It will take more than New Philadelphia, Friday evening’s opponent of Washington high school to test the strength of the three Tiger elevens that Saturday afternoon, invaded Wooster and swept through the Generals to a 53-0 victory.
Reverse the picture and you can visualize what the Quakers have to think about this
week – they must play Massillon’s team that beat Wooster 53-0. Wooster defeated New Philadelphia 13-12. It seems the Tigers will have to wait another week to see just how good they really are.
Three Teams Used Saturday
Overconfidence will be a stronger opponent than New Philadelphia in Friday evening’s game and if the orange and black can keep inflation out of their minds they should win without difficulty.
Coach Paul Brown did everything possible Saturday to keep down over confidence. When his first team pushed over three touchdowns in seven minutes, he yanked all eleven men and sent in an entirely new eleven. When the assault did not did not cease, he pulled out the second team and sent in the third stringers and even supplemented their ranks with other substitutes. Still the touchdown mania continued. Coach Brown couldn’t stop it, for the subs wanted to make a showing and so they did, scoring two touchdowns in the second period, two more in the third and one in the fourth. All in all it was the largest score a Washington high eleven has made in many a moon and yet the first stringers played but seven minutes of the game.
That is why it can be said that the Washington high team still remains untested. Had the regulars been left alone to continue their romp Wooster probably would have been thumped by twice the score.
But why hazard injury to a player just for the sake of obtaining the kind of satisfaction derived from displaying an oversize peach at a county fair?
That was Coach Brown’s sound reasoning and he chose to save the strength of his team for the time when it will be needed rather than give an opponent an unmerciful beating at the possible cost of inflating the mental structure of his own team to the point where it would explode with the first puncture.
Made 20 First Downs
It is significant, however, that even with the second and third teams playing Massillon punted but once and made 20 first downs to five for Wooster, one of which was a gift by penalty.
It is also noteworthy that the first team made touchdowns the first three times it laid its hands on the ball and that it was yanked as soon as it made the third touchdown.
The Tigers received the kickoff and barely a minute had passed before the ball was carried back up the field for a touchdown. Gifford hoisted to Shrake who caught the ball on the 20-yard line and returned to the 35. Shrake circled left end for a 20-yard dash to the Wooster 45 and Krier dashed around the other side for a 25-yard sprint to the 20-yard line. Around the left wing came Shrake again to the four-yard line and Krier raced around the right for the touchdown and placekicked the extra point.
McCants Romps 62 Yards
Wooster again chose to kick to the Tigers and McCants returned Gifford’s boot from the 15 to the 38-yard line. On the very next play he ran 62 yards straight through the center of the team for a touchdown. Again Krier placekicked the extra point.
It took a little longer to score the third one because of a penalty. Krier kicked off to the
15-yard line and the ball was returned five yards. On the next three plays Massillon was penalized five yards and Wooster 15 yards, the generals eventually punting to Shrake who caught the ball on the Wooster 40 and returned five yards.
Krier made eight yards on a right end reverse and Shrake on a triple pass raced for a first down on the nine-yard line. Krier ran across the goal line on the next play but the ball was called back and Massillon was penalized 15 yards for holding. It made no difference, however for on the very next play, Shertzer shot a 24-yard pass to Lohr who scampered over the goal line. Again Krier placekicked the extra point.
From there on it was nothing but one substitute after another, both coaches making many replacements.
Chalk Up Another
Toward the end of the quarter the Tigers started another march that produced a touchdown early in the second pr4eiod. Getting the ball on their own 38-yard line they began with Hutsell getting away for a dash to the Wooster 32-yard line only to have the ball called back and another penalty inflicted. Mansbury made two yards and then raced to the 46-yard line on a spinner. Mellinger picked up six on a reverse. Hustsell was thrown without gain but Mansbury waded through to the 35-yard line and came right back with another 15-yard sprint to the 20-yard stripe. The quarter ended with the ball on the
12-yard line.
Mansbury picked up five on a spinner and made it first down with goal to go. He plunged over from the one-yard line for the fourth touchdown.
The second touchdown of the second period and the fifth of the game started when Dutton intercepted a Wooster pass on his own 46-yard line. Mansbury made seven on a spinner and Mellinger ran for a first down on the 37. Toles sprinted around left end for another first down on the 16-yared stripe and Mansbury plunged through for six more yards. Mansbury made seven more and first down on the three-yard line and the Tigers took three more plays to get it over, Mansbury crossing from the one-yard line. He likewise plunged for the extra point.
Dutton Intercepts Passes
Dutton provided the fireworks in the second half. Early in the third period be intercepted Joliff’s pass on the Massillon 45 and ran 55 yards for a touchdown. In the fourth period he intercepted another of Joliff’s passes to run 98 yards for a touchdown and thereby end Wooster’s only scoring threat of the day, an aerial attack that had carried the ball from midfield to the Tiger’s nine-yard line.
The Tigers made one other touchdown in the third period one a 48-yard march. Mansbury, Toles and Mellinger carried the ball most of the time; Mansbury carrying it across from the two-yard line. Attempts to negotiate points after the last three touchdowns all failed.
One of the most sensational sprints of the day went for naught when a Massillon man who never figured in the play was caught holding. The dash was contributed by John Mellinger on the first Tiger play in the second half. Wooster, after receiving the kickoff and failing to gain punted to Mellinger, who caught the ball on his own 35-yard line, eluding two tacklers and streaked down the east side line for a 75-yard run. It was a beautiful piece of open field running and more marvelous was the blocking on the play. As fast as a Wooster tackler came within reach of Mellinger a Massillon man was there to block him out.
Excellent Blocking
The same effective blocking was responsible for the many long runs made by Tigers backs Saturday. When McCants ran 62 yards for a touchdown he was escorted across the goal line by three Massillon players. Dutton likewise had blockers to spare when he ripped through Wooster for two touchdowns after intercepting passes.
Wooster was greatly handicapped Saturday by not having two of its star players in the lineup, Mullins, a fine defensive end, and Kate, a backfield man. Both were on crutches as a result of injuries sustained in the Dover engagement a week ago.
While the first team completed its only passing attempt, the second and third stringers tossed nine passes unsuccessfully, one being intercepted. Wooster completed four passes for a gain of 28 yards. Massillon intercepted three and grounded five others.
The line up and summary:
Massillon Pos. Wooster
Heisler LE Eschenberg
Birkish LT Leonard
Porter LG Gifford
Monroe C Sapp
Snavely RG Hindman
Buggs RT Munson
Lohr RE Goheen
Shertzer QB Joliff
Krier LH Smith
Shrake RH Gibbens
McCants FB Huston
Score by periods:
Massillon 21 14 12 6 53
Massillon – Hutsell, hb; Cary, e; Mason, qb; Dietz, e; Dutton, qb; Mellinger, hb; Smith, g; Slacvic, fb; McDew, e; J. Schimke, g; Peters, t; J. Russ, g; Greenfelder, e; T. Toles, hb; Tom Price, t; Graybill, c; Willison, t; L. Russ, qb; Molinski, g; Morningstar, c; G. Schimke, e; Mansbury, fb.
Wooster – Creighton, lh; F. Kate; Miller; Castner; Glasgow; Knight; Weekly.
Massillon – Krier; McCants; Lohr; Mansbury 3; Dutton 2.
Points after touchdown:
Massillon – Krier 3 (placekick); Hutsell (carried), Mansbury (carried).
Referee – Pund (Georgia Tech).
Umpire – Watkins (Wooster).
Head Linesman – Kidder (Bethany).