Washington High’s Improved Offense Downs Zanesville, 31-6
Eleven fighting, snarling Tigers were uncaged at Massillon field, Saturday afternoon, and not until they had fanged and clawed out a 31 to 6 decision over the Zanesville Blues did they satisfy their appetites. With knots already tied in their tails by Akron East and Lorain the young orange and black warriors pounced upon the Muskingum river team with the same attacking spirit that a jungle cat springs upon its prey.
With their backs to the wall fighting down two early season defeats, the Tigers of the 1st St., SE, institution unleashed an attack that started with the opening whistle and sent the downstate gridders homeward bound with a good case of blues as it was their first defeat of the year and came after they had climbed to a pinnacle by crushing the strong Coshocton team but a week previous.
Coach Elmer McGrew not only had his orange and black ball toters imbibed with a fighting spirit, but he had them working with more precision and smoothness than shown against either Akron East or Lorain. The backs ran the ends and plunged the line, using successfully pretty double and triple pass plays. The team showed a far better offensive with the line, and blocking backs opened large gaps in the forward wall spilling prospective tacklers.
Score Early in Contest
Three minutes and 45 seconds after the kickoff, the Tigers had the highly touted river city eleven staggering with shock and surprise as Williams plunged across the goal line for the first points to go into the orange and black record books this year. It was a bit of flashy field running and ball toting by Kester and Clendening, the colored flash that placed the pigskin in position for a one-yard plunge over the scoring line.
Not even momentarily did the drive halt and three minutes later another set of orange and black scores had been chalked up. As on the first set of counters, Kester and Clendening did the brunt of the ball carrying with the former being credited with the touchdown.
Skirt Zanesville Ends
Kester and Clendening collaborated in skirting the woefully weak Zanesville ends and driving off tackle and Worthington and Williams were good for substantial and repeated gains through the line, but it was left to Singer, big dusky athlete of the Zanesville eleven to furnish the sensation of the day. Taking a kickoff in the second period on his own 23-yard line he dashed behind the perfect interference down along his right side of the field for 77 yards and a touchdown. Not an orange and black player laid hands on him in his touchdown spring.
Again in the fourth period he furnished a thrill but the level headedness of Clendening, Tiger safety man, put taboo on another set of counters for him. Grabbing the leather on his own 21-yard line he shook free of several orange and black linemen and sprinted by the secondary defense. Forty yards up the field he raced with Clendening the only obstacle between him and the goal posts. The little Massillon safety man drove Singer toward the boundary line and then left his feet sending the Zanesville star sprawling out of bounds.
Tigers Are Improved
Massillon showed a vast improvement in both defensive and offensive play over that displayed last Saturday against Loran. However this building up process, the matter of attack especially must continue if the eleven is to bring defeat to its perennial foe from McKinley high, Canton, in its windup tilt. The team play as a whole was better Saturday but again it must be considered that the Blues are not in a class with either Akron East or Lorain. Zanesville may be considered a tough proposition in the southern part of the state but there is not doubt that either of the teams that trounced Massillon could run roughshod over the Blues.
Zanesville had only one real good offensive threat, who not only did most of the visitors ball lugging but also the passing and kicking. The invaders had a fair aerial attack completing five forwards out of 13 tries for a net gain of 52 yards. Massillon tried but two forwards and both were grounded. However, the lateral pass was brought into use several times with worthwhile effect.
Worthington Scores
Massillon’s two touchdowns in less than seven minutes ended the scoring scene for Worthington who plunged from the three yard line. Williams added the extra point by diving across from the two-yard strip. Then followed the spectacular dash of Singer to end the scoring for the half.
Bynum’s fumble of a punt and recovery by Blatz paved the way for some fancy stepping by Clendening and his scoring of the fourth Massillon touchdown in the third period. Blatz took possession of the ball on the 36-yard line and from there Clendening did most of the lugging, his travels culminating when he crossed the goal line from the two yard mark on an off tackle play.
Pretty runs by Kester and Clendening were the makings of the final touchdown in the same period. The touchdown followed a rapid fire drive of 62 yards. Kester carrying the ball across from the five yard strip. Clendening’s kick for a goal was wide of the mark.
Second Stringers Get Chance
Early in the fourth period Coach McGrew began sending his second stringers into the fracas and to some it was their initiation to varsity football. At the final whistle practically the entire first string squad was already taking shower baths, having been replaced by substitutes. It was the first time this season that the orange and black mentor had an opportunity to put his reserves under fire. Although their attack did not have the drive of the first squad they played well and held the downstaters scoreless.
Massillon clearly outplayed the Zanesville team and toted the ball far greater distances in their marches as can easily be determined from the fact that the orange and black registered 19 first downs, seven in the first and eight in the third period, against seven for Zanesville. Five of Zanesville’s 10 yard allotments came in the final period.
First Period
Massillon received and Kester returned the kickoff 10 yards to his own 43-yard line, Williams plunged for four and Kester rammed through the line for 14 more. A Massillon guard was offside and drew a five yard penalty. Kester punted out of bounds on Zanesville’s 16-yard line. Clendening fumbled Singer’s punt after an 11 yard return and Herman covered for the locals on the 40-yard line.
Kester hit off tackle for 15. Clendening added one and Kester five and Clendening’s
six-yard gain made it first down on the nine-yard line. Kester circled his left end for eight and Williams lunged across. Clendening’s kick for the extra point failed.
Singer returned the Massillon kickoff 12 yards to his own 26-yard line. He lost four on the next play and then punted out of bounds on his own 39-yard line. Clendening ripped 10 yards off tackle. A drive through the center of the line netted Kester 19 and it was first down with 10 yards and goal to gain. Williams crashed the line for five. Kester netted one and on the next play Moorehead dropped him in his tracks. On the fourth down the orange and black quarterback skirted around his left side for the second touchdown. The pass from center in the try for the seventh point was wide and Clendening was downed almost in his tracks. Score Massillon, 12; Zanesville, 0.
The orange and black kickoff again went to Singer and he carried back the oval 15 yards to the 30-yard line. Singer was driven out of bounds with no gain. Reilly found the orange and black line like a stonewall and was stopped with no gain. Singer punted out of bounds in midfield. Williams and Kester netted four yards and a forward pass was incomplete. Kester punted to Bynum whose 18 yard return placed the oval on the 24 yard mark.
Singer hit off left tackle for five and after Bynum was held punted to Clendening on the 43 yard line. An exchange of punts then gave Massillon possession of the ball in midfield. Worthington gained five on a triple pass and Kester added three. On a double pass Worthington advanced the ball nine yards to the 28 yard line was the period ended.
Second Period
The backfield in motion brought a five yard orange nad black penalty. Kester’s pass to Clendening was a trifle too far. On a lateral pass from Kester, Clendening gained eight yards. Worthington added two and Clendening made it first down on the 12-yard line. Drives by Kester, Williams and Clendening gave the orange and black another first down and Worthington had the scoring punch. Williams bucked his way across the line for the added point. Score: Massillon 19; Zanesville 0.
The third time proved to be the charm for Singer. He received his third kickoff on the
23-yard line and not a Massillon man as much as touched him as he sprinted the remaining distance for the only Zanesville score. He missed his try for the additional point, the ball hitting the cross bar.
The Zanesville kickoff went to Houriet. He was downed on the 27-yard line. Worthington was held and Rice who replaced Clendening advanced five on a double pass. Williams was held and Kester punted. Houriet downed Bynum in his tracks on the 28-yard line as he received the kick. Delaying the game cost Zanesville five yards. Sheridan failed to gain and then Singer’s boot slipped off the side of his foot and went out of bounds on his own 26-yard line.
Kester gained seven yards and Williams’ plunged through the line for five yards went for naught as the orange and black backfield was in motion and a five yard penalty resulted. A Kester-Williams lateral pass failed to gain. Another attempt to break through the Zanesville defense failed and the ball went to the downstaters on the 26-yard line. Willison stopped Singer without a gain. A new player inserted into the fray by Zanesville talked before a play was executed and cost his team a 15-yard penalty.
Singer punted to Kester in midfield, who caught the ball and on the same play booted it back across the Zanesville goal line. The play cost the Tigers nine yards as the ball was brought out to the 20 yard line whereas it had been on the 11-yard line when Singer punted. Singer passed to Piper for 13 yards and the first time the downstaters negotiated the required 10 yards. Singer executed another pass for nine yards with Moorehead on the receiving end and then plunged through the line for eight and another first down as the half ended.
Third Period
Worthington took the kickoff and returned it to the 27-yard line. After Williams had plunged for two yards Zanesville was penalized 15 yards. Clendening who was back in the game gained a yard and two five yard penalties, both for offside, then were inflicted upon Massillon. Worthington advanced 10 yards but Clendening was held and Kester punted. Bynum fumbled and Blatz recovered for Massillon on the Zanesville 36 yard line.
A Kester-Clendening lateral pass was good for four yards. Williams registered for eight yards and a first down. Drives by Kester and Williams earned five yards and on the fourth down Clendening took the oval on a double pass for an 18-yard advance being downed on the two-yard line. In two plays Clendening carried the ball across. Williams was stopped on a plunge for the seventh point. Score: Massillon 25; Zanesville 6.
Massillon received the ball on the 38-yard line. Clendening ripped off 10 yards and a lateral pass, Clendening to Kester, netted two more. Kester broke through for a 20-yard run to the 30-yard line, Williams, Worthington and Clendening registered enough ground for a first down on the 17-yard line. Williams, Worthington and Kester gained seven yards in three tries and an offside Zanesville player gave Massillon a first down on the five-yard line, from where Kester carried the ball across. Clendening missed goal. Score: Massillon 31; Zanesville 6.
Massillon tried a short kick but Zanesville covered on its own 40-yard line. Keloski was thrown for a loss and on the next play a 15-yard penalty was inflicted on Zanesville when the team failed to halt sufficiently long on a shift play. Singer punted as the period ended.
Fourth Period
Clendening gained 12 yards in two tries advancing the ball to the 25-yard line. Massillon was penalized 15 yards when Blatz used his hands on offense. Massillon lost the ball on downs on the 21-yard line. A Zanesville pass was incomplete. Coach McGrew began sending substitutes into the fray. Singer dashed around left end for a 40-yard run being knocked out of bounds by Clendening on Massillon’s 21-yard line.
The Zanesville backfield was in motion on the next play and a five-yard penalty resulted. A forward, Singer to Moorehead, was good for five yards. Singer was on the receiving end of a pass from Reilly that was good for 21 yards. Lewis broke through and threw Bynum for a two-yard loss. Singer failed to gain and two passes were incomplete, Massillon gaining possession of the ball on the 13-yard line. Williams and Rice, who had replaced Worthington, gained six yards and then Clendening punted to Bynum. Singer made a pretty 15-yard run. Massillon was penalized five yards and then Bynum made it a first down with a five-yard gain. Singer gained nine yards on a lateral pass and then plunged for another first down.
Zanesville however tried to score by the aerial route and lost the ball on downs a moment later on the Massillon 35-yard line. Mudd replaced Williams and plunged for three yards and followed with a five-yard drive. Massillon lost the ball on downs in midfield. Singer passed to Moorehead for five yards. Zanesville then lost the gain on the next play, being penalized for offside. A pass was incomplete and Singer punted out of bounds on Massillon’s 48-yard line. On the next play Massillon was offside. Time was up before the referee had stepped off the five yards.
Lineup and summary:
Massillon Position Zanesville
Toles LE Moorhead
Willison LT Slack
Herman LG Buzza
Lewis C Blickel
Pfister RG McKeowan
Blatz BT McFarland
Houriet RE Sheridan
Kester Q Reilly
Clendening LH Singer
Worthington RH Keloski
Williams F Bynum
Score by periods:
Massillon 12 7 12 0 31
Zanesville 0 6 0 0 6
Massillon – Rice for Clendening; Clendening for Rice; Getz for Toles; Singer for Kester; Rice for Worthington; Mudd for Williams; Knowlton for Singer; Shanklin for Lewis.
Zanesville – Piper for Sheridan; Sheridan for Keloski; Wittlinger for Reilly; Reilly for Wittlinger; Taylor for Buzza.
Massillon – Worthington; Williams; Kester 2; Clendening.
Zanesville — Singer.
Point after touchdown: Massillon – Williams (line plunge).
Referee – Barrett.
Umpire – Maurer.
Head Linesman – Range.
Time: 12 minute periods.