Crippled High Team No Match For County Foe
When Steele high, of Dayton, defeated Massillon high 68 to 0 a week ago last Saturday, it probably didn’t realize that its triumph would have a telling effect upon the orange and black during the remainder of the 1921 campaign. But nevertheless it’s true for the bruising treatment which Coach Stewart’s lads received at the hands of Steele high in their game attempt to hold the heavy down-state eleven in check was responsible for Massillon’s 25 to 0 defeat last Saturday by Alliance high.
It was Alliance’s first victory over Massillon since 1912 and had not the Steele high engagement put the bulk of Massillon’s regulars on the sidelines with injuries the orange and black undoubtedly would have kept the Alliance gridders from winning.
But with the backbone of his team forced out of the game with injuries Coach Stewart had no other alternative than to send green men into Saturday’s engagement. The result was that Alliance, with only a fair team, had an easy time disposing of the inexperienced Massillon eleven which fought gamely to avert defeat but did not possess the power to stem the Alliance attack.
That defeat has thrown the Stark county scholastic championship into a muddle. Canton does not play Alliance and should Massillon defeat Canton on November 19 when the two old rivals meet in Canton, Alliance might attempt to lay claim to the honor on the ground that it registered a victory over Massillon.
With Captain Hess, Rosenberg, Ulrich, Roth and Boerner on the sidelines, unable to get into the battle because of injuries received while attempting to stop the Steele high steam roller, the other members of the orange and black squad fought desperately to turn back Alliance. But to no avail.
The east end eleven scored in every quarter. Four touchdowns were amassed by the Alliance team. And the orange and black did not come out of that game without sustaining further injuries as Fullback Potts is now laid up with a badly wrenched shoulder, an old injury which was not quite healed.
Alliance scored its touchdown by using end runs and forward passes. With only a few regulars in the line-up the orange and black’s defense was weak and could not stop the open attack of the east enders.
Massillon has two games to play before it meets Canton in the annual tussle between the two schools. Rayen high of Youngstown, plays here next Saturday while on November 13 the local team plays at Warren. While Coach Stewart will make an attempt to win both games he will not expose any of his regulars to further injuries until they are absolutely in shape to play.
The orange and block desires to defeat Canton more than it does the remaining teams on the schedule and none of the men now recovering from injuries will be used before the Canton game unless they are in shape to stand it. The Steele high game wrecked Massillon’s chances of finishing its campaign without a defeat.
Steele the cause
Alliance – 25 Pos. Massillon – 0
Hendershot LE Jamison
G. Nixon LT Snyder
Reese LG Rutherford
Scott C Lyons
Williams RG Kallaker
T. Nixon RT Nelson
Roth RE Pflug
McGranahan QB Potts
Van Horn LH Wendling
Hawkins RH Boran
Donalson FB Hess
Substitutions: Massillon – Jamison for Wendling, Schrader for Jamison,
Vernon for Snyder, Spuhler for Lyons.
Alliance – Kline for Williams.
Touchdown – Donalson, McGranahan 3.
Goals from touchdowns – Donalson one out of three attempts
Score by periods:
Alliance 6 7 6 6 – 25