Visitors Tackle Viciously as Massillon Offense Clogs;
Molinski and Woods Injure Legs; Bands Give Pleasing Exhibition
Though their ferocity was missing and their offense bogged down much of the time, the Washington high Tigers never-the-less chalked up their fifth straight victory of the season Friday evening at the expense of Barberton, 34-0. A crowd of between 6,000 and 7,000 fans witnessed the game.
In that 34-0 score, Jimmy Price, who once wore the orange and black himself, can find a lot of consolation, for his Barberton Magics held the Tigers to 12 less points than any previous opponent.
Fans Wonder What is Wrong
Because the Tigers did not smash Barberton by three-score or more points, fans today were wondering what was wrong. The score might have been larger had the local gridders played their best ball, but the hard and vicious tackling of the visiting eleven also had something to do with keeping down the total.
Contrary to stories emulating from Akron, Jimmy Price did not come to Massillon with the intention of taking a licking, nor did he save his regulars and use his subs as meat for Tiger prey. While down in his heart, Jimmy expected to lose, his objective was not to see how badly he could lose but by how small a score.
He accomplished his purpose and in so doing, retained the admiration of Massillon fans for Jimmy as player and coach. It was Jimmy who upset his alma mater 6-0 when it was coasting along toward an undefeated season in 1933 and Jimmy came along again last night to make Massillon fans bat their eyes and wiggle their ears and ask the question “what is wrong?”
Interference Leaders’ Legs Injured
From a Tiger standpoint several things were wrong’ two in particular. In the first place, the Tigers have been high for four consecutive weeks. Every team gets low sometime during the season and the local eleven bogged down last night. In the second place, Eddie Molinski and Walter Woods, the two boys who lead the interference, both had lame legs, and only played about one half of the game. Walter Russ replaced Woods and Mike byelene went in for Molinski.
While the Tiger offensive was not as impressive from the stands as it has been the past four weeks, on paper it looks fairly good. It produced 34 points to none for Barberton. It produced 20 first downs to six for Barberton and not once was it forced to punt.
The chief weakness last night was the inability of the local eleven to complete passes. Price had a good defense setup for the Massillon air show and all but three forward passes, one for 15, another for 17 yards and one for 24 yards were batted down. Seven were incomplete and one was intercepted. The Magicians on the other hand completed four passes for 65 yards, had two intercepted and one batted down.
From the outset Barberton showed it was out to give the Tigers a battle, when in the first period the Magicians threw back two Massillon thrusts and kept the Tigers from crossing the goal. A 15-yard Tiger penalty for holding helped the Magics’ cause.
The Massillon eleven struck back in the closing minutes of the quarter, however and got the ball in position to score a touchdown on the third play of the second period. Two more were pushed over in that quarter as the Tigers put on their only sustaining offense of the game.
No Second Half Rout
The rout, expected in the second half did not materialize as the Barberton boys threw all their strength into the fray, held the Tigers to a touchdown in each of the third and fourth periods and then exhausted themselves trying to push over one for themselves in the fourth.
They might have succeeded had not Capt. August Morningstar rose to the occasion and intercepted two of Walter Klein’s passes, one deep in Tiger territory. Morningstar’s all around play is rapidly gaining for himself the distinction of being one of the best ends and leaders in all high school history.
The Tigers started a push the first time they got their hands on the ball last night. Jake Gillom received Baker’s punt on the 34-yard line and only took four steps forward before he was brought to earth. Gillom, Glass and Dutton took turns lugging the leather to a first down on the 30-yard line and Jake on a reverse carried it to another first on the Barberton 18. The Tigers went through for another gain that would have netted them a first down, but a penalty inflicted for holding set them back 15 yards. They lost the ball when Barberton recovered a fumbled lateral on the 20-yard line. Barberton gained but eight yards in three attempts and Baker punted to Gillom who caught the ball on his 34-yard line and ran beautifully down the west side line and across the Barberton goal. The ball was called back to the Barberton 36 however, where it was ruled Jacob stepped out of bounds.
Woods was injured on the play and Massillon took time out. Gillom skirted right end for nine yards and Glass hit for a first down on the 25-yard line. Dutton passed over Morninstar’s head. Three more plays only gained nine yards and the Tigers lost the ball on downs on the 16-yard line. Two plays later a Barberton fumble was recovered on the 20-yard line and that put the leather in position for the first Tiger touchdown. Jake Gillom lost a yard but made four the next time he carried the ball. Glass plunged for two. The quarter ended and Herring replaced Gillom.
Herring wiggled through for eight yards and Mike Byelene took the ball to the four-yard line. Herring carried it to the one-yard line and Byelene went over in a big push for the touchdown. Glass plunged for the extra point.
Molinski Scores
The Tigers kicked off to Barberton and when the Magicians failed to gain, Baker punted to Herring who took the ball on his 40 and returned it eight yards. Glass made six yards through right tackle. Dutton’s long pass to Anderson was batted down. Dutton went through for a first down on the visitors’ 42-yard line. Herring swept his right end for a
six-yard gain and Glass made two yards at left tackle. Dutton again carried the ball to a first down on the Barberton 26-yard line. Glass hit center for three yards and Dutton made five at the same spot. Dutton picked up two more for a first down on the 16-yard line. A forward pass off a lateral to Anderson was knocked down. Dutton faded back and fired a 15-yard pass to Herring who took the ball to the one-yard line. Eddie Molinski plunged it over for the touchdown and Dutton carried for the extra point.
Jake Gillom went back into the game. Morningstar kicked off to Armbuster who was downed on the 28-yard line. Klein made three yards, but on the next play the Magicians got their signals mixed and a lateral failed to reach the intended receiver and rolled for a loss of 20 yards. Baker punted his team out of the hole, the ball sailing to the Barberton
48-yard line. Gillom nearly got away in a 26-yard sprint to the 22-yard line. Glass made three yards and Gillom made it first down on the 12-yard stripe. Glass and Dutton carried the ball to the one-yard line where Gillom lugged it over. Dutton passed to Morningstar who caught the ball in the end zone for the extra point.
The Tigers took the kickoff at the start of the second half and marched straight up the field to a touchdown. Glass nearly got away on the kickoff but was tackled on his 46-yard line. A penalty for offside set the Tigers back five yards. Gillom made four at left tackle, Dutton hit for six and Glass made it first down on the Barberton 44. A 24-yard pass, Dutton to Gillom advanced the ball to the 20-yard line. Glass went through for 14 yards and a first down on the 10-yard stripe. Glass lost a yard at left tackle. Dutton took the ball forward five yards and Glass went through his right guard for the touchdown. He kicked the extra point.
Barberton Flashes Offense
Barberton came back with an abbreviated offensive. Klein caught Morningstar’s kickoff on the 10-yard line and ran it back to the 25. Klein knifed through for six yards on a spin and Zalar swept his end for a first down on his 40. It was Barberton’s first first down of the game. Klein made two yards at left tackle, only to have Morningstar end the offensive by reaching up and pulling down his pass on the Massillon 46. The Tigers carried the ball back to the 17-yard line where a 15-yard penalty set them back. Klein ended the threat completely by intercepting Dutton’s pass on the 13-yard line. He got loose on a fine sweep around his left for 18 yards and a first down on the Barberton 31. Three plays failed to gain more than five yards and Baker on the first play of the fourth period, punted out of bounds on his own 48-yard line. Glass plunged for seven yards and Herring back in the game for Gillom wiggled through for two. Dutton made it first down on the Barberton 35. Herring nearly got away at right tackle and dashed to the 10-yard line. Glass made three but Barberton was offside and was penalized five yards. Dutton plunged through for a touchdown. Glass failed to kick the extra point.
Barberton came back with a passing attack. Zalar was downed with the kickoff on the
30-yard line. Ferris made three at left end but Glavitsch was tossed for a four-yard loss by Anderson and Buggs. Klein snapped the ball to Rels for a first down on the 47-yard line, an 18-yard gain. Zalar made two yards and Glavitsch eight but Barberton was offside and was penalized five yards.
Byelene intercepted Klein’s pass in midfield but Massillon was penalized 15 yards for roughing the passer, giving Barberton a first down on the Tigers 46. Klein lost a yard, but Klein on the next play passed to Armbuster for a first down on the Tigers’ 33. When three line plays failed, Klein passed again, this time to Glavitsch for a first down on the 20-yard line. Klein lost four yards and elected to pass again. This time Morningstar was waiting for the ball; snared it and ended Barberton’s last threat. The Tigers were hammering back toward midfield as the game ended.
Massillon lost 55 yards in penalties to 20 yards for Barberton.
The bands of the two schools gave a fine exhibition in drilling between halves. Barberton’s 65-piece band formed a huge pin wheel in the center of the field and shot Roman candles from the hub. The visiting musicians then moved into a large M and marched down the field by the Massillon stands.
The local band had but a few minutes left for its drill. It went through some complicated maneuvers before giving way to the second half of the football game.
The crowd while not as large as that which attended the opening game of the season with Akron East, numbered between 6,000 and 7,000 spectators. Barberton was accompanied by a large delegation.
Victory No. 5
Massillon Pos. Barberton
Anderson LE Armbuster
Held LT Finefrock
Updegraff LG Mahaffey
Voss C Jetter
Woods RG Moyer
Buggs RT Baker
Morningstar RE Gerhardt
Dutton QB Reis
Gillom LH Klein
Molinski RH Allen
Glass FB Zalar
Score by periods:
Massillon 0 21 7 6 34
Massillon – Russ, lg; Byelene, qb; Herring, lh.
Barberton – Ferris, lg; Brash, lt; Marcinko, c; Culbertson, lg; Giavisch, qb.
Massillon – Byelene; Molinski; Gillom; Dutton; Glass.
Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Glass, Dutton (carried); Morningstar (pass); Glass (placekick).
Referee – Howells.
Umpire – Boone.
Head Linesman – Barrett.