1930: Massillon 0, Lorain 14
Lorain Backfield Cracks Inexperienced High Line
Special to The Independent
LORAIN, Sept. 29 – Weakening before a persistent Lorain attack in the first and third quarters, Washington high of Massillon lost its second game of the season here Saturday, by a score of 14 to 0.
Although outplayed most of the way, the Massillon eleven made a hard fight of it, never allowing Lorain any ground that was not hotly contested.
Massillon’s lone opportunity to score came late in the last quarter after a pass from Singer to Williams put the ball on the 13-yard line from the 35. Kester made a charge at the line and placed the ball on the 10-yard marker. Lorain held Massillon to a yard gain on the next down and on the third, Urbanic, Lorain’s star tackle broke through to throw Kester for a four-yard loss and their chance was gone.
Pass Brings Score
In beating off the invasion of orange and black, the Lorain team made nine first downs to Massillon’s four, scoring six of them in the first half. In the second half, both teams resorted to a kicking duel which cut down the number of downs. Kester had a slight advantage in the exchanges.
Lorains’ first touchdown against the Tigers came in the first quarter when after marching from their own 35-yard line to Massillon’s 30-yard line in three straight downs, Nickolette heaved a 15-yard pass to Bahoric who raced across the line. Bahoric, in turn place-kicked the point to his own touchdown.
The second touchdown came in the third quarter. This time, it was a one-man proposition. Starting on Massillon’s 35-yard line, Stan Pincura Lorain’s star quarterback, carried the ball eight times in succession, to put it across the line. He drove at the Tiger right guard and tackle each of these eight times, making two first downs on the way to the goal line by himself. After scoring the touchdown, Pincura plunged over the line for the extra point.
Clendening, Kester Star
Massillon’s line showed its inexperience in the more crucial moments when it was unable to withstand the rush of the home town attack. They seemed to hold better when in neutral territory.
The veteran backfield of the invading team was not able to do much against a powerful Lorain line and Clendening succeeded in circling the local ends only on two occasions for any appreciable gains.
However, Clendening and Kester were the outstanding stars of the game for the Tiger team. Kester pounded at the Lorain line hard but often met his own forwards backing into him. Twice he was able to make first downs when he could find a hole but they were rare. His kicking was up to its usual fine form.
Clendening played a fine game in the safety positions despite a treacherous wind which frequently made it almost impossible to catch the kicks of Nickolette.
The summary follows:
Lorain – 14 Pos. Massillon – 0
B. Urbas LE Getz
Donohue LT Willison
J. Urban LG Snodgrass
Busick C Schott
J. Pincura RG Mudd
Urbanic RT Price
Cinniger RE Hess
S. Pincura QB Singer
Bahoric LH Kester
Nickolette RH Clendening
Kohlmyer FB Williams
Score by periods:
Lorain 7 0 7 0 14
Touchdowns: Lorain – Bahoric and S. Pincura.
Points after touchdown: Lorain – Bahoric (placekick); S. Pincura (scrimmage).
Referee – Howell (Sebring).
Umpire – Houghton (Oberlin).
Head Linesman – Johnson (Navy).