High Gridders Swamp Barberton Under 32 To 0 Score
Piercing Drive Of Orange And Black Brings Second Win
The youthful Tigers of Washington high school registered their second victory of the 1922 gridiron season Saturday afternoon when they smothered the brown and white clad athletes of Barberton high school under a 32 to 0 score in their annual scholastic engagement in the Match city.
Far stronger on offense, displaying a stonewall defense and showing a greater knowledge of the game, the orange and black eleven easily outclassed the Match City warriors, but the team play of the local eleven lacked the same precision as that put on exhibition a week ago when Coach Stewart’s squad inaugurated its drive for scholastic honors by triumphing over Steele high of Dayton, last season’s midwestern champions.
With old King Sol sending down his rays with full strength on a field covered with several inches of dust, both elevens were hampered to no small extent. It was no usual sight; after watching a cloud of dust disappear, to see one and often times more athletes dig free from a pile of dirt before being able to resume play.
Penalties also had much to do in keeping the orange and black from scoring more points. Coach Stewart’s lads paid the price of alleged unlawful tactics by being penalized by the officials for 100 yards, cutting off two and possibly three avenues for touchdowns. In the first period, Massillon backs twice ripped through the Barberton eleven for substantial gains and carried the oval to within the shadow of the goal posts, only to have the ball taken back to where the play started and receive a 15-yard penalty. Sixty yards were taken from the orange and black eleven in the first period while the other 50 yards were distributed throughout the remaining periods.
Barberton could do very little against the crushing attack of the Washington high backs, the first line ripping the Match City’s forward wall of defense to shreds and leaving big openings for the backfield to hit for substantial gains. On offense the upstaters were outclassed even to a greater extent and it was very seldom that their offensive stars were able to penetrate the orange and black line.
Only once during the entire 60 minutes of strife did the opponents of the local eleven possess the oval in Massillon territory, but on no occasion were they within striking distance of the goal. The Barberton team covered the moleskin in Massillon territory in the initial period after the orange and black eleven lost the ball on downs after it had sustained two 15-yard penalties. (Next line unreadable)
“Midge” Thomas brought Massillon its first set of counters, when he duplicated his feat of a week ago of twisting, side stepping and sprinting through the entire opposing eleven for a touchdown. The diminutive halfback received a pass from Potts at center, while standing in midfield, and afforded excellent interference, raced away for a touchdown and set the orange and black scoring machine into action.
Another touchdown was added in the second period. Massillon had opened the period by tearing through the Barberton line for several first downs, but the march was brought to a halt when the upstaters bolstered and held for downs on their 30-yard line. Hill then intercepted a long Barberton pass and advanced the ball to the 34-yard line before being brought to earth. On the second down the husky orange and black fullback hit off Barberton’s right tackle and scampered through the opposing team for a touchdown. Ulrich dropped kicked over the bars of the opposing team for a touchdown. Ulrich dropped kicked over the bars for Massillon’s 13th point, having missed the attempt after the first touchdown.
Massillon’s first line of defense gave the locals their opportunity for the third touchdown for with but two yards to gain for a first down. Barberton attempted to pierce the Massillon line only to lose the ball on their own 34-yard line. Line plunges by Hill and Ulrich gave Massillon two first downs and advanced the oval to the four yard line from where Hill scored through right tackle. Thomas kicked goal.
In the final period, after Ulrich had advanced the oval to the 16-yard line, Barberton held the locals for downs. But the orange and black captain was not to be denied and a few minutes later after Define had received a punt on Barberton’s 30-yard line, Ulrich scampered across for the fourth Massillon touchdown.
“Dutch” Hill registered Massillon’s final counter, after Massillon had gained the ball on Barberton’s 25-yard line. Boerner hit for 10 yards through right tackle. In three plunges through the same side of the line, Hill was across the goal line and Massillon’s score was boosted to 32 points. Both attempts for goals in the final period failed.
Massillon was as well represented at the game as the Barberton eleven. Approximately 500 Washington high students and local citizens attended.
Another Scalp
Barberton – 0 Pos. Massillon – 32
Light LE Weirich
Staw LT Edwards
Yoder LG Kallaker
Stewart C Potts
Kaufman RG Pflug
Banks RT Salsberg
Krohn RE Jamison
Immler Q Ulrich
Suitor LH Boerner
Butler RH Thomas
Clancy F Hill
Score by periods:
Massillon 6 7 6 13
Substitutions: Massillon – Borsa for Boerner, Hax for Thomas,
Thomas for Hax, Boerner for Borsa, Define for Thomas,
Miller for Kallaker, Rohr for Weirich, Mercer for Define,
Hax for Ulrich.
Barberton – Razor for Butler, Graham for Immler.
Touchdowns: Hill 3, Thomas, Ulrich.
Dropkicks after touchdowns: Ulrich, Thomas
Referee – Laubach.
Umpire – Connor.