The First foe for the scholastic title has been vanquished.
The orange and black-clad warriors of the Washington high school, Saturday afternoon carried off honor Number 1, when they defeated 7 to 0, in a hard fought contest the strong touted eleven of Central high school of Akron at the Akron high school stadium
Evenly matched in weight, the youthful Tigers immediately brought joy to the several hundred Massillon rooters, when after the first kickoff they began a march for a touchdown. Zimmerman, the stellar halfback of the Rubber City crew booted the ball on the kickoff to Graybill, who was only downed after he had returned the kick 10 yards. Line plunges and end runs carried the ball within Akron’s 20-yard zone where the Washington high gridders lost the ball on downs.
Howells then broke through the Akron line and threw Zimmerman for a 20-yard loss. The Akron halfback punted 30-yards to Greenfelder. Hitting the Akron line with the persistency of a British tank, the varsity crew of the Washington high school carried the ball to Akron’s two-yard line whence Greenfelder scored the only touchdown of the contest. He also kicked goal bringing Massillon’s total of points to 7.
Though the orange and black eleven, under the direction of Coach Snavely annexed the first scholastic victory from Akron central the cost was most costly to Washington high gridders. Emmett Graybill, quarter-back and field general of the varsity sustained a broken left leg within the first six minutes of play, taking him out of the game and the remainder of the season. With Graybill gone the locals will lose one of their most dependable players. Playing his third season on the first team he had learned the fine points of the game and would have been a valuable asset to the eleven this year. Both bones were broken and he was taken to the Peoples hospital in Akron where the fracture was reduced. He was brought to his home in Wooster street Sunday afternoon.
The accident occurred in the first six minutes of play when the orange and black pivot man was carrying the ball around left end. Sloate made a clean tackle on the play but in falling Graybill’s leg snapped.
Hess, whom Coach Snavely moved from end to quarterback ran the team in great style and proceeded to lead the local eleven to the only score of the game, which came two minutes after Graybill was injured.
Greenfelder and Stuhldreher were the bright lights in the orange and black offense. The two orange and black halfbacks consistently gained through the Akron line and around ends. On defense the entire line showed up well and only few gains during the entire 40 minutes of play did the Akronites make by playing the line. The work of Oberlin and Taylor out shone that of the other linemen. The two tackles repeatedly broke through the line and threw the runners for losses while on offense they had big holes for the backfield men.
Beginning the second half the local eleven played mostly a defensive game and more ground was gained by the opponents than by locals. The Akron team opened up in the final half using the forward pass to advantage, successfully carrying out five passes, but failed to carry the pigskin within 25 yards of Massillon’s goal.
Only twice during the entire game was Zimmerman, the flash of the Akron school able to make decided gains, both of these were for about 30 yards around the ends.
Akron Pos. Massillon
Hrasky lt Taylor
K. Miller le Hess
Po each lg Clay
Davis c Angstadt
Schackner rg Harrison
Kinney rt Oberlin
Anderson re Howells
Baysinger q Graybill
Zimmerman lh Greenfelder
Sloate rh Stuhldreher
Spessard f Archbold
Hess for Graybill,
Fasnacht for Hess,
Tilton for Clay,
Graber for Taylor,
Taylor for Garber,
Siffert for Fasnacht,
Limback for Greenfelder,
Jameson for Howells.
Forco for Davis,
C. Miller for H. Miller,
McKnight for Keach,
Martin for Baysinger,
Carroll for Sloate.
Goal from Touchdown:
Time of periods:
10 minutes.
Referee – Geltz, Mount Union
Umpire – Bechtel
Headlinesman – Daily