Record Breaking Stadium Crowd Sees Massillon Eleven Sweep Ends and Tackles For 41 Points First Half
That’s settled, and rather convincingly too, the question as to whether Washington high is superior to Weirton, W. Va. The Tigers kicked dust in the Red Riders’ faces Friday evening as they swept their ends and raced outside of tackle to a 48 – 0 triumph.

It was convincing from the standpoint of the score and the fact that the second and part of the third teams played the entire second half. At the start of the third period, someone ventured the remark that Coach Brown had sent his first team off to a dance, but the Tiger coach insisted he had his entire club on the bench up to the very end if needed.
Weirton Satisfied
For what? The Massillon first team in two periods had demonstrated to the record breaking crowd of 18,300 that the Tigers were still Ohio champions as far as Weirton was concerned, and with the second team battling the visitors on slightly better than even terms, it was a cinch the rest of the way.
Weirton was glad to get out with 48 points. The Red Riders’ coach said so after the game, and through bruised and beaten more soundly than any Weirton team has been in Carl Hamill’s 12 years as coach at Weir high, the Red Riders came out of the defeat with two achievements on the credit side – that of having attracted more fans to Massillon than have ever seen a football game here, save a Massillon-Canton game, and that of taking home more money than Weir high has ever made in a single game and sufficient to make it possible to pay off a debt on its stadium lights this year.
Tigers Versatile
Coach Paul Brown put a versatile bunch of Tigers on the field last night. They tried everything, and even though everything they tried did not work, the fans applauded their efforts.
From the time Horace Gillom ran 49 yards for a touchdown on an end around play, the first half was a parade of touchdowns for the Massillon eleven. Gillom found the end of the rainbow a second time in the same period on a 19-yard run, and before the half was over, Fred Blunt had crossed the Weir goal twice. Tom James had reached it on a 27-yard jitter and Herman Robinson had gone 16 on a shovel pass, to roll up 41 points.
The second half produced a more balanced game, with the Tiger second stringers scoring a touchdown against the Weir first stringers in the third quarter, and then allowing the Weir second team to battle them to a standstill the last period.
Its hard to find something to get dissatisfied over when you run up 48 points on a supposedly “tough opponent”, but Coach Brown has a thing or two to say to his second team that will require more than two words when he gets going. He wasn’t at all pleased with the yannigans’ performance and indicates a shakeup is in the making.
The second team tried everything, and though its efforts at one time had only gained it second down and 49 yards to go, it kept on trying and put on an entertaining performance even though the ball moved the wrong direction because of penalties.
Coach Hamill, will probably have a thing or two also to say when he gathers his brood together Monday. There’s no doubt that his second team gave a better account of itself against the Tiger seconds than did the varsity, though allowance must be made for the latter, since they had gone through a terrific first half.
There were two periods of fierce football. Moore than the score indicates. An analysis of the game reveals long Tiger runs for touchdowns, mostly on passes and outside the tackles. The highly publicized ability of the Weir gridders to tackle did not materialize or the score would not have been as large the first half. The arms of the visitors’ skidded off Tiger pants as though the latter were greased.
Locals Hit Harder
The Massillon eleven hit harder last night than it did against Cathedral Latin which helps to account for ball carriers leaving a trail of tacklers sprawled over the ground on their end sweeps.
The blocking was great, and the line sliced the visitors’ forward wall as you would cut a watermelon, leaving large gaps for the ball carriers to amble through.
Weirton never expected as severe a beating, though some visiting fans confidentially admitted before the game that Massillon would win but not by many points.
Warren Tickets
On Sale Tonight
Tickets for the Washington high-Warren game, to be played here next Friday evening, will be placed on sale tonight at Rider’s. Warren beaten by Erie Academy last week, defeated Sharon 20-6 last night.
Weirton pinned its faith in its big line to stop the Massillon ground attack, and scattered five men in the secondary to break up the Tigers’ aerial maneuvers.
The Massillon gridders demonstrated that passing was only an accessory to their attack as they scored their first two touchdowns without tossing the ball. Once they decided to throw, they completed three in a row for 55 yards, then went haywire and grounded the next seven.
In possession of a comfortable lead, Brown, used the greater part of the second period to brush his varsity up on passing – and it didn’t look so good.
Discarding his running attack, James tossed pass after pass. He had difficulty hitting his mark. Three times an attempt was also made to work a pass off an end sweep, but this too failed when Herman Robinson, who throws the ball on the play, was unable to get it to receivers.
The Massillon second team, after scoring a touchdown at the start of the third period, played with the razzle dazzle the rest of the way, tossing shovel passes, lateral passes off forward passes, and almost everything you could think of.
Lateral Off A Pass
The prettiest working play of the lot was a forward pass from Dick Adams to Keve Bray, who tossed a lateral to Junior White. On the next play Adams ripped for a touchdown but it wasn’t allowed and the Massillon kids never saw the Weir goal line thereafter.
Weirton’s offense was stopped cold by the great Tiger line, and somewhat to the disappointment of many Massillon fans who had hoped the visitors could gain sufficient ground to make the game interesting from a competitive standpoint. The fans gave the Riders a big hand late in the first period when Capt. John Begola picked up 13 yards on an end around play for the first of the visitors’ two earned first downs. They didn’t make the 10 yards without the referee’s assistance again until the last play of the game, when an eight-yard pass coming on top of a gain of three yards in two ball carrying attempts, moved the leather up beyond the 10-yard marker. The gun cracked before it could be placed in play again and several thousand of the fans were on their way home and missed seeing it.
The hard running of Gillom and James, the pass defensive work of Robinson and Bill Wallace’s ability to prune off Weir runners behind the line of scrimmage were big lights in the Tiger victory.
James and Blunt also carried the leather well behind the almost perfect blocking accorded the Tiger ball carriers.
Statistics as well as the score tell the story of Massillon’s superiority. The Tigers made 19 first downs to Weir’s three and gained a net total of 400 yards to Weir’s 12.
For the first couple of minutes after the kickoff it didn’t look as though it would turn out that way. On the first play after the kickoff Ray Getz tried a spin at the Rider line but fumbled when hit hard and Frank Kazmerski, the Rifer center, covered on the Massillon 45-yard line. Two plays had only advanced the ball three yards when Robinson speared Johnny Janura’s pass to give Massillon the ball on the local’s 19-yard line.
Tigers Show Boom
Here the Tigers demonstrated themselves the superior team. They blasted a big hole in the visitors light tackle and James ripped through for 21 yards. “Horace, its your turn,” they said in the huddle, and when the big end turned on the steam on a sweep, Weir tacklers bounced everywhere. It was 49 yards and a touchdown, and Ray Getz kicked goal. Runs like that do something to a team and Weir never had as much pep thereafter.
The Tigers kicked to the visitors but they punted back to James when they couldn’t gain and little Tom was unable to gain, so fast did Begola come down after the ball. But on the first play from scrimmage, he started on his own 18 and raced back 23 yards to the 41 before being flopped to earth. Blunt did a jitterbug on the next run before the visitors got him on their 35. Robinson, Blunt and James put the leather on the 19, and it was left for Gillom to free wheel around left end for another touchdown. Getz kicked the goal and it was 14 – 0.
Janura got off a quick kick after the following kickoff that sailed over James’ head and rolled dead on the Tiger 24. On the next series of plays, James tossed his first pass, a beauty, to Getz, who made a spectacular catch, literally stealing the ball from two Rider defenders to carry to the Weir 44-yard line. It was a 33-yard gain. In two attempts, Blunt was hugging the leather on the 20-yard line. Robinson passed to Gillom on an end sweep. The pass was short, but a Weir secondary interfered with Gillom getting to the ball and interference was called, giving the Tigers a first down on the Weir four-yard line. Blunt took it over and Getz again kicked.
That was all for the first period. Early in the second quarter, the visitors’ had their only scoring opportunity when James fumbled George Wansack’s punt, Begola covering on the Tiger 25-yard line. There stocky Bill Wallace went to work and tossed Begola for a five-yard loss on an end around play, and when Wansack’s pass was far out of reach of the receiver on the next play, Coach Hamill substituted Janura for Wansack. Robinson again rose to the occasion, intercepted Janura’s pass, picked up blockers and ran back to the Weir 10-yard line before he was hauled down by Janura.
James made two yards, and Blunt in two attempts was over the goal. Getz missed his first attempted placekick and the score was 27 – 0.
A Punt For You
The Riders stopped the Tigers next time the locals got the ball, Gillom kicking a spiral that twisted its way for 53 yards over the Weirton goal. The Riders w ere offside, however, Weirton was penalized and the Tigers were given the ball on their own 45. Johnny Pizzino who had substituted for Blunt and Ray Getz got off to long runs that put the ball on the 27-yard line and James wiggled through the rest of the way. Getz kicked the extra point.
After an exchange of punts, James intercepted Janura’s pass in midfield and raced back to the 31. Gillom picked up another 15 and on third down, James shovel passed to Robinson who ran for the touchdown. Again Getz kicked goal, five out of six for him.
While the varsity played the entire first half with the exception of two substitutions, Pizzino and Oliver, not a one of the 11 starting players, entered the second half.
An entire second team started the third period, shoved over a touchdown quickly and then declared a holiday. The touchdown came after the Tigers had gotten the ball through a punt on the Weir 39-yard line. Pizzino and Adams made it first down on the 27, and Adams, Bray and Pizzino got another first down on the seven. Bray lost two yards on a sweep, but Adams cut through for a touchdown, digging in hard as he crossed the goal. Pizzino kicked the extra point making the score 48-0.
The second team shoved another over late in the third period but it was not allowed because of a penalty.
They threatened again in the fourth quarter, and Frank Erdley passed to Bray over the goal, but offensive interference was called, the Tigers were penalized 15 yards, and Weirton took the ball.
Except for a bruised left leg sustained by Pizzino, the Tigers emerged unscathed. The Red Riders though they took time out frequently, because of injury, escaped without any serious results. Walter Gelini, their giant right tackle, complained of a sore shoulder.
Tigers Again
Massillon Position Weirton
Robinson LE Stakius
Carinal LT Gelini
Wallace LG Babiak
Appleby C Kazmerski
Russell RG Canel
Broglio RT Lalich
Gillom RE Begola
Kingham QB Ziniach
James LH Janura
Getz RH Yoklic
Blunt FB Fabyanich
Score by periods:
Massillon 21 20 7 0 – 48
Substitutions: Massillon – Oliver, t; Pizzino, fb; F. Cardinal, g; P. Getz, g; Weisgarber, t; DeMando, e; Bray, e; Fuchs, c; Holt, qb; White, hb; Adams, hb; Dolmas, t; Hill, g; Erdley, hb; Power, fb.
Weirton – M. Battista, qb; Guatteri, g; Haun, t; Jones, c; Bouyouchas, t; R. Kraina, fb; Torchio, e; Volosin, fb; Wansack, hb; J. Kraina, fb; Francis, qb.
Touchdowns: Gillom 2, Blunt 2, James Robinson, Adams.
Points after touchdown: Getz 5, (placekicks), Pizzino (placekick).
Referee – Lobach.
Umpire – Jenkins.
Headlinesman – Brubaker.
Field Judge – Wrobleski.
Massillon Crushes Weirton
16,000 See Mighty Ohio Eleven Crush Pride of W. Virginia
(Plain Dealer Special)
MASSILLON, O., Sept. 20 – The famed juggernaut of Coach Paul E. Brown ran its football supremacy past the highly regarded Weirton, W. Va. eleven 48 to 0 to extend its victory string to 25 in succession.
With the first team compiling a 41 to 0 advantage in the fist half, Brown sent in an entire new team that finished up with a touchdown to treat the overflow crowd of 16,000.
Massillon started out in usual fashion by hammering over a score after several minutes. Horace Gillom, the Tigers’s All-Ohio end jogged across for the initial marker, on an end around play from the Weirton 49.
The second touchdown was an exact duplication of the first with the exception that Gillom was taxed with only a 25-yard sprint. After that touchdowns came easy, with Blunt zigging through the opposition for a pair and James and Robinson, finding the route for one each. Ray Getz’s educated toe was in top form as he split the uprights with five placements in a half dozen attempts. An interference penalty aided the locals considerably in ringing up the third touchdown in the first quarter.
After Tom James’ pass intended for Horace Gillom was broken up when a Wierton secondary man held his arm the Tigers received the ball on the 1 from where Pokey Blunt crashed over. A beautiful 75-yard run of an intercepted aerial by Herm Robinson led to the fourth touchdown shortly after the second period commenced. Two attempts at guard by Blunt from the 11-yard stripe ran the total to 27.
After 27 yards of twisting and turning, Tom James’ buck pass from the Weirton 12 to Robinson completed activities of the varsity.
The second half was an altogether different type of game, the Tigers mixing a series of lateral passes with their off-tackle smashes. It was the first time that the Tigers used the forward-lateral pass method in several seasons.
Grid Statistics
Weirton Massillon
3 First downs 21
25 Scrimmage plays tried 47
59 Yds. Gained from scrimmage 336
19 Yards gained passing 86
0 Yards gained lateraling 52
78 Total yards gained 474
11 Yds. Lost from scrimmage 27
67 Net yardage gained 447
9 Passes thrown 20
2 Passes completed 8
1 Passes intercepted 4
0 Laterals tried 3
1 Fumbles 2
3 Fumbles recovered 0
10 Punts 4
367 Total yardage of punts 174
37 Yardage per punt 43
2 Penalties 7
20 Yardage lost from penalties 75
1 Kickoff 8
(How They Gained)
Sp. G. L. N.G.
Begola 4 19 5 14
Januara 5 14 0 14
Volosin 6 12 0 12
Stakis 1 5 0 5
Ziniach 1 3 0 3
Fabyanich 1 1 0 1
R. Kraina 1 2 0 2
Wansask 6 3 6 0
25 59 11 48
James 9 112 10 102
Blunt 6 61 0 61
Gillom 2 32 0 32
Pizzino 6 30 0 30
Adams 10 44 5 39
Bray 6 23 10 13
White 7 25 2 25
Holt 1 4 0 4
Robinson 1 5 0 5
47 336 27 309
Tigers Top Weirton
By 48 – 0 Count
Regulars In Action Only In First Half;
18,000 Watch Fray
Weirton 66, Massillon 64! But don’t make a mistake about that score. That’s only the size of the rival bands.
The football score was 48 – 0, as Paul Brown’s Massillon high Tigers registered their 25th consecutive victory Friday night before 18,200 fans in Tiger Stadium.
The win was over a fine looking, well drilled, husky Weirton, W. Va., team, believe it or not. And it came so easily that Brown didn’t care whether his varsity players returned from their dressing room at halftime…and at no time during the entire second half did he use any but his second and third stringers.
Hoss Gillom, Massillon’s sensational Negro end, simply outraced the whole Weirton team for 39 yards and the first touchdown four minutes after the game was under way.
Minutes later on the same sort of play in which he comes around from right end to become the third ball handler in the backfield and the most important, Gillom outraced the West Virginians for 19 yards and a second touchdown.
The third came after a long pass to Pokey Blunt had been rules complete on the Weirton four-yard line because of interference. Blunt drove over for the score, and with Tom James holding and Ray Getz placekicking successfully after each touchdown the count was 21 – 0 as the initial period ended.
In the second quarter Herman Robinson intercepted Janura’s pass and returned 65 yards to set up the fourth touchdown, which Blunt made on a smash.
The fifith was manufactured by Johnny Pizzino who smashed for 10. Getz who raced for 26 and James who cut back from the eight-yard line to go over the goal line.
Getz failed to convert after the fourth touchdown, the first apparent mistake made by the Tigers during the game.
Still later in the second period James intercepted a Weirton pass and brought it back 17 to Wierton’s 30-yard line from where Gillom got 17 and James then passed to Robinson who scampered 10 for the sixth touchdown. Getz placekicked the 41st point seconds before the half ended.
With a 41 – 0 lead at halftime it was evident Brown might have sent his varsity regulars to a dance for the remainder of the evening, so far as their being needed was concerned.
The second stringers counted early in the third period on a smash by Dick Adams from five yards out and then closed the books for the night.
Twice later they went over for touchdowns which were ruled void because of penalties. A clipping charge offset a 13-yard touchdown run by Adams in the third and a pass from Ederly to Bray into the end zone on the last Massillon offensive thrust of the game was ruled no-count because of offensive interference.
But it is just as well. This affair was much more interesting than the 64 – 0 rout of Cathedral Latin last week because the Massillon subvarsity was on practically even terms with the fighting Weirton outfit during the second half.
The band competition was closer but honors as usual went to the Tigers. They featured a dance feature at the half, built around Madame LaZonga’s sixth lesson.
Before the Warren game next Friday night 3,500 additional seats will be built on the running track in front of the grandstands, bringing the capacity up to the 21,000 mark. Already the new Tiger stadium is inadequate to handle normal crowds – normal being in the 18,000 range.
Classy Ohio Grid Machine Scores Six Goals in First Half
Tigers Register 25th Straight Win On Home Field; Riders Fail to Make Scoring Threat
Massillon High school’s high-powered football machine, regarded as the best scholastic team in the nation, rolled over the Weir Red Riders in blitzkrieg waves in the Massillon stadium Friday night to win 48 to 0 before a throng of 17,500. The victory was the 25th straight for the Tigers.
The Tiger machine was everything it was pictured to be, displaying brilliant blocking and timing, elusive open-field running and swift driving. The Riders were left hopeless against the first team in the first half, but limited the second team to one touchdown in the last half.
The Riders were completely outclassed against the Tiger first team and never had a chance of scoring. The Weir secondary tackling bogged down, but the team as a whole put up a determined fight despite the overwhelming odds against them.
The Tigers mauled the Riders for three touchdowns in the first period, three more in the second and one in the third. Horace Gillom, versatile 194 pound end, scored the first two touchdowns on end-around jaunts of 49 and 19 yards. Fred Blunt scored twice, while Tom James, Herman Robinson and Dick Adams scored once each.
In the closing quarter the Riders’ second team played the Tigers to a standstill. That quarter indicated the possible strength of the two teams when they meet next year. The Tigers lose nine regulars and the two to be around for the 1941 team will be Fred Blunt and Herman Robinson, both colored.
Statistically the Buckeye team completely outclassed the Riders in every department of the game. They piled up 21 first downs to 3, gained 474 yards to 78, and intercepted 4 of the 9 passes thrown. It was the first time a team outscored the Riders on first downs since 1936 when Weirton engaged in a scoreless draw with Benwood Union, which piled up 10 first downs to 4 for the Riders.
To name an outstanding player on the Tiger first team, one would have to pick the entire team, which worked with flawless precision. But Gillom was the spark plug of the team on the offense as well as the defense. He did everything well.
Three Goals in 1st Period
The Tigers reeled off three touchdowns in the opening period in quick fashion. James took Kazmerski’s kickoff from the 10 to the 41. Getz, on the very first play fumbled and Walter Gelini recovered on Massillon’s 45. Januara James (unreadable text)
James took Januara’s punt on the 14 and returned to the 18. James reeled off 23 yards, while Blunt crashed through center and reversed his field for 35 more yards. Robinson, Blunt and James on three successive plays made it a first down on the 19-yard line from where Gillom duplicated his first touchdown feat by scoring untouched. The march totaled 82 yards. Getz’s toe again was accurate.
The Tigers’ third touchdown march started on the 24. Januara punted from his 22 to their 24 and on the play Massillon refused a penalty. James on two plays picked up 8 yards and after a five-yard penalty he tossed a 33-yard pass to Getz who was downed on the 49. Blunt on two plays gained 20 yards. On a triple reverse, Robinson tossed a pass to Gillom, which was missed but on the play Albert Yeklic ran into the receiver and the pass was ruled good. That interference of the passer gave the Tigers the ball on the 4-yard line from where Blunt went over on the first play. Getz made it 21.
Weir Pass Intercepted
The Riders got their first opportunity to score in the opening of the second quarter. James fumbled Wansack’s punt on the 25 and Begola recovered. This marked the nearest the Riders were to scoring. On the first play Begola, on an end around play lost 5 yards with Wallace making the tackle. Januara replaced Wansack and his pass was intercepted on the 20 by Robinson, who behind perfect blocking raced 70 yards before he was hauled down by Januara on the 10-yard line. On three tries Blunt went over from the one-foot line. Getz’s kick went wide.
Penalty Aids Tigers
A few plays after the kickoff the Buckeyes were on their way for the fifth touchdown. James returned Januara’s punt from the 20 to the 38. The Tigers were stopped for the first time and had to kick with Gillom’s punt going over the goal line, but on the play, Gelini was penalized 15 yards for clipping from behind, giving the Tigers the ball on the 44. Pizzino advanced the ball to his 45. James pass to Getz netted 18 yards, putting the ball on the 27. James went through center and reversed his field for the touchdown. Getz’s boot made it 34-0.
With but two second left in the first half, James shovel-passed to Robinson who scored the sixth touchdown while Getz made it five out of six placements and the score at halftime was 41-0.
Second Team Scores
Coach Paul Brown started his second team against the Riders at the start of the third period and they finished the game by scoring once against the Weir regulars in the third period, but were held to a standstill by Hamill’s second team in the closing quarter.
After an exchange of punts, Wansack’s second punt went short as it carried to the 39 opening the way for the only score of the last half. Dick Adams on a reverse gained 15 yards. Bray on an end around play got 5 and Pizzino made it a firstdown on the 7. Bray lost 3 with Kazmerski and Begola stopping him. Adams crashed through the center of the line for the score. Pizzino’s placement was good.
Adams scored once more in the same period, but the touchdown was nulled when one of his teammates clipped Kazmerski from behind. On the play Kazmersaki was hurt and had to be taken from the game.
Grid Sidelights –
Weir Grid Defeat
No Surprise To Fans;
Band Goes Modernistic
The Weir gridiron defeat was no surprise to the more than 2,500 Weirton fans at Massillon last night, but they were jolted out of their seats by the transformation of the Weir High band into a streamlined, precision-marching organization stripped of its outmoded formality. Well aware of what Massillon’s swing band was to present, the Weir band underwent a complete overhauling within a week’s time and as a result, its appearance yesterday won the acclaim of the entire stadium and was a worthy supplement to the Tiger swingsters.
Led by Drum Major Harry Hovista and eight high-stepping, baton-twirling majorettes, the Weir band of 75 executed its letter formations and marched down the field to a faster and livelier tempo than ever before. Both sides of the field gave the band a rousing reception. The waltz to “Repasz Band” was well performed. They also played the W-L Swing and the Weir Pep Song. The band plans novelty maneuvers for future games. Emil Holz received much credit for the excellent performance last night.
The Massillon swing band of 64 was unique in its presentation of music, quickened pace and jitterbug dancing on the field to their own accompaniment. The majorettes wielded $25 lighted batons in the blackout scene, one of the highlights of their six-minute halftime, show. The $400 Massillon Tiger impersonated Madame La Zonga and joined in the jiving with the band members and majorettes. One member of the Weir faculty brought along a stopwatch to clock the halftime show, but he became so excited by the music that he forgot to set off the watch. Several from here saw the band last week at Massillon and doubted that so much could be packed within a six-minute time limit, so they took the stopwatch along.
The Weirton band will stick to its modernistic trend at games (only), but there’ll be no jitterbugging.
Yesterday was a day of superlatives – the best scholastic football team in the country; the best scholastic swing band in the country; the largest football crowd in the country (high school or college); the biggest Weirton crowd ever to leave the city for a football game; the biggest out-of-town crowd ever to come to Massillon (except Dayton) – etc.
The Massillon score was the biggest ever made against a Hamill coached team and the second largest in the history of Weir High. The biggest score registered was by Martins Ferry in 1924, 59 to 0, while under Hamill’s tenure the biggest score was 30-0 by the same school in 1936.
There were 636 persons aboard the Lions special – 623 adults and 13 children. The crowd was in gay spirits going to and from the game and was not disheartened by the grid reversal. They had expected a Massillon victory and the score predictions ranged generally from 30 to 50 points. Calling the exact score was Virgil “Sammy” Troia, the local movie prodigy who’ll try to crash Hollywood next summer. The only fan to pick Weirton was Louis Levendorf, who has seen as many Weir grid games as any local follower. Louis’ prediction was Weir 6 points and Massillon 0.
The attendance on the special train was the largest of any trip sponsored by the Lions. Last year they averaged 500 for each of the Fairmont and Johnstown games and had 320 last week to McKeesport. These trips are sponsored as a service gesture without thought of compensation.
The 12-coach train left here on schedule but arrived in Massillon shortly after 8. The walk from the train spur to the stadium was longer than expected and even though the game was held up the excursionists still missed the first touchdown. Sam Wonkovich, however, didn’t miss anything. While the PRR staff was going through its customary slow-motion, dilatory paces, single-filing the crowd through one coach door, Wonkovich eased himself through a window and ran all the way to the stadium. The excursionists were burned up at having to walk after the game from the stadium to the downtown station. The distance was one mile, but to hear the hoofers (who missed the busses) talk it was at least five miles. The train’s departure was held up from 11:00 to 11:30. It arrived in Weirton at 2:30.
The train concession was in charge of the Hi-Y club of which Clark Wiley is president. Last week the club made $32 and last night about $70.
Massillon will probably get its biggest test on Saturday following Thanksgiving, when the Tigers clash with their traditional rivals from Canton McKinley. The Canton Bulldogs trounced Akron South, 57-12, last night.
Last night’s crowd was officially estimated at 17,500, and last week’s at 17,000. The Weirton attendance was the biggest since the modern stadium was dedicated at the start of last season. Some estimates of yesterday’s game were as high as 20,000. But even the 17,500 is more than any college in West Virginia (including WVU) ever drew.
The enrollment of Massillon High school is between 1400 and 1500. The Weir High school four-year enrollment is about the same.