1930: Massillon 14, Canton McKinley 6
Canton Miscues, However, Lead To Both Orange And Black Scores
Hartsel’s Accurate Passing
Has Opponents Worried In Second Half
THE Bulldogs of McKinley High school owned an excellent and impressive 1930 football record until they ran the gauntlet of county competition. Now it is merely good. Alliance erased the impressiveness of it eight days ago, but only yesterday Massillon reduced it to just a mere shadow of its former brilliance.
That’s just another way of breaking the sad news that football as it is played by those Washington High Tigers who yesterday romped to a 14 to 6 victory over McKinley is still a bit too tough and complicated a solution for the Bulldogs. It was too much for them last year, too, and primarily because it was delivered by that same three-pointed weapon – Jack Kester, Glenn Williams and Jack Clendening.
Those three Tiger backs romped up and down the Massillon athletic field yesterday, even as they did at Lakeside stadium one year ago. But their thrusts on this occasion were deadened somewhat more effectively than they were in 1929 but only because they were running headlong into a team that refused to die or even wilt in the very path of complete destruction.
Yes, that combination of the best ball-lugging machinery Massillon has claimed in many a gridiron moon was prancing in true anti-McKinley form. There was Williams shooting off tackle with a viciousness that is unique in scholastic circles, there was Kester punting like his foot was mad at the ball and riddling the Bulldog line to shreds with his delayed bucks and last but not least there was Clendening, the ebony flash, circling the ends with a vengeance that left nothing to be desired.
That stellar brand of straight football execution, coupled with just one aerial, gave the Tigers an advantage in the first half that was nothing short of amazing. It left the Bulldogs in the lurch for an offensive of their own and shoved them in the shadow of their own goal post on no less than five occasions two of which were productive.
While their efforts, both offensively and defensively, were almost negligent during the first two quarters, the men of Dwight Peabody, profiting by a good tongue lashing during the recess period, came out to put on exhibition an entirely different brand of ball. Massillon continued to threaten and on one occasion carried the ball over only to have it called back for an offside penalty, but its charges met with a more stubborn resistance and its defense was put to test for the first time during the fuss.
Even though Massillon clearly outplayed McKinley, as the 18 to 10 advantage in first downs will indicate, both Tiger touchdowns came as the result of fumbles deep in Canton territory. The first, midway in the initial quarter, saw Hartsel bobble on his own 29. Captain Willison recovered for the Orange and Black, and the march, which was soon to produce the first score of the game was on with the very next play.
Williams smashed off tackle for eight yards and after Clendening had failed, Kester made it a first down on McKinley’s 17. Kester hit center for four more and a pass, Clendening to Hess, the first Tiger aerial of the game, was good for the touchdown. Clendening’s place kick was good for the extra point. Peculiarly enough, this drive followed two others that failed within the McKinley 10, the first dying on the half-yard line and the second fading on the nine when a pass was incomplete.
The second touchdown followed a fumble by Plaver when he foolishly attempted to scoop up a punt on his own 23. Massillon recovered. Kester picked up seven yards on two line plays and then Williams broke loose to the 14. An offside penalty placed the ball on the nine-yard line. Kester clicked three on a delayed buck and Williams added two on a pair of off-tackle smashes. Clendening went over for the touchdown when he cut between end and tackle. McKinley was offside on the try for the extra point. Before the half had ended, the Tigers again carried the ball to the McKinley one-yard line only to have the gun cheat them out of another probable score.
The Bulldogs unleashed a heavy overhead bombardment at the outset of the third quarter and for a time seemed destined to march the length of the field. It so happened, however, that they were stopped on the Massillon 17-yard line when Hartsel, who had thrown the ball with deadly accuracy on no less than four occasions, was forced to run when he found no eligible pass receiver open.
McKinley launched its touchdown march from its own 30 late in the third period. A pass, Hartsel to Clark, was good for 20 yards just as the quarter ended. At the opening of the final heat, Hartsel circled right end for nine and Clark made it first down on Massillon’s 30. Hartsel smashed right tackle for five and a pass, Hartsel to Clark carried the ball to the 17. Hartsel picked up five more on a fake play and Dick Miller carried it to the six on two thrusts. On the third play, Hartsel carried it over. Bob Schreiber was rushed in to dropkick for the extra point but his effort was blocked.
In addition to Kester, Clendening and Williams, Hess and Willison played stellar ball for Massillon. For McKinley, Buddy Hartsel stood head and shoulders above the backfield performers and Duffy, DeStefano, George and Billings looked good on the line.
What’s Wrong
Massillon Pos. Canton
Getz LE Forsyth
Willison LT George
Worthington LG Neil
Hoyman C Billings
Monroe RG Jones
Price RT Duffy
Hess RE Smith
Kester QB Hodnick
Clendening LH Brinson
Singer RH Hartsel
Williams FB Plaver
Score by quarters:
McKinley 0 0 0 6 6
Massillon 7 7 0 0 14
Massillon – Hess; Clendening.
McKinley – Hartsel.
Point after touchdown: Massillon – Clendening.
McKinley – DeStefano for Neil; Clark for Plaver; Black for Jones; Miller for Brinson; R. Schreiber for Forsyth; Gottsheck for Black.
Massillon – Bordner for Hess; Hess for Bordner; Foster for Hess; Bordner for Singer; Snodgrass for Monroe; Mudd for Worthington; Schott for Hoyman.
Referee – Howells (Sebring).
Umpire – Schaeffer (Akron).
Head Linesman – Barrett (Ohio State).
Sidelights On Saturday’s Battle
It takes a game with Canton McKinley to bring out the best in a Washington high school football team. That was demonstrated Saturday when the Tigers mopped up the gridiron with the Bulldogs, winning 14 to 6. Coach Elmer McGrew’s boys did everything just about right.
Their fighting spirit was magnificent. Their offensive attack was pretty to watch. The interference for the first time this season was well nigh perfect. The blocking and charging also were good. And the tackling – well ask the Canton ball carriers how effective that was. Great holes were torn into the Canton line by the hard charging Massillon forwards. On end runs the backs came around like a streak to take out Canton’s secondary defense and open holes for the ball lugger.
The kind of ability the Tigers displayed Saturday night have put a blemish on the record of Steubenville’s great team had it been in evidence three weeks ago.
The crowd Saturday was a typical Massillon-Canton gathering. The enthusiasm was there and the cheering was plentiful. But it was an orderly crowd. Ten policemen and a corps of firemen worked diligently to keep some of the more enthusiastic rooters off the field and for the most part succeeded. About 6,000 paid to see the game. Another thousand saw it from a knoll just south of the field.
On form of greeting among the youngsters Saturday was, “How did you get in?” indicating that probably more than one youthful Tiger rooter climbed over the fence when a policeman’s back was turned.
The day was ideal for football, just enough snap in the air. The wind was a bit strong but it did not interfere with the punting.
It certainly looked like a big game along the sidelines. A flock of reporters were busy dashing up and down the field getting all the dope. Then a radio broadcasting company sent out details of the game over the air. Several special telephone wires also were in operation and the cameramen were there with everything from a pea shooter to a motion picture outfit. Amplifiers carried details of the game to the crowd.
The opening ceremony was the raising of the Stars and Stripes to the top of the flag pole at the north end of the field. The crowd stood bareheaded as the flag was run up the pole and the massed bands of Canton and Massillon played the Star Spangled Banner.
Canton McKinley’s band was in natty uniforms of red and black coats and white trousers. Massillon’s band was in civilian dress. Both furnished lots of music.
Just before the game started the Canton band lined up in the center of the field