Massillon Gridders Hand Warren Its Worst Defeat In History With First Team Only Playing Two Periods Of Game
Greased lightning was turned loose by Coach Paul Brown in Tiger Stadium Friday evening and the thunderbolts struck fast and furiously to blast a 59-0 victory out of the Warren Presidents, the 26th in a row.
While a crowd of between 13,000 and 14,000 fans looked on, another football pageant of sensational touchdown runs, music flag waving, and marching splendor was unfurled.
Show Makes Up for Lop-Sided Score
It was a one-sided victory for Massillon, as many had expected it to be, but those that came for the show, were treated to the best yet, and they began to leave shortly after the start of the third period.
The game differed from the heated battles of past years. Not that it was tame, for there was plenty of jabbing in the pileups, but it was more one-sided than Massillon-Warren games of other years.
Warren was whipped from the start. Its line literally exploded when struck by the Massillon forward wall. It was riddled twice on consecutive plays, in the first series of the game when Tom James after being denied a 46-yard touchdown jaunt for both teams being offside, came right back to race through the same opening on another 46-yard run that produced six points.
Here’s A Run For You
The touchdown cracked Warren; two more by James, one from the one-yard line, and another from the 18 did their morale no good, but the straw that broke the camel’s back was a 75-yard dash by Horace Gillom. Rumming from punt formation, he was practically on his own after he got by the line of scrimmage. Tacklers bounced off him. He shook others from his legs and body and with a lithe twist, sent another whirling through the air, to get himself in the open. Then with only the safety-man between him and the goal posts, he turned on that extra speed he always seems to have and outlegged his opponent to the goal. It was one of the finest runs ever seen here, a great performance by a great football player.
There were five more touchdowns, three by young Johnny Pizzino, and one each by Junior White and Charles Holt, and there could have been more had not Coach Brown kept his first team on the bench the entire second half.
Warren writers scratched their heads and said they couldn’t remember when a Warren team had been beaten so badly. Certainly it was the largest score the Tigers had ever won by though back in 1922 they defeated Warren 48-6.
Warren newspapermen had anticipated a thumping, however, and questioned whether Brown would pull his punches after an argument before the game with Pierre Hill, Warren coach, over the color of the ball.
The two had it out at Warren last year and hasty things were said. It was renewed by telephone this week and reached a peak on the gridiron before the game when Hill protested the color of the Tiger jersies as not providing sufficient contrast for the ball.
The referee asked the Warren coach if he would consent to a white ball. He refused.
After the game, the referee, R.W. Fensterwald, explained that he had made up his mind that if Hill had agreed to accept the white ball and if Brown had refused to do so, he would have insisted that Massillon wear white sweaters and play with the brown ball.
Argument A Boomerang
The argument was a boomerang to Hill for the Tigers are adept at hiding the ball, and with an orange background to work with, even the fans looking down on the plays from their positions high in the bleachers, had a hard time finding the leather.
It wasn’t the ball however, that was accountable for Gillom’s long run, nor for many of the sparkling dashes that Tom James, Dick Adams and Junior White reeled off. They were hit by plenty of tacklers but squirmed, wiggled and wormed around so as not to let an opponent get their hands set on them.
Some of the visiting writers described the Massillon backs as the fastest beings they have ever seen, but they overlooked Booker Williamson, one of their own, who twice dashed through the line and almost got away. With a big Tiger forward wall and good blocking in front of him, he could make any of them step.
Mention of the Tiger line raises the question if it has ever had a peer in Washington high football circles, especially defensively. It hasn’t yielded a score to an opponent yet, and Warren, without any offense to speak of, was unable to even penetrate inside the Massillon 45-yard line.
True the visitors made six first downs, more than either Cathedral Latin or Weirton, but they were chalked up largely against the second team.
The Tiger linemen played a whale of a defensive game, one group submarining, another stacking them up to smother plays on the line of scrimmage.
With line play like this in front of them, backs naturally can go places and the Tiger ball carriers frequently got away to long gains.
End Around Stopped
Warren had one play scouted thoroughly. It was the end around play that worked so successfully against Weirton a week ago. Gillom tried it once and was tossed behind the line of scrimmage. Keve Bray also attempted it, and he too was dropped in his tracks, while Robinson running from end, grounded a pass in order to escape being thrown for a 10-yard loss.
The Presidents varied their defense from time to time, using an eight-man line when backed into the shadow of their goal posts.
Brown had anticipated a “cock-eyed” defense, but his line had the power to beat it down.
The statistics as a whole favored the Tigers. They made 10 first downs to Warren’s six and gained a net total of 434 yards from scrimmage to Warren’s 43 yards.
The locals’ passing attack showed improvement over last week, completing eight of 17 for 154 yards in gains.
The spot punting of Gillom and Adams also brought applause from the fans. Gillom hoisted a beauty out of bounds on the five-yard line and Adams planted one dead, three yards short from the goal.
There were few penalties. The Tigers lost 40 yards, for rule infractions. Warren wasn’t penalized in yards, but the Tigers refused several penalties against the Presidents, preferring to take the down instead.
James got away from his first touchdown jaunt on the third play after the kickoff. Warren adopted a bit of strategy at the start and kicked out of bounds rather than chance having some Tiger ball carrier leg it up the alley. It was a poor kick, however, the ball going out on the Massillon 46-yard line.
James Gets Away
Ray Getz broke the ice with a nine-yard run and James pegged a long pass to Gillom which the latter might have caught had he not slowed down or misjudged the ball. It went over his head with a clear path to the goal line.
James blasted through right tackle on the next play for a 46-yard touchdown sprint but the ball was brought back when both sides were declared offside. So little Tommy hit the same spot again, found a great big hole, ran around the Warren secondary and reached pay dirt. Ray Getz kicked goal.
Fans had hardly settled back in their seats until the Tigers struck again. Taking the kickoff back to the 24-yard line, Eddie Exler tried to punt on third down with Bill Wallace on the loose. Bill gave a perfect exhibition of how to block a punt and recovered the ball. When the pileup was removed he was hugging the leather on the Warren five-yard line. Getz moved it up four yards and James went inside his right tackle for the touchdown. Again Getz kicked goal and it was 14-0.
Warren did a better job of defending its goal and stopped the next two Tiger thrusts. Gillom hoisted a beautiful spiral 50 yards and out of bounds on the five-yard line to shove the Presidents in a hole. Williams booted it back to his 42 and on the first down, Blunt tossed a short pass to Gillom, who flipped a Warren tackler over his head and ran for a touchdown. The officials, however, ruled that the play had stopped on the 32-yard line so the ball was brought back. Another pass, Blunt to Gillom took the leather to the 22. Getz moved it up four yards and James on a spin to the weak side, so completely faked handling the ball that he was practically unmolested in his dash for six points. This time Getz missed the goal and the quarter ended 20-0.
Parade Continues
Points came just as rapidly the second period. Williamson opened it with a 23-yard run that gave Warren its initial first down and brought a big ovation from the crowd. He was turned loose again on the next series and carried the ball to the Tiger 47. The brief rally ended there and Scarpaci punted to Tom James who was dropped on his 21. He moved the ball up four yards, in a formation that brought Gillom into the backfield. Running deep, the latter on the next play got the ball, ran up the sideline, dodging tacklers, shaking them off, and at the same time watching the line so as not to step out of bounds. He got away for 75 yards and a touchdown. Getz kicked goal to make it all the better.
The Tigers kicked off, but after one play, Scarpaci fumbled and Herman Robinson promptly threw himself on the ball on the Warren 18. Pizzino pegged the ball to Gillom for a first down on the four-yard line and after Getz had moved the leather to within a yard of the goal, Pizzino took it over. Getz’s kick for the extra point was wide.
A 54-yard drive produced the next touchdown and the last of the half. Getting the ball on his 46, James passed to Gillom for a first down on the 27. A Pizzino pass to Gillom gained three more, and Getz picked up two on a spin. James hurled to Robinson for a first down on the four-yard line and Pizzino took one play to get over. Getz kicked goal to put the score at 40-0 at intermission.
The Tigers received in the third quarter, but were forced to punt. Here Dick Adams lofted a beauty to the three-yard line where it was grounded. Scarpaci punted back to Adams who reeled in the yards until he got to the 10-yard line. It only took Pizzino two cracks to slip it over from there. His kick was wide but the score was 46-0.
Frustrated once by a penalty after they had advanced the ball to the seven-yard line, the Tigers got the ball on the Warren 48, and without delay, Adams passed to White, who ran for the touchdown.
The game was practically over and third stringers were in the lineup when the Tigers scored their ninth and last touchdown. Stopped on a fumble that Warren recovered on its own two-yard line, the Tigers eventually turned the effort into a touchdown when Holt intercepted Scarpaci’s pass on the 15-yard line and scored.
The first attempt to buck the point over for the extra point was good but Massillon was offside and drew a penalty of five yards. Holt tried it again but was thrown less than a yard short of the goal.
The game wound up with practically a third team on the field for Massillon.
Statistics Of The Game
Mass. Warren
First downs 10 6
Yards gained rushing 296 37
Yards gained passing 154 17
Total yards gained 450 54
Yards lost 16 11
Net yards gained 434 43
Passes attempted 17 9
Passes completed 8 9
Passes grounded 9 6
Passes intercepted 0 1
Times kicked off 9 2
Average kickoff (yds.) 51 29
Times punted 4 11
Average punt (yds.) 39 30
Fumbles 2 2
Lost ball on fumble 1 1
Yards penalized 40 0
26 In A Row
Massillon Pos. Warren
Robinson le J. Johnson
Cardinal lt Hoffman
Wallace lg Henry
Appleby c Andress
Russell rg Parker
Broglio rt Dixon
Gillom re Gorges
Kingham qb Williams
James lh Scarpaci
Getz rh Larson
Blunt fb Exler
Score by points:
Massillon 20 20 13 6 – 59
Substitutions: Massillon – Oliver, t; Pizzino, fb; Adams, hb;
F. Cardinal, qb; White, hb; Erdley, hb; P. Getz, g; Kanney, e;
Weisgarber, t; Power, fb; Bray, e; Hill, g; Fuchs, c; Stout, c;
Graber, hb; Paulic, g; Dolmas, t; Holt, fb; Miller, g;
Henderson, t; De Mando, e.
Touchdowns – James 3, Gillom, Pizzino 3, White, Holt.
Points after touchdown – Getz four, Pizzino 1 (placekicks)
Referee – Fensterwald.
Umpire – Jenkins.
Headlinesman – Wrobleski.
Field judge – Lobach.
Massillon Shows Harding 11
Why It Rates As Ohio’s Best
Playing about as well as was expected against one of the most powerful Massillon High teams in the history of an institution that makes a business of annually turning out powerhouse machines, Harding High’s Presidents absorbed their worst defeat in modern years last night at Massillon before a crowd of more than 13,000 when the Tigers rolled up 59 points in a one-sided massacre.
Warren fans were warned ahead of time that the present Massillon club is rated as the best ever turned out by Coach Paul Brown – today they believe all of the stories and can even add a few for good measure. Few football fans in the Mahoning Valley area ever saw a team that could score so many points in such a short time as Massillon did last night and has in all games thus far.
There isn’t any question but that the score could have been much higher had Coach Brown decreed but he yanked his first stringers at the start of the second half and used nothing but second and third team players thereafter.
However, the varsity rolled up 40 points in the first two quarters, 20 in the first and 20 more in the second, and the second and third teams added 19 more to the total.
Standing out head and shoulders over all other players and completely dominating the play during the time he was in action was Horace Gillom, brilliant end of the Tigers.
Massillon has sent some great footballers against Warren teams in past games but never has it had one player that could do everything as well as Gillom. He punted, passed on several occasions, ran with the ball, backed up the line on defense, kicked the ball five times on kickoffs for an average of 55 yards and put on a one man display that will long be remembered by the Warren fans.
Warren’s offense clicked at odd times but the Massillon linemen generally nailed the runner before he got started and if he did manage to break thru the line, then Gillom took care of him at that point with a vicious tackle. There isn’t any tag tackling for Gillom, when he hits the ball carrier knows all about it.
Warren’s Best Gains
The Presidents had Booker Williamson, speedy Negro halfback, in the open twice on reverses that had Massillon puzzled and he made 21 yards on one play and 11 on the other for the longest Warren gains of the evening.
It took exactly two plays for Warren to realize that it was in for a tough evening.
J. Johnson kicked out of bounds on the Massillon 46 on the kickoff and the ball was brought out at that point. Getz made nine at left tackle. James gathered in the pigskin on the next play, slashed thru right tackle and raced 46 yards to cross the goal line only to have the ball called back, both teams offside. That didn’t bother the speedy redhead a bit for he repeated the play on the next scrimmage and Massillon was ahead 7-0 when Getz’ placement split the crossbars.
From then on, Warren had a bunch of busy fellows attempting to stop ball carriers who ran like demons with long, high-stepping strides that bounced would be tacklers all over the place and counted up 40 points in 24 minutes of play.
Touchdown No. 2 came after four minutes of milling when Scarpaci attempted to quick-kick from his own 24 but Wallace, Massillon guard, broke thru, blocked the kick and recovered it on the Warren five. Getz plowed thru tackle to the one-foot stripe and James stepped over on the next play. Getz’ placement made the score 14-0.
Late in the quarter, Gillom punted out of bounds on the Warren five and set the stage for touchdown No. 3. F. Williams punted back to the Warren 42. Blunt passed to Gillom on the Warren 32. Gillom picked up James’ pass on the 22, snagging the ball just before it hit the ground. Getz made it a first down on the 18. James took the oval on a delayed spinner, the play went to the left, James hesitated and then darted around right end for the touchdown. Getz’ placement was wide but Massillon had a 20-0 lead at the quarter.
Gillom Runs 75 Yards
Gillom tallied Touchdown No. 4 early in the second frame when he took the ball in punt formation on his own 25 and shook off half the Warren team in a spectacular 75-yard touchdown run. No less than seven Warren tacklers hit him during the run but they bounced off like water off a duck’s back. Getz’ placement made it 27-0.
Two plays later, the Tigers were in the scoring zone again. Scarpaci fumbled and Robinson recovered on the Warren 16. Pizzino passed to Gillom on the four. Pizzino plunged over left tackle for the marker. Getz’ placement was wide.
The Tigers took to the air for Touchdown No 6 in the fading moments of the half.
F. Williams punted out on the Tiger 46. James tossed a high pass to Gillom on the Warren 27. Gillom reached high in the air for another that was good for three yards. James tossed a short forward to Robinson on the four and Pizzino hit guard for the touchdown. Getz’ placement made the count 40-0 at the half.
The remaining touchdowns came with the second stringers in the game.
Pizzino tallied touchdown No. 7 after Adams had taken Scarpaci’s punt on the Massillon 45 and threaded his way to the Warren 10. Pizzino skirted left end to the one-yard stripe and then went over two plays later. This placement was wide, score 46-0.
Touchdown No. 8 came in the same period after Scarpaci had punted out on the Warren 48. Adams whipped a pass down the middle to White and he outran two Warren backs in a 30-yard sprint for the goal line. Pizzino’s placement made it 53-0.
Score on Interception
Warren donated touchdown No. 9 in the closing minutes of play when Scarpaci tried a pass from his own 18 but Holt intercepted on the 25 and ran down the sidelines for the touchdown. The try for point was good but Massillon was offside and Warren took the ball on the second attempt.
That’s the complete story of the nine touchdown defeat and it only serves as a warning to Massillon’s future foes that they can expect the same thing. Massillon’s present team is one of the most powerful ever to represent northeastern Ohio and it should be able to romp over all opposition, including Canton McKinley.
Robinson L.E. J. Johnson
L. Cardinal L.T. B. Hoffman
Wallace L.G. E. Henry
Appleby C Andress
Russell R.G. Parker
Broglio R.T. Dixon
Gillom R.E. Georges
Kingham Q F. Williams
James L.H. Scarpaci
Getz R.H. Lasson
Blunt F Exler
Score by quarters:
Massillon 20 20 13 6 – 59
Substitutions: Massillon – F. Cardinal, q; Pizzino, f; White, hb;
P. Getz, g; Kanney, c; Weisgarber, t; Adams, hb; Power, t;
Bray, e; Hill, g; Oliver, t; Stout, e; Graber, hb; Paulic, g;
Holt, f; Miller, g; Henderson, t; Yelic, g; Fuchs, c; De Mando, t.
Warren – B. Williams, hb; Maccarello, f; Miles, g; Marzulta, hb;
Comanescue, e; Lyons, g; Lohto, c; McKinney, qb; Williamson, hb.
Touchdowns – James 3, Pizzino 3, White, Holt.
Points after touchdowns – Getz 4, Pizzino (placements).