Steubenville Buries Washington High Under 68-0 Score
Special to The Independent
STEUBENVILLE, Oct. 31 – Massillon high school’s football team was powerless before the brilliant thrusts of Wells high’s Big Red here Friday night and was buried under a 68 to 0 score. More than 5,000 spectators watched the game. Trimming the Tigers enabled the Stubbers to chalk up their sixth successive win of the season and marked their 15th straight game without a defeat.
Offense Completely Checked
The Massillon eleven played a fighting game but never once threatened to score. Their offense was bottled up completely while the Cartledgemen clicked along in great style, Burgwin and August running over 11 touchdowns, most of them on long dashes through the line or around the ends.
Clendening, at left halfback starred for Massillon . His ball carrying and passing being the Tigers’ best weapons. Kester was in great kicking form and on 13 punts averaged 40 yards a try, holding off several Stub scoring threats. Williams also was in the thick of the battle for the Stark county team, while upon their line, Hoyman at tackle, Schott, center and Getz and Krug on the terminals played hard trying to overcome the big lead of the Stubbers.
Amic and Clendening heaved 11 passes late in the game and connected on six of them, but their efforts came too late. First downs were 25 to four in favor of Wells.
Steubenville Pos. Massillon
Dorosczyk LE Brunker
Stas LT Hoyman
Rybalt LG Singer
Whistler C Schott
Schatt RG Adams
Pabian RT Krug
Willoughby RE Getz
Boss QB Buhecker
August RH Kester
Burgwin LH Clendening
Dentino FB Williams
Steubenville – Burgwin 6; August 5.
Steubenville – Burgwin; Rybalt.
Steubenville – Arthurse; Yannon; Weinman; Sutton; Deluca; Rinnallo.
Massillon – Gump; Price; Schimke; K. Monroe; Amic.
Friday’s Defeat
Sets New Record
Washington high school’s football team ,with only one victory to its credit this season, is not going to set the world afire as a winning aggregation but it will at least finish the campaign with one record on its books – although one that is nothing to crow about.
When Steubenville’s powerful outfit smeared the Tigers 68 to 0 last night in the Ohio River city, the orange and black sustained the greatest defeat ever administered to a Massillon high school team since football became a flourishing sport. That’s the record.
Previous to last night the greatest defeat suffered by Massillon occurred in 1921 when the first team coached by David B. Stewart lost to Dayton Steele at Dayton 63 to 0. But the next year Stewart’s eleven more than made up for that trouncing by lacing the Steeles here 31 to 7 in the opening game of the season.
Maybe some day Massillon will have a chance to turn the tables on Steubenville. Let’s hope.