Tag: <span>Alliance</span>


1908: Massillon 12 Alliance 23

Massillon – 12      Alliance – 23

It was Massillon’s more or less listless playing in the first half of the game which allowed the Alliance high school team to run up 17 decisive points on the local school at Mt. Union Saturday and thereby win the game.  In the second half Massillon was desperate and determined to win.  Two touchdowns and two goals were made and Massillon seemed on the high road to victory when time was called.  Too much dependence was put into the shortest half.  The final score was 23 to 12.

In the first half before Massillon had properly gingered into the game, Alliance had its own way.  Massillon held stubbornly, but loosely and without vim.  Alliance could usually make its yards, but seldom more.  Only once in the first half did it look as if the tide of battle would turn decisively Massillon found Alliance’s weak spot, and hammered it unmercifully for more than half the length of the field.  Davis gained continually through Alliances right guard, Blackburn opening the hole.  Cross bucks also were good gainers.  But the ball was lost on downs on Alliance’s five yard line, and Massillon was again carried back.

In the second half the worm did turn, and Massillon showed what she really was worth.  Two touchdowns were force over, one on straight football by Snavely, and the other secured by Richards on a fumble.  Both goals were kicked faultlessly by Blackburn.  The Massillon team gingered up with vim, and held Alliance for downs.

Alliance’s plunging full back was its greatest gainer, and all round player.  He was the heaviest man on the team and made practically all of Alliance’s gains.  Massillon’s line was strong but it did not show until the second half.  Blqackburn and Erb opened up the big hole through which Massillon gained the most.  Clay on the other side of the line played the big defensive game.  If anyone lay down in front of him he walked right over him, and if anyone stood in front of him he walked anyway.  More than once he downed the runner behind the line, and was down the field on the kick-off with the best of them.  Snavely and Davis made Massillon’s big gains.  Massillon used the forward pass successfully several times, Snavely receiving the ball.  Alliance however, could not make it work to very good advantage.  Alliance skirted the ends for substantial gains twice on the fake punt, Massillon’s ends being drawn in.

Alliance – 23                   Pos. Massillon – 12
Mummert       le           Moody
Shern              lt             Leahy
Iden               lg               Clay
Tanner            c         Burkhart
Kallenbaugh   lg       Blackburn
Goddard         lt                 Erb
Jones             le         Richards
Davis            qb           Bowers
Wingert         rh              Wells
Alloot            lh           Snavely
Newshutz (c) fb              Davis

Time – 25 and 20 minute halves

Massillon – Snavely; Richards.
Alliance – Newshutz, 2; Wingert; Mummert.

Goal from touchdown:
Massillon – Blackburn.

Referee – Jones.
Timekeeper – Hall.
Linesman – Hammersmith.


1907: Massillon 6 Alliance 10

Massillon – 6                  Alliance – 10

If the game had only ended at the end of the first half, Massillon high school would have been the victor in its game with Alliance at Alliance Saturday, by a score of 6 to 4.  But, according to the rules of football, as well as mathematics, it requires two halves to make a whole game, so the local aggregation of players were compelled to pass under the yoke.  They have a legitimate excuse for their defeat.  Some of the best players were laid up and the substitutes were used.  Considering this, the team played a very creditable game and did not allow a walkway.

The big gains for the local team were made by Grinnell and Dow, with their line bucks.  Occasionally Dow would go tearing up the field on an end run, while, when things got slack, Grinnell would help out with a punt.  Silvers and Moore were the stars of the Alliance aggregation, which had a habit of playing very low, with good effect.

Massillon kicked off to Alliance.  Alliance failed to make first down and was forced to punt from about the middle of the field.  Massillon lost the ball on downs.  Working up the field a short distance, Lewis, the Alliance right end, drop kicked goal and the score stood 4 to 0.  Massillon again kicked off to Alliance and the ball was kept near the center of the field for some time.  Only once did Massillon get within kicking distance of the goal.  Finally, after Massillon had worked down the field, Dow broke loose and made the touchdown.  Grinnell kicked goal and the score stood 6 to 4.

In the second half Massillon kicked to Alliance.  Tandem bucks worked by Alliance did the business and they went over for a touchdown.  Goal was kicked and the score stood 10 to 6 in favor of the home team.

The lineup was as follows:

Massillon   Pos.          Alliance
Snavely          le        Whitaker
Baer               lt  Ault, Rickard
Carr               lg            Owens
Sonnhalter      c         Pritchard
Hammersmith rg          Wingert
Wells             rt            Howell
Dudley          re             Lewis
Holston        lhb         Richards
Dow            rhb            Silvers
Grinnell          fb            Moore
Muller          qb                Tice

Massillon – Dow.
Alliance – Tice.