Defeated by Score of 2 to 0 by New Philadelphia
Safety Scored in Second Period Makes Only Points in Game
Ball Generally in New Philadelphia’s Territory
Several Drop Kicks Tried
With the Massillon team outplaying the New Philadelphia team in every point of the game, except the score, the local high school lost to New Philadelphia at that place Saturday by a score of 2 to 0.
New Philadelphia’s two points were made on a safety when Heyman punted, but the punt was blocked and the ball rolled behind the line, where Heyman fell on it. The Massillon team was there on the jump and played a good game. It was mainly played in New Philadelphia’s territory. Several times Massillon almost pushed the ball over, but the New Philadelphia line held. Heyman tried for several drop kicks but the field was covered with grass and made perfect kicking difficult. One of the kicks missed the bars by only about a yard.
The game began at about 3 o’clock. Massillon kicked to New Philadelphia and the runner was downed after a short run. New Philadelphia rushed the ball down the field and it changed hands several times. When the period closed it was near the Massillon goal. In the next period the ball see-sawed back and forth and about the middle of the period a safety was made against Massillon. Then the game took on a different aspect and the ball was taken to New Philadelphia’s territory, when Heyman tried for a drop kick but failed.
In the second half Massillon again kicked to New Philadelphia, but it was held for downs and punted. With the ball in its possession the Massillon team started up the field, smashing the line for good gains, and working some fine forward passes. On one of the passes Zintsmaster almost got away for a touchdown, but the New Philadelphia end was too near and he was downed. After several downs Heyman tried for another drop kick but failed by a yard. During the third period the game was played furiously by both teams and when the smoke of battle cleared away New Philadelphia had two points and Massillon had to be satisfied with a goose egg.
The New Philadelphia school spirit did not show up to an advantage on Saturday and the little handful of Massillon rooters made almost as much noise as the combined efforts of the fair sex of the New Philadelphia high school. The spirit of the sidelines was manifested when the Massillon rooters started to give some yells between the periods and New Philadelphia immediately started shoving and threatened to do something worse. One individual was persistent in his threats to clean up the entire Massillon aggregation. The Massillon rooters were well satisfied with the game the entire team put up.
The line-up:
Massillon Pos. New Philadelphia
Kester le Broadhurst
Reinoehl lt Melborn
Wagner lg Lemick
Arthur c Boyd
Huffman rg Wilkin
Keeton rt Batterschell
Zintsmaster re Smith
Miller qb Getz
Custer lh Bowers
Sonnhalter(capt.) rh McPherson (capt.)
Heyman fb Lehmer
Referee and umpire, alternating:
Bast, of Massillon.
Farrell, of New Philadelphia.
Field Judge – Ebright.
Head Linesman – Merwin of Massillon
Time of periods – 10 minutes.