Seriously Handicapped,
but Not Afraid of Muddy Field
The First Five Minutes of the Game
was the Only Chance Alliance High School Had
to Look at the Massillon Goal
Playing was Always Close
Massillon high was able to score only three points against Alliance high school Saturday afternoon. It was the only score but you can leave it to any of the rooters who accompanied the orange and black to the college town if the play which score the points was simply a flash in the pan.
Only during the first five minutes of the first twelve and one-half minute quarter was the ball in Massillon’s territory. There are no exceptions to that statement. The game was played entirely by Massillon in the Alliance territory usually between the forty yard line and the goal.
The Hartshorn field was the scene of the game and that field was really and truly a scene. It was not fit for high school ball and the question which filled the minds of Massillon people was how college teams would condescend to play football on a city dump. Muddy all over and partly covered with water, one end of the field between the ten yard line and the goal was no less than eighteen inches higher than the remainder of the field. An actual terrace was made on the field and has never been graded off.
Due to the field, but let it be understood, Alliance played good ball, the Massillon team was greatly handicapped. The first half of the game passed off without much excitement, no score being made.
The second half saw the Massillon team tightening up. There was no fancy playing. Captain Arther worked his brains and the team and finally located the bunch in a favorable place for a drop kick. It was not more than fifteen yards before the goal but Heyman applied the boot and over the ball flew, scoring the lonely three points. A second attempt was made at the goal but it was unsuccessful.
The lineup and summary
Massillon Pos. Alliance
Stearns, Wells le Geltz
Baltzly lt H. Tanner
Baer, Weymer lg Scott
Rider c Howson
Baer rg Auld, Stroup
Wagoner rt Schultz
Rudy re Richards
Arther qb Albright
Miller lhb Kallenbaugh
Kester fb F. Tanner
Heyman rhb Pennell, Rosenblum
Drop kick:
Massillon – Heyman.
Referee – Clark; Bast.
Time of periods: 12y minutes.