Second Quarter
On the first play of the second session Chaszar made five on a long end run. Lepkowski got two before Lorain got another fine yard penalty for offside. Chaszar punted to Massillon’s 30-yard line. Worthington made two and Clendening eight in three plays. It was Massillon’s second first down. Kester made no gain around end and Massillon got another five yard penalty.
Worthington carried the ball without gain and Clendening punted, putting the ball on Lorain’s 25-yard line. Lepkowski made one yard before Chaszar punted to Massillon’s
25-yard line. Williams made no gain. Massillon received another five yard penalty. Kester punted to Lorain’s 40-yard line. Lepkowski made five yards through the line. The visitors got a five yard penalty for offside. After another try which netted them four yards the visitors received a 15-yard penalty for holding. Chaszar made no gain and punted to Massillon’s 45-yard line. Urbas recovered Clendening’s fumble. Lepkowski made no gain before Lorain was given one more 15-yard penalty for using hands on offense.
At this point the Massillon defense started to show itself. Andres lost seven and Chaszar was thrown for three more. Chaszar punted, the ball being held on Massillon’s 15-yard line. Kester returned the punt to Lorains’ 40-yard line. A Lorain man fumbled and Houriet recovered, giving the Tigers the ball on the opponent’s 45-yard line. A beautiful short parallel pass from Kester to Clendening and a snappy run by Clendening put the ball on Lorain’s 10-yard line. Williams made no gain through the line. Kester got two in a line plunge. Worthington put a neat pass in Kester’s hand and Kester took the ball to the
two-yard line. The center threw the ball high on the throwback and it hit Worthington’s forehead, bouncing behind the line. Andrews fell on it for a touchback.
Lorain took the ball on the 20-yard line. Lepkowski made two through Chaszar made no gain as the half ended.
Third Quarter
Kester kicked to the opponent’s 35-yard line. Chaszar and Pincura made two yards. Chaszar punted to Massillon’s 25-yard line, Clendening returning the ball 17 yards before being downed. Kester made no gain. Kester punted to Lorain’s 45-yard line. Lorain received a five-yard penalty when its center tossed the ball outside the line. Lepkowski made three and Chaszar none. Chaszar kicked to Massillon’s 10-yard line. Williams made 21 yards around right end, giving Massillon another first down. Clendening made eight through the line and Kester lost one. Williams tossed the ball to Kester who made a yard.
Kester punted, Lorain getting the ball on its own 30-yard line. Lorain made a yard in two tries. Chaszar punted to Massillon’s 30-yard line. Clendening fumbled and Wellet recovered. A long pass gave Lorain 22 yards but it was declared illegal, two men having grabbed it.
Chaszar made four yards through the line. Lepkowski added two more.
Andrews took the ball from the center, pivoted and handed it to Pincura who made a
five-yard pass to Chaszar. Chaszar raced around the left end near the sidelines for the only touchdown of the game. Chaszar kicked for goal and missed, making the score Lorain, 6; Massillon, 0.
Andorka punted, Kester took the ball and carried it 18 yards to his own 28-yard line. Williams made no gain through the line. Lepkowsi grabbed Kester’s pass on the 50-yard line and carried it to Massillon’s 25-yard line. Picura lost four yards and Lepkowski made two through the line. A pass, Chaszar to Lepkowski, was good for five yards as the quarter ended.
Fourth Quarter
Chaszar fumbled on the first play of the quarter and Kester recovered on his own 20-yard line. Kester kicked to Massillon’s 45-yard line. Pincura crashed through for five yards and Chaszar added five more, giving Lorain a first down. Chaszar made nine and Kepkowski added two more, the visitors getting another first down. Andrews made 11 in a neat run around left end, Lorain getting its third first down in succession. The Massillon defense came to the fore again, Pincura being taken back for 13 yards. Andres lost eight in the next attempt. A short pass, Andres to Chaszar, netted the visitors 16 yards but it wasn’t enough for a first down. A Lorain pass was unsuccessful and Massillon got the ball on its own 18-yard line.
Clendening made three through the line. He was hurt in the play and was removed. Rice made four and lost two. Kester punted to the 50-yard line. Chaszar made 17 yards on a pretty run around right end, but the play was called and Lorain got a five-yard penalty for offside. Wellet took the ball around right end for 35 yards, stepping out of bounds two yards from the goal. The play did not count as the visitors had held and Lorain got 15 yards more from the officials. Wellet took the ball through the line for six yards. A Lorain pass was unsuccessful. Wellet made three, not enough for a first down, and Massillon got the ball. Massillon was penalized five yards because the backfield was in motion. Houriet made no gain. Kester’s pass to Houriet was incomplete. Kester’s punt was blocked, Ursic recovering for Lorain on Massillon’s nine yard line. Chaszar made three. Pincura added two more and Wellet got two. Lepkowski got two, one less than enough for a first down and it was Massillon’s ball on its own two-yard line. Kester punted to Massillon’s 40-yard line, Pincura returning it to the 25-yard line. Lorain, to put a grand climax on the game, got a 15-yard penalty for holding as the gun went off.
Massillon – 0 Position Lorain – 6
Toles LE B. Urbas
Willison LT Romoser
Pfister LG McGue
Lewis C Bunn
Herman RG J. Pincura
Blatz RT Andorka
Houriet RE Ursic
Kester QB E. Andrews
Worthington LH S. Pincura
Clendening RH Nickolette
Williams FB Lepkowski
Score by periods:
Lorain 0 0 6 0 6
Massillon 0 0 0 0 0
Massillon – Snodgrass for Lewis; Rice for Williams; Getz for Houriet; Houriet for Clendening; Singer for Worthington; Hoagland for Snodgrass.
Lorain – Chaszar for Nickolette; Kalb for Romoser; Rogers for Bunn; Beers for Andrews’ Romoser for Kalb; B. Andorka for W. Androka; Andrews for Beers; Homola for Urbas; Wellet for Andrews.
Touchdown: Lorain — Chaszar.
Referee – Howells (Sebring).
Umpire – Kirk.
Head Linesman – Maurer (Wooster).