Wet and Slippery Field Aids
Heavy Match City Team
Big Line Plunger Gives Great Exhibition of Playing
Easily Out Punts Rival
Rudy and Hollinger Also Play Good Games
Massillon high Saturday afternoon received its fourth defeat of the season at the hands of Barberton high by the score of 21 to 3. The local team was outweighed several pounds to the man and the wet and slippery condition of the field greatly aided the heavy match city team. Had the game been played on a dry field the score would have been much lower, as Massillon out played their opponents. Fumbles were numerous and the light Massillon line could do little against their heavier opponents. The Barberton team did not put up a clean brand of football and were penalized several times for using rough tactics.
Barberton scored its first touchdown after one minute of play. Massillon received, McLaughlin getting the ball on the kickoff. On the next play a poor pass to Kester caused him to fumble and a Barberton man recovered it. On the next play Geottge went through the line for a touchdown. Brokaw kicked goal.
Foust made the second touchdown, receiving one of Kester’s punts in midfield. The speedy halfback ran through the entire Massillon team for a touchdown. Brokaw again kicked goal.
The last score was made by Geottge in the third quarter on a line buck. Brokaw kicked goal.
Rider scored Massillon’s only points in the first quarter by a drop from the 20-yard line. The varsity was within striking distance of Barberton’s goal several times, but would either lose the ball on downs or fumble it. In the first quarter the local team made four first downs and carried the ball to the
eight-yard line only to lose it on a fumble.
Kester was Massillon’s shining light. The big fullback by his great playing and kicking can be reckoned the equal of any high school back and punter in the state. He easily out punted his rival and hit the line with terrific force, going through for gains from five to forty yards whenever called upon to carry the ball. On defense he was a tower of strength.
Rudy, his running mate, also put up a great game. These two players have been Massillon’s biggest asset this season. Hollinger, at end, played a strong defensive game and made many brilliant tackles. Smith, at left half, although the smallest member on the squad, went through the heavy Barberton line for several substantial gains. Spuhler, at center, played a good game. “Spook” made one bum pass that was responsible for a Barberton touchdown but he made up for it by his great playing during the rest of the half. Injuries caused his being taken out in the second half.
Rider at quarter ran the team in good style and ran back punts in fine shape. Rogers and Theis at tackles, were stumbling blocks for the Barberton backs. McLaughlin, at end, played a strong defensive game. At guard Spidle, Paroz and Houriet gave a good account of themselves.
Foust played the star game for Barberton. The speedy back would tear through the Massillon line for big gains. Geottge at full, also showed up well at line plunging.
Following is the line up and summary
Massillon – 3 Pos. Barberton – 21
McLaughlin le Baushhuger
Rogers lt Mansfield
Spidle, Houriet lg Chisnell
Spuhler, Spidle c Snyder
Paroz rg Baughman
Theis rt Yackee
Hollinger re Eberhardt
Rider qb Chandler (cap.)
Rudy (cap.) rhb Foust
Smith lhb Brokaw
Kester fb Geottge
Barberton – Geottge 2; Foust 1.
Goals after touchdowns:
Barberton – Brokaw 3.
Drop kick: Massillon — Rider.
Referee – Bast.
Umpire – Mack.
Head Linesman – Yingling.
Time of quarters: 13 minutes.