Tag: <span>League Park</span>

Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1919: Massillon 21, Canton McKinley 0

High Gridders Trim Canton, 21-0

Father Massillon knew no sorrow Saturday night.

While bonfires blazed merrily and hundreds of shouting youngsters paraded the streets, that venerable old gentleman, with his face wreathed in smiles paid homage to those stalwart sons of his who during the afternoon, had taken unto themselves large chunks of fame by their stellar performance on the gridiron at League Park, Meyer’s Lake.

The orange and black of Washington high school waved triumphant in the breeze, Saturday night, for Massillon’s crack scholastic combination had dealt its perennial enemy. McKinley high of Canton, a sound lacing, inflicting defeat upon its red and black antagonist by a 21 to 0 count, the battle closing the present campaign for both schools.

Rated as one of the strongest elevens in Buckeye scholastic circles Coach John Snavely’s youthful Tigers showed their quality by unfolding a piercing attack in the last two quarters that netted three touchdowns and three goals and registered the most decisive victory over Canton that a local team has annexed in more than a decade. While several thousand highly strung spectators cheered lustily, the orange and black, in a most precise and deliberate manner, trampled under foot its red and black foe and emerged from the annual conflict with the east enders with a record of only one engagement lost during a string of nine tough battles.

Surely the reason for hilarious conduct Saturday night was sufficient. The decisive mauling, which the local gridders administered to the Cantonians left the east enders without even a whimper, and the orange and black has taken unto itself the undisputed claim of scholastic champions of Stark county, having disposed of Alliance early in the season by a 23 to 0 victory.

When the struggling gladiators left the gridiron at the close of the first half, with the battle still a scoreless draw and the outcome not at all decided, Massillon would not have believed that Coach Snavely’s youngsters would be able to emerge from the duel with a 21 point margin in their favor.

Canton, with its regular lineup in the fray, was putting up a stiff encounter and holding the local eleven on better than even terms. Massillon, on the other hand, with Stuhldreher, its crack halfback, on the sidelines because of an injured arm, was not playing at its customary gait. Its defensive work was not up to par and its offense was ragged, failing to make any great headway against the sturdy defense of the red and black.

The beginning of the second half-looked still more gloomy, for Hess, another stellar light of the orange and black backfield, was unable to re-enter the battle because of a bump on the head, sustained in the second quarter.

But with its determination and fighting spirit strengthened rather than weakened by these reverses which had robbed it of two of its stars, the orange and black settled down to business and before the second quarter had progressed far the local team commenced a march from its four yard line that was not halted by the red and black until Russell Oberlin smashed his way through Canton’s left tackle for Massillon’s first touchdown.

Massillon received to open the third quarter, and after an exchange of punts Oberlin started the march that was to score the first touchdown by smashing through Canton’s right tackle for nine yards. Archbold made it a first down and Greenfelder skirted the red and black’s left end for 38 yards, bringing the ball to Canton’s seven-yard line. He made three more on the next play and then Oberlin plowed through Canton’s left tackle for the first touchdown. Greenfelder kicked goal.

The fourth quarter found Massillon in possession of the ball on its 40-yard line. A pretty 10-yard pass from Greenfelder to Howells and a 20-yard sprint by Howells carried the ball to Canton’s 14-yard line, but the red and black fought stubbornly and held. Greenfelder attempted a place kick from the 16-yard line, which was low. A few minutes later Oberlin intercepted a Canton forward on the 50-yard line. On a cross buck which caught the Canton eleven napping Archbold dashed through Canton’s right tackle, and neatly evading the two tacklers, scampered across the red and black goal line for Massillon’s second touchdown. Greenfelder added a point by kicking goal.

But the youthful Tigers were destined to register another touchdown before the game passed into history. After Canton had lost the ball on downs on its 33-yard line, the orange and black commenced another drive that ended with Oberlin shooting around Canton’s right end for 25-yards and the third touchdown.

Three first downs, the result of some brilliant plunging by Greenfelder, Archbold and Oberlin, and a 15-yard penalty brought the ball to Canton’s 25-yard line, from where Oberlin set his pedal extremities in the direction of the red and black goal posts. Greenfelder made the score 21 by kicking goal.

The showing of the orange and black in the last half was a complete reversal of the form they displayed in the first two quarters. Unable to give proper interference or to successfully combat the efforts of the red and black to gain ground, Coach Snavely’s lads found themselves battling their opponents on their own territory during the first quarter, the quarter ending with Canton in possession of the ball on Massillon’s 16-yard line.

In the second half the battle shifted to Massillon’s side but not enough to give the orange and black any decided advantage. A 35-yard run by Greenfelder, which took the ball to Canton’s 27-yard line, gave Massillon a chance to score, but the red and black fought gamely and Canton came into possession of the pigskin on its 18-yard line. Then, after an exchange of punts, Hess and Archbold negotiated two first downs in as many plays, bringing the ball to Canton’s 11-yard line. Archbold made two on a line plunge and Hess dashed through Canton’s left tackle for eight, only to fumble on his one-yard line, Canton covering the misplay. This gave strength to the Cantonians who stemmed the orange and black tide for the balance of the period, although Greenfelder barely missed a goal from a placement from the 42-yard line. The drive was low and sailed under the cross bar.

The third and fourth quarters found the orange and black machine in perfect working order and the faults that had marred the first half of the battle were entirely missing, as Coach Snavely’s lads battled their way to a 21-point victory.

While all of the local warriors acquitted themselves creditably, the brilliant performance of Russell Oberlin, who until a week ago had been playing a tackle position, was an important factor in Massillon’s triumph. The sturdy gridder proved Massillon’s mainstay on defense by his hard tackling and dogged determination to hurl himself into every play, while on offense his smashing tactics produced two of Massillon’s three touchdowns. Canton found him hard to stop at all times.

Archbold, orange and black captain, Greendelder and Hess also did notable work in the backfield, Archbold’s 50-yard dash for a touchdown being the longest of the game. Greenfelder on several occasions tore through the Canton defense for gains of from 25 to 35 yards. Massillon’s forwards displayed stonewall characteristics, especially in the second half, when their attack tore large gaps in the Canton line.

Renner, Harmony and McCarel were the bit offensive stars for Canton. The two teams were evenly matched in weight. Canton having the advantage if any existed.

Massillon – 21 Pos. Canton – 0
Hermann LE D. Miller
Taylor LT Witter
Clay LG Lautenhiser
Angstadt C Smith
Harrison RG Heltzel
Tilton RT E. Miller
Howells RE Duckworth
Hess QB Renner
Greenfelder LHB Harmony
Oberlin RHB Kreuffine
Archbold FB McCarel

Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 0 7 14 21

Subsitutions: Massillon – Adams for Clay, Graber for Tilton,
Hollerback for Hess.
Canton – Jackson for Duckworth, Barthlewmew for McCarel.

Touchdowns – Oberlin 2, Archbold.

Goals after touchdown – Greenfelder 3.

Referee – Blythe, of Mount Union.
Umpire – Snyder of Harvard.
Head linesman – Miller.

Timer – Ligget.
Time of quarters – 12½ m.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1916: Massillon 16, Canton Central 9

M. H. S. Beats Canton, Claims State Scholastic Title

High School Closes Its Season Without Defeat by Trimming Canton, 16 to 9

Fighting an uphill battle from the first quarter, Massillon high’s unbeaten orange and black eleven Saturday afternoon defeated Canton high, its ancient rival, 16 to 9, at League park Canton, in the season’s scholastic grid classic, and closed its 1916 schedule without a defeat, winning 10 straight games, totaling 318 points to 36 for its opponents.

The victory gave the youthful Tigers the Stark county title, but Coach John Snavely immediately after the game claimed state scholastic honors for his gridders, and is now attempting to arrange a post season game with one of the other leading high school aggregations in Ohio.

Saturday’s victory was a successful termination of a very successful season. It stamped the orange and black as one of the greatest scholastic teams in the state, and the local warriors deserve all the praise that can be given them.

They fought a game battle, Saturday. While they did not exhibit the dash and well drilled attack that they did in other struggles, still it was good enough to win. Keyed to the highest pitch and fighting with a stubborn determination to win, they came back with the punch in the second quarter after Canton had scored its lone touchdown in the first 15 minutes of play, and carried off the victory.

Canton never proved dangerous after the first period. The red and black fought with might and main to keep Coach Snavely’s gridders from crossing their goal line, but fight as hard as they would the orange and black would not be denied, and carried the ball from its own 25 yard line across Canton’s goal for its first touchdown.

Red and black rooters were frantic when Canton scored its touchdown. They thought it was going to be a repetition of the 1915 game, when Canton won 7 to 6, but their hopes were soon pulled from the high pinnacle down to the abyss of gloom.

Canton played its best game of the season Saturday. There is no doubt about that. The players watched McLaughlin and Thomas, Massillon’s two stars, very closely, and although neither gained as they did in former battles, there was another man in the backfield who tore Canton’s line to shreds time after time. That was fullback Edwin Stults. Stults played a wonderful game, both on offense and defense, and his punting was excellent. He ripped through the red and black line time after time for substantial gains.

In the first quarter the orange and black was facing a strong wind and was handicapped. The advantage lay with Canton, and near the close of the period, Stults punted to Canton’s 50 yard line. Boldt, who by the way was Canton’s star, received the punt and by some fine dodging and running returned the ball to Massillon’s five yard line, and on the next play carried it over the line on a delayed pass and cross buck. He kicked goal.

Massillon had possession of the ball on its 25 yard line when the second quarter commenced. It was here the Youthful Tigers began their victorious march down the field. Four straight first downs and Thomas went over for the first touchdown. McLaughlin and Stults made a first down, Thomas and McLaughlin made another, Stults ripped through the line for 11 and another first down, and McLaughlin hit off left tackle for 20 yards and Thomas then carried it over from the four yard line. McLaughlin kicked goal.

Canton fought hard to keep Massillon from scoring more points, and a few minutes later Stults punted out of bounds on Canton’s five yard line. The red and black fumbled on the first play and Ertle pounced on the ball for Massillon. Two smashes at the line by McLaughlin and he went over for the second touchdown. He kicked goal. Canton rooters began to realize that their team was in for a beating. Massillon’s two remaining points came just before the quarter ended. Canton was held on its 10 yard line and forced to punt. Boldt missed a bad pass, the ball rolling over the line. He recovered, but was downed before he could reach the line, giving Massillon a safety and two additional points.

Neither team came close to scoring in the last two quarters. Canton scored its safety in the last quarter when a poor pass got away from Stults and the leather bounded over the line. He fell on the ball, but Canton annexed two points through a safety.

During the last five minutes of play, the red and black made a frantic effort to score and tie the count. The east enders tried pass after pass, but only one proved successful, a long heave from Swarts to Wiseman, which was good for a 35-yard gain and brought the ball up to Massillon’s 30 yard line, but Bischoff intercepted the next pass and the danger was over.

Massillon outplayed Canton. It made nine first downs to Canton’s four, but was forced to punt 12 times to Canton’s 11. The orange and black did not complete a single forward pass, in fact, McLaughlin relied mostly on line plays and end runs to make Massillon’s gains. Canton had two successful forwards.

Although without the aid of its captain, Rowland Harrold, who was on the sidelines with a broken collar bone, the orange and black’s playing was decidedly superior to that of Canton. The line played well, Bischoff, Stults and Zepp playing strong defensive games. On offense Massillon excelled, gaining more ground than Canton, which had only one man who did any gaining, left halfback Boldt.


Massillon – 16. Pos. Canton – 9.

Ertle le Strang

Chayney lt Volzer

Stoner lg McAnany

Zepp c Walter

Oberlin rg Bow

C. Archbold rt Swartz

Bischoff re Wiseman

McLaughlin qb Schneffer

Thomas lh Boldt

Converse rh Rate

Stults fb Melbourne
Substitutions: Canton – Negley for Strang, Cameron for McAnany, McCarel for Cameron, Phillips for Melbourne. Massillon – H. Archbold for Chayney, Underwood for Stoner, Johnson for C. Archbold, C. Archbold for Johnson, Wittmann for Converse.

Touchdowns – Boldt, Thomas, McLaughlin.
Safeties – Boldt, Stults.
Goals from touchdown – Boldt 1, McLaughlin 2.

Score by periods:
Canton 7 0 0 2 – 9
Massillon 0 16 0 0 – 16

Referee – Snyder, of Harvard.
Umpire – Coombs, of Hiram.

Time of periods – 15, 15, 12 ½, 12 ½.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1914: Massillon 3, Canton Central 0


For a period of forty-three and one-half minutes, Saturday afternoon, warriors of Massillon and Canton high schools indulged in one of the most brilliant gridiron battles ever witnessed by fans in this vicinity on the field at League Park, Canton. For 43y minutes, 1,500 wildly shouting enthusiastic fans stood and shivered in the near zero weather and yelled themselves hoarse at the fierce attempts of each team to score. During the same period the two old rivals – the orange and black and the red and black – battled unable to make a point, although each had been within striking distance of the opponents’ goal line.
Time was going fast; only half a minute of play remained. Massillon had the ball on Canton’s 4-yard line. Time was taken out to get the crowd off the field. When play was resumed, quarterback Hollinger, of the orange and black, called fullback Henrich around left end. He was thrown for a loss of two yards by a vicious Canton tackler, but the ball had been placed directly in front of the Canton goal posts. Fifteen seconds to play. People were leaving the park in droves, nothing but a scoreless tie was expected to be the outcome of the big battle between the ancient rivals. Then it happened. Hollinger motioned for right tackle, Eckstein to attempt a goal from placement. Standing on Canton’s 16-yard line, the big tackle waited for the pass from center Spuhler. Time was nearly up; those who had stuck to see the finish were in a frenzy lest the timer’s whistle blow before the kick could be made. Hollinger motioned for the ball, there was a thud as Eckstein’s toe met the pigskin and in the early shades of evening the ball sailed across the bars and Massillon high had triumphed over its foe and evened up the count.
Eckstein’s kick won the game, the greatest victory of the season and the championship of Stark county for the orange and black, but to Houriet, right end, should be given the credit for snatching victory from the very jaws of defeat. Soon after the fourth quarter had started, Canton, after making an attempt to gain by the forward pass, was forced to punt. The ball rolled out of bounds on Massillon’s 11-yard line. Henrich went through the line for four yards. On the next play Hollinger fumbled the pigskin and center Griffith, of Canton, fell on it on Massillon’s 16-yard line. At this point, Snyder, captain of the red and black squad, who had received a broken collar bone three weeks ago, was rushed into the fray in a last supreme effort to register a victory. A forward pass from Snyder to Shafer placed the oval on Massillon’s five-yard line. A touchdown seemed a certainty. A line play was broken by Theis. The next play resulted in an attempted forward pass. Snyder shot the ball straight at the Canton end. It was almost in his hands when Houriet rushed in, grabbed the ball and raced 62 yards down the field, towards Massillon’s goal before being downed. The quick action of the brilliant wing man had saved the game for the orange and black.

Steady line plunging with R. Smith and Henrich carrying the ball, made two fast downs for Massillon and placed the ball in position for the placekick made by Eckstein.

It was a brilliant culmination of a brilliant football season. It will be a victory that will secure a prominent place in Massillon high school’s history and students Saturday evening celebrated the event by bonfires and parades.
Two accidents marred the contest. Cholly, Canton’s brilliant pivot man, received a fractured shoulder in the second period and had to retire. Harrold, right end for Massillon high, sustained a broken collar bone in the same period when he tackled a Canton man.

Hope sank in the breasts of Canton rooters when Cholly was forced to quit the field. This player had been practically the whole Canton team during the early stages of the contest. He had been carrying the ball for big gains. Massillon stock rose a full 100 percent when Moyer was substituted for Cholly.
Reports from Canton before the game were to the effect that the red and black was going to stop Capt. Smith, the little demon of the orange and black squad.

For 44 minutes they tried and then – failed. The white headed leader of Massillon high closed his gridiron career Saturday afternoon in a blaze of glory. He tackled fiercely and more than one Canton player now has lots of respect for this stocky individual. When carrying the ball he was like a locomotive. On the first play of the game he tore through left tackle for 30 yards. He never failed to gain and ripped off several big gains.
Every man was a star Saturday. They all played hard. Every player was in the game to win and the result was that the contest fairly glowed with brilliant line plunges, end runs and tackles.

The local team put up a bear of a game but the work of three players stands out prominently. Capt. Smith, Henrich and Houriet were the big cogs on the Massillon team. Henrich played his first game at fullback and showed oceans of football ability. He hit the line hard and punted well.

Massillon made seven first downs while Canton plowed through for eight. Play was pretty nearly even during the whole game. Several times each team started to rush the ball toward the goal line but lacked the power to keep up the pace.

Following is the line up and summary
Canton – 0 Pos. Massillon – 3
Shafer          le     Harrold
Sapsford      lt      Theis
Shellenberg lg     D. Snyder
Griffith          c     Spuhler
Volzer          rg    Graybill
Pontius        rt     Eckstein
Jackson      re     Houriet
Cholly         qb    Hollinger
Fisher         lh     R. Smith
Moyer         rh    Bunker
Marz           fb    Henrich

Canton – Moyer for Cholly; Francis for Moyer; Snyder for Moyer; Moyer for Francis.
Massillon – H. Smith for Harrold; Zorger for H. Smithy.

Goals from placement:
Massillon – Eckstein.

Referee – Blythe (Mt. Union).
Umpire – Merwin – (Massillon).
Head Linesman – Snyder (Ohio State).

Time of periods – 12 and 10 minutes.

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1912: Massillon 0, Canton Central 19

Locals Outplayed Throughout Game
Massillon’s Two Halfbacks Play Brilliant Game
Canton Line Always Held at Critical Moments
Both Teams Use Forward to Good Advantage.

In a hard played and interesting game, Canton high took Massillon high into camp Saturday afternoon by a score of 19 to 0. Although the local team displayed some of the dash and snap that was so evident in the Shaw high game something seemed to be lacking that gives a team vim and life.

However, the Massillon team played hard and gave Canton a mighty tussle but the local eleven were clearly outplayed. Massillon probably gained as many yards as her opponents until they got within 20 yards of the coveted line when they would be held for downs and the ball would change hands. The Massillon backfield put up the star game and pulled off many long gains but when the ball was worked near the Canton goal, the line would fail to hold and the man carrying the ball was often thrown back for a loss. Massillon excelled in open work and several spectacular forward passes were pulled off for gains of 20, 30 and 40 yards.

Although the whole team played a good game several stood out as putting up the best work. Miller, the speedy Massillon captain, played his usual brilliant game, carrying the ball for good gains by his twisting, dodging and fleetness. Many times on the defense he nailed the runner in his tracks, cutting the gains. Rudy the dashing halfback, was in the game over his head and his terrific line smashes brought the spectators to their feet many times. He also handled several forward passes cleverly, gaining forty yards on one of them. Hollinger ran the team well, handled punts in great style and at one time, by a clean tackle, saved the Massillon team from being scored on another time. Kester played a hard game but was unable to do his best work on account of a charley horse and Stern, the speedy little end, was suffering from the same injury which greatly impaired his speed, but he put up a plucky game in spite of it.

In one respect Massillon was equal if not better than the Canton school. The Massillon rooters deserve much credit for their good work. Under the leadership of Henrich and Baxter they kept up a continual din until the very end of the game and never once did they stop rooting even though the score kept piling up against their team, they never allowed their support to fail. Nearly 500 local fans accompanied the team.
Canton received. Canton started up the field but Rider got possession of the ball on a fumble. Canton regained the ball in the same manner and started up the field, making first downs regularly. Hollinger brought down a Canton runner, cutting off a touchdown. Canton continued down the field and placed the ball on the one-foot line but the locals took a brace and held them for downs. Massillon punted out of danger. Miller intercepted a Canton forward and the Massillon team started to march up the field, but on the 30-yard line were held for downs and the ball went to Canton . Rider speared a Canton forward and the first quarter ended with the ball about in the middle of the field.

Stern got a pretty forward from Hollinger that netted 30 yards. On the next down Massillon lost the ball. Canton was forced to punt and after Massillon lost the ball on a fumble, Canton again punted. Massillon was held and punted. Soon after Canton scored their first touchdown when Cholley went through Massillon’s right wing and sprinted 68 yards. Flickinger missed goal. Score 6 to 0.

Massillon received and Rudy returned the ball 20 yards. After Hollinger got 20 yards on a forward the first half ended.
Canton kicked and Kester returned 15 yards. Massillon went about 30 yards and lost the ball on a fumble. Hollinger got a Canton forward and Rudy gained 30 yards on a forward from Hollinger. Massillon lost the ball on downs. Mooth raced forty yards on a forward pass before being downed. Luntz carried the ball to the six-inch line and on the next down he carried it over. Goal was missed. Score 12 to 0.

Massillon received. Rudy gained 40 yards on a pretty forward. Canton captured a Massillon forward but Rider recovered the ball on a fumble. The quarter ended with the ball in Massillon’s possession.

Canton worked the ball into Massillon territory but lost the ball on downs and Massillon kicked. Rudy got a Canton fumble but Massillon was held for downs and forced to punt. The punt was blocked and Wise grabbed the ball and went for a touchdown. Goal was kicked. Score 19 to 0. After several more minutes of play the game ended.

The lineup and summary
Canton Pos. Massillon
Mooth le Limbach
Wise lt Theis
Seyle lg Eckstein
Turner c Rider
Hague rg Baer
B. Gibson rt Becker
Flickinger re Stern
Cholley qb Hollinger
West (c) lhb Miller (c)
Wade rhb Rudy
Luntz fb Kester

Canton – Brown for Wade; Jackson for Mooth.
Massillon – Johns for Sterns; Smith for Johns.

Canton – Cholley; Luntz; Wise.

Canton – Flickinger.

Referee – Snyder (Harvard).
Umpire – Downs (Reserve).
Head Linesman – Erb (Canton).

Time of periods: Two 15 minutes; Two 12y minutes.

Timers: Coleman (Massillon).
Marshall (Canton).

Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1909: Massillon 11 Canton Central 6

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Fast Enders Downed by the Score of 11 to 6.


Massillon Scored Twice on High Class Football,
Canton Once by Good Fortune
Locals Out-classed Home Team in Every Department of Game.

In fifty minutes of fast and brilliant play the Massillon high school football  team trampled in the dust the championship aspirations of the team representing the Canton school, and for the third consecutive time asserted Massillon’s superiority over the east enders, who have grown supercilious in the conceit that they hold by divine right an athletic precedence over the local school.  The game, bitterly contested every inch of the way, places Massillon in a position to claim the championship of this section of the state.  Canton, which has been defeated twice by Massillon, defeated Rayen, of Youngstown, which in turn defeated Akron.  In order to decide the issue conclusively Rayen must take up Massillon’s gauntlet.  Although Akron tied Massillon, a defeat of Rayen would put Akron out of the race and leave Massillon undisputed title to the championship.

“Poor Massillon!” remarked a Canton paper in large headlines Saturday morning, and in the article which followed the local school was given about as much chance of existing against Coach Hazlett’s much touted protégés as a fried snowball in June.  It didn’t take Canton long to realize that it was really a football game when Massillon led off with one of Coach Fugate’s smashing, crashing series of silent signals which carried the ball for first downs; the first crack out of the box.  During the rest of the contest Massillon out-weighed and out-played its opponents in every department of the game.  In brief, Massillon’s two touchdowns were made on straight football, the first by Sonnhalter, who carried the ball over after bucking it fourteen wards in four straight downs; and the second by Wells after a run of twenty-five yards; while Canton scored on luck by having Gauchatt fall on the ball after Lothamer had blocked one of Blackburn’s punts.  Blackburn kicked the second goal after Clay had caught the put out.  Kahler kicked Canton’s only goal.

Massillon might easily have blanked Canton by a larger score had not the feelings of Umpire McFarren been so susceptible to injury.  Massillon high never had a bunch of kickers and this season it has stood all decisions on plays good and bad, without a kick, but there is a limit to human endurance and this was reached when McFarren, losing all self control, flew into a rage and displayed a despicable degree of petit officiousness by putting Leahy, Massillon’s center, out of the game for alleged slugging; not in the game, but in an argument; not of a Canton player, but of McFarren himself.  While settling a decision on a play Leahy stepped up to McFarren and tapping him on the shoulder, started to explain his part of it.  McFarren turned in a rage, “Out of the game for yours,” he shouted, “you can’t slug me.”  Massillon had no recourse and Leahy was forced to leave.  Without a sub-center McConnell was sent in to do the best he could.  Massillon has no charge to make against any other decision, good or bad.

The fact that the game was practically all Massillon from start to finish does not detract from the fact that Canton put up a game and plucky fight against greater weight and skill.  McCoy was Canton’s particular star.  He fought like a tiger from the time the whistle blew until he was carried from the field completely played out.  In him lay Canton’s one hope and when he was smothered Massillon had nothing to fear.  He ran with remarkable speed and skill, but was no match for Massillon’s defense.  Carrying the ball most of the time he received a lion’s share of Massillon’s terrific tackles.  Kaylor replaced him at quarter, and was in turn replaced at full by Blanchard.  Kaylor played a good game both at full and quarter, and Howells and Lash on the end blocked the Massillon interference in a manner which was not at all agreeable to the visitors.

Canton’s interference although a stiff proposition at times, had little show against Massillon’s terrific plunges and bucks.  All that the linemen could not clear away the backfield smashed a hole through.  Canton’s ends were tough problems on regular plays, but were easily drawn in on tricks.  Massillon’s offense consisted chiefly of tricks and plays from shifted formations so that Canton was up in the air most of the time in a vain effort to follow the ball.  Canton had some chance against straight football, when it was tried, but there was little hope against Coach Fugate’s foolers.  The forward pass was worked several times successfully by Massillon.

Massillon’s defense was practically impregnable.  It is true Canton made her downs several times but not within striking distance of the goal.  When ever Canton came anywhere near Massillon’s sacred goal the Massillon team would take a mighty brace and throw it for three consecutive losses.  This great fighting spirit has pulled Massillon out of several bad holes this season.  Erb at left tackle, with the trusty Heyman at guard, held the hefty Lefkovitz and the Canton’s right wing in good order.  Wagner and Clay on the other wing, held Canton’s left with ease.  Atwater at quarter ran the team to victory on a well mixed up assortment of tricks and shifts which kept the opponents in the air.  Ellis played a great defensive game at right end and Miller on left and gained several times around the opposite end on Massillon’s trick double pass.  Leahy played his usual brilliant game at center both on offense and defense until forced to leave.  McConnell played a hard game in his strange position at center.

Massillon’s three hundred rooters greatly outnumbered the Canton section and in the fine points of the rooting game drowned them completely out.  Massillon will play Oberlin Academy on the high school grounds next Saturday.

The line-up and summary:

Massillon – 11                 Pos.               Canton – 6
Miller                                le                 Howells
Erb                                    lt                 Lothamer
Heyman                            lg                 Rippeth, Austin
Leahy, McConnell             c                 Bonar
Clay                                  rg                 Lefkovitz
Ellis                                   re                 Sweet, Lash
Atwater                            qb                McCoy, Kahler
Wells                                lh                 Price
Blackburn                         rh                 Steiner
Sonnhalter                         fb                 Kachler and Blanchard

Massillon – Sonnhalter; Wells.
Canton – Gauchatt.

Goals from touchdowns:
Massillon – Blackburn.
Canton – Kahler.

Punt out:
Massillon – Blackburn; Clay.

Referee and umpire, alternating – Wittmann and McFarren.
Head Linesman – Speck.
Linesman – Fugate, of Massillon.
Timer – Vogt, of Massillon.

Time of halves – 25 minutes.


1908: Massillon 12 Canton Central 6

A Tigerish Game Was
Won in Whirlwind Fashion.

The Black and Gold Trimmed a Tough Proposition in the Last Five Minutes of Play

The Enthusiasm was Unbounded

In the hardest and fastest gridiron battle ever waged in the history of the local school, Massillon high for the first time in twelve years sent its old time rival, Canton high, down to defeat Saturday afternoon by the score of 12 to 6.  After thirty-eight minutes of play in wihich the two teams, fighting like tigers, see-sawed back and forth across the field, both teams broke loose in a fit of desperation and three touchdowns were raced over the line in whirlwind fashion.  With but eight minutes left to play, L. Wise secured the ball on what appeared to be a fumble and chased behind the two posts for Canton’s first and only touchdown.  In the last five minutes of play Massillon came to its own.  After a fumble by Canton the ball, chased by half a dozen players of both sides, bounded behind the goal posts where Davis, of Massillon, fell on it.

It was Massillon’s turn now and the enthusiasm was unbounded.  Blackburn kicked a faultless goal but the game was not yet won.  A few minutes later another of Heyman’s long spiral punts was fumbled on the ten yard line.  Blackburn secured the ball and trotted over for the second and decisive touchdown.  If enthusiasm was wild before it was frantic now.  Massillon’s small but loyal bunch of rooters jumped and fell and rolled from the grandstand onto the field in an ecstasy of joy.  Every voice was shouted hoarse.  The players embraced one another and wept upon Blackburn’s neck.  A perfect goal gave a new lease of life to the unquenchable outburst.

There was yet one minute and thirteen seconds to play and the desperate wearers of the black and red determined to make this count for at least a tie.  But it could not be.  Massillon considered the game over and won, and by frantic efforts Canton carried the ball on crashing line bucks to within twenty-three inches of Massillon’s goal.

Here Massillon held like a stone wall and on the third down and goal to gain, with five more seconds to play, Canton took time out to regain its wind. Behind the goal posts was a howling mob; Massillon rooters yelling like mad to hold, hold, hold and Canton supporters crying frantically for a touchdown.  Things happened fast in the next few seconds.  The ball was put into play, and the giant McGregor, wheeling into action, bore down upon Massillon’s left side.  The compact was crushing, but Erb and Heyman held.  The next moment Massillon’s backfield crashed into the breach, and as the whistle blew for time the pigskin settled back two feet from Massillon’s inviolate goal.  The trick was turned and Massillon had come to her own.

Canton lays its defeat to a weakened line-up, but although Massillon was strengthened by the addition of Sonnhalter and Heyman, recently of the second team, they were weakened as much or more than Canton by the lack of a left end.  Kelly, who was relied upon, had his toe injured in practice, and Richards failed to show up at the last minute.  Moody held the position down well, considering the fact that he had been playing guard all season.  The real cause, however, lies deeper. Both teams played hard, both desperately at times, but in Massillon’s defensive playing was a Carlysle daring recklessness which knew no fear and nailed the man at any cost.  On offensive was displayed careful plugging tactics, and a readiness to profit by the least incident which was Johnny on the spot from start to finish. It was this which gave Massillon the ball on the fumbles and which put over the touchdowns before any one could impede.  Behind it all lay Heyman’s great punting.  Fifty yards was often covered through his great booting, and the speed of Massillon’s line in getting down the field and nailing the man held the ball most of the time in Canton’s territory.  More than this a difficult spiral curve made it almost impossible to catch one of the punts. Invariable fumbling on the part of Canton’s backfield gave Massillon its two decisive touchdowns.

Every one of Massillon’s players covered himself with glory.  There was not a waver, not a moment of indecision.  There could not have been, and still have allowed the score to remain as it did.  Every player was in the game heart and soul, to do or die, from start to finish.  Both guards, Heyman and Blackburn, played their positions well, but eclipsed their record here by their perfect kicking and other exploits.  Davis, at center, held his man, beside making one of the two touchdowns.  Clay and Erb, the two massive tackles, were towers of strength on each wing and allowed no gain except such as could be shoved over their prostrate bodies.  Atwater, at quarter, not only ran the team to victory, but defended the goal perfectly and ran back punts in first class shape.  Hammersmith and Snavely played their usual hard and fast game at the halves, blocking the line and nailing end runs.  Sonnhalter, at full, was the backbone of the team not only gaining often on offensive, but blocking a thousand holes in the line through which the ball might otherwise have been shoved for decided gains.  Coach Hall was jubilant over the result of the game and feels that Massillon’s real form has at last arrived.

The teams lined up as follows:

Canton – 6                      Pos.               Massillon – 12.
Blythe                               le                              Moody
Gauchat, L. Wise               lt                                    Erb
Blanchard                          lg                            Heyman
Wise, Lash                        c                                 Davis
Carper                              rg                         Blackburn
Lothamer                           rt                                  Clay
Zeiter                                re                                Wells
Kahler                              qb                            Atwater
Steiner, Smalley                 lh                    Hammersmith
Harris                               rh                             Snavely
McGregor                         fb                         Sonnhalter

Score end of first half:
Canton – 0
Massillon – 0.

Canton – L. Wise.
Massillon – Davis; Blackburn.

Goals from touchdowns:
Canton – Blythe  1.
Massillon – Blackburn  2.

Failed goal from field:
Canton – McGregor  2; Blythe.

Referee and Umpire – Hazlett of Canton.


1906: Massillon 0 Canton Central 24




Physical Culture Instructor Addresses Pupils

In chapel this morning Superintendent Cronebaugh introduced to the assembled students Prof. Winder, an instructor in physical culture.  He is at present located in the city and intends to organize a class in physical culture from among the high school students.  He gave a brief talk on his personal physique, his methods of development and his former work.  Prof. Winder is a living exponent of his work.  He weighs 207 pounds, stands six feet one and is admirably proportioned.  It was suggested that possibly Manager Stewart had better secure his services for the Tigers before “Blondy” Wallace sets his orbs upon him.  Superintendent Cronebaugh made a short speech congratulating the high school, and very particularly the football team, on the brilliant showing made last Saturday in the game against Wooster, a hitherto undefeated foe of M.H.S.

The football team went thru a practice game with the White Stars yesterday afternoon on the high school grounds, which resulted in the close score of 5-0 in favor of the High School.

OCTOBER 18, 1906


Preparing for Football Game With Canton

Yesterday afternoon the High School football squad went thru an invigorating practice on the ball field.  Kirby and Moran, two of the Tigers who are temporarily crippled, had charge of the practice, and demonstrated several good formations and trick plays which will probably be used Friday in the game against Canton.

The game at Canton will commence at 3:30 Friday on the lake grounds.  Canton High is said to be especially well versed in the intricacies of the forward pass, and its value will probably be demonstrated in this game.  Moran will be on hand to coach the team this afternoon, which will be the last practice before the game.

OCTOBER 20, 1906

The Massillon High School football team went gloriously down to defeat at the hands of the Canton High School team at Meyer’s Lake Friday afternoon by the score of 24 to 0.  The local team was badly crippled, owing to the fact that several star men were not in the game.  The forward pass was worked five times successfully by the Canton team, which resulted in three of the four touchdowns that were made.  The local team lost the ball several times, as the necessary ten yards could not be made thru Canton’s strong line.  Next Wednesday these teams will meet on the gridiron at the Massillon park and the locals expect to turn the trick.

Line-up and summary:

Canton – 24                 Pos.  Massillon – 0

McCoy left end           Hoover
Eynon left tackle         O. Wells
Wagner       left guard           H. Wagner
Longebaugh               center          Wenger
Poyser, Myser        right guard         Hollinger
Cook        right tackle     Miller
Stevenson right end  Hammersmith
Copthorne      quarterback              Klotz
Gibson        left halfback       S. Wells
Clark, (c)  right halfback       C. Wagner
Hershey            fullback            Snyder

Stevenson; McCoy;
Hershey; Weeks.

Goals from the field:

Failed goals from touchdown:
Hershey  3;

Time of halves – 20 minutes.

Score at the end of first half:
Canton       14
Massillon     0

Referee and umpire, alternating:
Bowman, of Canton;
Merwin, of Massillon.

Weckel, of Canton.
Hopkins, of Massillon

Head Linesmen:
Mumaw, of Canton;
Dow, of Massillon.