
Time of quarters – 12 minutes.