Eighty-two to nothing was the score Massillon high’s foot ball team registered against Uhrichsville high Saturday afternoon at the Blues’ field in Clay street here in the first game of the season. The young Tigers had their visitors so badly outclassed that they did not even waste time trying to kick goals in the majority of cases. The home team kicked one goal in the first quarter and three in the third.
Massillon high gained the kick-off in the first quarter, and succeeded in keeping the ball throughout the greater part of the game. Archbold scored the first touchdown during the first three minutes of play, running 20 yards through the stiff interference of the opponents.
The close of the first quarter gave Massillon a score of 25 to 0, with a touchdown to the credit of Thomas and Greenfelder, both back fielders. Archbold crossed the defenders’ line twice in this quarter.
Stuhldreher, substituting for Greenfelder during the second and third quarters, had three touchdowns to his credit, two in the second quarter. Harrison also scored once in this period of play. Here again Archbold carried the ball to a touchdown.
With 49 points against them at the opening of the second half, the Uhrichsville defenders made a desperate effort to hold the victors in check. Massillon crossed their rival’s line three times during this quarter, kicking goal after each touchdown. Hess, freshman substitute backfielder, in the third quarter, showed exceptional skill for so green a player, running 30 yards on an intercepted pass for a touchdown.
Thomas, veteran half back, made the two scores registered in the last few minutes of the game, besides in the third quarter.
Critics and fans alike were impressed with the fast, smooth team work of the local high team. The young Tigers have an exceptionally well balanced team, playing nine letter men. Saturday’s victory was due, in a great part, to this characteristic. Although no lighter than the local grid warriors, Uhrichsville players were outclassed in the matter of team work and balanced play.
Massillon – 82. Pos. Uhrichsville – 0.
Herman le Horn
Oberlin lt Herrick
Tilton lg Anthony
Ertle c Nuddon
Kemp rg Heshleman
Harrison rt Neighbor
Howells re Bazell
Graybill qb Myers
Greenfelder lhb Repler
Thomas rhb Williams
Archbold fb D. Heshleman
Touchdowns: – Stuhldreher 3, Thomas 4, Archbold 3, Harrison 1, Hess 1, Greenfelder 1.