1929: Massillon 9, Warren Harding 13
Warren Scores First Victory Over Tigers In Eight Years
Just because it had an inefficient defense for the forward pass, Washington high school today is lamenting over its third loss of the season, and the first defeat suffered at the hands of a Warren high school team since 1921. Warren won, fair and square, 13 to 9, because it played better football than the Tigers in the second half of the game.
Given a touchdown in the second quarter largely as a result of poor judgment on the part of the Warren captain, the orange and black led 7 to 0 at the end of the first half. But Warren came to life in the third period, solved the Tigers’ weakness and began an air attack that brought two earned touchdowns and threatened to score a third.
Warren Defense Strong
Out weighed by their opponents, the Tigers found their offense stopped throughout the game by the Warren backs. No Massillon player got away for a gain of more than seven yards carrying the ball, while only one forward pass was completed and that for a gain of 22 yards.
Beaten seven consecutive times by the Massillon Tiger, Warren set out to conquer the jinx Saturday and accomplished its purpose. The red and white line checked the charge of Massillon forwards, and orange and black ball carriers were dropped in their tracks, frequently for losses.
Clendening, star halfback of the local team was of no value Saturday, for the red and white kept an eagle eye on him all the time and he lost more yards from scrimmage than he could gain. Williams was the only member of the Tiger lineup who could gain ground and what advances were made Saturday were the result of his crashes through the line. Kester’s punting likewise was a high spot in the orange and black’s defensive play.
Local Team Scores
The Tigers held the upper hand during the first half, and Warren’s efforts to advance the ball were made pitiful by the Massillon line. Massillon threatened once in the first period, but that was all.
Late in the first quarter the Tigers worked the ball to the 36-yard line where a pass was grounded on the fourth down. However, a Massillon man was found guilty of holding, and the Warren captain asked for the 15-yard penalty rather than the ball which set the Tigers back to their own 49-yard line. Kester punted and the ball went outside on the 18-yard line. When Latimer attempted to return the kick, the punt was blocked and Blatz recovered on the eight-yard line. Kester made a yard as the quarter ended and the first three plays of the second period with Williams carrying the ball each time, gave the orange and black a touchdown. Clendening place kicked the extra point.
Warren scored in the third period, passes taking the ball from midfield to the three-yard line, from which point Grizzerelli carried the pigskin across. The attempted passer for the extra point was tackled but the officials ruled that Massillon was offside and the point was awarded to Warren.
Triple Pass Wins Game
Passes and a 15-yard penalty placed the ball on Massillon’s 22-yard line in the fourth period, and a triple pass Latimer to De Santis to McKinney was good for a touchdown. An attempted line buck for the extra point was stopped dead.
Warren made eight first downs to the Tigers’ four, and completed six passes in 11 attempts for a gain of 81 yards. One of the seven passes attempted by the orange and black was completed for a gain of 22 yards.
Standing out head and shoulders above the rest of the players on the field was Kelly Latimer, Warren’s 190-pound fullback, who did a lot of Warren’s ground gaining, tossed and received passes and was right in the midst of things on defense, intercepting one of the Tigers’ forward passes. Warren was penalized a total of 70 yards while the orange and black was set back 25 yards.
Ward Young, assistant Canton McKinley football coach, umpired the game.
First Quarter
Titus kicked off to the Tigers, the ball being downed on the 33-yard line. Williams made a first down in three plunges on the 45-yard line. Two plays failed to gain and Kester punted out on the Warren 30. When Latimer fumbled, Willison recovered for Massillon on the 35-yard line. After losing two yards on three plays and penalized an additional five for offside, Kester punted out on the 15-yard line. Latimer punted to Worthington who was downed on the Warren 40. Williams and Clendening negotiated a first down on the 30-yard line. Clendening tried a pass but the receivers were covered and he was downed for a loss of five yards. Two more plays gained but four yards, and a Massillon pass was grounded. The ball would have gone to Warren at this spot, but the red and white captain accepted a 15-yard penalty rather than the ball and the Tigers were given a chance to punt near midfield. Kester punted outside on the 18-yard line. Latimer made a yard at right end, and the Massillon ends broke through and blocked his punt. Blatz followed the ball toward the Warren goal and falling upon it on the eight-yard line. Kester made a yard as the quarter closed.
Second Quarter
Williams hit for one yard, then three yards and then a touchdown. Clendening kicked goal with Kester holding the ball. Willison kicked off to Gizzerelli who caught the ball on the 15-yard line and returned to the 30. Three line plays gained but little and Latimer punted to the 30-yard line where Clendening touched the ball but failed to get hold of it and chased it back to the 10-yard line where he was downed with the pigskin. Williams made a yard and Kester punted back to his own 48-yard line, Warren gaining some 25 yards on the exchange. Dahringer passed to Latimer for a gain of 28 yards. A line plunge failed and a pass was incomplete and Warren was set backward on penalties totaling 20 yards. Kester intercepted Roger’s pass on the 20-yard line. Kester punted back to the Warren 36-yard line. Rogers gained seven yards but Dahringer lost the same amount. Latimer punted to Worthington who was tackled on his own 40-yard line. Williams made a yard but Clendening lost three. Kester punted out of bounds on the 20-yard line, gaining 16 yards on the exchange. Latimer punted to Clendening who returned the ball to midfield before the end of the half.
Third Quarter
Williams returned Titus’ kickoff to the 37-yard line. Clendening made two yards and Williams a yard but Clendening lost four on the next play. Kester punted out of bounds on the 33-yard line but the play was called back and Warren penalized five yards, giving the Tigers a first down on the 40-yard line. Two plays failed to gain, and Houriet went down fast under Kester’s punt to tackle Grizzereli without return on the 30. After two plays had gained seven yards Latimer punted to Clendening who fumbled the ball, Titus recovering on the 25-yard line. De Santis’ pass was grounded and Rogers was stopped without gain. Another pass was incomplete and Warren was penalized five yards when it had two successive incomplete passes. Failure of another pass brought another five-yard penalty. Latimer punted out of bounds on the 15-yard line. Kester returned the kick to midfield. Latimer circled his left end for a first down on the Massillon 40-yard line. Rogers made two yards, and a triple pass, Rogers to De Santis to Latimer, gained six more. Rogers circled his left end for a first down on the 20-yard line. He made a yard on the next play and De Santis tossed a pass to Gizzerelli for a first down on the three-yard line. Latimer picked up two yards and Gizzerelli sneaked through for the touchdown. A pass was called for the try for point but the passer was smothered. However, Warren was allowed the point when the officials ruled that a Massillon player was offside. Williams returned Titus’ kickoff to the 40-yard line. Three plays netted nine yards and Kester punted out of bounds on the 28-yard line. Two plays gained but little and Latimer returned the punt to the Massillon 40-yard line. The third quarter ended with the score tied at 7-7.
Fourth Quarter
Latimer punted to the goal line. Clendening attempting to run with the ball and fumbling but luckily recovering. Kester, standing behind his goal line, booted the ball back to the middle of the field. Latimer passed to De Santis for a first down on the 37-yard line and a penalty carried the ball to the 22-yard line. A triple pass, Latimer to De Santis to McKinney gave Warren a touchdown. An attempted line buck failed. Score Warren 13; Massillon 7.
Blatz returned Titus’ kickoff to the 42-yard line. Kester passed to Williams for a 22 yard gain. Two incomplete passes drew a five-yard penalty, and Kester punted out of bounds on the two-yard line. Latimer’s kick was blocked, but the ball bounded back over the fence for a safety. Score Warren 13; Massillon 9.
Latimer punted to Willison who returned five yards to midfield. Latimer intercepted Kester’s pass, on the 20. When he failed to gain, Latimer punted to Rice who returned the ball to the Warren 35-yard line. Latimer intercepted one of Kester’s passes again; and the red and white kept possession of the ball until the end of the game.
Line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. Warren
Getz LE Davis
Blatz LT Mills
Herman LG Ripple
Lewis C Titus
Pfister RG Hilston
Willison RT McKinney
Houriet RE Humphries
Kester QB Dahringer
Clendening LH Rogers
Worthington RH Gizzerelli
Williams FB Latimer
Score by periods:
Warren 0 0 7 6 13
Massillon 0 7 0 2 9
Warren – Canzonetta for Ripple; De Santis for Dahringer.
Massillon – Rice for Clendening.
Massillon – Williams.
Warren – Gizzerelli; McKinney.
Point after touchdown:
Massillon – Clendening.
Warren –
Warren, blocked punt.
Referee – Newman.
Umpire – Young.
Head Linesman – Van Hill.