M. H. S. Plasters a 27-0 Defeat on Akron South’s 11
Without uncorking any secret offensive work, in preparation for the big game with Canton high in two weeks, Massillon high’s football team Saturday afternoon, on the driving park grounds, defeated Akron South high 27 to 0. All points but seven were made in the first half.
Both teams were of about equal weight but the fast playing and team work gave the local eleven its points. The visitors put up a great defensive but soon were playing a losing game and were unable to withstand the plunging of the orange and black’s backs.
During the greater part of the last half the ball zigzagged back and forth in the visitor’s territory. They were unable to gain by punting. Diske, quarterback for the Akron team, was the best ground gainer for the Summit county lads.
Toward the end of the game the visitors uncorked several trick plays, which fooled the local team. After making two straight downs the locals crushed all hopes of gaining any ground.
Toward the end of the game the visitors by recovering a punt got within kicking distance of the goal. Four unsuccessful attempts were made to drop kick it over. The ball was then punted out of danger.
Hollinger, McLaughlin and Roderick starred for the local team.
Massillon – 27. Pos. Akron – 0.
Harrold le Mitsen
Johnson, Muskoff lt Hemming, Moore
E. Stults, Stoner, Teff lg Slusher
Bischoff c Dossehl
Archbald, Graybill rg Stevens, Eckert
H. Stults rt West
Hess re Dunkling, Stevens
Hollinger qb A. Diske
Zorger lhb Archer
Roderick rhb R. Diske
McLaughlin, Converse fb Winters, Lewis
Touchdowns – McLaughlin 2, Roderick 2
Goals from touchdowns – McLaughlin 2, Hollinger 1
Referee – Plott, of Otterbein
Umpire – Kopenhaver, of Heidelberg