Tag: <span>Dwight V. Peabody</span>

Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1930: Massillon 14, Canton McKinley 6


Canton Miscues, However, Lead To Both Orange And Black Scores


Hartsel’s Accurate Passing
Has Opponents Worried In Second Half


THE Bulldogs of McKinley High school owned an excellent and impressive 1930 football record until they ran the gauntlet of county competition. Now it is merely good. Alliance erased the impressiveness of it eight days ago, but only yesterday Massillon reduced it to just a mere shadow of its former brilliance.

That’s just another way of breaking the sad news that football as it is played by those Washington High Tigers who yesterday romped to a 14 to 6 victory over McKinley is still a bit too tough and complicated a solution for the Bulldogs. It was too much for them last year, too, and primarily because it was delivered by that same three-pointed weapon – Jack Kester, Glenn Williams and Jack Clendening.

Those three Tiger backs romped up and down the Massillon athletic field yesterday, even as they did at Lakeside stadium one year ago. But their thrusts on this occasion were deadened somewhat more effectively than they were in 1929 but only because they were running headlong into a team that refused to die or even wilt in the very path of complete destruction.

Yes, that combination of the best ball-lugging machinery Massillon has claimed in many a gridiron moon was prancing in true anti-McKinley form. There was Williams shooting off tackle with a viciousness that is unique in scholastic circles, there was Kester punting like his foot was mad at the ball and riddling the Bulldog line to shreds with his delayed bucks and last but not least there was Clendening, the ebony flash, circling the ends with a vengeance that left nothing to be desired.

That stellar brand of straight football execution, coupled with just one aerial, gave the Tigers an advantage in the first half that was nothing short of amazing. It left the Bulldogs in the lurch for an offensive of their own and shoved them in the shadow of their own goal post on no less than five occasions two of which were productive.

While their efforts, both offensively and defensively, were almost negligent during the first two quarters, the men of Dwight Peabody, profiting by a good tongue lashing during the recess period, came out to put on exhibition an entirely different brand of ball. Massillon continued to threaten and on one occasion carried the ball over only to have it called back for an offside penalty, but its charges met with a more stubborn resistance and its defense was put to test for the first time during the fuss.

Even though Massillon clearly outplayed McKinley, as the 18 to 10 advantage in first downs will indicate, both Tiger touchdowns came as the result of fumbles deep in Canton territory. The first, midway in the initial quarter, saw Hartsel bobble on his own 29. Captain Willison recovered for the Orange and Black, and the march, which was soon to produce the first score of the game was on with the very next play.

Williams smashed off tackle for eight yards and after Clendening had failed, Kester made it a first down on McKinley’s 17. Kester hit center for four more and a pass, Clendening to Hess, the first Tiger aerial of the game, was good for the touchdown. Clendening’s place kick was good for the extra point. Peculiarly enough, this drive followed two others that failed within the McKinley 10, the first dying on the half-yard line and the second fading on the nine when a pass was incomplete.

The second touchdown followed a fumble by Plaver when he foolishly attempted to scoop up a punt on his own 23. Massillon recovered. Kester picked up seven yards on two line plays and then Williams broke loose to the 14. An offside penalty placed the ball on the nine-yard line. Kester clicked three on a delayed buck and Williams added two on a pair of off-tackle smashes. Clendening went over for the touchdown when he cut between end and tackle. McKinley was offside on the try for the extra point. Before the half had ended, the Tigers again carried the ball to the McKinley one-yard line only to have the gun cheat them out of another probable score.

The Bulldogs unleashed a heavy overhead bombardment at the outset of the third quarter and for a time seemed destined to march the length of the field. It so happened, however, that they were stopped on the Massillon 17-yard line when Hartsel, who had thrown the ball with deadly accuracy on no less than four occasions, was forced to run when he found no eligible pass receiver open.

McKinley launched its touchdown march from its own 30 late in the third period. A pass, Hartsel to Clark, was good for 20 yards just as the quarter ended. At the opening of the final heat, Hartsel circled right end for nine and Clark made it first down on Massillon’s 30. Hartsel smashed right tackle for five and a pass, Hartsel to Clark carried the ball to the 17. Hartsel picked up five more on a fake play and Dick Miller carried it to the six on two thrusts. On the third play, Hartsel carried it over. Bob Schreiber was rushed in to dropkick for the extra point but his effort was blocked.

In addition to Kester, Clendening and Williams, Hess and Willison played stellar ball for Massillon. For McKinley, Buddy Hartsel stood head and shoulders above the backfield performers and Duffy, DeStefano, George and Billings looked good on the line.

What’s Wrong
Massillon Pos. Canton
Getz LE Forsyth
Willison LT George
Worthington LG Neil
Hoyman C Billings
Monroe RG Jones
Price RT Duffy
Hess RE Smith
Kester QB Hodnick
Clendening LH Brinson
Singer RH Hartsel
Williams FB Plaver

Score by quarters:
McKinley 0 0 0 6 6
Massillon 7 7 0 0 14

Massillon – Hess; Clendening.
McKinley – Hartsel.

Point after touchdown: Massillon – Clendening.

McKinley – DeStefano for Neil; Clark for Plaver; Black for Jones; Miller for Brinson; R. Schreiber for Forsyth; Gottsheck for Black.
Massillon – Bordner for Hess; Hess for Bordner; Foster for Hess; Bordner for Singer; Snodgrass for Monroe; Mudd for Worthington; Schott for Hoyman.

Referee – Howells (Sebring).
Umpire – Schaeffer (Akron).
Head Linesman – Barrett (Ohio State).


Sidelights On Saturday’s Battle

It takes a game with Canton McKinley to bring out the best in a Washington high school football team. That was demonstrated Saturday when the Tigers mopped up the gridiron with the Bulldogs, winning 14 to 6. Coach Elmer McGrew’s boys did everything just about right.

Their fighting spirit was magnificent. Their offensive attack was pretty to watch. The interference for the first time this season was well nigh perfect. The blocking and charging also were good. And the tackling – well ask the Canton ball carriers how effective that was. Great holes were torn into the Canton line by the hard charging Massillon forwards. On end runs the backs came around like a streak to take out Canton’s secondary defense and open holes for the ball lugger.

The kind of ability the Tigers displayed Saturday night have put a blemish on the record of Steubenville’s great team had it been in evidence three weeks ago.

The crowd Saturday was a typical Massillon-Canton gathering. The enthusiasm was there and the cheering was plentiful. But it was an orderly crowd. Ten policemen and a corps of firemen worked diligently to keep some of the more enthusiastic rooters off the field and for the most part succeeded. About 6,000 paid to see the game. Another thousand saw it from a knoll just south of the field.

On form of greeting among the youngsters Saturday was, “How did you get in?” indicating that probably more than one youthful Tiger rooter climbed over the fence when a policeman’s back was turned.

The day was ideal for football, just enough snap in the air. The wind was a bit strong but it did not interfere with the punting.

It certainly looked like a big game along the sidelines. A flock of reporters were busy dashing up and down the field getting all the dope. Then a radio broadcasting company sent out details of the game over the air. Several special telephone wires also were in operation and the cameramen were there with everything from a pea shooter to a motion picture outfit. Amplifiers carried details of the game to the crowd.

The opening ceremony was the raising of the Stars and Stripes to the top of the flag pole at the north end of the field. The crowd stood bareheaded as the flag was run up the pole and the massed bands of Canton and Massillon played the Star Spangled Banner.

Canton McKinley’s band was in natty uniforms of red and black coats and white trousers. Massillon’s band was in civilian dress. Both furnished lots of music.

Just before the game started the Canton band lined up in the center of the field

John Kester
Massillon Tigers Black Letter Logo History

1929: Massillon 31, Canton McKinley 6



With the alertness and craftiness of the famous jungle cat the Washington high school Tiger sneaked through the traps that had been set for it at Canton Saturday afternoon, clawed the turf four times behind the Bulldog goal line and roared out of Lakeside stadium with a 31-6 victory, the greatest score that has ever been rolled up in a Canton-Massillon high school football clash.

The real Obie could not be captured like the paper Mache Tiger that was taken from the clubhouse last week and returned to the school Saturday. It would not be captured, and though 11 fighting Bulldogs tried every known bit of strategy to subdue the orange and black terror, the Tiger was still on the field as the sun began to sink in the west and the Bulldogs were cooped up in their kennel and the door locked for another season.

Fought With Vengeance
“Canton – why did you steal Obie? It wouldn’t have been so bad – but you stole Obie.” Those words created a laugh in the stands when uttered by an enthusiastic Massillon fan, but they emphasized the spirit of vengeance with which the Massillon gridders split their traditional rivals asunder in the third and fourth periods Saturday afternoon.

Striking as swiftly as a tornado, the whirlwind offense found its golden gate in sight shortly after the start of the third period and swept through it to victory with a suddenness and power that not only shocked the Canton spectators but left the Massillon fans gasping.

An intercepted forward pass did it, and it changed defeat into victory so quickly that the morale of the McKinley players was broken and the fighting spirit lost.

Trailing 6-3 at the half, none but the Tigers and probably their coach were confident of victory when the teams took the field after the rest recess. A bit of hard luck gave Canton the ball on its 40-yard line. But just when Massillon fans were looking on with abated breath for fear McKinley would get away with another of these passes such as scored a touchdown in the second period, Blatz came out of no where to spear Hartsel’s wild heave and sprint 60 yards for a touchdown. All the Massillon tackle had to do was run and that he did and what McKinley players remained in his path were blocked out of the way by the orange and black interference that was mustered together quickly to produce the decisive score of the day. Clendening kicked the extra point from placement, and Canton was whipped. But the Tiger wasn’t through. It came back to score three more times in the fourth quarter on offensive drives that left no doubt as to which was the better team on the field.

Crafty And Alert
The Tiger was alert Saturday, following the ball continually and getting nearly all the breaks. And it was crafty, deceiving the red and black defenders time and again with reverse and spinner plays executed through the good judgment of Quarterback John Kester. The deception of the Tiger attack was most plainly noticeable on the try for point on the last touchdown, when the entire McKinley team rushed to knock down an expected placekick while Williams waltzed through the line for the extra marker. Again the craftiness of the Tiger came to light when the star of the game won the game by not carrying the ball. “Watch Clendening”. Those two words were drilled into the red and black nightly for the past two weeks and the Bulldogs were so intent upon watching the orange and black shadow that they forgot that Massillon had three other ball carriers who could plunge for gains.

Used For Deception
Realizing that Clendening, his star open field runner, would be trailed like a criminal Saturday, Coach Elmer McGrew built his running attack around Kester, Williams and Getz, and left Clendening to take carrying the ball on reverse and spinner plays. In the first half of the game Clendening carried the pigskin but a few times and being watched so closely gained only a few yards but when the red and black began to pay less attention to him in the latter part of the game, Kester gave him the ball and he got away for several nice runs, scoring one touchdown.

Backfield Worked Smoothly
But Clendening was only one of a quartet of backs who performed like a machine, Saturday. Williams’ hard smashes left an impression every time he collided with the Canton line and Kester’s off tackle dashes cut the red and black line to pieces. Getz, playing his second game in the backfield, made several neat gains and played a great defensive game as did the entire Massillon line; Lewis, Williams and Houriet outstanding. But to Blatz goes the glory of turning the tide of battle and upsetting the spirit of the Canton team.

The Tigers were first to score. After passing up two opportunities in the first period, the orange and black, early in the second quarter got the ball on the 24-yard line as a result of a poor punt by Fehn. Kester immediately smacked left tackle for seven yards. Williams added two more and Getz made it first down on the 11-yard line. Clendening failed to gain more than two yards in three plunges and with the ball on the nine-yard line, the colored flash dropped back to the 20-yard stripe and with Kester holding the pigskin, applied his educated toe to the leather for a field goal, giving the orange and black three points.

McKinley Scores
But the lead was short lived, for after the kickoff there was an exchange of punts, which would up with Kester getting a bad pass and juggling the ball which kept him from getting away his punt on the fourth down, McKinley gaining the leather on its 33-yard line. A four-yard plunge and a short pass gave the red and black a first down on the 23-yard line, and after Plaver had plunged for a two-yard gain, Hartsel stepped back and tossed a long pass to Smith who had slipped from his right end over to the left side of the field unnoticed to take the ball and scamper for a touchdown. Rich’s attempted kick was low.

That ended the scoring for the first half and Blatz’s sprint of the day in the early minutes of the third period has already been described. While the Tigers’ second touchdown was not scored until the fourth period it was in the making in the closing minutes of the third period. The drive started when the Tigers got the ball in midfield on a punt. A running attack carried the pigskin to the eight-yard line as the quarter ended. On the second play of the fourth period, Kester lugged the ball across, and Clendening kicked goal. Getting the ball in the center of the field the orange and blacks a few minutes later again hit their stride, rushing the leather to the 17-yard line where Rich, Canton end, was caught slugging and a 15-yard penalty was inflicted on the red and black. Williams went through for the touchdown and Clendening kicked goal. Hartsel fumbled the following kickoff and Houiet recovered on the 26-yard line. Clendening and Kester carried the ball to the one-yard line where Clendening took it across. Williams plunged over for the extra point.

Tigers Excel in Every Way
The orange and black was superior in every department of play, making 17 first downs to Canton’s seven, and averaging 48 yards on punts to Canton’s 34 yards.

The Tigers completed on pass in five attempts for a gain of 20 yards. McKinley completed five passes in 18 attempts for a gain of 37 yards. Four passes were intercepted by the local team.

The crowd was small compared to the usual Massillon-Canton gathering, officials estimating the size at 5,000. The McKinley band which drilled gaily between halves when winning, left the field before the end of the game as did about half the red and black spectators.

Canton’s main threat was Hartsel and he played his head off during the day, being identified in three out of every four plays run off by the red and black. He was over worked to such an extent that he could barely stand on his feet at the end of the game. Mottice and Rich were the main defensive threats of the Canton gridders.

First Quarter
Following the raising of the colors, McKinley which had won the toss, elected to receive at the south end of the field. Willison kicked off to Plaver who returned 13 yards to the 28-yard line. Hartsel failed to gain, and Lewis intercepted his pass on the next play on the 43-yard line. Clendening and Williams made seven yards. Fife, McKinley fullback, was hurt on the play and was replaced by Fehn. Williams went through for a first down on the 31-yard line. Kester struck for five yards and Canton was offside on the next play giving the Tigers another first down on the 22-yard line. Williams hit for three yards, but Kester failed to gain. Kester hit right tackle for four yards on the next play. On a fake placekick formation, Williams failed to make first down by less than a yard, Canton getting the ball on the 13-yard stripe. Hartsel hit for eight yards, but Fehn lost one. Hartsel moved the ball up two yards more and Fehn made it first down on the Canton 25-yard line. A trick lateral pass lost eight yards for Canton. When Hartsel could gain but a yard, Fehn punted to the Massillon 35-yard line where Rich downed the ball. Williams plunged for two yards but Getz lost the same amount. Kester punted back to the Canton 20-yard line. Houriet tossed Hensel for a four-yard loss. Getz covered Fehn’s fumble on the 20-yard line. Kester waded through for a 10-yard gain, but fumbled, McKinley recovering. Hartsel and Plaver made a first down in three plays on the 28-yard line. A reverse play failed but Hartsel slipped through his left guard for five yards. His pass was grounded and Fehn was called upon to punt. He booted the ball to the 45-yard line. Williams and Getz could gain but a yard and Kester returned the kick to the Canton 15-yard line.

Second Quarter
Hartsel’s pass was grounded and Lewis was hurt on the play. Snodgrass replaced Willison and the latter went to center. Hartsel was stopped after a one-yard gain and Fehn got off a poor punt, the ball going out of bounds on the 24-yard line. Kester hit center for seven yards. Williams and Getz made it a first-down on the 11-yard line. Clendening made three yards in as many line plunges but standing on the 20-yard stripe, kicked a field goal from placement with Kester holding the ball, placing the Tigers in the lead, 3-0.

Willison kicked off to Ross who returned 25 yards to the 30-yard line. Schott was hut on the play and after making menacing threats at Pfister, continued in the game. Hartsel slipped through for a seven-yard gain at left tackle. On the next play he made a first down on the Canton 40. A Canton pass was grounded but Massillon was found guilty of being offside and was penalized five yards. A pass, Hartsel to Rich gained yard, while another pass lost two yards. A third pass was batted down. Kester returned Plaver’s punt from the 20 to the 37-yard line. Williams made a yard and Kester two yards. A flock of McKinley players broke through and blocked Kester’s punt, Canton recovering on the 33-yard line. Hartsel made four yards and Canton took time out. A short pass, Fehn to Hartsel gained six yards and a first down on the 23-yard line. Plaver made two yards and Hartsel passed 21 yards to Smith for a touchdown. The attempted kick was low. Score: Canton, 6; Massillon 3.

Two kickoffs for Canton went offside and the Tigers were given the ball on their own
40-yard line. A pass was incomplete, but Canton was penalized five yards for offside, Williams made the other five yards and a first down in two plunges in midfield. Kester got two yards Houriet stumbled as he was about to take Kester’s pass and the ball was grounded. Kester on a fake reverse play to Clendening ran 15 yards to the 35-yard line. Clendening lost three yards, and Getz’s pass was grounded. Kester made two yards and then punted out of bounds on the 10-yard line. Hartsel gained seven yards on two plays before the end of the period.

Third Quarter
McKinley kicked to Williams who returned from his own 10-yard line to the 45-yard line. Clendening failed to catch a pass that would have resulted in a touchdown. Williams and Kester made seven yards and Kester punted over the goal line. Canton, however, was offside on the play and was penalized five yards.

This gave the Tigers a first down, but on the next play they were penalized 15 yards, taking the ball back to the locals 42-yard line. A pass to Clendening gained 20 yards. A second pass was grounded. Kester, trying to punt, was tossed for a loss of 15 yards when he juggled a high pass from center. Hartsel failed to gain, but on the next play, Blatz intercepted Hartsel’s pass and ran 60 yards for a touchdown. Clendening placekicked the extra point. Score: Massillon, 10; Canton, 6.

Willison kicked off to Ross who returned to the 30-yard line. Fehn could not gain and Plaver lost a yard. Clendening returned Plaver’s punt 15 yards to midfield. Kester and Clendening got eight yards and Kester punted over the goal. Hartsel and Fehn negotiated a first down on the local’s 37-yard line. Hartsel made a yard but on the next play his pass was grounded. Fehn could not gain so he punted out of bounds on the 50-yard line. Kester got seven yards in two off tackle plunges and Williams made it a first down on the 34-yard line. Williams hit for three, Getz three and then Williams on two more smashes at the line brought a first down 22 yards away from the Canton goal. Kester struck through tackle for four yards and McKinley took time out; Williams made three yards and Kester got away for a neat gain, plunging for a first down on the eight-yard line as the quarter ended.

Fourth Quarter
Kester plunged to the one-yard line and took it over on the second play of the final period. Clendening placekicked the extra point. Score: Massillon, 17; Canton, 6.

Williams kicked off to Ross who returned 18 yards to the 28-yard line. Hartsel made two yards, but Williams pulled down Hartsel’s pass on the Canton 35-yard line. In three consecutive plays, Williams plunged for a first down on the 25-yard line. Clendening made a yard. Williams banged away for six but the locals were penalized five yards for being in motion. Clendening and Kester could get but six yards and the Tigers surrendered the ball on the 18-yard line. Plaver could not gain, and Hartsel lost five yards. Plaver lost two more yards, Fehn punted to midfield, Clendening fumbled, but Pfister recovered the ball. Massillon fumbled again, but Kester recovered after a five-yard loss. Canton was penalized five yards for being offside however, and Clendening on the next play broke away for a 15-yard run to the 35-yard line. Williams hit tackle for seven yards and Kester made it a first down on the 23-yard line. Williams hit for nine yards and Canton was penalized 15 more yards when Rich was caught using his hands too freely. With the ball on the two-yard line, Williams banged across for the touchdown, Clendening again kicked the extra point. Score: Massillon, 24; Canton, 6.

Willison kicked off to Hartsel who fumbled, Houriet recovering on the 26-yard line. Williams made a yard and Canton was penalized five yards for taking time out too frequently. Clendening made it a first down on the 17-yard line. Kester in two plunges made it first down on the eight-yard line and Clendening took the ball across in three plays. McKinley expecting another placekick rushed Clendening but Williams took the ball off tackle and walked through unmolested for the extra point.

McGrew then sent in his entire second team. Massillon kicked off to the 28-yard line. A pass gained 12 yards and a first down for the red and black on the 40-yard line. When passes failed to gain the Tigers took possession of the ball, Rice gaining a couple of yards as the game came to an end.

Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. McKinley
Worthington LE Rich
Willison LT Hinton
Herman LG Niederhouser
Lewis C Mottice
Pfister RG Everett
Blatz RT Schott
Houriet RE Smith
Kester QB Ross
Clendening LH Plaver
Getz RH Hartsel
Williams FB Fife

Score by quarters:
McKinley 0 6 0 0 6
Massillon 0 3 7 21 31

McKinley – Smith.
Massillon – Blatz; Kester; Williams; Clendening.

Points after touchdown: Massillon – Clendening 3; Williams.

McKinley – Fehn for Fife; Crawford for Everett; Sleighter for Schott; Glaser for Crawford; Fife for Plaver; Benson for Sleighter; Davis for Mottice; R. Schreiber for Smith; E. Schreiber for Hartsel; Forsythe for Hinton.
Massillon – Williams for Lewis; Snodgrass for Willison; Lewis for Willison; Willison for Snodgrass; Hoyman for Lewis; Knowlton for Kester; Price for Herman; Mudd for Williams; Snodgrass for Willison; Singer for Lewis; Spencer for Pfister; Hoagland for Willison; Rice for Clendening; Beck; Myers; Monroe; Roderick; Shankling.

Referee – Shaffer (Akron).
Umpire – Morgan (Youngstown).
Head Linesman – Barrett (Sebring).

Time of quarters: 12 minutes.

Alfred Lewis
Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1928: Massillon 0, Canton McKinley 7



Picked to lose by three or four touchdowns, a fighting Washington high school football team smeared Canton McKinley during three and one-half quarters on Massillon Field, Saturday afternoon, and weakened only momentarily in the second period, when the invading bulldogs succeeded in pushing across a touchdown and kicking the extra point to win 7 to 0.

The gallant Massillon gridders were victorious in defeat, that is if there is such a thing as a moral victory, and it appears as though there is for every Massillon fan, in spite of disappointment, was more or less satisfied with the result. But moral victories do not win football games and bring county championships and as a result Canton McKinley retains the grid title and also gets another leg on the University trophy to be awarded to the team first to win the county title three times.
Perfect Setting for Grid Classic
With the crowded stands a mass of color, a warm sun driving away the cold and a light wind brushing the field, a perfect setting was given for the classic, and one that will be remembered for many years. It demonstrated the power of 11 fighting hearts and served to prove the uncertainty of scores in a Canton-Massillon game.

“Lindy” won fame by flying and Canton used the ozone to win the Stark county title. The widely heralded passing attack of the McKinley gridders which swept aside half a dozen teams this fall carried the red and black to its one and only touchdown.
Canton Takes to Air.
The bulldogs took to the air to work the ball into the local team’s territory, and when line plunges failed to bring yards, tossed, passes on fourth downs putting the once tough skin of a pig on the six-inch line where it was carried across in a pileup of players, that completely hid Nick Green, the ball toter, from view. That was the only touchdown of the game and the only time either goal was seriously threatened, but it was a mighty sweet touchdown for Canton and brought a howl from the McKinley stands and a sigh from the Massillon rooters.
Defensive Game.
Massillon played a defensive game, and Canton knew it. The east-enders found it difficult to penetrate the forward wall and only did so on formations of deceptions. But where Canton had an offense, the orange and black had none. The local gridders found it difficult to penetrate the forward wall of the Canton team and were completely smothered when they attempted to beat the Cantonians at their own game and toss passes. Not a Massillon back was able to gain consistently and first downs for the local eleven were as scarce as hair on a frog’s back. Canton, however, succeeded in making the required yardage on nine occasions and thus rightfully deserved the victory.

Standing out on the line, head and shoulders above the rest, both teams included, were Goodman and Buttermore, McGrew’s pair of tackles, who could be found hanging on to some part of the ball carrier’s body on practically every play. Captain Miller, of Canton, ballyhooed as one of the greatest linemen ever produced at McKinley high, was even over-shadowed Saturday by these two orange and black gridders.
Play Even First Period.
Play during the first period was practically even, with Massillon having the first chance to score when a Canton fumble was recovered on the 28-yard line. However, two plays failed to gain, and Watkin’s attempted place kick on the third down was low.

Canton’s first offensive drive started shortly before the end of the first period. Getting the ball on their own 38-yard line on a punt, the visitors started a series of line plays. Spretnak made a yard, and Green slipped through for eight more. Ferral then crashed through for a first down on the Canton 48-yard line.
Canton Scores Touchdown.
Here the quarter came to an end. Canton defended the north goal in the second period. Zagray made three yards at left end and Green drove around right end for a first down on the Massillon 38-yard line. Ferral made a yard at center, but Zagray lost one. Spretnak then stepped back and passed to Green for a first down on the Massillon 19-yard line. Spretnak made a yard, Ferral -two yards, and Green a yard, and on the fourth down, the little Canton quarterback hurled a pass to Nick Green that sailed through the arms of a Massillon player, and the Canton gridder was dropped on the six-inch line. Green took the ball over on the next play, and Spretnak drop kicked the extra point. Not long before the end of the second period, the orange and black got the ball on the Canton 20-yard line, but after two attempts to crack the line failed, the Canton gridders knocked down two Massillon passes and took the ball on downs. Just as the second period came to an end, Hug, Canton right end, pulled the most sensational play of the day by grabbing up a fumbled Massillon punt and, racing ahead of a string of gridders ran 40 yards and across the Massillon goal line. But the run was without result, for the ball was dead at the point of recovery, and the deafening cheer from the Canton bleachers was echoed in greater volume by the fans in the Massillon stands.
Content With Lead.
Canton apparently was content with the seven-point lead, for the visitors were careful with their passes in the second half, and relied on line plunges for gains. Play during the latter part of the third period was largely in Massillon territory as a result of John Kester’s only poor punt of the day, the red and black working the ball to the 19-yard line on one occasion, only to lose it on downs, when two passes were batted to the earth. The fourth quarter was largely a punting duel between Kester and Spretnak, the former having the better of the argument even though he was kicking against the wind. Neither team threatened and the game ended with the ball in mid-field.
Plays With Broken Finger
It takes good internal organs to stay in a game with a broken finger, and that’s what Fisher, Massillon guard, did. Brought to the sidelines by Captain Potts, and suffering considerable pain, Fisher protested against leaving the field. Coach Elmer McGrew surveyed his bench, failed to find a substitute of any value, taped up the injured player’s finger, and he went back into the game and made the tackle on the next play. Fisher’s courage, however, was just a visible sample of the play of the entire Massillon line, for these stalwarts of the front ranks, whose praises are seldom lauded, were really the ones who held Canton to the small margin of seven points. Kester, however, should come in for his share of praise, for his long punts in spite of the poor passes he received early in the game, kept Canton in her own territory most of the contest. Kester has finished a season of remarkable kicking for a sophomore, and in spite of the fact that he stands but nine yards back of the passer, he has not had a punt blocked on him this year. Captain Miller tried to do it and tried hard, for he has blocked punt after punt this year, but he tossed out his hands Saturday only to find that the ball had already left Kester’s toe and was sailing on its way down the field.
Bands Stage Drill
There was plenty of music on Massillon field Saturday, with both Canton and Massillon bands blaring away frequently. The two musical organizations paraded together between halves, the Massillon band forming a large “M” in front of the student bleachers, while the students sang their school song. The bands also played for the flag raising.

Both schools had their mascots “Obie”, the Washington high tiger, was carried up and down the sidelines by the cheer leaders while over on the Canton sidelines a bulldog snarled his viciousness.

Canton was penalized 80 yards to Massillon’s 40, the penalties being for holding and offside principally. The McKinley gridders completed four passes for a gain of 40 yards. Four were incomplete, and one intercepted. Massillon failed to complete a pass in four attempts.
A Perfect Day
The weather probably was the best ever for a Massillon-Canton game. Although the top of the field was slightly loose, slowing up the runners somewhat, yet it was much better than it has been for years. As for temperature, it too was right. Just cold enough to make the blood tingle in the spectators, and not too warm to interfere with the play of the teams.

A crowd of approximately 6,500 attended the game. All bleachers were filled and the sidelines jammed, and the crowd was probably the most orderly of any of the many large Canton-Massillon crowds.

Had Massillon possessed a fair offense, the local team probably would have pulled through on top. The youthful tigers had the ball in Canton territory on several occasions, once as close as the 20-yard line, but every attempt to advance the ball was met by a host of Canton tacklers and the ball was lost on downs.
Newspapers Busy
Three telephones on the field flashed the news of the game back to newspapers, and there were nearly as many cameramen as players on the field.

As a result of the Canton victory, the county seat team and the orange and black each have two legs on the University cup, the winner of which probably will be decided in 1929. With good material coming from the junior high schools, the Washington high students are already talking about how they are going to even matters up next fall and win the cup.

Lineup and summary:
Massillon Pos. Canton
Houriet LE Rich
Slinger LT Miller
Garland LG Miday
Buttermore C Tracey
Blatz RG Culp
Goodman RT Zeren
Schnierle RE Hug
Hess QB Spretnak
Kester LH Hutchinson
Hollwager RH Green
Watkins FB Ferral

Score by periods:
Canton 0 7 0 0 7

Massillon – Fisher for Garland, Potts for Buttermore, Buttermore for Slinger, Lewis for Watkins, Slinger for Buttermore, Buttermore for Hollwager.
Canton – Zagray for Hutchinson, Cordrey for Culp, Rudy for Green, Green for Rudy, Lieber for Ferral, Ferral for Rich, Hutchinson for Zagray, Walker for Cordrey, Kirk for Hutchinson.

Touchdown – Green
Point after touchdown – Spretnak (drop kick).

Referee—Lobach (F. & M.)
Umpire—Morgan (Youngstown).
Headlinesman—Shafer (O. S. U.)
Time of periods—15 minutes.

Henry Potts
Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1927: Massillon 0, Canton McKinley 13

Local Gridders Hold Canton Scoreless for Two Periods, Then Weaken to Lose, 13 to 0

Eleven members of Washington high school’s greatly tossed about football team, dug their cleats into the hard wrinkled turn of Lakeside stadium, Canton, Saturday afternoon and showed 7,500 fans how a never die spirit could hold Canton McKinley’s high vaunted grid machine to two touchdowns and a score of 13 to 0.

For 24 minutes those snarling Tigers from Massillon turned back the desperate thrusts of the attacking Bulldog and for 12 minutes they held a decided advantage over their eastern rivals.

But a defensive game is a hard strain on any team and with the opening of the second half, things took a different turn. The orange and black, battered badly in its efforts to stem the Canton attack, failed to come back with its gallant defensive stand and was brushed aside by a powerful red and black offense which swept across the Massillon goal line after five minutes of the third period had expired. In these few minutes of the game, the condition of the two teams was the deciding factor and the McKinley players showed greater endurance than the youthful Tigers.

Two forward passes tossed by Lab, Canton substitute, carried the ball across the muddy part of the gridiron to within striking distance of the Massillon goal and paved the way for a touchdown. Then Canton’s galloping ghost, Sam Hodnick, forgot about his injured nose and began ripping the orange and black line to shreds. He carried the ball to the 12-yard mark for a first down. It appeared as though the youthful Tigers, fighting within the shadow of their own goal posts, would turn back the Canton threat. Three times McKinley backs smashed at the orange and black. Once it held. Then it yielded three yards and then five more. With fourth down coming, the ball on the four-yard line and two yards needed for a first down, Hodnick’s signal was called and the McKinley ace drove this165-pounds through the left side of the line with a force that carried him across the Massillon goal.

It was McKinley’s first touchdown. It took the red and black gridders 29 minutes to do what they should have accomplished in five minutes if comparative scores mean anything. McKinley scored one other touchdown, that coming when only half a minute of the game was left to play and was a direct result of a poor pass from the Massillon center which Leiber recovered on the orange and black’s 13-yard line. Goss and Maurer plunged the pigskin to the youthful Tigers one-yard line for a first down and Maurer went across on the next play. McKinley had one other opportunity to score, the ball being placed in position on the local team’s 37-yard line as a result of a blocked punt recovered by the Canton gridders, but after passes had carried the oval to within 12 yards of the goal, the McKinley quarterback like President Coolidge, did not choose to carry the ball, but elected to pass and the pigskin was grounded behind the orange and black goal line. The way in which Reese Price brought Hodnick to the earth after he had received a pass placing the ball on the 13-yard line, probably had as much to do with stopping the Canton gridders from scoring on that occasion as anything. Hodnick had evaded several tacklers until Price pounced on him, bringing the plunging fullback down with a heavy thud and injuring his nose, which slowed him up considerably for the remainder of the half.

While McKinley scored twice on three of its opportunities, the orange and black failed to even threaten the Canton goal line, The local lads got the ball once on the red and black’s 37-yard line after an exchange of punts, but there the Cantonians braced and forced the youthful Tigers to punt. Play during the greater part of the game was between the 35-yard markers and with the exception when McKinley scored its first touchdown; the ball was seldom advanced into enemy territory except through a poor punt or a break in the game.

The game Saturday was a case of a well oiled, fine functioning football machine pitted against an outfit with an unbeatable, defiant spirit. When the orange and black squad trotted out on the field it could be likened to that famous painting, “The Spirit of
Seventy-Six.” Several of the players had slight limps, others possessed injuries that they vainly tried to cover and only a great determination to hold Canton to a low score and preserve Massillon’s high score record, kept them in the game. One player, Dommer, a tackle, tossed away his crutches in order to play Saturday afternoon; another with a torn ear and a heavy bandage over the side of his face, went in and mixed it roughly with the Canton boys, while still another took a chance of being put on crutches for a week or more by playing his first game in five weeks, all because Massillon’s record on the gridiron had to be preserved and such it was. The McKinley team failed to do the thing that it most desired: to set a new high score for a Massillon-Canton game. When the two elevens met five years ago with Massillon being much the stronger team, the Washington high gridders set a record by beating the red and black 24 to 0 and that record still stands as a result of Canton being unable to score more than 13 points Saturday.

At that, granting that McKinley did play a better brand of football than the orange and black Saturday, its game was in reality only one touchdown better than the youthful Tigers. While the teams shared evenly in the breaks, McKinley’s were far more valuable for they came in Massillon territory, one of which contributed to a touchdown. On the other hand the youthful Tigers benefited very little by the breaks they received, practically all coming in their own territory, 50 yards or more from the Canton goal line.

First downs also show that McKinley failed to outplay the youthful Tigers by more than seven points. The red and black made nine first downs to Massillon’s four, but four of the host team’s downs were made on their first touchdown march while the others were scattered throughout the game. McKinley failed to make the required yardage a single time in the second period, while the orange and black negotiated the distance twice. The youthful Tigers had an edge on the red and black that period, outplaying the McKinley gridders. Two more first downs were rolled up by the Massillon aggregation in the fourth quarter, one as a result of a forward pass in the last few seconds of the game and the other on a 15-yard run by “Whitey” Laughlin on a triple pass.

The local eleven never managed to get a pass away until the final period because of the fast charging McKinley linemen. On several occasions Grant was smothered for a loss by a host of tacklers when he was attempting to find a man uncovered to receive a pass. Thus the youthful Tigers were unable to harness the air for gains until after the game was lost. McKinley completed three passes for a gain of 65 yards, while the local gridders made three passes, gaining 35 yards.

The Massillonians lost many yards on poor passes from center. Buttermore played a whale of a defensive game and was a regular bulwark in the center of the line, but after the first quarter he was badly used up by the McKinley players and was unable to bend over sufficiently to pass the ball accurately to the backfield receivers. He was taken from the game shortly after the start of the second half and soon after McKinley scored a touchdown. Whether McKinley would have scored had not Buttermore been injured and taken from the game will never be known but the fact remains that he made it miserable for Canton line smashes when he was playing.

The bad passes from center caused Foster plenty of trouble in getting away his punts. In spite of the fact that the ball was rolled back to him on the ground four times, he had only one kick blocked. These grounders, however, did cut many yards off his punts, as he had to boot the ball hurriedly when surrounded by Canton players, with the result that Kauffman had the edge in the punting for the day though that edge was very slight. Had Foster received as good passes from center as Kauffman, there is every reason to believe that he would have out punted the Canton player by many yards.

His punting held the Cantonians in check during the first half but in the third quarter his kicks failed to travel as far and McKinley gained ground on nearly every exchange. To the fans it appeared at the end of the first half that 1926 history might be repeated and the game result in another scoreless tie. Up to that time, each team had scored but two first downs and neither was able to get anywhere in advancing the ball. Captain Laughlin and Grant had smashed the McKinley line twice for the required distance, while Hodnick, through a forward pass and off tackle dashes, had made McKinley’s yardage.

However, with the opening of the third period McKinley showing greater recuperating power began to mix passes with its running attack. The touchdown march started when the Canton gridders took a Massillon punt in midfield. Hodnick made two yards at right end and Kauffman’s pass fell into unpopulated territory. Lab then heaved the ball to Hodnick for 12 yards, placing the ball on the 36-yard line. With the orange and black on the run, Lab tossed another pass to Farrell for a gain of 13 yards, placing the ball on the orange and black’s 23-yard line. Then Hodnick, forgetting the bump handed him by Price, began a series of plunges. Two drives at the Massillon line brought him a first down on the 13-yard line. Sam then struck to his right for two more. Brinson attempted to carry the ball but was smothered in his tracks, after a gain of two yards. Lab then found an opening and gained four more. With the ball only four yards from the Massillon goal and two yards needed for a first down, Hodnick smashed through Massillon’s right guard for a touchdown. Kauffman kicked the extra point from placement.

Briggs made a neat return of the kickoff, carrying the ball back 25 yards to the 48-yard line before being downed. That was one of two runs that featured the orange and black’s play during the afternoon. The other was Captain Laughlin’s 15-yard dash on a triple pass. Following the touchdown, the ball see-sawed back and forth, with neither team threatening to score until the last minute of the game. Then with the ball on the Massillon 28-yard line, Evans passed the oval over Laughlin’s head, McKinley recovering on the orange and black’s 13-yard line. On the first play, Maurer slashed through the left side of the Massillon line for six yards. Goss then hit the same spot for six more and a first down within half a yard of the goal. Maurer, carried the ball across. L. Miller’s kick was blocked.

A large number of Massillon fans attended the game, although not as many turned out as in former years. There were probably 2,000 or more fans from this city present, including Mrs. Mary Merrell, Massillon’s 87-yard old football fan. Mrs. Merrell attended the game, unaccompanied, via trolley car. If you don’t think she’s a rabid fan, you should have heard her discussing the game on her way to Canton.

The roughness that was a common factor in Canton-Massillon games 10 years back has disappeared. Instead of the customary sight of flying fists between halves, the bands of the two schools staged a drill on the field in front of their respective student bleachers. Everything was orderly Saturday. The sidelines were well guarded and the crowd was kept back of a strong fence so that it could not surge on to the field as it did two years ago. It was as orderly a Canton-Massillon game as has ever been played and credit should be given to the Canton management for making it so.

The game ends the season for the two elevens. In point of victories it has been one of the most successful for McKinley which dropped but one game, an early season 19 to 0 contest to Steubenville. The season, however has been just as disastrous for the orange and black as it has been good for McKinley. The youthful Tigers have won three games, lost five and tied one. In the last three years that Canton and Massillon have met, the McKinley gridders have won two games while last year’s contest ended in a scoreless tie.
Lineup and summary:
Canton – 13 Pos. Massillon – 0
Farrell LE Fox
Miller LT Dommer
Samuels LG Henderson
Rittersbaugh C Buttermore
Zeren RG Mauger
Esmont RT Price
Barrett RE Straughn
Kauffman QB Grant
Combs LHB Foster
Brinson RHB Briggs
Hodnick FB Laughlin

Score by periods:
Canton 0 0 7 6 13

Massillon – Evans for Straugh, Shanabrook for Fox, Fox for Shanabrook, Shanabrook for Evans, Evans for Buttermore, Garland for Dommer, Schnierle for Shanabrook.

Canton – Lab for Combs, Jurekovic for Farrell, Farrell for Barrett, Leiber for Zeren, Maurer for Brinson, Goss for Lab, Lab for Kauffman, Beidler for Jurekovic, Fraunfelter for Samuels, Schubach for Esmont, Green for Hodnick, Harbert for Miller, Kelly for Farrell.

Touchdowns – Hodnick, Maurer.

Point after touchdown – Kauffman (placekick).

Referee – Shafer (Akron).
Umpire – Morgan (Youngstown).
Head Linesman – Barrett (Sebring).

Earl Straughn
Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1926: Massillon 0, Canton McKinley 0


COMING through with the greatest exhibition of fighting spirit it has shown all season Coach John H. Atkinson’s orange and black eleven of Washington high school last Saturday afternoon held the powerful red and black aggregation of McKinley high, Canton, to a scoreless draw in their annual battle on the snow-covered gridiron at Massillon Field. About 8,000 spectators, the largest crowd to ever witness a scholastic football duel in Massillon, were on hand to see the fall classic and were treated to a spectacular contest in which both teams distinguished themselves by their hard but clean playing.

And once again the old dope bucket was given a wallop in the solar plexus. Entering the fracas as the under dog with Canton McKinley ruling the favorite because of a long string of impressive victories behind it, Coach Atkinson’s boys flung back at their critics the charges that they lacked fighting spirit and uncovering as much grit and courage as any Massillon eleven in the past, came within one yard of scoring a touchdown that would have brought victory over their ancient rival.

Only a desperate fighting Canton eleven, that was battling with all its strength to stave off defeat, kept Massillon from shoving across a touchdown in the third quarter when two blocked Canton punts, the first to be flocked on the east enders this year, gave Massillon the ball deep in Canton’s territory. The last blocked punt gave Massillon the ball on Canton’s four-yard line but four smashes into the line failed to take the oval over, although the orange and black had lugged the ball to Canton’s one-yard line before fourth down.

It was the best chance either team had to score. Canton launched its strongest attack in the first half and in the second quarter twice advancing the ball inside Massillon’s 20-yard line but was never equal to the task of pushing back a determined orange and black eleven that bristled with courage and gameness when its goal line was in danger. Massillon held the upper hand throughout most of the second half, throwing more than one scare into the hearts of Canton rooters.
Nine of the eleven Massillon players who started the game were still in the lineup when the final whistle blew. Massillon made but two substitutions, Dave Smith replacing Mauger in the line in the first quarter and Easterday going in for Spencer in the last few minutes when the big guard was injured after playing a whale of a game throughout. Injuries couldn’t keep the Massillon regulars out of the contest. Several of them were hurt and had to take time out but not a one of them would give up. All of which indicates that the orange and black Saturday had plenty of fighting spirit and physical fitness, the two things which worried local fans considerably before the game.

Canton sent quite a number of players in to the game. At the start of the third quarter Coach Peabody had three fresh halfbacks and two new ends in the lineup, saving his regulars for a late spurt. But the regulars did not get much of a rest. They were rushed into the battle again in a hurry after Massillon had blocked two of Holmes’ punts and was driving through the Canton eleven toward the east enders’ goal line. Only Peabody’s quick action in jerking his replacements kept Massillon from scoring.

Snow fell during most of the game. Both teams were hampered by the wet condition of the field. A slippery ball made it difficult for both teams to do much with the aerial game, although Canton uncovered quite a puzzling forward pass attack that succeeded in registering numerous gains.

So far as ground gaining was concerned Canton held a big edge on the Massillon lads making 11 first downs to one for Massillon but while Canton could gain on passes and end runs in midfield it never was able to do much against the fighting orange and black eleven once it had worked the ball into Massillon territory.

Despite the slippery condition of the ball fumbles were very scarce. Both teams played cleanly throughout and few penalties were inflicted by the officials.
Massillon’s line came through in great shape, Saturday, every lad on the forward wall giving a good account of themselves but the heroes of the conflict were Sam Benson, center, and Fox, left tackle. Both played brilliant defensive games and it was their hard charging that enabled them to burst through the Canton line at the start of the third quarter and block two of Holmes’ punts.

Fox, a lad who has played a steady game all Fall, rose to heights of greatness Saturday by his wonderful performance. He was in practically every play, tackled hard and blocked the punt that gave Massillon the ball on Canton’s four-yard line. Benson also distinguished himself by his playing. The Massillon center was pitted against Ballard, captain of the Canton team and one of the best lineman the east end school has ever had but he met more than his match Saturday in Benson and was badly outplayed by the Massillonian. It was Sam who crashed through the Canton line to block a punt in the third quarter, gaining the distinction of being the first player of the year to block a kick on Holmes, the Canton punter.

Assisting Benson and Fox in their star defensive game was Captain Bill Price, the Brewster Welshman. Price’s work in the secondary defense was brilliant throughout. He was all over the field and tackled like a demon. Dave Smith, Ott and Spencer also played good games. Gump and Fulton on the ends had a busy day as Canton depended a great deal on end runs for its gains. They had difficulty stopping the Canton charges in the first half but both played strong games in the last two quarters.

Massillon’s offense, however, was not equal to its defense. This was largely due to the strong defensive games played by Canton. The best offensive game was played by “Whitey” Laughlin who never failed to gain a yard or two on his smashes into the Canton line. Courtney Smith also played well but McConnell and Price had difficulty gaining. Canton knew the ability of both of these lads and watched them closely. McConnell, however, got away for the longest gain of the game at the start of the third quarter when he went through Canton’s left tackle for 28 yards, having cleared the entire visiting eleven except Holmes, the safety man, who brought him down on Canton’s 22-yard line.
It was in punting that McConnell did his best work, Saturday. His exhibition of kicking was one of the best of the season and he clearly out-punted Holmes, Canton’s backfield star, gaining considerable yardage for the orange and black by his long and well placed punts.

Canton as usual depended largely upon Holmes for its offensive strength but outside of several brilliant returns of punts the Canton quarterback was held in check. He tossed several neat forward passes but most of the Canton gains were made by Hodnick, Clark and Taubensee on plunges through the line or dashes around the ends.
Massillon received to open the game and punted on third down. Holmes immediately launched an aerial attack and after his first pass had failed, tossed to Ritterspaugh and Kaufman for gains of seven and 15 yards. Canton then shifted to line plays and end runs and worked the ball to Massillon’s 34-yard line where the orange and black held for downs and took possession of the leather.

Then followed an exchange of punts, before Hodnick went through the line for eight yards before being tackled by McConnell.
A 25-yard return by Holmes of McConnell’s punt gave Canton the ball on Massillon’s 45-yard line early in the second quarter. After three plays had failed Holmes skirted right end for 11 yards and a first down before being chased out of bounds by Fulton. This put the ball on Massillon’s 32-yard line. Holmes was hurt but continued in the game. Hodnick hit the line for three and Holmes then passed to Hodnick for eight.

This gave Canton a first down with the ball on the 19-yard line. Kaufman was stopped without gain but Taubensee and Hodnick made seven in two plunges. On fourth down Holmes passed to Hodnick but the Canton receiver caught the ball out of bounds and it went to Massillon on its 13-yard line. McConnell punted out of danger but Massillon was penalized 15 yards for holding and the ball was back on Massillon’s 22-yard line.

The orange and black, however was equal to the occasion and held the red and black getting the ball on its 15-yard line. McConnell again punted and Holmes brought the ball back to Massillon’s 35-yard line. Four plunges gave Canton a first down. Only a few seconds of play remained in the second quarter and Kaufman dropped back to the 32-yard line for a field goal but his kick was short.
Canton received at the start of the third quarter but after Goss had been tossed for a four-yard loss Holmes punted to midfield. Then McConnell ripped through Canton’s left tackle for 28 yards taking the ball to the Canton 22-yard line. Three attempts to gain netted only four yards and McConnell attempted a drop kick from the 30-yard line. The pass was low and his kick was blocked by Ritterspaugh who was downed on his 35-yard line.

Canton failed to gain and Holmes dropped back to punt. But his kick never got across the line of scrimmage. Big Sam Benson breezed through the line and threw himself in front of Holmes, blocking the punt. The ball rolled back toward the Canton goal line and McConnell fell on it on Canton’s 22-yard line. After two attempts at the line had failed McConnell passed to Price for five yards. He then attempted a pass to Smith but the ball was grounded and Canton took it on its 15-yard line.

Holmes dropped back for another punt but this time Fox crashed through and blocked the kick and Gump dropped on the ball on Canton’s four-yard line. Canton’s regulars were coming back into the game as fast as Coach Peabody could send them in.

That blocked kick gave Massillon its best chance to score. McConnell failed to gain at right tackle. Laughlin made two yards at the line.

Smith made yard, taking the ball to the one-yard line but on the next play McConnell failed to get through the line and Canton got the ball on its three-yard line. Holmes then punted from behind his goal line to Smith who was downed on Canton’s 37-yard line.

Holmes then intercepted McConnell’s pass and ran it back to Massillon’s 43-yard line. Holmes passed to Hodnick for 20 yards, putting the ball on Massillon’s 29-yard line but on the next play Hodnick fumbled and Fulton covered on his 23-yard line.
A 25 yard penalty in Canton territory at the start of the fourth quarter put the ball on Canton’s 11-yard line. After several exchanges of punts Massillon got a break when Holmes punted out of bounds on his 19-yard line. Laughlin and Price made five in two plunges and McConnell dropped back to the 25-yard line for another shot at the Canton goal posts. The pass, however, was low and McConnell ran around Canton’s right end to the 12-yard line before being pushed out of bounds.

On the next play he tried another drop kick from the 22-yard line but the ball went wide and Canton put it in play on its 20-yard line.

Canton then began a determined march up the field and made two first downs before Massillon held and took possession of the oval in midfield as the game ended.
A Good Finish
Massillon – 0 Pos. Canton – 0
Gump LE Ritterspaugh
Fox LT L. Miller
Spencer LG Spence
Benson C Ballard
Mauger RG Carnahan
Ott RT Esmont
Fulton RE Sheets
McConnell QB Holmes
C. Smith LHB Clark
W. Price RHB Hodnick
Laughlin FB Kaufman

Massillon – D. Smith for Mauger, Easterday for Spencer.

Canton – Taubensee for Clark, Samuels for Spence, D. Miller for Carnahan, Goss for Taubensee, Brinson for Kaufman, Wilgus for Hodnick, Taubensee for Goss, Kaufman for Brinson, Hodnick for Wilgus, Carnahan for D. Miller, Clark for Taubensee, Jurevoki for Ritterspaugh.

Referee – Lambert, O.S.U.
Umpire – Shafer, Akron.
Head Linesman – Barrett, Salem.

Time of quarters – 12 minutes.

Bill Price
Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1925: Massillon 3, Canton McKinley 6


Driven backward by a bewildering aerial assault and a relentless, hard-driving attack off tackle a weary but grimly fighting Washington high school football team last Saturday afternoon went down to defeat before its perennial rival, Canton McKinley, 6 to 3 in a thrilling and spectacular battle at Lakeside Stadium, Canton, before the largest crowd that probably has ever witnessed a scholastic athletic event in Stark county. A touchdown in the fourth quarter that came through the medium of a well carried out offensive brought victory to the red and black of Canton, giving it a three point margin over Massillon which in the third period had amassed three points through a field goal from placement by Elwood Kammer from the 25-yard line.

Needless to say Canton went wild with joy when the game came to a close and its team was out in front. It was the first time in five years that a McKinley high team has been able to win from Massillon and the first time in three years that Canton has been able to score points on an orange and black scholastic outfit. Prior to Saturday Massillon had reigned supreme over its old enemy since 1920 when the red and black turned in a 14 to 0 triumph.

There was nothing fluky about Canton’s victory. It was merited and well earned, although for three periods the east enders were decisively out played by a fast stepping and hard hitting Massillon team that should have scored at least two touchdowns in the first half but didn’t because the fickle goodess of luck decreed otherwise. Massillon made 14 first downs to seven for Canton, out playing its ancient foe two to one, yet it was forced to bow its head in defeat.

Two things stand out prominently in setting forth the reasons for Massillon’s defeat. One was a break of the game that came in the third quarter and proved the turning point of the battle. From then on Canton held the upper hand and it made the most of its opportunity and the result was a hard earned victory for its colors.
The other was the advantage Canton had on Massillon was in reserve strength; that more than anything else caused the downfall of Coach Stewart’s team.

With six men cut off the team by a ruling making them ineligible a week before the Canton game, three of them regulars in the backfield, Coach Stewart was forced to send his strongest lineup into the fray at the start and keep it there until the last hope of victory vanished in the final minutes of play. The Massillon backfield, especially Kammer and Laughlin who bore the burden of the local team’s offense, had spent themselves during the first three quarters in their fierce dashes through the Canton team and when the time came for a last desperate effort to overcome the east enders’ lead Massillon no longer had the punch. Its team was willing and its spirit undimmed but its physical prowess had been spent in that earlier determined but futile attempt to wrest the victory from its old foe.

Not so with Canton. It sent into the struggle at the start of the third period Taubensee and Kinney, a pair of fresh halfbacks who were ready to cut loose with all their power when Canton’s opportunity came and their driving attack along with Holmes’ cleverly executed aerial bombardment, turned what looked like a certain defeat for Canton into a brilliant victory by an eleventh hour attack. Taubensee was the hero of Canton’s triumph, being the lad to smash through the Massillon line in the fourth period for the touchdown.

If Massillon had had Captain Define, Smith and Halpin ready to jump into the fray to relieve Kammer and Laughlin and Brown when they showed signs of fatigue the outcome might have been different. But they were on the sidelines, ineligible and so Massillon’s chances of victory went glimmering.
But a hero in defeat was Kammer, the fast charging and line smashing Massillon backfield ace. To his great ground gaining prowess and ability to outrun his Canton rivals was due Massillon’s greatest chance for victory. Kammer ripped, slashed and dashed his way through the Canton team for three quarters in one of the greatest exhibitions of playing ever seen in a Massillon-Canton tussle but Kammer’s great efforts were not to be rewarded. He also was a bear on defense but he could not go on forever and the fourth quarter found him leg weary and his energy almost gone. Sharing offensive honors with the brilliant Kammer was Whitey Laughlin, the stocky plunger, who also tore the Canton line to shreds on numerous occasions and once in the fourth quarter saved Massillon’s goal line by throwing Taubensee for a loss of three yards when Canton had but three yards to go for a touchdown on fourth down. But he also, along with Brown and McConnell, began to feel the strain in the fourth quarter.
The big break of the game came in the third quarter when McConnell, standing back to punt, missed a high pass from Bill Price. It was fourth down. The ball was on Massillon’s 40-yard line. Price shot the ball back to McConnell but it was over the Massillon punter’s head. McConnell reached for it but the ball went through his hands. He covered it on his 30-yard line but the oval went to Canton.

It was then that McKinley began the drive that was to carry it to victory. Quarterback Holmes also began to show his field generalship. He called Taubensee and Kinney into service on short off tackle bucks and they soon had driven through for a first down carrying the ball to Massillon’s 29-yard line. Then the orange and black defense stiffened. Up to that point Canton had not attempted a forward pass. Holmes then dropped back as if to try for a field goal. Instead he shot a bullet pass to Bolender who pulled it out of the air for a 16-yard gain, being tackled on Massillon’s 11-yard line as the quarter ended.

With a touchdown in sight Kinney rammed the line three times and toted the ball to Massillon’s three-yard line with fourth down and two yards to gain for a first down and three to make a touchdown. Taubensee started for Massillon’s left tackle but he never reached the line of scrimmage. Like a battering ram Laughlin smashed through and nailed Taubensee for a loss of three yards and Massillon had staved off the touchdown, getting the ball on its six-yard line.
Massillon could not gain and McConnell punted to Holmes who was tackled on Massillon’s 40. Canton, scenting victory, was not to be denied and was soon off on another march toward the orange and black goal. Holmes opened up with his deadly aerial attack and shot a pass to Bolender for 18 yards. Three line plays then gained only a few yards. Again came fourth down with the ball on Massillon’s 18 and again Holmes dropped back to kick formation but once more he depended upon the aerial game and this time hurled a pass to Clarke, who grabbed the ball and carried it to the six-yard line before being pulled to earth by Kammer. Then Taubensee earned his chance to become Canton’s hero. On the first play he smashed through right tackle for three and on the next he went through the same spot and over Massillon’s goal line for the first touchdown a Canton team has scored on Massillon in four years. Bolender failed to kick from placement for the extra point.

The fourth quarter was still young but Massillon’s offense was gone. Brown opened up with forward passes but to no avail. Canton was watching Massillon’s aerial attack very closely, following Storrie and McConnell, the receivers of Brown’s heaves, like hawks. The game ended with Canton in possession of the ball inside Massillon’s 20-yard line.
Canton did not once get inside Massillon territory in the first half until near the end of the second quarter when Brown fumbled a punt and Canton covered on the Massillon 26-yard line. But Massillon almost continually was playing on Canton ground. In the first quarter the orange and black advanced deeply into Canton territory on an exchange of punts.

McConnell, by a pretty kick, had driven the ball out of bounds on Canton’s six-yard line. Holmes then punted from behind his goal line but he kicked against a strong wind and Massillon got the ball on Canton’s 26-yard line. Massillon marched down to Canton’s six-yard line and a touchdown seemed likely when Kammer was sent on a long end run and was tossed for a five-yard loss. A line plunge might have accomplished more. In addition to this Massillon incurred a 15-yard penalty for holding and was pushed back to the 29-yard line. The ball was brought up to Canton’s 16-yard line when Clark interfered with Storrie as he was about to catch a pass. Laughlin made five at the line but a triple pass fizzled and lost nine. This was made up however when Brown passed to McConnell for 11. But fourth down was coming and Brown tried another forward and this was intercepted by Clark who carried it back 30 yards before being stopped.

With Kammer skirting the ends and smashing the line for steady gains Massillon marched right up the field in the second quarter only to lose another splendid chance to score by a 15-yard penalty for holding. Canton found Kammer almost unstoppable and was being swept back everytime the Massillon star took the ball. Getting the pigskin on Massillon’s 30-yard line Kammer almost single handed, carried the ball for steady gains on end runs and line drives until it was resting on Canton’s 15-yard line. He was given good interference and assisted by Laughlin and McConnell. But then, with Canton weakening fast, a Massillon man was guilty of holding and a 15-yard penalty blasted the chance to score. Canton then took the ball on downs but Plaskett fumbled and W. Harris covered on the 31-yard line. Massillon made another first down but time was nearly up and McConnell tried for a goal from placement from the 32-yard line but it was low.
The third quarter still found Kammer plowing through the Canton team for substantial gains. Laughlin also was dong some splendid ball toting and an unbroken march of 45 yards soon had the ball on Canton’s 20-yard line. But Canton’s line held and then Kammer dropped back to the 25 for a place kick. A Canton lineman was offside just as the ball was passed. Kammer put his toe against the leather and the ball sailed over the cross bar for the first points of the game.

Massillon then had its choice of taking the five-yard penalty for Canton’s offside play, which would have given it a first down, or the three points resulting from the place kick. The orange and black took the points; whether that was a wise move will always remain a debatable question. To have taken the penalty would have brought a first down inside Canton’s 15-yard line and a touchdown might have resulted, for Canton was hard beset to stop Kammer’s fast charges and Laughlin’s line plunges. But right then those three points looked like good enough to win and the local team can’t be blamed for taking a sure lead in preference to a doubtful touchdown. Had it taken the gain resulting from the penalty it might have scored and the game ended in a tie or a Massillon victory had the point after touchdown been registered. But why discuss a matter that’s now history. A few moments later came the break that started Canton on its way to victory.
Tough Luck
Massillon – 3 Pos. Canton – 6
Gump LE Bolender
W. Harris LT Woodring
Kelly LG Spence
Price C Ballard
Crone RG Duff
Dommer RT Dunn
Thomas RE Dye
Brown QB Holmes
Kammer LHB Clark
McConnell RHB Plaskett
Laughlin FB Hodnick

Score by quarters:
Massillon 0 0 3 0 3
Canton 0 0 0 6 6

Massillon – Storrie for Gump, Gump for Storrie, Storrie for Gump, N. Harris for Price, Agler for Thommas, Tipton for Crone, Hax for Brown.

Canton – Sheets for Dye, Taubensee for Clark, Kinney for Plaskett, Rittersbaugh for Spence, Dye for Sheets, Clark for Kinney, Plaskett for Clark, Kauffman for Plaskett.

Touchdown – Taubensee.

Field goal (from placement) – Kammer.

Referee – Dr. Lambert, Ohio State.
Umpire – Swain, Dickinson.
Head Linesman – Barrett, W. & J.

Time of quarters – 12‚ minutes.

Paul Brown

Massillon vs. McK - Throwback (Large) History

1924: Massillon 6, Canton McKinley 0


Talk about that stadium dedication jinx all you want to but speaking in the vernacular “there ain’t no such animal: as far as the orange and black scholastic eleven of Washington high school is concerned. Superstitious individuals have it that no football team can successfully dedicate a new field and win a gridiron tussle all in one afternoon.

But Coach David B. Stewart’s huskies at the South Mill street institution did that very thing last Saturday afternoon when they dedicated the new high school athletic field near Pearl street and then handed the local school’s perennial foe, Canton, McKinley, a 6 to 0 trouncing in the annual conflict between the two old rivals and won for the third straight year in succession the scholastic championship of Stark county by trouncing the east enders in the final battle of the season for both schools.

The dedication jinx was handed a wallop in the solar plexus in the first quarter by Kammer, Massillon’s fleet footed and line cracking fullback, when he snatched a Canton forward pass out of the air and sloshed his way through 65 yards of mud and water for a touchdown – in favor of the orange and black for the third straight year.

It was a mud battle. Of that there can be no doubt. The field, newly constructed was made soggy by a heavy rain Friday. In spots stilts were needed for a successful passage and the balance was a nice sticky mass of mud anywhere from two to four inches deep. It was the worst field either team had played upon this year, but blame the elements for that, and it was the same kind of a gridiron the two rivals have had to settled their disputes on in the last three years.

Such being the case all the nicely pre-arranged dope was shot to the eternal bow wows early in the fracas for coaches of both teams and the players and spectators as well had prayed long and fervently for a dry, firm footing. On a dry field Massillon was a heavy favorite to win by a top heavy score. But on a muddy field, such as the one last Saturday, the orange and black was lucky to come out ahead.

With a chance to show its speed there is little doubt that Coach Stewart’s machine would have run the Canton invaders to shreds. But on a muddy field McKinley high, with a big, heavy and somewhat slow moving aggregation held the upper hand as it proved by outplaying the lighter Massillon team, distinctly at a big disadvantage in the mud.

Canton had a forward wall that had at least a five to eight pound advantage per man on the Massillon line. Its backfield also was heavier. And what Massillon fans have been trying to figure since Saturday’s conflict is why Canton, with such a formidable group of lads, did not do better than win but two games out of nine this fall.

The orange and black won the game; and that was the big thing, through the medium of Kammer’s muddy dash but to the east enders must be given the credit of trudging off the field holding an advantage in the actual play and proving themselves just a wee bit better mud dogs than Coach Stewart’s warriors. Their superiority in weight gave them that advantage along with the fact that their fighting spirit was better Saturday than it has been at any time this year. Even Canton fans were a bit surprised to see the dogged and determined fight their boys put up against the Massillon eleven. The way Canton had been defeated all season didn’t indicate a great deal of fighting spirit but they had it against Massillon – large gobs of it too.

With the muddy field as the scene for the big fracas the plans of both coaches to unleash the speed of their teams were shot but this probably was a life saver for Canton for even on the soggy battle ground the McKinleyites could not travel nearly as fast as Coach Stewart’s speed merchants. On a dry field Canton’s warriors would have appeared to be standing still when compared to the speed of the Massillon backs.

Breaks of the game however went to Canton. A bit of poor generalship on Massillon’s part also helped the east enders. The forward pass which Canton tried and Kammer intercepted was not a break for Massillon. It was one of those things that every team faces when it attempts a gain by the aerial route and the fact that Kammer took advantage of the opportunity and turned it into a touchdown for Massillon only proves that Kammer is a wide awake individual in mud or on dry land.

Right at the start of the game Canton got a lucky break when Vince Define, back in the game after a lay off of two weeks with a damaged knee, speared a Canton punt and raced it back 45 yards to Canton’s 15-yard line only to have it count for naught when two Massillon men were offside on the punting play. Again in the third quarter came another break of like nature. This time Canton punted from behind its goal line. The kick was poor and King signaled for a fair catch on Canton’s 17-yard line. He was tackled and the 15-yard penalty to be inflicted for this offense would have put the ball right under Canton’s goal posts but once again a Massillon player, too eager for a chance to block the kick, was offside and Canton got another chance to boot the oval, this time sending it down the field about 50 yards.

Canto, while it made five earned first downs to four for Massillon, never dreamed of being able to score through Massillon’s line or around the ends. The east enders’ only hope lay in successfully putting over a touchdown by the aerial route and they worked the overhead game to a frazzle in the first quarter when they attempted 15 passes, only four of which succeeded and three of which were intercepted by Massillon, one of them being turned into the winning touchdown. After that Canton tried only two passes during the remainder of the game, completing one and failing in the other.

Canton, however, did uncover quite a proficient performer late in the game in Curley Whitmer, its plunging fullback, who was not discovered as possessing ball toting qualifications until only two weeks ago. He is a big, powerful lad and crashed through Massillon’s line for several substantial gains in the last two quarters but never got out in the open far enough to prove dangerous.

Massillon’s offense, disrupted by the mud, was nothing to brag about either except for a brief flash in the third quarter which marched the ball down the field for three first downs to the Canton five-yard line and a flashy dash by Jimmy Price late in the fourth quarter when he slipped through the Canton line and plowed through the mud for 53 yards to Canton’s 15-yard line before Corl sunk him.

The local team’s best offensive play was shown in the return of punts by Define and Jimmy Price. Canton out-punted Massillon. Corl and Dent having an edge on Define, Smith and Edwards, but this advantage was wiped out by the manner in which Define and Price carried back the ball. The Canton receivers of punts seldom moved out of their tacks before being spilled in the mud.

Massillon did not make a first down in the first two quarters. Its four first downs came during the second half. All of them were earned. Canton made three, all coming in the first quarter, two on penalties and one on a forward pass. The east enders made four earned first downs in the last half, two in the third quarter and a like number in the fourth.

Bill Edwards, finishing his high school football career after three years of steady and brilliant playing, was Massillon’s defensive star. The orange and Black leader, with his head swathed in bandages to protect a bad ear, didn’t miss getting into many plays and when he tackled the Canton man stopped right where Bill hit him. The Massillon line, pitted against the heavy Canton forward wall, was well coated with mud but not outplayed by the east enders.

Punting was frequent and Massillon showed a decided tendency of not being able to handle the water-soaked, slippery ball while Canton, discredited because of its numerous fumbles all season, never once fumbled.

Canton’s best chance to score came in the first quarter when Edwards passed the ball over Define’s head and Bolender covered for Canton on Massillon’s 23-yard line. The east enders then tried and failed at four passes and the orange and black came back in possession of the ball on the same spot it had lost it. Then each team intercepted a pass before Kammer picked the ball out of the air on his 35-yard line and made his 65-yard dash.

Kammer, the fastest man on the local team, splashed mud in the faces of more than one would-be Canton tackler as he charged down the west side of the field. He was given perfect interference too, Ike Hise taking out the last man between Kammer and the Canton goal line. Edwards failed to add the extra point on a try for goal by place kick.

It was in the third quarter that Massillon showed its best form. Stewart’s lads got the ball on Canton’s 38-yard line and marched it down to the visitors’ five-yard mark before being stopped, line plays and a 15-yard pass from King to J. Price shoving Canton back to its five-yard line. But with only five yards to make in four downs the local team failed to score. Borza made two yards in a plunge and then lost three on his second attempt through failure to pay strict attention to the play. King tried to make up the loss on a line plunge but was stopped without gain. He then attempted a forward to Jimmy Price as the last chance to score and the ball went over the goal line and the chance was lost.

A touchdown was in sight when the game ended. It was due to Jimmy Price’s remarkable dash of 53 yards. Massillon got the ball on its 32 yard line on a punt and on the first play Price, rammed his way through Canton’s left tackle and darted up the field. Had Jimmy not out-run his interference he might have scored but he was too fast for the balance of his mud-soaked comrades and he outstripped them but not Corl, the Canton safety man, who overhauled him and pulled him to earth on Canton’s 15-yard line.

Then once again Canton’s line hurled itself in the mud and refused to be budged and the orange and black lost the ball on downs. Canton punted but Price brought it back to the 15-yard line from where Grant and Kammer carried it to the seven-yard line in three plays. There the game ended.

Four Straight
Massillon – 6 Pos. McKinley – 0
W. Price LE Bolender
McCarthy LT Gebel
Hise LG Young
Edwards C Parker
Halco RG Henning
Weidman RT Nealander
Thomas RE Genet
J. Price QB Black
Define LHB Poet
Kammer RHB Corl
Borza FB Whitmer

Score by quarters:
Massillon 6 0 0 0 6

Massillon – King for Define, Gump for W. Price, Agler for Thomas, Grant for Borza, P. Smith for J. Price, Borza for Grant, J. Price for P. Smith, Thomas for Agler, W. Price for Gump, Define for Borza, Grant for Define, Gump for W. Price.

Canton – Dye for Bolender, Dent for Corl, Clark for Genet, Bigson for Poet, Corl for Gibson, Poet for Dent, Bolender for Dye, Genet for Clark, Farwick for Gebel, Gebel for Farwick.

Touchdown – Kammer.

Referee – Roudebush, Cleveland.
Umpire – Shafer, Akron.
Head Linesman – Michaels, Akron.

Time of quarters – 15 minutes.

Rain; snow and plenty of mud couldn’t hold down the attendance at Saturdays’ football game which marked the dedication of Massillon field, Washington high’s new athletic playground. The largest crowd which ever saw a scholastic game in this city was on hand, attracted by the annual fracas between Massillon and Canton and the dedicatory programme.

High school authorities, Saturday night, while hundreds of joy-filled students were turning the town upside down in a big celebration of the 6 to 0 victory over Canton, said that a conservative estimate of the crowd placed the attendance at 8,000. Every inch of the park was packed and quite a few saw the game from good vantage points on the outside.

The only thing that marred the event was the weather which was the poorest of the entire season. Friday’s heavy rain turned the gridiron into a quagmire but nobody cared much about the mud, except the players who soon carried a thick coating of it.

The dedication programme started promptly with H.R. Gorrell, superintendent, in charge. After the local high school band had strutted around in the mud and played a selection, Congressman John McSweeney, of Wooster, mounted a platform at the south end of the field and speaking through a double barreled megaphone made the principal address of the day.

His talk was devoted to clean sportsmanship and high class athletics. He was followed by the Rev. F.B. Hax, of St. Paul’s Lutheran church who offered prayer.

Then came Miss Louise Hunter, Washington high school senior, selected by the student council to christen the field. Miss Hunter did a good job of it and broke a bottle, filled with nothing stronger than water, at the south goal post as she christened the field, “Massillon Field.”

That was followed by an aerial display of bombs, featured by the setting loose of pennants of Canton McKinley and Washington high, attached to parachutes and a large American flag.

Between the halves after the students of the two schools had sung their school songs the American Legion and Legion Auxiliary presented the school with an American flag and large orange and black pennant. Headed by the Canton McKinley band and the local band bringing up the rear a uniformed detail of Legion members marched to the south goal post where Arthur Paul, commander on behalf of the Legion made the flag presentation speech and Mrs. Edward Johns, on behalf of the Auxiliary presented the pennant.
E.P. McConnaughy, accepted on behalf of the school and board of education.

Then as the massed bands played the Star Spangled Banner the flag and pennant were run up the flag pole presented and erected by the Legion and the second half of the game was started.

The affair was well arranged and quite appropriate to the occasion.

The game itself, while played on a very muddy field, was clean throughout, players of both teams playing hard but cleanly. The officiating was good too, although Head Linesman, Michaels once gave Canton five downs in which to make 10 yards but even this did not help the east enders on this occasion and they were forced to punt.

The battle was delayed about 15 minutes by failure of Shafer and Michaels to appear. They thought the game would start at 2:30 o’clock. Finally it was agreed to use Frank Bast of Massillon as umpire and Bletzer of Canton as Head Linesman until the regular officials arrived. They appeared shortly after the first kickoff.

One thing that is badly needed at the park is larger exits. The big crowd was jammed quite a bit while the thousands of fans tried to get out through several narrow gates.

Part of the first half was played in a drizzling rain and snow.