SLASHING an offensive attack that looked even more impressive than their 20 to 0 score Washington high school’s Tigers completely outclassed Barberton high in the last after dark game of the season here Friday evening.
It was the first time this season that any running power has been displayed by the orange and black and the score in no way indicates the power of the local team’s offensive thrusts. In fact had it not been for a bad break coupled with some poor football, the Tigers might have won by twice the score, for they rolled up a total of 24 first downs, five short of what they had been able to register in all the first five games of the season.
More Versatile Attack
Barberton did not present a strong defense. Neither was the visiting team’s offense up to expectations, but the Magicians were out weighed considerably, a distinct advantage to the Tigers.
A change in the Washington high lineup probably had a lot to do with the orange and black’s success. Bordner, who for several weeks has made his biggest showing on the bench, was tossed into the quarterback position, and did a good job of signal barking, mixing up the plays continually to give the local gridders a more deceptive and versatile attack. Roderick got a chance to prove his worth on the line and did a good job of it at guard.
The victory enabled the Tigers for the first time this season to get the jump on their schedule, for they now have won three games, lost two and tied one. But last night’s grid battle was of even more importance. It was an N.E.O. Big Ten skirmish, the first of three league games on the orange and black’s schedule. Dover and Warren are N.E.O. teams yet to be played and though Warren will present a stiff problem, the local team should take Dover across, with little difficulty.
Score In First Quarter
The Tigers scored their first touchdown after 60 yards of battering and pushing. Taking a punt on the Massillon 25, Hess returned to the 40-yard line before being downed. Bordner hit each tackle for six and three yards and Kester rammed through left guard for a first down in midfield. Clendening sneaked through for six yards and Kester made it first down on a reverse play on the 40-yard line. Williams plowed through center for five yards and Clendening stepped away to Barberton’s 29-yard line for a first down. Bordner picked up three yards but the Magicians broke through and smothered Clendening without a gain. Clendening was hurt on the play but continued. Bordner could get but two yards on a reverse play, and with fourth down up, Williams stepped back and hurled a pretty pass to Hess, who caught the ball on the 10-yard line and in half a dozen steps was over for six points. Clendening’s placekick was a bullseye and the Tigers were out in front 7-0.
Muffed Passes Ruin Chances
They threatened again in the first quarter, but Worthington allowed Williams’ pass to fall dead at his feet when he misjudged the throw and the ball was lost on downs on the 25-yard line. In the early minutes of the second period the Massillonians again carried the ball up to the visitor’s 14-yard line, where Kester fumbled and Weigand recovered for Barberton. Another opportunity went by that would have meant a sure touchdown when in the last minute of the first half, Williams, with a clear path to the goal, dropped Clendening’s perfect pass, on the 10-yard line.
Barberton Threatens
Barberton’s only chance to score came in the third period and for a time the visitors had the Tigers in the hole. A long punt by Weigand that went out of bounds on the 6-yard line made plenty of trouble for awhile. An additional penalty of five yards inflicted on the Tigers for moving the ball at center, pushed them back to the one-yard line. The forward wall held while Kester kicked to the 25-yard line, but the Magicians came back with two line plays and a forward pass for a first down on the 12-yard stripe. Klase banged through for five yards but fumbled when tackled and Williams recovered for Massillon on the seven-yard line. Kester kicked out of danger and the Massillon goal line was not threatened thereafter.
March 80 Yards For Points
The Tigers inaugurated their second touchdown march in the closing minutes of the third period. Getting the ball on their own 20-yard line they carried it up to the 42-yard stripe before the end of the period. Bordner made it first down on the locals’ 46-yard line, and after Kester had lost a yard, Williams broke through for a dash to the Barberton 31-yard stripe. On the very next play Don Hess came around from his end position to take the ball and race 31 yards for a touchdown. Bordner crossed up Barberton by giving the ball to Williams who bucked it over for the extra point.
Kester In 50-Yard Dash
Washington high’s last touchdown came on a dash of 50 yards by John Kester. He struck through left tackle with the ball tucked under his arm and outran two secondary defense tacklers who failed to lay a hand on him in his dash to the goal line. This time Clendening missed his try for point. The local team was on its way for another set of points when the whistle blew ending the game with the ball on Barberton’s 18-yard line.
Strangely enough, though the Tigers’ completed but one forward pass in 11 attempts, yet their passing attack looked more encouraging last night than at anytime this season. In most instances the passes carried dead to their mark but the receiver couldn’t hold on to the ball. Two touchdowns at least were lost as a result of these muffs. Barberton completed three of 13 passes for a gain of 32 yards.
Numerous penalties were inflicted by the officials for offside and the use of the hands. The Tigers were penalized 75 yards while Barberton was set back 30 yards.
Large Crowd On Hand
The second largest crowd of the season turned out to witness the game in spite of the cold weather. The stands on the east and west sides of the field were practically filled with spectators. The crowd, however, grew smaller as the game progressed, many leaving because of the chilly breeze that swept the field.
Every member of the Massillon team was given an opportunity to play last night;Coach Elmer McGrew making a number of substitutions in the last period of the game.
Jimmy Price, who galloped around at quarterback and halfback for the Massillon gridders a few years ago and who later was an idol at Wittenberg, is the Barberton mentor. Jimmy has only a few veterans to work with and though his team is light, it possesses plenty of scrap. His offense clicked smoothly enough last night but his line could not open up the necessary holes in the Massillon forward wall.
Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. Barberton
Worthington LE Conrad
Willison LT Bonner
Snodgrass LG Chandler
Schott C Seryak
Roderick RG Pinter
Price RT Burnley
Hess RE Ziblot
Bordner QB Weigand
Kester LH Glancy
Clendening RH Klase
Williams FB Whitman
Score by periods:
Massillon 7 0 0 13 20
Massillon – Getz, le; Worthington, lg; Singer, rh; Foster, rh; Monroe, rg; Hoyman, c; Mudd, fb; Smith, le; Spencer, rt; Doerger, lg; Getz, rg; Williams, rh.
Barberton – Broddus, lt; Guysic, fb; Cantlebury, rt; N. Williams, rt; Houck, lg; Burton, le.
Massillon – Hess 2; Kester.
Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening (placekick); Williams (line buck).
Referee – McPherson.
Umpire – Mahaffey.
Head Linesman – Newman.