Old Injury Aggravated in 28-0 Defeat of Barberton; MacMichael, Doroslov and Slusser Have Bad Legs; Practice Behind Closed Gates
Having emerged from their 28-0 triumph over Barberton, Saturday, in none too good condition, the Washington high Tigers today resumed preparations behind closed gates for their all important clash with Canton McKinley, Saturday afternoon, at Lehman field, Canton.
Though some schools in other sections of the state will dispute the statement, the winner Saturday should have every reason to lay claim to the state championship for neither team has been defeated by an Ohio opponent.
Barberton Taken In Stride
Barberton was taken in stride, the Tigers having devoted virtually all of their attention last week to special preparations for the Bulldogs.
At the conclusion of the game it appeared that the Massillon eleven had emerged without injury, but bumps and bruises have a habit of tightening up over night and Sunday several players reported injuries that have Coach Paul Brown worried.
Bob Glass, the principal backfield threat, injured a leg and aggravated a shoulder injury in the first period when he tried to run over a Barberton player.
Injury Several Weeks Old
The shoulder has been bothering him for several weeks and Coach Brown planned to have an X-ray picture made today to determine how seriously it might be hurt. Glass only played a period and a half Saturday and carried the ball but four times after bumping his left shoulder.
Bill MacMichael emerged without a limp, but Sunday reported a sore foot. The injury developed during the night and Sunday morning he was barely able to put his weight on the injured foot.
Sam Doroslov sustained a bruised knee and George Slusser exhibited a large puff on the leg just above the ankle.
Thus the Tigers today went into preparations for their big game of the year, not knowing just what physical condition they are in.
Should the injuries respond to treatment the squad by Saturday may be in good condition.
Barberton Stubborn
As expected, Barberton proved a stubborn foe and the injuries testify to the type of resistance the Tigers faced. They were fortunate enough to shove over two touchdowns in the first period and a half which enable Brown to rest Glass and his convalescing influenza victims, Junior Anderson and Gus Peters.
Neither started the game, but were rushed in for a few minutes in the first period to stem Barberton’s only serious threat on the seven-yard line.
In fact all of the Tiger regulars had an opportunity to watch part of the game from the bench. Don Snavely was rested most of the second half and in the closing minutes of the game, an entire second team carried on for Massillon.
A revamped Massillon lineup, started the game. Substitutions and changes of the past week resulted in only two players holding down the positions they played in the opening game of the season against Horace Mann of Gary, Ind. These were Earl Martin, center and Snavely, right end.
Switch Positions
Lynn Houston was in at right guard instead of left guard, Fred Toles was at left end instead of halfback. Glass was at fullback instead of halfback and Snyder at left halfback instead of blocking back. Other positions were filled with new faces.
Sam Doroslov, for instance didn’t become a regular until last week. Nor did MacMichael, a substitute tackle who was promoted to left guard, Zimmerman was elevated to a varsity backfield job in midseason and Bill Croop and Ralph Harsch relieved Peters and Anderson.
It was midway in the first period when the Tigers scored their first touchdown.The Tigers got the ball in midfield on a punt and Glass broke away for a 20-yard run that carried the leather to the 29-yard line. He hit through his right tackle again for 13 more yards and was injured on the play. Snyder and Glass picked up four more yards and the red head then ran wide around his left end to the one yard line. Glass rammed the ball over and kicked the extra point.
Following up Glavitsch’s beautiful return of the kickoff to the Tiger 45, the Magics executed a lateral off a forward pass that carried the ball to a first down on the 12-yard line. Here Coach Brown rushed Peters and Anderson into the game to stop the threat. A five-yard penalty for offside moved Barberton to the seven-yard line as the period ended, but the Tigers braced, grounded two passes and took the ball.
Pass Scores Touchdown
Following an exchange of punts they started from their own 31 and with Snyder and Zimmerman doing most of the carrying, moved the leather up to the Magics’ 41-yard line.
There Snyder dropped back and shot a long pass to Snavely who caught it beyond Barberton’s two safety men and raced to a touchdown. Glass again kicked goal.
Stopped once on the three-yard line, the Massillon gridders crossed the Barberton goal on their second bid in the third period, but it took a lot of hard plugging.
The drive started from the Magics’ 35-yard line. When two passes were grounded Snyder took the ball and in two attempts plunged to a first down on the 25. He carried it three more times in a row for another first down on the 15.
A nine-yard smash by Snyder and a yard by Slusser produced a first down on the five and set the stage for Zimmerman to circle wide around his left end for the touchdown. He went out of bounds just as he crossed the goal line. Snyder kicked the extra point.
Howard Intercepts Pass
The last touchdown came on a break in the game and a lot of fast running by Bob Howard. The game was waning and the Tiger ranks were plugged with substitutes when Peterman trying desperately to at least score, hurled a pass into the flat from his 40-yard line. Howard came up on the dead run, snared the ball which was intended for Makowski and set sail for the goal line with no one between him and the goal. Fred Toles negotiated the extra point on an end around sweep. The game ended five plays later.
The Tigers were by far the better ball club as statistics show. They made 14 first downs to Barberton’s six and gained 280 yards to Barberton’s 93.
Neither team was able to do anything in the way of returning punts. The Tigers’ average return was two yards, while Barberton only averaged eight-tenths of a yard on its returns.
Approximately 4,000 spectators, the smallest crowd of the year attended. Barberton brought only a small delegation, but its band came along and gave a good exhibition between periods, as did the Massillon band.
The lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Barberton
Toles LE Good
Harsch LT Maloney
MacMichael LG Self
Martin C Jones
Houston RG Ratay
Croop RT Wells
Snavely RE Heppert
Doroslov QB Rowe
Snyder LH Glavitsch
Zimmerman RH Seilers
Glass FB Peterman
Score by periods:
Massillon 7 7 7 7 28
Substitutions: Massillon – Anderson, rt; Peters, lt; Lucius, lg; Greenfelder, rg; Slusser, rh; Zimmerman, fb; Lechleiter, re; Howard, le; Fabian, lh; France, re; Hout, c; Pedrotty, rg; Sandy, rh.
Barberton – Hanic, rh; McCaffery, lg; Millhoff, c; Panchalk, le; Taylor, lt; Werner, re; Funk, le; Makowski, lh.
Touchdowns: Massillon – Glass; Snavely; Zimmerman; Howard.
Points after touchdowns:
Massillon – Glass 2 (placekick); Snyder (placekick); Toles (end sweep).
Referee – Howells.
Umpire – Barrett.
Head Linesman – Schill.